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Lust Muscle: A Billionaire Revenge Romance by Alexis Angel (12)


“Everything is in order. I just need for you to review the contracts, and then I can…”

I have no fucking clue what Connor is going on about. I know I should. It’s my business we’re discussing here. I need to have my head in the game. But the only place my head has been all day is right between Cara’s sexy little legs. Figuratively speaking.

Fuck, she’s so damn hot. Last night was amazing. Not just the sex. Though I’m not sure sex has ever been as good as it was with her. Like, ever.

But it was more than that. I had a really good time with her. On every level. I could have spent the whole night just being there with her, even if we didn’t fuck. Not that I don’t want to fuck her every chance I can possibly get.

And that’s part of the problem. I’m the epitome of love ‘em and leave ‘em, yet all I can think about is seeing Cara again. And that’s dangerous.

“Dude, are you even listening to me? What the fuck?”

Connor’s irritated voice snaps me out of my thoughts, and I scrape a hand over my face.

“I’m sorry, man.”

“What’s going on with you? You’re always one-hundred-percent on your game. But today you look like you haven’t heard a single word I’ve said.” Connor gives me an incredulous look like a little comic strip caption saying ‘WTF’ should be hovering over his head.

I know the look well. He’s given it to me plenty of times when telling me exactly what he thinks of my playboy lifestyle. You’d think the guy who’s been my best friend for most of my life was my shrink instead of my most trusted attorney.

“What’s up with you today?” he asks, folding his arms across his chest.

I blow out a breath and rake my hands through my hair. Then I lean forward, elbows on my desk, and brace for what’s sure to follow.

“There’s this girl…”

Connor doesn’t disappoint. He rocks back in his chair, his eyes round, then lets out a whooping laugh that has me cringing.

“No shit,” he says when he finally gets his laughter under control. “You’re distracted over a girl? No, no. Distracted doesn’t even begin to cover it.” He gives me a taunting grin. “You’re fucking mooning.”

“Bullshit.” I glare at him across the desk.

He laughs again, practically fucking cackles. “This is priceless, dude. Liam Donovan hung up on a girl.”

“Fuck you, man,” I grind out, shoving my chair back from my desk and stalking over to a table near the door. Is it too early for drinking? Now I’m not only conflicted over these out-of-nowhere and totally unfamiliar thoughts and feelings, but the guy who’s supposed to have my back is mocking me.

Connor turns and watches me pour a drink from my crystal decanter, his eyes narrowing. When I come back to the desk and sit back down, holding the drink but not yet tasting it, he looks at me more in shock than amusement.

“Okay. Wow. Obviously I hit a nerve. Sorry, dude. Want to talk about it?”

Do I? I’m not sure. Connor isn’t acting like a dick now, but I don’t know how I feel about telling him about Cara.

Ultimately, I decide to. He’s a smart guy. Always acting like my shrink and shit. Maybe he can give me some advice.

“So, I met this girl at the swim club the other day.” I proceed to tell him all about the mojito incident, about how I couldn’t get her off my mind the next day, and then about our date last night. Obviously I leave out all the sexy details because I’m not actually a total douche like the media makes me out to be.

When I’m done, I lean back and wait.

“Wow,” Connor says again, his lips curved in a disbelieving smile. “Never thought I’d see the day Liam Donovan was still hung up on a woman he’s already had sex with.”


But I can’t seem to get enough of her. “I don’t know what it is about her, man. But all I can think about is seeing her again. And not just because I want to fuck her. But I just want to be around her.”

I feel like such a pussy saying that shit, but it’s the truth. Connor doesn’t judge me, though. Hell, he’s been the one giving me hell for my string of one-night stands.

He’s watching me carefully, the wheels in his head obviously turning. “Well, obviously there’s something different about her. Maybe you need to figure out what that is. Maybe a second date is in order.”

I mull that over for a minute. A second date sounds like exactly what I want. But I’m not a second-date kind of guy. I don’t let myself get close. I have my reasons, none of which I care to think about, let alone discuss right now.

“You know that’s not me, Connor.”

“Hasn’t been before. Doesn’t mean it can’t be now. It’s about time you found the right one, dude.”

I scoff. “Don’t get ahead of yourself. We’re just talking about second dates here.”

But I think about what Conner said. The fact that I can’t stop thinking about Cara and that the idea of a second date has me ready to leap for the phone has to mean something. What if she could be the one? There’s definitely something different about her. Something special. Not at all like the women I know.

And I’d be a fool to turn my back on that without finding out if there’s something more between us. As much as that goes against everything I’ve worked hard to avoid, it’s not enough to stop me.

I grab my phone, glancing up at Connor, and I feel a grin creep across my face.

He smiles back, encouraging me despite the look of sheer disbelief still displayed on his face.

Cara picks up on the third ring. “Liam.”

An unfamiliar feeling hits me smack in the chest, and it takes me a minute to respond. “Cara, what are you doing later?”