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Maxxus: Talonian Warriors (A Sci-Fi Weredragon Romance) by Celeste Raye (3)

Chapter 3


The scouts King Maxxus was sending out of his chambers were a solemn group. They were no longer laughing and joking as they had been when they entered. The king had made them vow not to tell their families what their assignment involved. He wanted them gone before the panic started and their loved ones begged them not to leave. It would be hardest on those who had young children. They would not be there to protect their little ones if there was a sudden shift in the atmosphere and those same children would wonder why not. Maxxus felt saddened and guilty, but it could not be helped. He needed scouts and it was impossible to find soldiers who did not have someone they loved to leave behind. Besides, it was not fair to always force the loners to take all the risks.

The COM link sounded an incoming call. It was the president. Maxxus answered with a weary voice, "Sir, do you have news of the scientist?"

"Yes, I do. I would like to introduce Josie Leonard, the daughter of George Leonard." A woman in a lab coat stood at his side. Her hair was raven black, but her eyes were a bright blue.

"I would rather speak to the man himself, please," King Maxxus stated.

"I'm afraid that's impossible, unless you can share conversations with ghosts," Josie sarcastically replied. "My father passed away six months ago. I took over his laboratory. I have all his notes and all the formulas he tested for the atmosphere, including the one stolen by your weredragon when he was pretending to be the head of Rankin World Defense."

Her sarcasm raised the king's ire. He was too tired and worried to be confronted with foolish accusations. Gritting his teeth to maintain control, he answered, "Kelan was not pretending to be head of the company. It was his concept, and he made all the designs personally. Earth owes him a lot for the weapons he invented and manufactured. We are thankful for the formula he was able to find in all his research. It has allowed us to survive until now. I do not consider it stolen."

"I'm not here to argue semantics or anger you. I was just letting you know that I have the information required to begin finding a solution to your problem."

"Are you aware of the combination he used for the formula? Can I trust you to tell me the truth and change it for our needs, or should I worry you will retaliate for the misconception you have of thievery?" King Maxxus inquired.

"My father's notes are extremely detailed. Every drop he added to the formula, the order in which they were added, and the time in between each addition were meticulously logged in his journals. He was a very thorough man. As to trusting me, you don't really have a choice. However, I will reassure you that I have no plans to retaliate. Even if I did, it wouldn't be through scientific means. Science is my life, and it's not intended for evil. Besides, Talonia's fate doesn't rest in one person's hands. I'll be working with the greatest scientific minds in every country to save your planet," Josie retorted.

Somewhat mollified, Maxxus replied in a calmer tone, "I apologize for my quick temper. It has been a rather trying and long day. Many lives are at stake, and they depend on me to find a way to save them. The things I have seen and heard today are hard to process, and I must still inform the citizens. Tonight, we will be bombarded by fearful families and possible riots. No one will be sleeping. I do appreciate you coming to our aid so quickly. It was unexpected."

"Let your citizens know that Earth is involved and between all the time zones we will be working around the clock for a solution. It may aid in retaining order. My father's formulas will prove to be a valuable start. One of those that didn't work for Earth may work for Talonia. We need some information from you to begin. The elements your atmosphere is made up of are necessary for our help," Josie answered.

"I will have to get back to you with that information. Kelan is the closest thing to a scientist we have. He will answer your questions to the best of his ability. At the moment, he is deploying the original formula once again. We are hoping it will slow the breakdown of the atmosphere and give us the time we so greatly need."

"It won't work for long, if at all," Josie explained. "It's already been rejected by your world, and it will be recognized as the improper solution very quickly. But, I would have tried it as well. Whatever time he's available, I'll answer the call."


The sun had gone down, and families had returned to their homes for the night. King Maxxus chose this time to make the announcement. He reasoned that mothers and fathers would comfort each other and their children. Anger and panic would be less likely when most citizens were relaxed and eating a meal. Fewer people would leave their homes to cause trouble. Soldiers had quietly spread throughout the city and villages just in case anyone got rowdy.

Communication screens lit up all over Talonia. King Maxxus sat at a desk, appearing calm and authoritative, though his hands were clasped in front of him to keep them from shaking. Would they blame him for the breakdown since everything had been fine when Acer turned over the throne? Would they demand his resignation?

Taking a calming breath, he began his heartfelt speech. "I am sorry to disturb your family time. I thought it best to speak with all of you when you were in a relaxed and loving environment. Talonia has a problem, and I need your help to correct it. Our species has always worked together for the good of everyone and done so in a peaceful manner. I expect no less of you at this time. Without complete cooperation from all its citizens, the efforts made for Talonia will fail. Remain calm and listen carefully. This morning I discovered a volcano that had died, not become dormant. It was completely cold with ash swirling in a cloud. Later, I was informed that a waterfall was failing as well. Its waters are losing color, and life-forms are disappearing. This has never occurred on Talonia. It came close to happening after the nuclear explosion above us, but we held the devastation back with Earth's repair. We now believe it was just a temporary slowing of the effects. The repair is failing. Kelan has deployed the formula once again in hopes of containing the destruction until a permanent solution is found. I have spoken with a scientist on Earth, and she is gathering the most intelligent of the humans to aid us in this matter. They have agreed to work around the clock to save Talonia."

He paused and took a drink, giving the citizens a moment to let the news sink in. Then, he continued, "I do not know yet whether this is widespread throughout the planet or just beginning. In an effort to learn more, scouts have been sent out to cover our home inch by inch. It may take weeks or longer before we have all the facts. In the meantime, I need your help. Panic, riots, and anger will not save us. They will destroy our home and force us to leave it behind. That is not an option! There is a definite likelihood that the devastation will grow before the solution is found, so we must make changes to keep everyone safe and healthy. The gardens and farms are being planted to capacity. The extra will be held back for more difficult times. All excess in the capital and villages will be rounded up and saved as well. Food will be rationed in an endeavor to make it last. Daer is formulating supplements to keep our bodies strong. Our human citizens have not been forgotten. I will be asking Earth to send oxygen and supplements for them. I know you are scared, but I assure you everything possible is being done. Do not let Talonia down by inciting trouble. I would hate to see anyone harmed or feel the need to punish a fellow Talonian due to greed. No one will go hungry. Work, school, and military practice will continue as usual. Be the peaceful, caring citizens that you have always been. I am counting on you all. Good night, and peace be with you."

The transmission ended, and Maxxus fell apart. His big hands ran through his thick black hair in desperation. Tears ran unheeded down his cheeks, and a sob broke the silence in the room. The hard-hearted, stubborn, prideful Maxxus disappeared, and his true nature came out. This was the man no one was ever allowed to see, the one who cared too much about what others thought of him. He was the one afraid to show his feelings or let anyone down. Maxxus kept this man hidden; not even Acer had seen this side of him. This Maxxus had no self-esteem and used a facade of toughness to hide it. Tonight, the fear was overwhelming, and he had to let it out. Had he told his people the truth? Was everything possible being done or was there more he could do? Would no one go hungry? How could such a promise be made when he did not know the future? He vowed that if food became scarce, he would give his portion to the children. They would live, even if he had to send them to Earth.

The COM link on his wrist vibrated. He straightened his shoulders, wiped his face, and hardened his eyes. The king was back. He answered, "What do you need, Daer? Have the people ignored my plea?"

"They are standing outside their homes, discussing the announcement with their neighbors. I have seen no signs of trouble, although they appear to be confused by the presence of so many soldiers. However, I was calling for a different reason. I had to set aside the manufacturing of the supplements until tomorrow. I had a more urgent case to take care of. Shara went into labor early. I thought you might like to know that your great niece has arrived, and she is as rare as her mother. She too will be a white weredragon. Come see her. It will cheer you up."

A warmth chased away the cold fear in Maxxus's body. New life amidst the turmoil of a dying planet gave him the hope he so desperately needed. "I will be right over, though it may take longer than usual. I am certain I will be stopped many times by the citizens with questions. May I pass on the news? It may soothe their souls as it has mine."

"Good idea! Give them something to celebrate and it can lower their anxiety. My tiny daughter is already making a difference it seems. Perhaps she was fated to bring hope to us in bad times and was meant to be born today. Time means nothing to her, so get here whenever you can," Daer replied.

The king's guards automatically stepped forward to accompany him, then hesitated upon remembering his orders to be allowed his freedom. Tonight, he surprised them by motioning for them to join him. They would keep the citizens at arm’s length, allowing him to remain untouched and calm.

A large group had gathered outside, but they were calm. King Maxxus was glad to see it, yet he hoped it was not the calm before the storm. Once they spied him, the questions began. Everyone was speaking at the same time and he could not separate one question from another. Holding his hand up for silence he implored, "Please, one at a time. I will answer as many as I can with the limited information available."

"Where was the volcano located?"

"Between the capital and a village to the south. It is many miles from here. The waterfall is in the same area. I believe they are linked in some way," the king answered.

"Why were we not told sooner?"

"I did not know about it until today. I saw the anomaly on the horizon and decided to see what it was. If I had known sooner, you would have been informed," he replied.

"The village must have known. Why was it not reported?"

King Maxxus sighed. This was a question he did not want to answer. The village elder would be the object on which the crowd focused its anger, but he could not lie to his people. He had made a promise upon becoming king. "Yes, they knew. It had been slowly dying for months. The elder had also been told of the waterfall. He believed the report could wait until our yearly meeting. He was foolish and did not seem to understand the meaning of the destruction. He said there were other volcanoes and waterfalls. One would not make a difference. He is no longer the village elder. Please, leave his discipline to me. We do not want our people turning against each other."

"What if others had the same lackadaisical attitude and did not report devastation?"

"We will know when the scouts return, and I will deal with the problem. Any elder who was too lazy to make a report will be removed from their station. It is easy to become complacent when you live in paradise. However, it is not advisable. Lessons are being learned the hard way. That is why I am beginning the rationing now, while we have plenty. I cannot share the same complacency as the village elder. Plans must be made for the future."

"Will we make it through this? Will Talonia survive?"

"I have every reason to believe it will if all our people cooperate. Put the worries away for tonight and rest. Nothing untoward will happen while you sleep. Keep the peace and go about your normal duties tomorrow. Amidst the bad news, we have a ray of light. New life has come to Talonia, and it is a rare treasure. Shara has given birth to a daughter. She is blessed to be another rare white weredragon. Our city has now been twice given the privilege of sheltering such a treasure. Rejoice in her birth instead of wallowing in fear. I go there now to meet the precious child. New life brings hope for the future."