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Maxxus: Talonian Warriors (A Sci-Fi Weredragon Romance) by Celeste Raye (8)

Chapter 8


Josie stood in the control center with the spaceship's crew. They had alerted her to come and see the view. Since Maxxus's admonition, she'd asked them to let her know when a particularly beautiful vista came into view. He was right. The universe was ever changing and locked up with her air samples, she was missing the point of the journey. This star system was the most important one of all. It contained Talonia. She couldn't see the planet yet, for it was covered in the thick cloud bank as usual. The red sun made the clouds appear as if they had been painted and that it was always sunset.

Today, she would land and meet Maxxus in person. How would their relationship change once they met face to face? Would they pretend that the closeness had never happened, or would they take things a step further? Either scenario scared her for different reasons.

The air samples she'd taken during the trip had proved to be enlightening, but not exactly in a good way. The closer they had gotten to Talonia, the more one element began to show in the samples. The problem was, she had no idea what that element was. It was not one on the charts. She knew that it was the reason behind all the failures. It had to be neutralized or added to the formula. First, she would need to find where it originated. Then, either gather enough of it to incorporate or find a way to synthesize it if it wasn't in abundance on Talonia. All of which would take time that they didn't have.

She held her breath as they entered the cloud bank. Would she see paradise on the other side, the way the crew had said she would? Or would the devastation have changed the vista? The clouds thinned and before her was a glorious planet. There may have been visibly damaged places, but she didn't notice them. The rest was too bright and beautiful. She saw the deep blue of the water, the emerald green of the valleys, the red and orange from the volcanoes, and a silver reflection designating the capital. As the ship got closer, the vague shapes became clearer. It was paradise. Sitting in its midst were towering silver orbs, the homes built high in the sky where weredragons could feel freedom. The largest and tallest was centered in the city, surrounded by thousands more. It had to be the palace. Was Maxxus up there watching the spaceship land?

The crew was smiling as they set the ship down on its designated landing spot. No crash this time. They would be greeted by happy faces instead of the wary ones from their previous visit. They would see the friends they had made, and their captain too. For them, it was a reunion, but for Josie, it was much more. These people were counting on her to save their home. The gravity of that hit her as she saw the crowd awaiting them. Up to this point, it had been an abstract world that science could rebuild. Now, the hopeful, yearning faces were very real. "Oh Maxxus, no wonder you've been so stressed!" she thought.

The doors to the ship opened and Talonia's air, with its scents of clear water, fire, and flowering plants swept over Josie. It was intoxicating. She didn't want to move. It would be perfect just to stand here and soak it all in. The majestic volcanoes spouting fire, the waterfalls lending their sight and sound to the mix, and the foliage that was so green it looked plastic were the epitome of paradise. She never wanted to leave.

Murmuring voices broke the spell. The crew was passing her by to greet old friends. Suddenly, the crowd parted, and the most magnificent specimen of a man stalked through them. Maxxus was shirtless, his muscular torso shining with perspiration. His ebony hair lay in wet waves over his ears. In his hand was a sword. He had clearly just left the practice field to greet the ship. His chest was heaving, and his black eyes burned into Josie's. Behind them, the fire was brightly burning. In video chats, she hadn't been able to feel the energy or see the blaze with such clarity. Everything else disappeared as her blue eyes met his obsidian ones. Her soul recognized its mate and desire shot through her veins. Her feet stayed rooted on the walkway, for if she moved she'd most certainly attack him in front of the Talonians. She watched the intensity of his eyes change, and his breathing deepen. He knew exactly what she was feeling. Either he felt it too, or he could read her mind. The thoughts and desires she was feeling were almost sinful, making her wet in unmentionable places.

Maxxus nodded his head in greeting, and it gave her the magnetic tug she required to take a step forward. Each step brought her closer to her destiny, and she knew instantly that there would be no turning back. Just like that, the choice was made. She would live or die with Maxxus on Talonia.


Swordplay with Hesher had relieved some of the tension in Maxxus as he awaited the arrival of the humans. His opponent was masterful enough that his full attention was required to remain unscathed. He did not see the silvery vessel enter the atmosphere or begin its descent. It was not until the vibrations from the landing reached him that he noticed his surroundings. Chest heaving and heart pounding from exertion, he did not stop to don his shirt. Seeing Josie in the flesh was all he cared about at the moment.

The crowd parted to allow their king access to the ship. His eyes found Josie from far away. Her head was tilted up, taking in the glory of his home. Her face showed a reverence he understood completely. When her head tilted down, and her eyes discovered him, a jolt of unexpected lust almost knocked him off his feet. Her eyes were an exact match for the colors of the waterfalls, so blue they appeared purple. Her black hair was fighting to break free from its confinement, tied with a ribbon at the base of her neck. The palest skin covered her from head to toe, though much of it was hidden beneath tight pants and a bright red shirt that matched her full lips. Her gaze penetrated his body, right down to his soul, seeking and finding its mate. Lust switched to need, one far more powerful than he could have imagined. She was right there with him, inside a cocoon meant for only them.

Conscious of the watchful eyes of his people, he broke the spell with a simple nod of his head. The heat bouncing between them intensified as she drew closer. He had trouble commanding his body to obey his brain. It wanted to sweep her up and carry her away to somewhere they could be alone forever. It wanted to kiss every inch of her hourglass curves and join with hers to seal their bond. His staff was rock hard and pushing against the confines of his leather pants. He should have been worried or embarrassed by the idea of his people seeing the reaction to Josie, but he was not. Let them stare and see that she was his. It would save him from further announcements or explanations.

However, he was wrong. The crowd did not see what he and Josie were experiencing. It was an invisible, silent connection designed for them alone. They were greeting the crew and bombarding Josie with questions that she was not hearing. His large hand finally engulfed hers, and he was able to grind out a few words, "They do not feel it, and we must set it aside for later, though it pains me. There is business that must be attended to before personal matters can be taken in hand. I assure you that my soul has read yours and the bond shall not be broken."

Josie's hand violently shook in his. His declaration sent shockwaves down her spine. The number of words they had spoken over the last weeks were few, but deep inside she knew him, and he knew her. This meeting was not a random occurrence; it was destined. Had Talonian not suffered this crisis, the universe would have found another way to bring this about.

Tamping down her desire, Josie began, "The lab is ready. I need to take samples all over Talonia and examine the land for any changes since the last formula was deployed. I brought a hovercraft that will cover ground quickly since, unlike you, I can't fly, and walking would take too long. I'd like to start with the damaged volcano and waterfall. You can ride with me or fly if you prefer."

"My Josie, always in a hurry," he laughed, letting the sexual tension dissipate. "I need to change clothes, and the Talonians have a banquet waiting for you and your crew. Do not disappoint them or waste the precious food stores. Let them honor you with their offerings. They are sharing their rations to make you feel welcome. Follow the crowd, and I will join you shortly."

"But Maxxus," she said, clinging to his hand. "We need to get to work for the planet's sake."

"My people are part of this planet, and they have needs as well. They must feel connected to you so that their faith will give strength to the land. This ritual is as important as any samples you would be taking. Gain their friendship and trust. It will serve you well."

It was true. She would need them all in order to save their home. Maxxus had learned that the hard way. No leader could maintain a planet without the cooperation of its population. Their authority could be easily overturned if the citizens became unconvinced of their abilities. The calm of Talonia was hanging by a thread. One misstep and there would be chaos.

Showered, dressed, and back in control of his libido, Maxxus rejoined the celebration. He discovered Josie not with the other humans living on Talonia as he had expected, but with Daer and Shara. Today, they had introduced Hope to the citizens and Josie was holding her reverently in her arms. He was astonished to hear the scientifically minded woman singing a soft lullaby to the infant. It melted what was left of the wall around his heart, making him vulnerable to let others in. Josie was already there, having snuck past it long ago. Now, his friends and family could join her. It hit Maxxus hard. Saving Talonia was not only a king's responsibility anymore; it was an act of love for his fellow man.

He reached the table as Josie was handing off the now sleeping child to its mother. He grabbed a plate and sat across from Josie, next to Daer. He did not dare touch Josie, or he would combust all over again. "Have you met everyone yet?" he asked her. "At least the most pertinent to your job, that is?"

"I've spoken with Kelan about his efforts. Then, I met Tae and Eveline. They gave me their impressions of the planet's status. Your brother was here a moment ago, but he was called away. It seems your citizens still seek his advice. Shara was kind enough to let me soothe Hope while she ate a bite. She's had many requests to hold the baby, but mine was the only one she accepted. I'm honored."

"What about you? Have you gotten an impression of Talonia by being on it?"

"I can sense it fighting to keep the poisonous effects from taking over. I've never felt a planet as a life-form. I admit, I snuck a few dirt and grass samples while you were gone. On the way here, I examined air samples from every star system and this one and the next one over has an element in them that I don't have a name for. I believe it has to be added to the formula in order to maintain the equilibrium it needs. For that to happen, I must discover the source and how to extract it in a way that won't destroy it. Then, it has to be mixed with the other elements without harming it or them. It's a delicate procedure, and I've oversimplified the steps," Josie explained.

"None of us would have understood the technical terms anyway," Shara stated.

"I would have," Daer argued. "As a healer, I have studied science from here and Earth. I cannot believe my own mate doubts my intelligence."

"I doubt no such thing, my love. But, it is a different science," Shara replied with a kiss on his cheek to soothe his ruffled ego.

"Actually, medicine and healing may have a place in this endeavor. As I said, Talonia appears to be almost a living being, and it needs to be healed. Perhaps that is the way we should be looking at this problem, like a sickness that requires a cure. The samples I take will reflect the symptoms of the illness and give clues to its remedy," Josie added.

"I will gladly help in the lab if you have need of me," Daer offered.

"I'll probably take you up on that."

One of the refugees stumbled to the table carrying a small child. She went straight to Daer and begged, "Help my son, please. He is feverish and has not eaten for two days. I thought he was only tired from the long journey, but the other children seem fine. He is acting weak and no longer answering when I speak to him."

Maxxus was shocked and concerned. Talonians did not carry disease or grow ill in this manner unless the sickness was brought from another world. It was not brought on this ship, because the child had been ill before its arrival. It had to be tied to the planet's devastation in some manner, but how?

"Did he drink tainted water or eat the plants in the contaminated garden?" Josie asked before Daer could respond.

"He was found playing and digging in the dirt of the garden while we prepared to leave. It is possible that he ingested something," the woman admitted. "I did not realize that could be a problem. Our home has never made us ill."

Daer jumped up from the table. He did not believe the illness was contagious by air, but he did not wish to take a chance on it spreading, especially to his tiny daughter. "Come with me. We will go to the infirmary and check him out. We should try to relieve the fever and test his blood. Maxxus, you have to find out if other refugees have symptoms."

"Can I come with you, Daer? I may have equipment that can help with more advanced testing," Josie asked.

"I need all the help I can get," he replied.




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