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Maxxus: Talonian Warriors (A Sci-Fi Weredragon Romance) by Celeste Raye (36)

Chapter 21

Nabvan knew the moment he found that his radio was missing who had taken it. The most surprising part to him, though, was that he was not angry. In fact, fear was the stronger emotion at the moment. Luckily, he had been able to recover it under Alexis’s mattress before he had to meet the others on the ship. The king had already taken Alexis there, and the women were being loaded on when he finally made it to the hangar. There was a new determination to them he had not seen in them before, and that just served to make him even more concerned. Alexis was up to something, and she was going it alone. He had let his emotions get the better of him and slip off of his tongue, and it had led her to a desperate attempt to do something insane to save these women from going back to Earth. He had to find a way to get to her and see if there was any way to reverse it. Otherwise, he was going all in to help her. He was not going to lose her. He had fought too hard to have her.

Nabvan found himself in the king’s quarters on the ship, guarding her once again. The king didn’t like to be bothered on most of his political missions. The fact that Alexis was there was mostly for show once they made it to Earth, he was certain. King Shene would show off his conquest to them as intimidation. He doubted the king had any intentions of putting in a good word for the women, and he had kept that to himself to try and appease Alexis. It clearly had not worked.

He went into the room cautiously to find her waiting for him, looking regal as always. She was always the bright spot, so much so that he was afraid to look at her at times. “What have you done?” he asked her, which sent her into a fit of tears he wasn’t expecting.

Nabvan went straight to her, sitting down and pulling her into his arms like she was a child. He cradled her there and sniffed that musky scent of her hair he loved so much. “Oh, god, Nabvan, I knew you would hate me, but I couldn’t let them go back to Earth.” Nabvan felt himself holding back his own tears. Whatever she had set in motion, it was going to change everything. “I contacted the Arkani. They’re coming to get them. And if they don’t, we fight. We fight and win or we die.”

Nabvan let out a sigh. He could not feel anything but anguish and love. He knew this woman, deep down to her soul. He should have realized the moment she pulled away back in Milisaria that she would continue with her plan anyway. This was the woman he loved, and he couldn’t be angry because it was exactly what she was meant to do. She changed worlds. She had changed his so completely.

Nabvan began to kiss away her tears as they each fell, not having anything comforting to say. He was so afraid for her. He could not watch her get tortured and killed over this. He knew what he would do to prevent it and what that would do to her too. There was no happy ending now.

“When this is all over, no matter what happens, I want to be with you forever. I want this to end with us together in my own personal Heaven or me in your arms because we got out of this. And I know you don’t want the same, but I just have to tell you, it’s killing me, the way I have to touch him and look at him as if he is you.” Nabvan caressed her face as she confessed this. If only she understood. It was all he wanted as well.

He pulled her back onto the bed, sliding her dress off of her so easily, like water flowing through a stream. His body called for hers and always would, even if this was the last time they could feel each other this way. He pulled his clothes off quickly, wanting to savor this moment before it was taken away from them. The ship took off, flying into the stratosphere as he began to kiss her with every ounce of passion he had for her. He was letting go this time, letting her have it all in case he never got to touch her again. He knew that the events that were coming could rip them apart for good.

He placed himself over her body, feeling her heat against him. His lips dragged across hers and then down to her chin, tasting every inch of her skin. Then, he slid down her body, tasting her navel and sliding his tongue down to that sweet spot that gave him so much pleasure. He felt himself growing in response as she arched her back into his lapping motions.

Alexis squirmed under his touch, and he loved that he knew he could get her going like that. He had no confidence the first time they had done anything like this, having never mated before. Of course, it was instinct. Milisarians had even more instinct for such things than humans where they were lacking in scientific and creative thought processes. So, he knew he would know what to do, but he didn’t know how much she would love it. It was her reactions that really drove him, making everything that much more intense. He could not imagine feeling anything better with anyone else. The king must have been insane to be with Alexis and then be able to still be with another woman.

Not able to wait any longer to have her, he slid back up her body, planting the head of his shaft right at the entrance to her warm, wet center. He slid inside of her with a sigh that let out all of his beautiful relief to finally be inside of her again. He pumped into her at a steady rhythm as she moaned into his mouth, reaching for it with her lips. Their tongues danced with each other as he moved his whole body over her, writhing with all his strength as he meant to pleasure her even more than the last time they were able to be together.

He felt her nails raking up against him just the way he liked, leaving her mark on him, just as he began to feel that pulsing sensation he knew meant she was climaxing. He loved how her body squeezed and worked his member to completion, making him moan so loud. He released into her, leaving his own kind of mark. He wanted to fill her with pieces of himself. Maybe she would have his child instead of the king’s.

Just as he was going to continue for round two, the door opened abruptly, revealing the two of them there together, him still inside of her. The king saw all, and the look on his face was one of shock, disappointment, and embarrassment. It didn’t matter what plan Alexis had come up with. It would all be over now.

The king called for the guards as Nabvan was promptly made to cover up and dragged away with Alexis screaming and crying for him the whole time. He knew what his punishment would be, but his heart and soul went out to his love. Would she survive what was coming for her?