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My Best Friend's Brother (Hometown Heroes Book 3) by G.L. Snodgrass (19)


Chapter Nineteen


My insides continued to turn over. I so wished Mom was here to help. She would have known how much makeup to use and a dozen other things I couldn’t stop worrying about.

But no, she chose to run off to a commune and live a life of shared happiness. Of course, it was sharing happiness with people other than her family.

Sighing, I put down the mascara brush and looked into the mirror. She was going to be here in a few days. We would deal with it then I told myself. Tonight, I needed to focus on Luke. One problem at a time.

What was he doing at the moment? Did he feel any of this nervousness? No, not Luke, the man was born cool. He never let stuff like this get to him.

Sighing, I returned to trying to make myself look as pretty as possible. As I worked, I thought back to a conversation I sort of eased-dropped on in the girl’s bathroom. Tammy Johnson and Emily Dean had been talking about how their boyfriends had gotten rooms at the hotel.

They’d both talked as if it were no big deal. Like this sort of thing went on all the time and was sort of expected. My insides rolled over. Would Luke expect that? Did he want that? And what did it mean if he didn’t?

Again, my stomach churned with one more thing to worry about. Was I ready for that? I thought about it for a moment and realized I sort of was. If not tonight. Then soon. The realization made me blush as a burning need flashed through me. This was Luke Prescot, of course, I wanted him. The man was built like a log cabin. Rough around the edges, but hard and stable. Plus, he was naturally sweet and kind. And I just knew he would never hurt me. Not Luke.

So, yes, I was sort of ready. But the thought also made me nervous. A fact that I was going to have to deal with.

Then I thought of Jenny and froze inside. It would be bad enough if she thought we were boyfriend and girlfriend. But if she found out we were sleeping together. She’d never talk to me again.

Sighing, I finished with my make-up and then slipped into my dress. I’d gone with a full-length dress. Not an evening gown, but close. My leg was still all pale from the cast and I needed to cover it up or I’d look like a pinto pony out there on the dance floor.

Once I was fully dressed, I glanced at the clock and realized I still had a half hour before Luke got there. I laughed at myself. I’d been so anxious, I’d hurried. It wasn’t like I was looking forward to it or anything.

When I went downstairs I found Dad in his study. He looked up and froze for a second as he slowly smiled.

“You look good.”

My insides relaxed as I twirled around. He always knew the perfect thing to say and just when to say it.

“I don’t think I like this idea of you growing up. You were just six years old the other day and I was teaching you how to ride a bike.”

I laughed. “Yeah, well, some things can’t be stopped.”

He smiled and I saw a sadness pass behind his eyes. I wondered if it was just me growing up or if he was missing Mom. I know she hurt him, but I don’t think he blamed her near as much as I did.

“What time will you be home?” he asked.

“Oh, I figure Tuesday, maybe Thursday if things go real good,” I joked.

He didn’t laugh as his face grew very serious.

“Dad,” I said with a shake of my head. “I was only joking. Probably around midnight, maybe a little later.”

His shoulders relaxed just a little. “I thought this thing was over at eleven?”

I shrugged. “A bunch of us will probably go out after, grab a piece of pie or something. You know. Live the wildlife of an Everton teenager.”

He continued to frown. “You have your phone with you.”

“Dad,” I said. “This is not a big deal. I’m going to a dance.”

“You’re going out with Luke Prescott,” he said as if that was all that mattered.

My heart jumped as I got ready to tear into him for criticizing Luke then realized that it wouldn’t change things.

“That’s right,” I said. “The one person I can trust with my life. Think about it, he’s already proven that he can be relied upon in an emergency. He’s bigger than half the outdoors so no one will mess with us and my honor will always be protected. Besides, his sister, my best friend will be there. So, like that is the ultimate buzz kill on any romantic possibilities.”

He continued to frown at me and I knew he didn’t believe a word I said. To him, all that mattered was that a boy like Luke was taking his daughter out. If he had his way I would be locked up in a tower until I went to college. In fact, even better would be to bring the college to my tower.

“I’m not a little girl anymore,” I told him. “You’re going to have to get used to that fact.”

He sighed heavily and shook his head. “No, I don’t. I can do denial very well.”

I laughed just as the doorbell rang. My heart slammed to a halt then sprang back to full-on race mode when I saw the time. I swallowed hard as I turned.

“I’ll get it,” Dad said as he rushed past me. I stopped for a moment and took a deep calming breath as I ran my hands down the front of my dress.

I heard Dad open the front door and say something. He then called out my name as If I could be anywhere and not nervously waiting in the study. Like I said, my dad could be a good guy when he wanted to be.

I opened the study door and stepped out into the hall. There he was, in a dark charcoal suit, a black shirt and a gray tie. The man looked so handsome my insides melted. This was my Luke. A sense of pride flowed through me. I couldn’t wait to be seen on his arm. I could just imagine the jealous stares.

I was going to savor each and every one of them.

“Hello,” he said with that smirk of his. The one that reminded me that I was a woman. “You look unbelievable.”

I smiled at him as I clutched my purse, afraid that if I looked away the moment would be broken.

Dad coughed and I remembered where I was and what we were doing.

“Don’t wait up,” I said to my father as I gave him a quick peck on the cheek.

He scoffed and shook his head. “Yeah, like that’s happening. I’ll be right here until you get home.” As he said it, he stared at Luke, probably wanting to mention something about shotguns.

I smiled at him. “I’ll call if I’m going to be late.” I wanted to add a comment about Tuesday or Thursday but chose to keep it to myself. Sometimes the best lines don’t need to be said out loud to make your point.

Luke gently brushed my back as he walked me to his truck. He opened the door then held out his hand and helped me up.

“You really do look wonderful,” he said again with a strange look in his eyes.

“You seemed surprised?” I said before I could stop myself.

He laughed. “No, I just … I was thinking about what it was going to feel like walking in with you on my arm. Like I had actually achieved something. You know. Even though I didn’t have anything to do with it.”

I smiled as my insides squealed. The man could always make me melt.

“You had everything to do with me being here. So yes, you get to feel good about yourself. It is allowed you know.”

He smiled at me and started the truck. As we pulled around the corner he pulled over to the side and parked. My brow furrowed in confusion. Had he forgotten something at our house? Were we going back?

He continued to sit there, both hands on the wheel, his knuckles white with stress.

“What’s wrong?” I asked softly as I reached out to touch his shoulder.

He flinched from my touch and took a deep breath. “Do you realize this is the first time we have been alone together in weeks. Since your game room, in fact.”

I swallowed as I saw the look of hunger in his eyes.

“And then,” he continued, “to see you looking like that. Like a goddess. The sexiest goddess that ever lived. It is taking every bit of me not to pull you into my arms and kiss you for the next two weeks.”

My heart lurched as I realized just how much this wasn’t the Luke I was used to. This was a different, troubled Luke. And I was the one troubling him. I will be honest. I loved the idea.

I reached out again and gently laid my hand on his shoulder. He didn’t pull away this time.

“I know what you mean,” I told him. “Believe me. I’ve been thinking about us kissing for so long that I’ve forgotten how to think about anything else. … But, if we do, then we will never make it to the dance. And you know it.”

He slowly nodded his head as he shot me a quick grin.

I sighed with regret, a large part of me wished that he had just pulled me into a hug and we forgot about the rest of the world. Instead, he started up the truck and once again we were off. But ever so often, I would catch him glancing at me and shaking his head.

He was regretting it as well, I realized and that thought made it easier.

Of course, a big chunk of that regret disappeared when I walked into the ballroom on Luke’s arm. The stares were priceless. As if I had won the lottery and every girl there was having her own regrets.

Luke led me over to Jenny and Chip, patting my hand before he stepped away a little distance. Just enough to make it look like there was nothing between us.

Jenny smiled and complimented my dress. We exchanged mutual admiration and gossip. All the while, I wanted to take Luke’s hand in mine and tell the world the truth.

How much longer could I do this I wondered? .

Just as an awkward silence fell over the four of us, the band started up with an old Nirvana song. Chip smiled hesitantly and cocked an eyebrow.

“Are you asking me to dance?” Jenny said to him.

He swallowed hard and said, “Yes.”

She smiled back and led him onto the dance floor. Shooting me a quick look that let me know just how excited she was.

Once they were gone, Luke leaned down and said over the music. “I’d ask you to dance but that might send the wrong message.”

My insides tightened up. Not dance with Luke? No, life couldn’t be that unfair.

He laughed and took my hand to guide me onto the dance floor.

I couldn’t stop myself from smiling as the two of us caught the beat and began dancing. My heart raced as the joy of being alive filled me. The music, Luke, just life. Everything was so intense. So wonderful.

The band shifted over to another fast song with a heavy beat, and then another. We never stopped. Luke moved well. Coordinated, powerful without being flashy. He towered over me making me feel small and feminine.

As we danced, he leaned forward and whispered, “You are too hot.”

My insides melted as my cheeks exploded with heat. Hopefully, people would think It was the exercise and not the thoughts running through my head.

But, of course, good things never last. The band started a slow song and without asking, Luke pulled me into his arms and began to sway back and forth. My body tensed up as I tried to figure out if Jenny could see us or not.

Her and Chip had gotten lost in the crowd. What would she think if she saw me dancing like this with her brother?

“Relax,” Luke whispered as he gently pulled my head to his shoulder. “No way am I missing an opportunity like this.”

I swallowed hard as I let myself sink into him. My arms around his neck as if holding on for dear life. This was where I belonged and I couldn’t pretend otherwise.

We danced together, lost in our own little world. Just the two of us. I loved him, I realized. I mean really loved him. His happiness was more important than my own. His world was my world. My heart swelled up with pure joy as I let the awareness fill me.

Leaning back a little I looked up into his eyes as I wondered how he felt about me. Did he feel this specialness as much as I did?

He stared down at me with that smirk of his that slowly disappeared as a serious look crossed his face. Then without thought, we came together. Our lips meeting as we exposed our true selves to the world.

“Amy?” Jenny said as she and Chip worked their way through the crowd. Her eyes as big as toadstools and her face as white as last winter’s snow.

My soul plunged as I saw the shock and anger in her eyes. NO! I thought. My perfect moment had been ruined. My best friend hated me for good cause. I had betrayed her. Even I hated myself.