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My Next Mistake (Men of Beaumont Place Book 1) by S.N. Garza, Stephanie Nicole Garza (21)





I honestly can say I’ve never had a man look at me the way Gage was looking at me right now. He looked me over with appreciation and I couldn’t help feel ultra-feminine with him. My blue denim shorts were just short enough to cover my behind when I bent over. I was wearing a black V-neck tee with a light teal cardigan sweater to match the teal blue chucks I was wearing.

I braided my hair and put a thick, black head band to keep any wayward hairs from flying in my face.

No jewelry, no makeup except mascara, eyeliner and my Maybelline Baby Lips chap stick for a little shine.

“Fuck me.” His deep, gravelly voice hit me like lightning. Shooting down to my core and lighting me up like a bulb.

“That’s a good thing, right? The shorts aren’t too short?”

He couldn’t peel his eyes off of me and shook his head.

“Damn. You look amazing, Taylor.”

Instead of answering, I walked over to my purse and grabbed my license and debit card. I didn’t need anything else so I wasn’t going to bring a purse. I was about to shove them in my back pocket when he spoke.

“Hold up, honey. You don’t want the chance of those falling out of your pocket and someone taking them. You don’t want to take a purse or your phone?”

I shook my head, “I don’t need anything except these and who’s going to call me? I don’t have friends and my mother doesn’t bother me during the week unless it’s for something important. Which nothing ever is.”

He reached into his front pocket, and pulled out his wallet. “Here, I’ll hold onto them for now.”

And just like that, somehow, I trusted him. Why was that? I didn’t know, but I was definitely leading with my heart on this one. I might not have much of one but with him, damn I wanted to try. My brain was shaking her head, but I didn’t care. My brain, body and soul needed a break from my life. I walked back to him and handed them over. Once they were secure and his wallet back in his pocket, he held out his hand for me.

“Ready, Taylor?”

Was I? I shrugged and walked forward, slowly putting my hand in his. He brought it forward and kissed the back of my hand before turning it and kissing the inside of my wrist. Gage’s thumb smeared the kiss into my wrist. Did he see the small scars on them? I wanted to yank my hand away so he wouldn’t see them. I didn’t want to ruin this day any more than I did when I told him about that fucking belt.

I saw what he was thinking. That I should take it down and burn it. I might after all was said and done. But for now, it was good where it was at.

He kept his hand in mine and we walked to my door. Grabbing my keys from the tall foyer table I avoided looking at the belt and at him just in case he was looking at it. I opened the door and waited for him to proceed me.

When he didn’t, I looked over to him and yup. He was looking right at the fucking reminder.


With a tight jaw and those piercing blue eyes of his, he finally looked down to me.

“I hope you get them for every fucking penny they’re worth, baby. If this is your last year, go out with a fucking paycheck to set you up for life.”

“I’m already set for life. A few times over.”

A slick smile framed his handsome face. “Good. They fucking deserve it, dirty fucking scumbags.”

He took a few steady breaths and his eyes cooled, his body relaxing.

“Sorry. Now…let me show you how to have a real good time.”



“Where are you taking me? It sure is a ways from Houston.”

“The only carnival I know is where I volunteer for the fire rescue.”

“Oh. Well, that’s good. For a moment I thought you might be kidnapping me.”

His lips curved as he responded. “Would that be such a bad thing?”

“Well, I have to work tomorrow morning and then night so kind of.”

Gage shrugged and turned down a street that had several small stores and woods near-by. A few minutes later, I saw the carnival he was talking about. Lights lit up the sky with colorful rainbows. Never having been to a carnival before, I felt my heart race with excitement.


I looked over to Gage to see a wide smile and bright white teeth flashing at me.


“Are you happy, firecracker?”

“Right now? Yeah. I’ve never been to one of these before.”

“You’re in luck then. There’s a lot of fun stuff to do. Sit tight, babe.”

He parked his monster truck, reached forward to grab a cap and got out. I did as he asked and I watched him walk around the truck. He had this strong gait that made his muscles bunch and flex when he walked. Not to mention his ass. It was like those jeans molded to his behind and every time he walked…

My goodness he was so easy on the eyes. I loved that pompadour haircut. Even as he swung the Texans cap on his head backwards. He looked so…deliciously enticing. His shirt clung to his body beautifully and those jeans? Holy moly. They were worn and thin and even though I didn’t see them, his boots were black and just a little scuffed.

“M’lady.” He said with a smile as he opened the door and bowed with a flourish. I couldn’t help the laugh that sprung out of me as he reached in to unbuckle me. Gage wrapped his arm around my waist and legs and pulled me from the truck, kicking the door shut with his foot.

“I can walk, Gage. Put me down, please.”

“You know, sometimes you can be really sassy. But with manners. Why is that?”

“I went to etiquette classes.”

“Kiss my cheek and I’ll put you down.”


“That’s the price for putting you on your feet, little firecracker.”

I rolled my eyes, but did as he required. I had to wrap my arms around his shoulders to pull myself up to reach his face and I settled a kiss on his cheek. He kept his arm around my waist and let me dangle off the ground, our faces close and me hanging on.

“You are so beautiful, Taylor.”

His blue eyes bore into mine like a hypnotist’s.

“Thank you, Gage. You look really good, too.”

He winked and set me on my feet. He took my hand in his, twined our fingers together as we headed to the ticket booth.

I didn’t know what to expect, but when we entered, Gage took me to every game imaginable. I tried a few of them; although I was terrible at most. Gage won a lot. I didn’t know if he was trying to impress me but he was doing a hell of a job. It was like he was a natural at this stuff.

When I mentioned this to him all he said was, “I’m a carnivalist. I live for these things. You should see me at the rodeo. These booths don’t stand a chance.”

One particular game was a set of cups that had to be knocked down several times before he could claim the big prize. I was looking around at the stuffed animals. Bears, unicorns, cats, dogs, and other brand name plush toys. And then there was one at the end that must have been about three foot tall. A Scooby-Doo Great Dane plush. My heart beat faster as Gage wound up his pitch.


He took his time every time the cups were restocked. Knocking them all down each time.

He looked over to me, winked and said, “I played baseball in high school. All-American.”

“Congrats, buddy! Which would you like? A cute teddy bear for the lady?”

I didn’t want to say the one I really wanted; I didn’t want to be childish. Besides, it’s not like he needed to give it to me. I looked over at Gage to see him scanning the toys. Scooby was behind a few of them, but I saw when Gage’s eyes caught the brown fur and the blue color of his collar, his eyes flashed to mine. This smile that lit up my insides tilted high on his lips before he turned back to the vendor.

“I’ll take that Scooby behind those other animals.”

“Great choice!”

The older gentleman unhooked the plush and gave it Gage, in which he gave the man an extra five dollars.

“Thank you, sir.”

Gage turned to me, Scooby held out towards me, and said, “Rere, Raylor. Rave me.”

Perfect Scooby voice.

My heart melted. Dammit. How was I going to keep my heart together with this guy?

I hurried the few steps and threw myself in his arms. Wrapping myself around him and the stuffed Great Dane.

“He’s perfect.”

Gage’s laugh was the perfect sound. I held tighter and I felt him pepper kisses on my temple.

“As are you, firecracker.”

I leaned back and I grabbed the dog, holding him to my chest like he was a security blanket.

“How did you know?”

“Promise you won’t get mad?”

I shrugged because I didn’t know where he was going with this, but he just won me the first and best gift anyone had ever gotten me so I didn’t care.

“I saw the van on your entertainment center in your bedroom. Once I saw the stuffed animal, I knew it was meant for you.”

Tears clouded my vision. “It’s perfect. Thank you, Gage.”

“Welcome, baby. Let’s grab a snack and get on the Ferris wheel. How does that sound?”

I nodded happily. And for once I didn’t mind holding his hand. He didn’t drag me but kept his pace even with mine. Never pulling me forward in hurry or impatience. I didn’t have his long legs and he accommodated to my shorter strides.

We walked amongst the food courts and saw a photo booth that a couple just vacated.


He looked down to me with curious eyes and I pointed over to the booth.

“You want a memory of this date, Taylor?”

“Is it a date?”

“I think so. A guy doesn’t win his girl this kind of prize if it wasn’t.”

A smile crept up my face and I couldn’t help the blush that stained my cheeks.

His calloused finger reached up and he stroked a knuckle down my heated cheek.

I nodded more enthusiastically before pulling him into the empty booth where he pulled the curtain closed. He inserted money and just as the first flash was about to go off, he tickled my waist, making me jump and laugh as the flash sounded.


I looked up into his eyes and he winked before lifting me onto his lap, his arms embracing me as we both looked into the camera. Just as the flash went off, Gage had pressed a kiss to my neck and my eyes had closed on a smile.

“Gage! You need to look at the camera!”

“Alright. Alright. Under protest.”

We both looked onward as the number counted downward. 3…2…1…and as I looked into the camera, Gage turned his head and looked down to me.

“You do not understand the rules of the photo booth, do you?”

“Nope and this last one isn’t going to be any different.”

My shoulders sagged. “Why not?”

“Because this time I want you to kiss me.”


“You better hurry, firecracker. Times ticking. 3…2…

I didn’t let him say one when I grabbed ahold of his collar and kissed him for everything I was worth. The camera flashed and when I let go, we were both smiling like loons. Then my stomach growled.

“Oh my gosh!”

He laughed with his stomach and hugged me tight.

“How about corndogs?”

I crunched up my nose.

“Don’t they have like fruit or something?””

“Taylor, honey, have you ever tried one?”

I didn’t look at him as he asked and he took my chin with the crook of his finger, bringing me back so my eyes slowly met his. Soft blue eyes looked down to me with a rueful smile.



“Would you try one for me?”

I didn’t want to upset the balance of my food system but he was so hard to resist.


He bought seven—SEVEN CORNOGS—along with fries and two chocolate shakes. I might try one. But that left six for him. Good Lord that was a lot. Luckily, the food was in a box basket and he carried it and the drinks with one hand—how? Well if you ever saw his hands, it looked easy. He made sure to keep my hand in his other one. We entered the small cage of the Ferris wheel and he sat across from me, holding out the basket.

“I’m not going to be able to eat much.”

“Just eat what you like, Taylor. Don’t worry. It won’t go to waste.”

I took one and I didn’t like mustard, so I dipped it in the ketchup cup. I looked up at him before shaking my head and taking a bite.

Holy schmoly. I’m pretty sure I just had a mouth-gasm. I moaned and closed my eyes.

“This is so freaking good.”

The smile on Gage’s face when I opened my eyes was one of pure happiness. No cockiness or triumphant smirk, just genuine pleasure at me finding something so simple as finding a corndog delicious.

I scarfed two down and I didn’t eat fries, but I couldn’t help it. Maybe the grease was addicting because before I knew it, I had eaten a third corndog and half the fries in the box. As in scarfed them down like an animal. But they were so good.

Then to my utter embarrassment, I burped. Like oh my God! Belched.

“I am so sorry. That was so inappropriate.”

Then before I could do anything else, he reached across the Ferris wheel and planted a quick, hard kiss to my lips. “It’s okay. That was incredibly cute.”

“Oh, shut up. And please. You eat the rest.”

“Not if you want more. Eat as much as you’d like, babe.”

I did feel full enough though.

I shook my head and grabbed one of the shakes. “Nope, I’m good. They were really good. Probably mess up my whole system, but I’m pretty sure that was worth it. Wow. Corndogs. Who knew?”

He sat back, and wolfed down the rest before taking a pull of his own shake. My eyes landed on his Adams apple with each swallow. I wonder how much working out this was going to cost him. He looked so deliciously fit that eating all that must have been too much too. Hell, I knew I was going to work out a shit ton before these calories would fall off.


I looked up into his eyes with question. “Yeah?”

“Don’t worry about it. You’re perfect just the way you are. Corndogs are a national tradition. Everyone loves them.”

Not my mother. I kept myself from saying that out loud, luckily. I didn’t want to bring her into this. This was shaping out to be the perfect day. One I had never imagined for myself. We were almost to the top when he took my almost empty shake cup and set it in the far corner of his own booth. Gage surprised me by getting up and sitting down next to me, stretching out his legs on the metal floor. The booth tilted and my hand whipped out to grab his arm.

“Are you worried about balance?”

“Nope. These are safe enough to carry our weight on one side.”

He sounded confident so I trusted he knew what he was talking about before scooting over to give him some room.

“Can I see the photo booth photos?”

“In a minute. Look.” He pointed outward towards the sky.

When it was our turn to get to the top, the view was spectacular. Nothing major but the lights of Downtown Houston shone brightly in the background. It was a beautiful background to have. No one would ever imagine the dark, seedy things that truly happen out there.

Like this though, it was magical.

“Wow. This is pretty amazing.”

“Yes, you are.”

I turned to see him focused on me. Our eyes seemed to connect and I was lost.



Would he kiss me now? Did I want him to?

Yes. Yes I did.

“Would you kiss me, Gage?”

“Why don’t you come here and kiss me, Taylor?” He held out his arms and I placed my stuffed Scooby to the other bench and placed my hands on Gage’s shoulders for leverage.

I sat up on my knees, got closer until my knees touched his thighs. I leaned forward and put my lips slowly on his. Our eyes stayed connected until the last possible moment as our lips touched and my eyes closed. He kept his hands off me, letting me set the pace. I licked his bottom lip before sucking it between my lips, pressing even closer. My hands needed something to hold onto and found the collar of his shirt. I held on tight as our kiss became animated and passionate.

I slowly moved away, not opening my eyes yet until I put enough distance between us.

Mine opened to find his still closed. Did he want more? I did. He tasted like the chocolate shake we just drank and I couldn’t get enough.

Feeling bold, I crushed my lips down on his once again and I moved until I straddled his lap.

Thank God this thing was huge. And no one could see us. I was close enough to feel his desire against my core and I rubbed over it, creating a delicious friction against my clit. My mouth kissed the stubble on his jaw and down his neck until I felt the racing beat of his pulse and I sucked the skin deep.

But he still didn’t touch me. I kissed up to his ear, my whispered ‘hold me’ a desperate plea before going back to the groove of his neck.

A harsh curse sifted through the night air and his hands found my hips, helping me ride the crease of our jeans until I couldn’t take the pressure anymore. My mouth lifted off and I clutched onto him like a tick as I ground against him, my clit feeling swollen, hot and fuck me, I felt wet. My panties were damp and it felt so good, riding his jeans just like this.

“Gage. Oh, God that feels amazing.” A giggle came out and he captured it with his mouth. Just a little bit more.

My hands pulled and I rubbed myself harder and faster against him. His hands skimmed up my hips and underneath the soft blouse, caressing the skin on my waist where they found purchase. That soft caress against my stomach with his thumbs was the catalyst because before I knew it, I came undone in his arms.

Gage gently squeezed my soft flesh and I didn’t know about him, but I felt humiliated. What the hell was wrong with me?

I let go and avoided eye contact. I shook my head, amazed that I was so uncontrollable. Fucking idiot. I tried shoving away from him, but his hold on me tightened and his hands closed in, the palms finding my spine and held me close.

“Taylor? What’s wrong?”

His voice was husky with need and I was such a fool. I rode him like a wild animal. Clothes on, yes, but still.

“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to do that. God, what an idiot.” I whispered that last part but he cut me off, his hand like lightning as it secured behind my neck and forced me to remain as his lips found mine in a harsh, punishing kiss.

Then he gentled, licked at my lips and let go.

“You’re not an idiot, firecracker. Don’t ever let me hear you say that again. And trust me, I enjoyed every second of it. .However, we are descending so it might not be a bad idea to let me get on the other bench to cool off.”

My eyes widened and I looked down to see the hard ridge of his jean-clad erection flexing beneath his jeans.

“Shit. I’m sorry.” I scrambled off him and pushed myself against the side, the cool metal cooling my hot skin.

He chuckled and although he thought I didn’t see or hear, I heard him let out a small groan as he adjusted himself, before reaching out to Scooby and handing him to me, settling himself on the opposite bench.

“Look at me, honey.”

My eyes looked out to the night sky, the cool air wafting through the gate, cooling our passions.

Only when I felt myself in check did I look over to him. “Yes?”

“You look absolutely fucking perfect when you let go, firecracker.”

“Oh, God.”

“Why are you so embarrassed?”

Did he really not know? I mean how could a kiss make me want to tear off his clothes and do all kinds of naughty things with him? I shouldn’t even be thinking like that. This was just a friend-date-thing.


“Because what, Taylor?”

I pierced him with the look of death but that didn’t stop him from trying to get the answer from me.

“Taylor, tell me.”

“Has it ever occurred to you that I might not want to talk about it?”

“What did I tell you about your sassy mouth?”

“Ugh. Fine. Because that’s a first for me.”

“What is?”

The ride was almost to the bottom when I leaned in, and growled, “Being uncontrollable. I am always in control of how my body reacts. Since I met you my body hasn’t been right.”

“Maybe you need to be unrestrained. I don’t need or want your control, Taylor. I told you, you can be yourself while you’re with me.”

“I can’t! You don’t understand. This isn’t right.”

He sighed and let out a slow, tense breath.

“Why not, Taylor?”

“Because you have the power to hurt me!”

That’s when the Ferris wheel conductor had opened the door and I flew out, leaving him behind me.

Didn’t he get that? No one knew me. No one wanted to see the real me. I wasn’t the girl guys like him wanted. I rushed through the crowd, his voice calling out my name. He could talk and walk the part but in the long run, guys like him didn’t wait for girls like me. And that just made me feel disgusted with myself. I was too sick a person for a sweet guy like him. I was only going to hurt him in the long run.


Tears were clouding my eyes and I heard him again, but it wasn’t my name he yelled. I turned to see him racing through the crowd, and when I turned back around I tripped and before I face planted, strong hands swept me up and kept me from flailing.

I looked up at my rescuer and just as I was about to thank him, I was turned around abruptly, Gage’s lips sweeping over mine in ardent need.

His kiss gentled and when he let me go, his hands went over my shoulders, pulling me close to him as if he couldn’t bear it if I walked away.

“Taylor, if I have that power, then I know you feel something for me. It doesn’t matter what it is. It’s there, firecracker. Let me in, Taylor.” He kept me in his embrace as he turned to the couple close to us.

“Thanks for that, Stephen. Although you didn’t have to trip her.”

“I caught her, didn’t I?”

I turned my head to see my saboteur and rescuer, a blonde haired man who reached next to him and brought tight against his side a very beautiful blonde woman. I knew I looked a mess now, so I curved my face into Gage’s chest.

“Baby? This is one of my best friends, Stephen and his bride, Christina. Stephen, Christina, this is Taylor.”

“Your firecracker?”

Oh, God. They knew he called me that?

They each put out their hand and I hesitantly took each. Did he tell them what I did for a living? Looking at them, they looked like the perfect couple. I smiled back and looked up at Gage to see him looking down at me with a sweet, slow smile. Thankfully too many tears hadn’t run down my face so I didn’t look too splotchy. Just a little peaked.

He winked and brought me back to his chest, his arms cradling me, one resting on my collarbone and the other across my waist. He bent down and kissed my neck before he whispered, “Just breathe, firecracker.” Then he kissed my temple before engaging in a conversation with his friend. Christina walked around him and gave me a sweet smile.

“You’re the infamous girl Gage can’t stop talking about. I can see why. You’re beautiful. Would you like to go to a restroom? Put a damp cloth on your cheeks?”

“Do I look that bad?”

“No. Most definitely not. But it’ll help with the redness a bit so we can get back to our fun.”

I really didn’t want to be away from Gage, and when my eyes found him, he was deep in conversation with his friend. I didn’t want to interrupt so I turned back to the woman beside me and nodded. We walked to a public restroom and when I looked in the mirror, oh my gosh. I looked a fright.

“I look horrible.”

She patted my back with one hand and reached for some brown paper towels with the other. She got them wet as I tried wiping the worst of the running mascara away.

“Here, honey.”

I didn’t really like being called that by a woman, but she seemed so sweet and caring I let it slide. Christina looked like every man’s fantasy.

She turned my face and gently patted underneath my eyes, and wiped away the rest of the mascara before throwing that away, reaching for another set of towels.

She handed them over after she got them wet and told me to hold it over the bridge of my nose and my upper cheeks. I did as I was told and she washed her hands and leaned against the mirrors.


I looked over to her and her eyes looked me over with slow precision and calculation. What the hell?

“Taylor, you know Gage really likes you.”

I knew that. I did. My head was full of jumbling thoughts. Mostly my mother’s voice was running rampant up there but my heart was trying to push past it.

“I know.”

“How old are you?”

“Almost twenty-three.”

“Wow. Still pretty young.”

“He’s not that old.”

She laughed and nodded. “No, he’s not. I didn’t mean anything by it. I just meant your life is just beginning, right? A serious relationship is a commitment.”

Her voice wasn’t rude or condemning. But I didn’t answer since she didn’t know a thing about my life. I’m pretty sure I’ve lived enough lives for several people. She wouldn’t have anything to say if I told her what I really did for a living. She’d probably bulk at it and tell Gage that he was too good for me.

She’d be right, but still.

“TAYLOR! You in there, firecracker?”

“Yeah! I’m coming.”

I looked at Christina, shrugged and walked around her.

“Taylor, I can tell you’re a nice girl. I’m just warning you, Gage can become attached. Hell, he is already. The way he talks about you and is always rushing to leave when he’s not working…”


“Make him happy.”

“Christina, that’s not for you to worry about, honey.” Stephen said from outside the room. Was this room not sound proof?

I walked out to find Gage looking at me with kind eyes. “You ready, Taylor?”

I nodded and he reached over to take my hand.

“We’re gonna head out to the lake.”

“Heard, bro. Take it easy. It was nice meeting you, Taylor.” Stephen took my shoulder and gently squeezed before grabbing a hold on Christina and tucking her back into his side. “She means well, I promise you.”

“I get it, she’s looking out for him. That’s what friends are for.”

“Told you she’d get it. They are perfect for each other.”

My eyes widened and Gage chuckled, turning me to walk back towards the carnival entrance.

“Where are we going now?”

“It’s only nine, let me take you somewhere nice so you can relax. I promise, you’ll like this. Do you trust me?”

“Yes. I do.”

And the strange thing was, I did. He was breaching past my walls and making room for himself smack dab in the middle of it all.

He kissed me gently and we walked hand in hand to his truck and something just felt right about his hand wrapped over mine.







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