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My Omega's Baby: An Mpreg Romance (Bodyguards and Babies Book 1) by S.C. Wynne (15)

Chapter Fifteen



When I opened the car door, Riley West was reclined on the back seat of the limo wearing dark sunglasses. He lifted them and gave me an up-and-down look. “Are you the guy who’s supposed to take a bullet for me?”

“I’d rather it didn’t come to that. But if it does, then yeah.” I smiled and crouched as I climbed in the car. He moved so that I could sit next to him.

“I thought you’d be older.” His dark gaze was intense.

I shut the door. “I thought you’d be high.”

He grinned. “Who says I’m not?” He smoothed his hand over his long, wheat-colored hair.

“I’m not here to judge.” I met the driver’s gaze over the half-lowered partition. “I’m all set.” He nodded and the car pulled slowly into the busy street. I shifted to face my new client. I held out my hand. “Blade Carr.”

He laughed and we shook. “That’s the perfect name for a bodyguard.”

“It’s not made-up.”

“Cool.” He leaned forward and grabbed a beer from a minifridge. He held it up. “Want one?”


He twisted the top off and sat back with a groan. He sipped his beer and studied me. “Do you enjoy your job?”

I nodded. “I do.”

“This is probably going to be pretty tame compared to what you usually do.”

I laughed. “To be honest, it’s rare that any job has anything big happen. Most of the time, I’m sitting around waiting on my client.”

“So no death-defying car chases or gun battles?”

I thought about the Russian asshole who’d attacked me and Wyatt. “Some. But mostly I’m here just in case someone gets a little too friendly with you.”

“Got it.” He took another long swig off his beer. “Have you ever heard any of my music?”

I frowned. “I’m not sure.”

He smirked. “You didn’t read my bio?”

“No. I did.” I’d studied his background, and I’d planned on listening to some of this songs, but I’d been so under the weather I’d let that last part slip. “I just ran out of time.”

He started singing a little tune as he watched me. “Recognize it?”

“What are the words?”

He squinted. “You ripped my heart out, you stupid jerk. I should have known it would never work.”

I couldn’t help it, and I chuckled. “Seriously?”

He nodded with a grin. “That’s my number one song. Are you dissing me?”

“No way.” I pressed my lips together to keep from laughing some more. “I like songs that rhyme.” Now that I thought about it, I’d actually heard that song on the radio.

“Damn straight.” He finished off his beer and grabbed another. “That one song paid for my ginormous house in Aspen.” He looked out the window, and his expression became somber. “I write good stuff too, but it’s the crap that sells.”

“Crap is a strong word.”

He slid his gaze to mine. “Appreciate the tact. But it is what it is.”

“Well, at least you get to enjoy the good life. You make a nice living, and you have adoring fans all around the world.”

He grimaced. “I guess. But they don’t really know me, so they actually adore a guy who doesn’t exist.”

I didn’t respond since I had no idea what to say.

He gave a self-conscious laugh. “Sorry. I’m in a weird mood.”

“Maybe because you’re going home?”

“You’re smart.” He smiled. “That’s exactly it. Going back to my hometown has me all uptight.”

“Do you have family there still?”

He nodded and his expression darkened. “But my parents and I aren’t exactly close.”

“They don’t approve of your rock ’n’ roll lifestyle?”

His laugh was hard. “They don’t approve of anything about me.” He bit his lip. “I’m gay.”

I kept my face blank. His sexual orientation had nothing to do with me. “And?”

He laughed. “And my parents are super religious and embarrassed by me. I know it’s nuts that in 2017 being gay is still a thing for some people, but they’re as closed-minded as ever.” He held my gaze. “Of course when I bought them a brand-new Mercedes, they pushed through and were able to overlook it for a moment.”


“You won’t tell anyone, right?”

I frowned. “That you’re gay?” If he was worried about his privacy, I wasn’t sure why he’d shared that secret with a stranger. But sometimes people did confide in me about really personal things. I guess because I was in charge of their safety, they felt they could trust me about everything.

He nodded.

“Of course not. Your fans have no idea?” I wondered how he kept that a secret. Especially if he was followed around by paparazzi.

“There are rumors. But my manager, Tom, just denies them, and we go on like always.” He sighed. “It’s a drag to be sure, but ninety percent of my fan base is female, and Tom thinks it would hurt my career.”

“People are weird.”

“Yeah,” he said softly. “I think my fans would accept me, but I have a lot of people who depend on me for their livelihood. Tom says it isn’t my choice to make.”

I frowned. “Of course it’s your choice. It’s your life.”

He looked around as if he was nervous. “Don’t let Tom hear you say that.”

I felt bad for him and couldn’t quite understand why he seemed to think he worked for Tom instead of the other way around. “It’s none of my business.” I crossed my hands in my lap.

He had another beer and we didn’t really talk much more until we arrived at the airport. He had a private jet waiting, so things went a little smoother than if we’d been flying commercial. The flight took a couple of hours, and we landed just as the sun was going down in Austin, Texas. There was another limo waiting for us on the tarmac, and a large group of screaming fans with banners were near the terminal.

Riley waved and blew kisses, and the girls screamed and jumped up and down. We slid into the limo, and Riley’s smile faded immediately. I had to wonder why he seemed so miserable. I knew he was under a lot of pressure, but he also lived a rather charmed life. There were plenty of people who would give their right arm to have the kind of career he had.

Once the luggage was loaded, we drove about a half hour to a nice hotel. I’d known we were staying in a hotel, but it was unusual since his family lived here. It showed how truly estranged from his parents he was.

Maybe he could sense my thoughts, because he volunteered, “I prefer to stay in a hotel. I have my independence and privacy this way.”

I shrugged. “Whatever you want, boss.”

He sighed. “Trust me, it would be hell for you too if we stayed with my parents. They’d no doubt try and convert you.”

I laughed. “I’m not complaining. I like hotels.” It would be easier to see all the entrances and exits this way too. It was always more awkward staying in someone’s private home while trying to do security work. They tended to leave doors unlocked and things like that, and it was uncomfortable having to remind them when it was their house.

We walked into the hotel, and a stocky man with an expensive suit came striding toward us. “You guys are late.” He scowled at Riley, and I met his impatient gaze without speaking.

“It’s not like we stopped at a strip club on the way. Jesus, we busted our ass to get here, Tom.” Riley looked annoyed.

I eyed the older man, finding his aggressive energy off-putting. But I didn’t say anything because it wasn’t my place. I heaved my overnight bag higher on my shoulder and tried to look pleasant.

“You have a meet and greet in an hour.” He leaned closer to Riley. “Are you drunk?”

Riley scowled. “No. I had a few beers.”

He wasn’t drunk, I could attest to that. He hadn’t seemed impaired in any way and had been sharp and alert the entire drive. I followed them as we made our way to the elevators. We stepped into the empty car, and Tom followed.

“The contest winners from the Orlando giveaway are going to be here at the meet and greet. Remember, one of them has a father who’s a senator, so let’s charm the pants off of her.”

“Why? Are you planning on running for president or something?” Riley rolled his eyes.

“The more powerful people you have on your side, the better, kid.” Tom turned to me. “I’m Riley’s manager, Tom Kincade.” He stuck out his hand and we shook.

“Blade Carr.” I held his gaze, well aware this kind of blowhard needed to know upfront I wasn’t a pushover.

“You’re younger than the last guy.”

My face warmed and I met Riley’s amused gaze. “I said the same thing,” he said.

I allowed a stiff smile. “I’ve been on the job eight years. No need to worry.”

“I’m not worried.” Riley laughed. “I’m glad you’re not some old geezer.”

Tom sighed. “Keep it in your pants, Riley.”

Riley scowled. “What?”

“The last thing we need is photos of you and your bodyguard making out.”

My face got even hotter. For one thing, I didn’t care for the tone he took with Riley, and for another why did he assume I’d go along with a make-out session with Riley? “No one’s making out with anyone.” My voice was gruff.

“Jesus, Tom. You can be such a dick sometimes.” Riley avoided my gaze.

“We just don’t need any problems.” Tom looked oblivious to how much he’d annoyed us. He scrolled through messages on his phone, muttering under his breath. “Oh, yeah. Your parents said they can’t make the show tonight. But they want to have breakfast with you tomorrow.”

Riley’s mouth hardened. “What a surprise.”

“Hey, at least they still want to see you.” Tom shrugged. “Last time, they completely ditched you.”

I met Riley’s wounded gaze. “I guess the Mercedes did the trick.”

Riley gave a grudging smile. “Yeah, now they feel obligated to at least have a meal with me when I’m in town.”

Tom made an impatient sound and gave me a surly look. “Riley, have you been telling this guy your personal business? He’s your bodyguard, not your therapist. He doesn’t need to hear all your dirty laundry.”

Red spears appeared on Riley’s cheeks.

Tom was really beginning to bug me. “I’m here for whatever Riley needs. If he wants to talk, that’s fine by me.” I gave Riley an encouraging smile.

Riley’s mouth softened. “Yeah, so fuck off, Tom.”

I laughed and Tom gave me a look that could kill.

“Sure, go ahead and laugh, Blade. You think he’s charming now. Wait until he’s puking on your shoes at three in the morning and refusing to go back to the hotel because he just wants one more drink.”

Riley inhaled sharply and wouldn’t meet my gaze. “That was a year ago. When are you going to stop bringing that up?”

“I think it’s important you remember how close you were to losing it all,” Tom snapped. He turned toward me. “You won’t be here in a few days, and I will be. Don’t get too attached.”

I was speechless. I’d never had anyone who worked for my client treat me and my client so rudely. I had to wonder if Tom even liked Riley. He seemed to resent everything about him.

“Jesus, Tom.” Riley looked embarrassed.

I didn’t usually engage with assholes if I could help it, but Tom was getting on my last nerve. I had a horrible headache, and I felt slightly nauseous from the long trip. He’d be lucky if I didn’t end up puking on his shoes before the night was over.

I leaned toward Tom, and I hunched my shoulders, trying to look as intimidating as possible. “I don’t work for you. I work for Riley.”

Tom looked shocked, and his eyes widened. “Excuse me?”

“You heard me.” Maybe I was less patient than usual because I was pregnant. But all I knew was Tom was a prick, and I just wanted to get into my hotel room and put my feet up.

To my relief, Riley chimed in. “Yeah, he works for me, not you. You need to relax. I’ll be on time for the meet and greet, and I’ll charm whoever I need to charm. Just like always.”

Tom gave me a dirty look, and when the elevator doors opened, me and Riley stepped out and left him there. We hurried down the long hall to our adjoining rooms. I entered his room and did a quick sweep, and then I opened the connecting door to my room. I left it open and moved into my area, pulling off my tie and jacket.

He appeared in the doorway. “Tom’s not always a jerk.”

I met his wary gaze. “It’s none of my business.”

“I appreciate you standing up for me.”

I shrugged. “I felt he was out of line.”

He leaned against the doorframe. “I wasn’t hitting on you.”

I glanced up. “I know.”

“Good.” He went back into his room.

I heard the shower start in Riley’s room, so I kicked off my shoes and reclined on my bed. My feet were swollen and throbbing. I thought about how nice Wyatt had been lately, massaging my head when I didn’t feel good and making me healthy meals. I was surprised to realize I missed him. Being around an asshole like Tom made me long to vent with Wyatt. I knew he’d make me laugh and I’d soon forget what a douche Tom was.

I forced myself to crawl off my comfortable bed and drink the complimentary bottle of water in the room. Then I changed my clothes in the bathroom and waited until Riley announced he was ready to go.

Riley had changed into skintight black leather pants and a studded tank top that showed off his tanned biceps. He had a nice body, but I didn’t feel attracted to him. I’d kind of wondered after what had happened with Wyatt if maybe now I would find other guys appealing. But I hadn’t felt even a twinge of anything sexual toward any other man yet.

However, when I thought about Wyatt, that same insatiable hunger hit me and left me breathless. I wondered what he was up to tonight. Would he miss me too? He’d acted like he didn’t want me to go when I’d left the house this morning. He’d leaned in and given me a long, soft good-bye kiss. Just thinking about it made my cock warm.

I hated to admit it, but I was falling for Wyatt. The idea of that scared me. I was still worried that he only wanted to be around me because of the baby. If I developed real feelings for him, I could end up with a broken heart at the end of all of this.

Sometimes the thought of what we could have together seemed worth the risk. And other times it scared me too much to even consider.

Riley and I left the room and headed down to the lobby. Tom waited near a potted fern, looking irritable. When he saw us, some of the tension left his face. “There you are.” He grabbed Riley’s elbow. “Remember, the winner from Orlando is named Theresa, and she’s the one with the dad who’s a senator.”

Riley rolled his eyes and gave an exaggerated sigh. “Got it.”

We walked the long hallway that was lined with giggling girls, pointing and whispering. Riley seemed calm about it all, and he’d stop and sign autographs and take selfies with some of the fans. I had to admire how nice he was to them. If they annoyed him, you’d never have known it. He seemed warm and kind, showing none of the resentment he’d expressed in the limo.

Tom ushered him into a side room where there were three girls seated, biting their nails and looking extremely nervous. When they saw Riley, all three jumped up and gasped. I stood back and scanned the area while they hugged him and talked excitedly.

I leaned against the wall just inside the door, not really listening to the conversation Riley had with his guests. A half hour passed as Riley chatted and laughed with his contest winners.

All in all it was pretty boring, until a tall kid scooted under the velvet rope that was there to keep people out. There was something about his jittery demeanor and set jaw that got my instincts alert.

I stepped in front of him. “This is a private area.” I tried not to sound too intimidating in case he really was just in the wrong place.

He stopped and looked at me, his gaze muddled. “Riley will want to see me.”

I glanced toward Riley, who looked up at that moment. He didn’t seem to have any recognition on his face, so I turned back to the kid. “I think you need to wait outside. I’m sure you’ll get a chance to meet Riley after he’s done here.”

He scowled. “Who are you?”

“I’m nobody.” I spoke calmly.

He blinked at me as if confused. “Well, then, you have no business keeping me from my boyfriend.”

I was positive Riley hadn’t recognized the guy earlier, but the kid seemed so confident, it did make me question if I’d read Riley correctly. I turned to Riley and pointed at the kid with my eyebrows raised.

He frowned and then shrugged. That told me all I needed to know as little alarm bells went off that the guy was not all there. “Look, how about we go outside and talk this over.”

“I don’t want to talk to you.” He stood on his tiptoes, and he waved, yelling, “Riley. Who is this guy?”

Riley’s expression became wary, and he stood up. I was losing patience with the kid as he became more and more agitated. I didn’t want him to fuck up the meet and greet.

“Come on. Outside. Now,” I said firmly.

“But we love each other.”

If Riley was madly in love with this guy, he sure hadn’t shown it just now. Anxiety seemed to come off the kid in waves, and he tried to push past me. “Riley, honey.”

“Look, you need to relax.”

“Relax?” he hissed. “Why are you people always trying to keep us apart?”

I tried another tactic. “Riley’s busy right now. You don’t want him to get mad at you, right? Let’s wait outside and give him a chance to do his job.”

“Oh, you’d love that, wouldn’t you?” His eyes were wide. “Then you could keep me away forever.”

I took hold of his arm. “Buddy, I don’t even know you.”

He laughed. “Right.”

Feeling impatient, I said, “Let’s go.” I pressed against him to force him to back up, and he stumbled slightly and slipped his hand into his jacket. His expression morphed from pathetic to malevolent, and I knew I had a major problem on my hands. I shoved him out of the room and followed, determined to get whatever he had in his jacket away from him. We wrestled silently, his face flushed and angry and me focused on one thing: subduing him as quietly as possible.

A line of fans were about three feet away, and they watched us grapple in startled silence.

“Let me go,” he screeched. “He loves me.”

He kneed my groin and I clenched my jaw, holding back my yelp of pain and still trying to hold his arms down. He managed to slip one arm from my desperate grasp, and he pulled something from beneath his blazer. I recognized it instantly as a handgun.


There was one panicked moment where I thought about the baby I carried, but then I pushed all thoughts of myself away and body slammed the kid to the ground. There was a loud bang and the fans screamed and scattered. My side hurt like hell, but I kept on top of the kid, who continued to curse and wrestle with me.

Two security guards came rushing up to help, and we managed to subdue the kid and take the gun away. I was breathing like I’d run a race, and sweat streaked down my face. My side burned and I glanced down and saw a red stain on my shirt. Panicked, I pulled my shirt up and was relieved to see the bullet hadn’t gone into my body. There was a long, bloody welt on my skin, but he hadn’t actually shot me.

The relief was overwhelming, and I felt like crying because the baby was safe. I squeezed my eyes and held back the emotions that attacked me, and I sucked in a calming breath.

The baby is okay.

“Shit.” Riley ran up to me with a horrified expression as he stared at my blood-stained shirt. “Are you hurt?”

I shook my head and took his arm. “Do you know that guy?” I was still tense, worried that maybe the kid hadn’t acted alone. You never knew in a situation like this.

“No. I’ve never seen him before.” He looked pale and rattled. “Was he trying to… hurt me?”

“Yeah. You could say that.”

The security guards had dragged the kid down the hallway, but he kept screaming toward us, begging Riley to talk to him. When the cops arrived, they cuffed the kid and took him away. One of them came down and talked to me to get my side of the story. Then he interviewed a bunch of the fans who’d been in the hallway when it all went down.

I had an almost overwhelming need to call Wyatt. I wanted to hear his voice so bad I physically ached, but I didn’t have any privacy and I had to focus on Riley. We spent another hour talking to the authorities, and then we had to head over to the concert arena where Riley needed to do his sound check.

I pushed all thoughts of Wyatt and the baby from my mind and got back into game mode.