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My Perfect Fit: A M/m Age Play Romance (Pieces Book 2) by M.A. Innes (12)


“I’m leaving now, boys. Be good, and Maddox, don’t let Bryan use the kitchen!” Mom’s voice echoed through the house dragging me awake.

“Bye, we’ll be careful!” Mad’s voice was entirely too cheerful and loud first thing in the morning. “Say good-bye to your mother.”

“Bye!” I poked my head out of the covers long enough to call down to her then burrowed right back under. “Now can I go back to sleep?”

“Yes, but didn’t you hear her at the door a few minutes ago?”

“No.” Sleep was starting to call my name again.

“She said she felt bad about leaving us all weekend, so she’d stopped at the bakery and brought back breakfast for us.” Mad let that sink in for a few minutes.

“It’s the weekend? She had that birthday party thing, right?” My brain was starting to clear and I knew I’d said something important. “Oh, it’s Saturday!”

Now he laughed and something about the sound sent shivers down my spine right to my dick. It sounded dirty. Like he was some kind of naughty mad scientist or something. “It’s Saturday!” I know I sounded silly and giddy but I’d been waiting for my punishment to be over for what felt like years and not days.

Well, maybe not exactly because I liked the whole not getting to come thing. Kind of. But today was the day that I was going to get to orgasm again—hopefully several times to make up for the last couple of days. I’d gotten used to the constant erection but knowing that the end was in sight was making my dick even harder.

I pushed the pillow off my head. “It’s Saturday, Daddy.”

Mad leaned down and gave me a quick kiss. “That’s right. You’ve been a very good boy this week. Did you learn your lesson?”

It was weird that a part of me wanted to say no, right?

“Yes, I’ll be more careful and pay attention to what I’m supposed to be doing.”

“Especially when it’s dangerous to daydream?”

Now I could feel the heat rising to my face but I managed to nod and give him a reasonable verbal response. “Yes, Daddy.” Not a full sentence but he seemed okay with it.

“Good boy. Let’s put some clothes on you then we’ll go have breakfast.”

All I heard was clothes on and I couldn’t help but frown, “But…”

Daddy reached down and gave my diaper a swat. “No, buts. I’m going to get you ready for the day, then we’re going to eat. After that, we’ll talk about the plan for today.” He gave me a stern look but the sexy gleam in his eyes let me know he wasn’t angry. No, he was horny.

“I understand. I’ll be good.” Whatever he had in mind I didn’t want to ruin it. I also wasn’t sure I wanted to know about it either.

Maddox pushed the covers off and rolled me over. I buried my head under my pillow again while he scooted around the bed and started taking my diaper off. He was talking to himself and I missed most of it but it was something about “One of these days…”

I wanted to know…but I didn’t. My mortification won because I knew whatever he’d been talking about or planning I probably wasn’t ready to hear. He gave my hip a pat then pulled the pillow off. “Hop on into the bathroom, Baby. I’ll be in there in a minute to brush your teeth for you.”

This was different. “Yes.”

I climbed off the bed and did my best to ignore my half-hard dick waving in front of me. Mad came in as I was finishing up shaving. “Good boy.”

That had my dick perking up more. The fact that he’d come up close behind me didn’t help the matter any. He wasn’t technically rubbing himself against me, but I could feel the heat coming off his body. Being naked while he was dressed just did something to me every time.

He wrapped his arms around me and gave me a kiss on the neck. “My pretty baby. Let’s finish getting you ready for the day.”

There was something about the way he said it. Like he had a secret and I didn’t know about it yet. He brushed my teeth and then insisted on being the one to put my deodorant on. That was weird…like a really intimate kind of weird for some reason.

When we got out of the bathroom, he led me over to the bed. He’d laid out clothes and for a minute I was so distracted by that, I almost missed the important parts.

“All right, B. Hop up. I’ve got your toys out and all ready for you.” He said it in a soothing, almost innocent voice. I knew I was standing there looking like an idiot, but I couldn’t help it. Looking over the items he’d set out I saw my…ring and the plug laying right beside a jock and a bottle of lube. My brain stopped working completely. “We have the whole house to ourselves and you’re going to be Daddy’s special boy all day.”

It wasn’t a question, so there was nothing to say. He was very matter-of-factly laying out how the day was going to go. So I crawled onto the bed and lay down with my legs hanging off the side. My brain was still short-circuiting but my cock decided that it loved the idea. It was fully erect and leaking precum by the time I got settled.

Just lying there, I wasn’t sure what to do next. The whole sex-shocked brain might have had something to do with it. Luckily, Daddy knew exactly what he wanted. Maybe luckily…maybe not. He reached over to the nightstand and grabbed a baby wipe.

“Let’s make sure you’re all clean after wearing your diaper.” His voice started to get deeper and even though I was crazy embarrassed, my arousal didn’t dim at all. If anything, hearing him talk about it made me even more turned on. He used the wipe, cleaning me thoroughly and looking at me like I was the sexiest thing he’d ever seen.

I still couldn’t get used to it.

Once I was cleaned to his satisfaction, he put my legs up on the edge of the bed, spreading me wide. I was alternating between feeling so mortified I couldn’t breathe and so turned on I couldn’t catch my breath. Mad must have been used to my losing it because he rubbed one hand on my leg and kept opening the lube with the other. “It’s okay. My sexy boy is going to love this.”

There was still nothing to decide and nothing that I had to say. I lay there and watched as he squirted some lube onto his fingers and then brought it to my ass. I was doing good until he started that stupid sexy baby talk. Then I had to hide. There was no way around it.

“Look at how pretty you are. Spread out for Daddy so he can get your special places all ready. You’re going to like getting dressed up for me.” His finger was making tight circles around my hole. I couldn’t wait for what was coming next. “Oh, look at that. Daddy almost forgot what needed to come first.”

His finger moved away from my…special place and I knew better than to peek. Me seeing what was coming would not make me any less nuts. Yup, I was right. I felt the tight ring wrapping around my straining cock and I squeezed my eyes shut as it tightened around me.

“There, now your special place looks sexy and you’re not going to be able to come without permission. Daddy doesn’t want to have to spank you for being a bad boy today.” He said it like there was nothing he’d rather do more than bend me over his lap. Me neither.

Once he had me secured, his fingers went down and this time he didn’t hesitate before easing one finger inside me. “Oh, Daaaddyyy.”

“That’s my baby.” His fingers stretched and readied me for what seemed like forever. Eventually, he had three fingers moving inside my tight hole, making me crazy. I was desperately trying not to thrust back and try for more but I was running out of patience. When he pulled his fingers out, I was relieved and disappointed…but I’d forgotten about the plug.

He slid it inside me in one long, slow, motion.

The only thing that kept me on the bed was his strong hand on my chest. It felt incredible. It probably wasn’t that big but it made me feel stuffed. There was no way I was going to forget it was inside of me. Not to mention the amazing feeling when I clenched down and it hit my prostate.


My eyes flew open and I had to try and look. I was in the wrong position to see much but my cock was hard and looked almost obscene with the ring wrapped around it. Mostly what I noticed was the way Maddox was watching me.

It was like he couldn’t get enough of me.

“Look at how pretty my boy looks. Your special places look so cute all dressed up. I’m glad you like your new toy…it’s almost like a special binkie isn’t it? Clench down on it again and show Daddy how much you like your toy.” Then he ran his thumb over the head of my cock and I couldn’t help but do what he said. The pleasure radiated through me and it felt sexy and naughty. He was watching. “That’s my good boy. We won’t make it vibrate today. We’ll save that for another time.”

I was so turned on I couldn’t think. It was embarrassing and horrifying but so damned exciting. It made me want to come right then. The only thing stopping me was the damned ring. I wasn’t sure if I was grateful for it or not.

“All right. Almost ready, then we’ll go eat.”

I was going to have to walk downstairs and eat like this?

I might have said that out loud, or Mad could see it on my face because he chuckled then held up the jock. “Let’s get this on you. When you told me about these the other day, I couldn’t wait to see you wearing it. You’re going to look incredible.”

Watching as he started dressing me in the jock, I was too horny and too shocked to help. Not that he needed it. He kept moving my legs around and getting me settled like he’d been doing it forever. Once the jock was on and he had my track pants halfway up my legs he took my hands and had me stand up.

His smile was almost wolfish as he started pulling my pants up. It made me want to start begging for things.…What, I didn’t know. I needed something. It felt like I’d been horny and hard forever.

Mad stopped when the pants were just below my ass. Palming my cheeks, he squeezed my…bottom and pulled me close. It was probably supposed to be a quick kiss but it went on and on as he teased the little toy and kept me right on the edge of desperation.

Only stopping when we were breathless and I was unconsciously rubbing my cock against his, he gave my bottom a quick smack. “Naughty boy. Are you allowed to do that? You know your special places are only for Daddy.”

I felt deliciously ashamed when he looked at me like that and talked about my…body belonging to him. I fought the urge to squirm and lost, a blush heating my face. “I’m sorry.”

There was something so erotic about standing here with my…bottom hanging out while he told me I was being naughty. Knowing that I’d basically given myself to him was so…incredible didn’t seem to be the right word, but I couldn’t figure out another one.

My apology earned me a kiss on the head and a pat on my ass. I wanted to wiggle and thrust up against him. Just the fact that I couldn’t made me want it even more. By the time he eased my pants over my…bottom, I was biting my lips not to moan. Every breath seemed to make the toy nudge my prostate. How was I supposed to get down the stairs, much less eat breakfast?

“No shirt, Baby. I want you as naked as possible for me today.” That wicked smile said that he wished he could leave me a lot more naked. Suddenly, I was glad for the pants. I’d thought they were too soft and clingy, but they were a lot better than nothing.

“Yes, Daddy.”

That earned me another kiss, this time on my forehead. “You sit down and wait. I’ll finish getting ready then we’ll go check out those pastries.”

Sitting was harder than I would have thought. By the time I was settled on the bed to wait for him, I was breathing hard and my cock was throbbing. The ring was definitely the only thing keeping me from exploding. As he walked toward the bathroom, he looked back and I knew whatever he was going to say was going to make me crazy.

He just had that look.

“If you’re a good boy, you can play with your toy while Daddy’s busy.” He must have seen my confusion because he walked back over to the bed. Taking my hips in his hands, he rolled them in a circle. It was like lightning exploded throughout my body. “See, you can play with your toy. Just no touching and no coming.”

I know he kissed my cheek because I felt it but everything was fuzzy and I may have closed my eyes. It was kind of hard to figure out. The only thing I could focus on was the amazing sensations flooding me.

I had no idea how long it took him to get ready. One minute he was walking toward the bathroom in his pajamas, the next he was standing in front of me with his clothes on, grinning at me.

“Someone likes playing with their toys.”

That was an understatement.



His hands were pulling me to sit up. When had I lain down? “What?” Clenching down on the plug had me breathless again and I caught myself pushing my bottom down onto the bed trying to get more.

“Let’s go eat. Take my hand.” He helped me stand and my legs were like rubber. It took me a few seconds before I was sure that they would actually hold my weight. “No more playing with your toy.”

I should have been embarrassed, but I was too aroused and confused to think of anything but how good I felt. How I wanted even more. I guess I didn’t hide my feelings about that because he laughed and reached out to pat my bottom. “Relax your bottom, B. It’s not going to fall out, and I’m not going to let you have fun with it the whole time. Your special place will be too sore for Daddy to play with if you don’t listen.”

I found my embarrassment.

It came flooding back when I realized he wasn’t going to let us go anywhere until I stopped teasing the plug. Just knowing that he could tell what I was doing made my face so red it hurt. I know I had to look like a tomato or something, but I was pleased that I didn’t hide.

I might have closed my eyes.

I told myself that I was only keeping them closed until I could calm down and function. It wasn’t very believable, but it kept me from hiding so I wasn’t going to push myself. I took a few deep breaths and managed to relax around the plug so it wasn’t pressing up against my prostate.

That helped me to be able to think. Reminding myself that this was Mad—Daddy, and I didn’t have anything to be embarrassed about helped a little. Reminding myself that I was going to get to come today helped even more. Turned out that the promise of an orgasm helped me to function better than I thought it would.

Opening my eyes, I looked at Mad and gave him a small smile. “I’m ready.”

It was easy to see that he didn’t believe me. “Are you sure, B? We can take another minute if you need to. You were pretty far gone.”

“Gone?” I wasn’t sure what he meant.

“You sank into subspace. That happy fuzzy feeling that you get when you’ve been really turned on for a while? That’s subspace.”

I’d read about it and understood what he was talking about. I guess I’d just never connected the dots. “Oh, yeah I guess so, huh.”

“You go there fast and it takes a lot out of you. It didn’t even take me more than a few minutes to get a shower and stuff. You were already halfway to completely zoned out by the time I got clothes on.” He pulled me into his arms and let me cuddle against him. “God, it was so hot watching you tease yourself on that toy. We’re definitely doing that again. Next time you’re going to be naked.”

I groaned and tried to hide in his neck. He laughed and hugged me tighter. “Don’t be embarrassed. I love you and I love watching you, Baby.”

Pushing back the self-consciousness, I took a deep breath of his scent, then gave him a little kiss. Straightening up, I gave him a smile. “Let’s eat. I’m starving.”

Thankfully, he didn’t ask me if I was sure. I don’t know what I would have said. The idea of walking down the stairs was still daunting. If I could get down to the kitchen without coming, I was going to have earned those pastries.




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