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Nothing Special by A.E. Via (39)

The 2nd Best Gift of Them All

Saturday afternoon Vikki was downstairs in Day’s home putting the finishing touches on the decorations and getting the caterers in order for God and Day’s promotion slash partnership celebration. A lot of people had pitched in to help with the costs of the event since Day refused to let them use the department's party funds. He looked out of Genesis’s bedroom window and was really impressed with how they’d turned the back yard of his home into a beautifully decorated BBQ party. God and Day were simple men, so walking around in dressy clothes eating frilly finger foods wouldn’t cut it.

God pulled Day into his arms, kissing his neck and shoulders before working his way up slowly to his chin. “I’m so in love with you. You were perfect last night.”

“I love you back, babe.” Day tilted his head back and thrust into him.

God slid down and grabbed both of Day’s ass cheeks and massaged them while moaning in his ear.

“Hell! Come on guys, do y’all have to be sexing all the time?” Genesis covered his eyes as if he’d been blinded.

“Yes,” Day snapped.

“Awww. Don’t get mad Uncle Leo.” Genesis teased Day… as usual. Genesis loved to get a rise out of his Uncle Leo. He started calling Day and his brother Jaxson “Uncle” since the guys rode his hide like they were related. Anytime Genesis got a speeding ticket or a “C” on a test, or made any kind of slip up… they were all over him.

After they’d moved God’s mom into her new apartment, Genesis had moved in with them and Day loved how happy his man was to finally have peace within himself now that his family was whole again. Genesis was a great kid and Day could see more and more of God in him every day. Even when the big goofball went off to college he’d always have a room here in their home… especially since he’d only be an hour and half away at the University of Georgia playing in front of millions as a Georgia Bulldog this fall.

“Gen, how many times do I have to tell you to knock on our door?” God walked over to his brother and yanked him down into a headlock.

“I did knock but you guys were moaning and grunting so loud you didn’t hear me.” Genesis laughed and started elbowing God in his side so he'd release him. “I came up here to tell you that I invited my friend Terry to the party and I don’t want you guys grilling him and asking him a million questions. We’re not a couple or anything… we’re just kicking it.” Genesis shrugged.

“Okay, but you don’t have to worry about us embarrassing you, because both our moms will be here, so I suggest you have this conversation with them.” Day smiled at Genesis while lacing up his black-and-red Jordans. “You know my mom thinks you’re this goody-two-shoes honor student who’s saving himself until marriage. She doesn’t see the actual pervert that we live with.”

Day threw his head back and laughed when Genesis started shaking his head back and forth.

“Gen, go down and tell Vikki we’ll be down soon. I have something to say to Day first.” God shoved Genesis toward the door.

“Oh, I know exactly what you have to say to him and I think it goes like this… ‘Ugh, yes! Just like that, sweetheart! Don’t stop! ’” Genesis shouted in mock ecstasy and ran from God as he chased him down the hall. Genesis’s long legs took the stairs four at a time trying to escape his brother.

“I’ll get you later, shithead. Don’t fall asleep before I do,” God yelled down the stairs.

Day laughed at his lover when he came back in the room. “I told you to be quieter when we fuck, babe.” Day smirked.

God looked at Day like he wanted to devour him. “I can’t help it if you make me scream, lover.”

“He is good at that,” the sexy voice said from the door.

God and Day turned knowing glares at their friends.

“What are you guys doing?” God smiled and walked over to kiss both men on their lips, Johnson lingering a little longer, like he always did.

Ronowski slunk into the room and settled in behind Day. He kissed his neck and Day turned and kissed him quickly. “You look good, baby boy.”

“So do you.” Ronowski smiled at him, nuzzling the side of his face.

Day had to admit that they looked pretty good for their party. God was in khaki cargo shorts and a simple white V-neck T-shirt. God’s tan Timberland boots made him look like a roughneck. Day had on black shorts and a black-and-white collared shirt. They’d been sure to tell Vikki that everyone should dress casually, like they normally would for a BBQ. This was an informal party.

“Ro wants to know if you guys feel up to some company tonight,” Johnson spoke up.

God grabbed Johnson’s large biceps and jerked him forward, slamming him into his rock-hard chest. “Why? You ready for me to fuck you, Johnson?” God sucked hard on Johnson’s neck but pulled back before he could leave a mark.

“Maybe I am,” Johnson growled low in his throat and pushed God backward until their muscular bodies slammed into the wall so hard it shook the pictures. They both let grunted before Johnson finally pushed God’s hulking frame off him.

“Holy fuck.” Day panted squeezing his rising cock. “I definitely want to watch you two big motherfuckers go at it.” They both knew where the boundaries lay when they played with Johnson and Ro. There was a silent understanding. No one would top God. That would always be something sacred and special for his one and only true partner.

“Well that sounds like a yes to me. We got our bags in the car. None of us have to work until Tuesday.” Ronowski whooped. He was not shy about showing his excitement over being gay and in love anymore. All four of them had only been together a couple more times after their first time and each time it got better. They’d end with Ronowski and Day swooning in the tub and God and Johnson hugged up in bed watching Sports Center.

Ronowski jumped up into Day’s arms and straddled his waist. He leaned in to lick Day’s lips. “Until tonight, gorgeous.”

Day let Ronowski kiss him with fervor before the beautiful man dropped his toned legs and went back into the arms of his man.

“Just let us get rid of Gen first. I’m sure he’ll go over to Terry’s tonight anyway,” God said while hugging both of them. He told them to go on downstairs that he and Day would be down soon.

When they left God closed the door and locked it this time, making sure that there would be no more interruptions.

“I got a little gift for you, sweetheart, and I wanted to give it to you before the party,” God said pulling a medium-sized wrapped box from underneath the bed.

Day smiled at him and turned and went into the closet and came out with a nice-sized elegantly wrapped box. “I got you something too.” Day placed the box on the bed next to God. They both smiled at each other, still in awe of how much alike they thought. Somehow they both saw it fitting to get each other some type of gift to commemorate their five-year anniversary.

“Open mine first.” Day beamed at him.

God turned toward the package and tore off the thin black-and-silver paper. He frowned when he saw it was a case surrounded with latches that needed to be unsnapped to open it. God looked up at Day with piqued curiosity before lifting the lid on the shiny wood-grain case.

“No way.” God’s eyes almost bugged out his head. “Those are freakin’ beautiful… and so expensive. Sweetheart, what have you done?” God stroked Day’s cheek tenderly. God carefully lifted one of the two identical custom-made .50 caliber Desert Eagles from the felt casing. God looked in amazement at the polished chrome ten-inch barreled weapon, accented with 24K gold appointments, the custom grips were black walnut wood with a lion’s head etched into it.

God brought the piece closer and read the sexy cursive script along the long shiny barrel. In God We Trust.

God looked into Day’s eyes and Day could clearly see, hear, and feel every bit of the appreciation his lover had for his gift. These weapons were worthy of the man in front of him. Day felt only slightly selfish for choosing this particular gift for his partner of five years, because he would reap most of the satisfaction every time his body reacted to God holstering those magnificent weapons close against his body.

“Come here, Leo.” God’s rough drawl interrupted his nasty thoughts.

God sat on the bed and pulled Day in between his legs. “I want to tell you before we go downstairs and celebrate our partnership with our friends and family that I love you more than I ever thought possible to love someone. Before I partnered with you I was a shell of a man going through life, simply existing. I felt like I was nothing special… but you believed I was someone worthy of your love. You’ve given me purpose, sweetheart; purpose to live. You saved me and I’ll love you and only you forever for it.” God leaned in and kissed Day softly. “This is for you.” God held the box out to him.

Day quickly ripped open the shiny green paper and lifted the lid off the velvet box. “Oh my god.” Day’s hand went to his mouth as he stared inside the box. Day frowned and looked up at his man. “How the hell did you find this? Where did… How did you?” Day was at a complete loss of what to say. He picked up the album like it was a newborn fresh from the womb.

“An original first pressing of Coltrane’s Giant Steps,” Day whispered in awe, lifting the vinyl record while inspecting the condition of the cover. Tears formed in his eyes as he stared at the song titles on the back, remembering the smooth notes of every single cut. “I’ve looked all over for this. For so many years. I swear I don’t even remember telling you about this. Jesus Christ.” He looked into God’s eyes, looked at the marvel that was his life partner. “My father used to play this for my mom and dance her around the living room.” Day’s voice caught on his feelings. He held the mint-condition record close to his chest and closed his eyes at the reminiscences. “All his albums got consumed in the fire. I was able to replace every single one he’d lost over time… except this one. I wanted this album so bad.” Day smiled through the tears that fell from his eyes at the memory of his father. “She could never stay mad at him when he played this record. He loved her so much, until the day he died, baby.”

God pulled Day into his arms and held him tight, letting Day release all the feelings he was having at that moment into him. “And I’ll love you forever too, sweetheart.” God released him and gently took the cover from Day’s fingertips and withdrew the rare vinyl. He walked over to Day’s player and placed it on the turntable, slowly dropping the needle on the outer edge.

At the first melodious crackling sound of the needle gliding over the grooves in the record Day clutched at his heart as memories of his father twirling his mother around invaded his soul. He could hear his father’s deep voice singing off-key in his mom’s ear while she flung her head back and laughed in his arms.

Day finally had his love for life. His partner in every possible way. He looked into God’s soulful eyes and told him on a breathless whisper, “Dance with me.”






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