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Opposing Briefs: An Enemies to Lovers Male/Male Romance by Ian Finn (4)

Chapter 4





“Hey you, what’s up?” I decide I want to start the morning of my weekend off by training for the marathon. Even though I had a few drinks last night, I ended up leaving early when Matt began talking to the guy he was flirting with.

I thought I’d ask my friend Brooke if she wants to join me for a run. We met while running a few years back and became pals. We bonded because we both went to NYU and it just so happens we live in the same building.

But Brooke still sounds half asleep when she finally speaks. “Hi Logan. Yes, I’m hungover. And I don’t want to hear any lectures. Okay?”

“Oooh, someone is touchy this morning. Ouch!” I tell her. Brooke giggles.

“How about if I make you a triple latte and bring it over, then we go running? Come on, you need to burn off some of that booze from last night.”

“Christ, do you have any idea what time it is?”

I look at my watch. “Uh, sweetheart, it’s almost 11:00 a.m. 10:43, to be exact.”

Brooke shrieks. “Oh shit, you’re kidding!” Then she begins to hum as she pauses to think it over. “Okay, get your ass over here. NOW! Girlfriend needs her coffee.”

“Bye crabby cakes. See you in a bit.”

Once I arrive, we begin our run by first warming up, doing stretches and yoga poses in Brooke’s living room. She places a few yoga mats on her hardwood floors and we begin our routine. Five or so minutes pass in silence before Brooke looks at me with curiosity.

“You’re awfully quiet this morning.” She’s bending down to grab her ankles and her thick, long hair is covering the entire area of the floor around her head.

“You know, you really should put that mop in a pony-tail,” I tell her.

She swings her arm over and hits my arm, then laughs. “What are you calling a mop?” Then she asks, “No seriously, is something on your mind?”

I know what is on my mind, but I almost wish it was a bad dream and that yesterday hadn’t actually happened.

I start out. “I’m just thinking about Matt.” I get a little choked up remembering his face and tears from last night, but continue. “He got fucked over royally by his boyfriend of five years. I’m so pissed at the guy for doing what he did to my best friend.”

Brooke stands up and looks at me. Now her hair is poofed up in a huge ball surrounding her face, looking like some overly teased disaster hairstyle from the 1980s. I can’t help but chuckle internally.

Now sounding genuinely concerned, she asks, “What happened?”

I take a huge sigh and shake my head. “It’s ugly. Matt found out that his boyfriend never stopped seeing another guy he used to date in San Francisco. They’ve carried on an affair the entire time he and Matt were together. Five whole years.” I shake my head. “Can you fucking believe it?”

Brooke begins stretching her arms above her head and with gumption yells out, “Ouch, you’re not kidding, that’s ugly.” She ponders even further over what I’ve said and asks, “What do you think is going to happen?”

I wish I knew. What a completely fucked up situation to be in. To suddenly find out that the last five years of your life has been a complete sham. I have to call Matt later to see what happened last night. Hopefully he was able to have some fun… maybe he even had some revenge sex.

I move to a sitting position with my legs out and hands grasping my ankles. “I don’t have an answer, Brooke. I offered for him to move in with me, but we’ll just have to wait and see. I don’t think he knows what he’s going to do.”

“Damn, I’m sorry, Logan. Matt seemed like such a nice guy when I met him.”

Matt is the nicest guy in the world, I think to myself… and the best friend anyone could ever ask for. We’re close like brothers and it breaks my heart that this happened.

Finally, Brooke puts her hair in a pony-tail, before changing the subject. “How are you doing? Weren’t you going to trial on a big case soon?” 

“It was yesterday and I lost,” I answer.

It’s about all I could muster up about myself for the moment. It seems so inconsequential to me now, like just another case and something by next week that I’ll have completely forgotten about. Not wanting to go into further depth about the trial, I ask Brooke if she’s ready.

“Let’s do it!” she replies.

As we’re heading out the door, Brooke places her hand on my back and once again says, “I’m sorry, Logan.”

We walk outside and begin our short journey to the park.  

Central Park is a runner’s paradise with its multitude of trails and paths. I usually use the running track that surrounds the reservoir, but mostly that’s when I run alone. Brooke thinks it’s boring and likes to explore the other areas of the park and be amongst the cyclists, skateboarders and casual strollers.

Today is overcast, but it doesn’t stop the crowds of people from coming out. Since it is already mid fall, you’d think there would be less people because of school starting and summer vacationers leaving.

But that no longer seems to be the case in Manhattan, where it seems regardless of the season, it’s always jammed packed with people. And I suppose there’s nothing like autumn in New York.

We get into a stride, enjoying the cool breeze and air that has that certain smell as if rain could be approaching soon. We’re jogging for a good ten minutes when I turn my attention to Brooke. “So, tell me about this late night you had. Meet anybody?”

She glances at me swiftly, shaking her head. “Huh, as if. I’ve just about given up looking for the right guy.” Then she amusingly kids to me, “If I ever start collecting cats, just shoot me and put me out of my misery.”

I laugh. “Awe, I think that it would be sweet to have another cat lady in the building. We already have a lot of them— some are my next door neighbors.”

Brooke then swings her arm and tries to hit me, but I quickly dash to the side to avoid it.

“Stop that,” I kid with her.

Once I get back next to Brooke she asks, “So, are you doing the Marathon this year?”

“Yes, I have to. Well, I don’t mean I have to. It’s just that a lot of the law firms in the city are going to be competing this year against each other. For charity. How about you?”

Brooke looks me over and shakes her head. “Don’t think I’m in shape enough this year to pull it off.”

Just then, I swing my arm out to grab a hold of Brooke’s arm. “Slow down,” I tell her as I pull her off of the pavement and to a nearby tree. Who do I suddenly spot in the distance?

Andrew Patterson. In a neon green running shirt and shorts in a darker, forest shade of green.

I warn Brooke. “See that guy over there that’s coming our way… pretend like you don’t know him. Hopefully he won’t notice us.”

Brooke inquires. “You mean the Jolly Green Giant over there? I’ve seen him running here before, but that’s the extent of it.” Then in disbelief she adds, “Wait. Do you actually know that tall drink of water?”

I look at her and shake my head. “He was the asshole who beat me yesterday in court and I can’t stand him . He acted all nicey-nice to me afterward.”

“Mother fuck,” she says, “if there is a God, please tell me he’s not gay or married.”

I coax her along a different route. “Come on, let’s go this way.” We pick up the pace and I warn her. “Yes, he’s married.”

Brooke quickly interjects. “Of course he is.”

I add. “And he’s a jerk. A fantastic looking one, but a jerk nonetheless.” I don’t want to sound like a Bitter Betty, but I’m still not over the fact that he beat me in court.

Suddenly I hear, “Logan!”

Too late to try to avoid him.

But maybe it’s not. I decide I’m just going to continue running. “Come on, Brooke, don’t pay any attention to him. I have no respect for the man… he’ll get the hint.”

Brooke is now running with her mouth open, looking aghast. “Have you lost your freaking mind? Earth to Logan, earth to Logan, that insanely attractive man just called your name!”

No sooner than I think I ditched him, he must have seen us turn off the path and now he’s caught up to us. Which is not too surprising, since those ridiculously long legs of his can probably outrun a cheetah.

The three of us come to a stop. Andrew is out of breath but manages to say, “Logan, hi. I saw you back there, but you must not have seen me.”

Brooke looks me in the eyes and tilts her head toward Andrew.

“Oh, I’m sorry, Andrew, this is Brooke,” I say.

“Nice to meet you.” Andrew shakes her hand, then looks to me, showing his pearly whites and perfect smile. He asks me, “Will you be running in the marathon, Logan?”

I nod. “Yes, I thought most of the law firms in the city were competing.”

He scratches his head and laughs. “I guess you’re right.”

It feels really awkward all of a sudden and I’m wondering why he called out to me in the first place. He knew I was going to be running in the marathon… I’m sure of it. Why he is acting all buddy-buddy towards me is just plain weird.

Not having anything further to say, I look at Andrew. “We were kind of in a groove, so I think we’re going to continue.”

Brooke looks at me wide eyed and is about to say something, but Andrew gets the hint and signals that he’s also going to continue. “Okay, see you around.”

Brooke and I begin running again and I start to feel some raindrops. She looks at me. “Dude! Trust me, that guy is into you!”

I shake my head and look at her like she’s insane. What is she even talking about?

But she persists. “I’m not even joking. I know it when I see it and he couldn’t take his eyes off of you.”

“Brooke, really. First off, the guy is straight, not to mention married. Second, he makes millions from defending the scum of the earth. I cannot stand his type of lawyering and not only that, he’s a big phony.”

Now the rain is coming down harder and Brooke begins to slow down. “Ah, shit, I’m going to jam, Logan. I don’t want to get caught in a downpour.” But before she leaves, she says to me, “You could do that guy if you wanted to. Straight or not, he wants you.”

I wave her off. “Yeah, yeah, goodbye, Brooke.”

She turns around and takes off in the other direction back to our apartment building.

Why did she keep saying that? Even if he was into me, does that mean I have to drop all of my moral and ethical standards for a mere secret blowjob or whatever we might end up doing together? What nonsense.

The rain actually feels great and I decide I’m going to continue running, as I need to train every single day until the marathon if I want to finish it. The rain hitting my face feels cleansing somehow… like I can wash away everything that’s happened in the last twenty-four hours. The trial. Matt’s dilemma.

  Then I notice something from the corner of my eye. It feels as though someone is following me, but I ignore it and keep moving forward. Then this person catches up with me and is now alongside of me. Andrew Patterson?

It’s him again. What is he doing?

When I pick up the pace and begin to push myself even faster, I notice him doing the same. I need to beat Andrew at something and if it’s not going to be in court, it’s going to be doing this. Now I’m giving it my all, except the light sprinkling of rain has suddenly turned into a downpour.

“Logan. Stop!” I hear coming from behind me.

He must be warning me about the rain, but I don’t pay any attention to him and keep moving at the same pace. When I turn slightly to see if he’s still following, the rain is coming down too hard and is obstructing my view. So I look all the way around and finally see that he’s still trying to catch up.

I tease. “Try and keep up with me. I bet you can’t.”

Several seconds later, I hear an outcry. “OWWEE! FUCK!” I slow my pace and turn around to notice that Andrew has fallen and from the looks of it, it doesn’t appear as though he’s easily getting himself back up.

“Are you alright?” I call out, then run over to where he’s lying on the ground. “Here, let me help you.”

I reach out my hand for him and help lift him from the ground, but Andrew has injured himself and he’s not able to walk, only hobble. Feeling bad now, I tell him, “Come, I’ll help you walk over there to the tunnel so at least we can get out of this rain.”

Andrew leans his body next to mine and puts his arm over my shoulder and we slowly make our way out of the downpour.

“Thank you, Logan,” says Andrew. “Thanks so much.”