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Overdrive (Santa Lena Sizzles series Book 3) by Jessa York (10)



I closed my laptop, having had my fill of googling murders and assaults. There was only so much of that a person could read about in one sitting. While it was essential I knew the ins and outs of all things homicide, I had my limits, too.

Peering at the clock, I realized I’d been sitting for over three hours. My neck and shoulders protested as I pushed away from my small desk. Not exactly the desk of my dreams, but it was exactly the right price. Free from a friend who was moving and didn’t want to take this cheap piece of crap with him. It was a discount store desk, but still way above my budget. I only wished he’d let me have his rolling chair, too. The metal kitchen chair I sat in dug into my back and my ass in the most unpleasant way. At least it kept me awake for the hours I spent here.

Arching backwards, I stretched up with my arms and unceremoniously cracked my back, finally feeling some relief from the constant ache. I couldn’t sit here anymore. I’d done enough for now. There was a point that came when you just needed to give up.

Another ache came to mind, the ever-present, newly discovered Vivienne ache. That woman and her appetizing body rarely left mind for more than a few minutes before she swept back in, robbing me of all concentration. The need to just be close to her was overwhelming.

Jinxy took my stretch as an invitation to jump up onto my lap for love. “You hungry, girl?” I asked my feline friend, glancing at the clock. On cue, she started purring, nudging her furry white head into my hand. I picked her up, then headed toward the kitchen to open a generic can of cat food. Nothing but second best for my baby.

I dumped the moist mess onto her plate and she attacked the mound like it was going to run away from her. You never got used to the subtle stink of the bargain brand stuff. “Someday, Jinxy. Someday when Daddy’s ship comes in, we’ll get you the name brand.”

And that ship would come in. I knew deep down it was just a matter of time. In fact, I’d always known it. My entire life I’d looked around at my conditions, knowing this was not how I intended to spend the rest of my life, living paycheck-to-paycheck—or not even that—working at soulless jobs with people also devoid of said souls.

Never had I faltered in my pursuits, but never had I taken them quite this seriously either. The next nine-ish months were my time to hunker down and prove to the world that trailer trash could succeed.

But right at this moment in time, I had other pursuits on my mind, and they included a hot blonde.

I grabbed my keys and my jacket and headed out. Time to take my girl for a ride.


My stomach twisted in anticipation of seeing Jason again. I rushed to the front door to let him in.

My nipples tightened at the vision of my bad boy striding into the foyer, black leather jacket, tight jeans faded in all the right places, and black motorcycle boots. In his hand he carried a shiny black motorcycle helmet. I might have to change my panties.

We stared at each other for a moment longer than was necessary, eyes scanning to compare memory with present.

“You’ve got a bike?” I asked the most obvious question in the world.

He shifted his stance as he tossed his helmet onto my deacon’s bench, stepping closer to me. “Yeah, wanna go for a spin?” Oh, that I did. My poor panties took more abuse at the thought of being pressed up against him on a bike as it vibrated underneath us.

Coming out of my motorcycle, lust-induced stupor, I told him, “You bet, but right now I’ve got a kitchen full of food and my oven is working overtime.” My eyes dragged slowly over his frame one more time. “Maybe after supper?”

He took one more step toward me until we were in each other’s space. “Sounds good. Come here, baby.” He reached one hand to grab my head underneath my messy ponytail and took my mouth in a light kiss that held the restrained promise of more later. I moved my hands up to rest on his leather jacket, the leather cool and supple under my hands. The combination of his minty taste and the smell of his leather drove me crazy, fuddling my brain.

“Fuck, I missed you,” he whispered into my ear, squeezing me even closer. “I didn’t get near enough of you this morning. Been craving you all damn day.” His hand moved down my back to my behind, pressing our best parts together. He was obviously ready for other pursuits, but luckily some areas of my brain kicked in and I remembered my kitchen obligations.

“Cool your engines,” I said, smiling up into his heated face.

“With you? Never.” Then he kissed me again with more intent this time, his tongue on a mission.

I pushed back with my hands. “Honey, I’ve got loads of food cooking. I can’t let it all burn while you accost me in the foyer.”

His movie star smile dazzled down at me. “While I accost you in the foyer? I bet not many people have ever said that sentence before.” Regrettably, he removed his hands and started undoing his jacket, revealing a tight white shirt underneath.

“Nice.” And I wasn’t only referring to the way his biceps strained against that T-shirt, making my mouth water. “We’re twins. White shirts and jeans.” When I said it out loud, I immediately wanted to shove those words back into my mouth. Maybe he didn’t want to be twinsies with a curvy middle-aged woman.

He laughed a deep, manly laugh, running his hand through his messy locks. What I wouldn’t do to get my fingers in that hair. “Yeah, but you fill out your shirt way better than I do.” He smirked at me and winked. Who winked anymore? Who cared? The teasing way he did it made my nipples harden even more.

“We can further debate the fullness of our T-shirts in the kitchen. I’m scared something is going to burn or boil over. Come in,” I said, then rushed around the corner.

Luckily, nothing bad happened in my absence, so I picked up a knife and started on the peppers. “Damn, it smells good in here, woman,” he said as he shimmied up behind me, putting his hands on my shoulders, taking a long sniff of my hair. I felt his warm mouth on my neck, and suddenly my limbs turned to rubber. Goose bumps erupted, and I tilted my head farther to the side so he could explore more easily. Boy did he ever.

“It’s stir-fry.” I sighed, flipping the seasoned sliced beef in the wok.

“You need these peppers?” Jason let me go and picked up one of the veggies I had set out on the counter.

“Oh, I do. Crap, I should have cut them up before I started the meat.” However, a certain hot motorcycle rider had sidetracked my mind.

“I got it. Don’t worry,” he said as he washed his hands, then proceeded to chop up the veggies for me. “How’d it go with Gerry?”

“Uh, not bad. Not great either,” I said regretfully.

“Anything I can do to help?”

Man, he was sweet. “Just keep doing what you’re doing.”

He smirked his movie star grin at me. “Will do.”

When he was finished, he dumped the veggies into the wok. Billows of steam rose. “Anything else you need chopped or cleaned?” he asked.

“It’s all good. Why don’t you go sit down? The remotes are on the coffee table.”

He got closer and whispered against my ear, “If you’re done faster, then we have more time to do other things.” My poor, poor panties. I turned around and kissed him. He tasted like fresh bell peppers and raw determination. Unable to resist the feel of his muscles under that thin cotton shirt, my fingers scrambled for the hem and dove under. We both moaned in sync when my fingertips skimmed the taut skin of his stomach.

Without missing a beat, he shoved the pan onto the back burner.

He deepened the kiss, kicking it into overdrive as he backed me up to the counter, lifting me up. His hands found my aching breasts. Before I knew it, he lifted my shirt, revealing my pretty white lace bra.

Jason voiced his appreciation. “You are so fucking beautiful.” He cupped my breasts in his strong hands. My nipples had never been that hard before—they beckoned for his attention. Right on cue, he lowered his mouth and explored my sensitive skin through my bra. The magical things he did made me lose my ever-loving mind. Just thinking about how much better it was going to be with the lacy barrier gone created a fire of anticipation inside me that couldn’t be controlled.

I frantically tugged his T-shirt, needing it gone, needing everything between us bare so I could feel him. He obliged, divesting himself of the shirt as my fingertips roamed his chest. There was just a light spattering of hair covering his muscular torso, and his six-pack was divine.

Jason stepped forward, crushing his mouth to mine, hell-bent on possessing it. The feel of his hot skin against me was mesmerizing, but I craved more. He pressed himself against my core and I felt how hot and hard he already was. He liked what we were doing and that gave me an idea of what was to come.

Instinctively, I caressed the hard length of him through his jeans. He answered my call by thrusting himself into my hand for a better feel. I couldn’t believe it—he got even harder as I groped him. I moaned, wanting him, needing him inside me.

Soon, my bra joined our shirts on the floor and he clutched my breasts before kissing his way down from my neck. I leaned back on the counter, giving him full range to explore. Trust me, he took advantage of his newfound freedom. He gloriously sucked one nipple into his mouth while gently squeezing the other. His calloused fingers grazed over the top, causing my lady parts to clench deliciously, getting even wetter at his manipulations.

He shifted to the other breast and continued with his work of driving me to the brink. I clutched his head in my hands, the attention both too much and not enough. There was no way I could handle much more.

Seeming to read my mind, he ceased his ministrations, then kissed me so deeply it was hard to breathe. Instead of seeking the air my lungs burned for, I pressed myself further into him, unable to get close enough. All on their own, my hands discovered the button on his jeans, and before I knew it, I had him in my hand, stroking the hard, veiny girth. The heat radiating off his cock burned against my palm, causing me to gasp at the sheer size of him.

He again returned the favor, his hands quickly undoing and yanking down my jeans. Exploring my core, he rubbed me to the verge. His finger exposed my greatest ache and pushed inside, sliding easily into my wetness. A second finger joined the first. I began rocking against him, intent on relieving this tension once and for all.

“Oh yeah, baby, ride my fucking hand,” he said, once again drawing a nipple into his hot mouth, sucking hard. I was almost there, and then white flickered at the periphery of my vision when I exploded around his fingers.

“Yes, yes, ohhh,” I moaned as he worked out the last of the aftershocks.

“You are fucking incredible,” Jason said, tenderly kissing my face until my breathing normalized.

“I think that was all you,” I said, enjoying the feel of his hard, muscular back under my hands. “Thanks.”

“Let’s eat. I want to take you out for a ride.”

“But what about you?” I frowned, watching him stuff his very angry cock back into his pants.

“Later. It was more than enough watching you. Tonight, I’m going to take my time with you after we go out on my bike.”

Hmm. Sounded good to me.


“Ready to go for a ride?” I asked Vivienne after the dishes were done. Her eyes widened, making me chuckle. The woman looked like a kid on Christmas morning.

She smiled, accepting the helmet. “Of course. You’ll just wait here for me?” she said in jest, giving me her best flirty grin.

Laughing, I said, “Uh-huh, funny girl. Put the helmet on. I drive.”

“Fine, party pooper,” she said, struggling with the godforsaken straps. The way she huffed while fighting with the leather clasp cracked me up.

“Here, let me.” I intervened, untangling and snapping her in securely. “There, all ready.” She gazed up at me with excitement in her eyes. Fuck, it was breathtaking. I couldn’t stop myself from leaning down and taking her mouth.

How could one woman possibly taste this good all the time? It was impossible to get enough of her. Chocolate infiltrated my brain. I couldn’t figure out what the other cock-hardening taste was. Vanilla? Whatever the mystery ingredient, it intoxicated me so much, I thought twice about taking her for a ride. I’d much rather drag her upstairs and let her ride me on that big bed of hers.

My eager hands roamed her sweet body as I explored her mouth. Her arms remained trapped between us, clutching my chest. The feel of her fingernails digging into my skin had a serious effect on me, and before I knew it, I was hard again.

I slowed the kiss down because no joke, I was about ready to burst from all the foreplay today. “You taste good,” I whispered against her lips. She grinned up at me, my mind still scrambled from that fantastic kiss.


“I didn’t see any macaroons?” I asked, eyes squinting in deep suspicion.

“Bottom cupboard, beside the stove,” she said, sighing as though she’d been forced to give up state secrets.

“You didn’t want to share?”

“There were only a few left,” she said, shrugging.

“How many did you eat?”

“A few.”

I howled with laughter and then kissed her again. That woman’s hot mouth would be the death of me. “Let’s go before I change my mind and carry you upstairs instead.”

We locked up the house, making our way out to the motorcycle.

Once at the bike, I hopped on, snatching her hand to guide her behind me. She felt phenomenal with her sweet, soft tits pressed up against my back.

“Hold on here. Don’t let go.” I coached her on the few things she needed to know. The sensation of her core nestled up behind me did strange things to my brain. Her hands flexed as we surged away from the sidewalk.

I took it easy as we navigated the side streets around her house, but then I let loose a little on the main drag. There was nothing like the feeling of the wind rushing through your hair and over your skin. You own the bike, but the ride owns you. Hoping Vivienne felt the same way, I pulled over to check on her, crossing my fingers I hadn’t scared her to death.

“How are you doing?” I twisted around to ask the gorgeous woman beaming back at me. She seemed to be enjoying herself.

“This is so much fun. I’ve never been on a bike before. How have I never been on a bike before?” she screeched. I couldn’t help but yearn to taste that excitement, steal some of it for myself. I gave her a short kiss on her adorable mouth.

“Hold on.” I squeezed her hands that were still clutched at my stomach. Then we screamed back onto the road. I took it faster now that I knew she was having fun, showing her what the bike could really do. A few times she pulled her hands into my stomach, so I slowed down accordingly.

When the torture of having her sexy body pressed up against mine and the touch of her hands mere inches away from my very impatient cock got to be too much to bear, I headed back to her house. Right now, I was fairly certain of an invite inside, but doubt still lingered at the periphery of my mind.

We stopped in front of Vivienne’s house, where I assisted as she dismounted and got her land legs back again. “That was amazing. You feel so free out there, like you don’t have a care in the world,” she blurted out in her cute-as-hell Vivienne way. Her excitement was a gift. “Having the wind blowing through your hair feels awesome. Next time, I’m not wearing a ponytail. I bet I’ll look cooler having my hair flowing out behind me.” She dramatically swung her shoulders, giving me her best fish lips impression.

“I’m glad you enjoyed the ride,” I told her, still waiting to see if I got an invite inside or if I was going home to my apartment alone.

“Aren’t you coming in?” she questioned me rather cautiously. “It’s still early,” she reasoned with me.

“Yeah, I’d love to,” I responded, letting out a breath I didn’t realize I was holding.

Practically jumping off the bike, I found her hand and led her quickly to the house.