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Paradise Syndrome (Cate & Kian Book 4) by Louise Hall (27)



“Where are the other passengers, Uncle Jax?” Lola asked as they climbed aboard the private jet the following day.

“There aren’t any, munchkin,” Jax ruffled her hair. “It’s just us.”

Although X13 had split up after their European tour, the record company had released their Greatest Hits CD and because they wanted Jax to promote it in the UK over Christmas, they’d lent him the company jet.

With the MLS season not due to start again until early March, Cate and Kian had been thinking about going back to Manchester for Christmas anyway. Apart from Liv, the rest of the family hadn’t met Sierra yet. The only concern they’d had was how Sierra – only two months old – would cope with such a long flight.

Once they were airborne, Liv got up from her seat. “I think I’m going to have a nap.” There was a bedroom at the back of the plane. “You don’t mind, do you?”

“Of course not,” Cate gave her a hug. “You need to get some rest.”

Liv being pregnant reminded Cate of what she’d be giving up if Kian went ahead with the vasectomy.

“Ew,” Lola wrinkled her nose. “I think Sierra needs her nappy changing.”

Although, there were some things she definitely wouldn’t miss. After Sierra was potty-trained, Cate wouldn’t have to change a dirty nappy ever again. She slung the bag of baby supplies over her shoulder and picked up her youngest daughter, carrying her into the small bathroom.

“Who’s a messy girl?” Cate laughed as she undid the popper on Sierra’s navy blue and green sleeper suit. Sierra giggled, kicking her little legs.

After she’d changed her daughter’s nappy, Cate put her sleeper suit back on. Sierra’s lips were already pursed, waiting for her feed.

Cate sat down on the closed toilet seat and removed her wool jumper. Her bra was front-fastening so she peeled back one of the cups and settled her daughter in her arms. Sierra found her nipple straight away and fed hungrily. “So glamourous,” Cate chuckled, stroking her daughter’s inky-black hair. She jumped a little as her bare back made contact with the cold wall.

Kian knocked on the door, “is everything OK?”

“You can come in.”

Kian knelt down in front of Cate and gently stroked his youngest daughter’s cheek. “Lola and Mats are almost asleep.”

“Thanks,” Cate said gratefully. They worked so well together; as soon as Sierra had finished feeding, Kian slung a towel over his shoulder and gently burped her while Cate got dressed again. After she’d been fed and burped, Sierra fell asleep almost straight away. Cate took her from Kian and settled her in the portable cot they’d brought with them. She was so thankful that Liv and Jax had invited them to fly home on the private jet because she didn’t know how they would have coped with Lola, Mats and Sierra on a commercial flight.

Lola and Mats were asleep in the reclining leather chairs towards the front of the plane. Kian stretched out on the sofa in the middle section of the plane and gestured for Cate to join him. She curled up around him resting her head on his chest so she could hear the comforting thump-thump of his heartbeat. As he stroked his fingers through her hair, she slowly drifted off to sleep, lovely and warm surrounded by Kian and the down quilt.

When she woke up again, the cabin was dark. She looked across at Sierra who was sleeping peacefully in her crib. “Hey,” Kian said huskily, stroking her hair away from her face.

He lifted Cate up so she was lying on top of him, her legs cradled between his thighs. “Is that?” Cate felt the thrust of his manhood against her stomach. “Are you…?”

Kian chuckled; Cate could feel the vibrations against her breasts and stomach.

He tangled his fingers up in her inky-black hair and kissed her, gently exploring her mouth. “We can’t…” Cate pulled back, her breathing choppy.

“We’re just kissing, angel,” Kian grinned, nibbling at her bottom lip. “Liv and Jax are in the bedroom; the children are asleep.”

“Unless…” Kian cupped her breast over her jumper, rubbing his thumb over her peaked nipple. He kissed her again, swallowing her whimpers. He slid his other hand into the back pocket of her jeans. His fingers were tantalisingly close to her bottom. Cate felt him thick and heavy against the apex of her thighs. “Do you want to join the mile-high club?”

Cate was so tempted but she couldn’t risk them getting caught. “Not here.”

Kian jerked his head behind them, “bathroom.”

“OK,” Cate crept towards the small bathroom, feeling impossibly naughty.

Kian followed her inside and once the door was locked, he flicked on the light. “Kian,” Cate protested, her eyes struggling to adjust to the bright light after the darkness of the cabin.

“If we’re going to do this,” Kian grinned, stripping off his t-shirt. “I want to see you, angel.”

Cate took off her jumper, “I’ve had three children.”

Kian pushed down his jeans and wrapped his hand around his engorged cock, “and you’re still the sexiest woman I’ve ever met. Get here now.”

While Kian pushed up her bra, feasting on her full breasts, Cate stripped off her jeans and panties. “Back pocket,” Kian grunted, letting her nipple slip out of his mouth. Cate found the foil packet and handed it to him. He quickly rolled the condom down his cock and then pushed her back against the wall. They might not have had much chance for foreplay but Cate was more than ready for him. She wrapped her thighs around his waist. “Fuck,” Kian grunted as he pushed inside his wife. She gripped him like a silken fist.

Over his shoulder, Cate watched them through the mirror. With one arm, he kept her hands pinned up above her head, the other gripping her bottom. His muscular legs were parted, his bottom clenching with each deep, penetrating thrust. A droplet of sweat trickled down the rippling muscles of his back and Cate felt the orgasm swell and throb in the pit of her stomach. She buried her face in his neck, breathing in his raw, masculine scent; her tender breasts crushed against his muscles.

Afterwards, Kian sank down onto the closed toilet seat, still cradling Cate in his arms.

There was a soft rasp on the bathroom door. “Ugh, you guys I need to pee.”

“Ah,” Cate panicked, quickly pulling her bra down over her swollen breasts. “Where are my panties?” It was blatantly obvious that they’d just had steamy sex in an aeroplane bathroom. Kian chuckled, enjoying how shy his wife could be sometimes. He leisurely removed the used condom from his cock and put it in the rubbish and then reached for his jeans. While Kian finished getting dressed, Cate dragged her fingers through her mussed-up hair. “You look so adorably fucked, angel.”

Cate whacked him on the chest, “so not the look I was going for.”

As soon as they opened the door, Liv darted past them into the bathroom. Jax was leaning against the wall, “so you joined the mile-high club, nice!”

While he and Kian high-fived, Cate blushed furiously.

Liv came out of the bathroom, “baby, I want to join the mile-high club.”

Jax shook his head, “you’re exhausted, sweet girl. Let’s go back to bed.”

“Were you this horny when you were pregnant, Cate?”

Cate stammered, “I…” She really didn’t want to discuss her sex life with her sister and brother-in-law.

Kian laughed, wrapping an arm around her waist, “all the time. Sometimes, she would even…”

“Don’t you dare finish that sentence,” Cate warned him. “I’m going to try and get some sleep.”