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Ranger (Elemental Paladins Book 4) by Montana Ash (15)



Saved by the warden, Ivy thought in relief as she followed the four men into the house. Although she happened to agree with everything Lark had said regarding the IDC and their society as a whole, she was not prepared to admit it out loud. Until a few theories could be proven without a shadow of a doubt, Ivy was not prepared to reveal what her stance was. It wasn’t necessarily that she didn’t trust Max and her crew but she had also spoken the truth when she’d said she believed in the institution of the council. When certain deceptions came to light, there was going to be a lot of hurt and betrayed citizens to deal with – Ivy included.

“Caspian! Hi, how are you?”

Max’s cheery voice broke into Ivy’s introspection and she watched with no small amount of humour as Max threw convention to the wind and hugged the young warden to within an inch of his life. She then did the same to his two paladins, asking them how they were and how they were finding their new home. Caspian’s fair, angelic face flushed with a mixture of embarrassment and pleasure.

“My Lady, I apologise for coming over unannounced …” he began, only to have Max wave away his apology, dragging him further into the busy kitchen, so the others could say their hellos.

“No worries. You’re always welcome,” Max assured the trio.

Caspian bowed formally in thanks and his two paladins quickly followed suit.

“Will you three stop that already? It gives me the willies,” Max groused as she mock-shuddered, causing Caspian to grin. Max cocked her head to the side, studying him intently for a moment, “Is everything okay, Cas? You seem a little stressed.”

He did? Ivy thought he looked as happy and bright as always. That was until he began to shift from foot to foot nervously and his partner Lawson, placed a comforting hand on the small of his back.

“Did you happen to pay us a visit last night?” Caspian asked.

The question had Max’s Order standing to attention and casting suspicious looks in the direction of their liege. Max scowled at them before turning back to Caspian; “No. Why would you think that? Did something happen?”

“Yes and no,” he replied, slowly. “The evening was quite unremarkable. This morning however … I woke up to this,” he pushed his sleeve back to reveal a circle of small symbols on his left bicep that looked highly familiar to Ivy – and to everyone else if their quick indrawn breaths were any indication.

Max ignored her paladins, stepping forward and running a light hand over the black symbols. She raised an eyebrow, looking at Leo and Lawson; “What about you two?”

Both paladins nodded their heads and pushed up their sleeves to reveal their own brands. Max hummed over those as well for a moment before turning back to the room at large; “I got nothin’.”

“Max!” Ryker’s one word was clearly a reprimand and Max knew it too, for she stiffened;

“What? I didn’t do anything!”

Ryker crossed his arms over his chest, a deep scowl on his face, “No? It has to be you, Max. Who else?”

Max clenched her jaw and threw her lover a filthy look. Ivy saw the entire Order wince – with the exception of Ryker who stood his ground, stubbornly. She saw her brother rub at his coat of arms, which was now writhing angrily on his flesh. The vines and leaves moved as if a strong wind blew over them and the druidic symbol for his element, beast, glowed a bright, luminescent orange. Looking around, she saw his fellow knights also fidgeting uncomfortably. Ivy figured their own heraldries were also doing the tango and understood it was a sure sign their liege was getting pissed off.

“I don’t know who is doing it, Ryker,” Max’s voice was soft and sugary sweet, “Maybe it’s the branding fairy. Did you ever think of that?”

Ryker’s eyes narrowed at his love and liege but before he could antagonise her further, Diana stepped forward; “Now Boss-man. Let’s not provoke the wrath of the goddess, hmm? After all, the last time I heard that tone from Max she was threatening to squeeze Marco’s neck until blood leaked from every orifice. And I do mean every orifice. Remember?”

Ivy managed to suppress her grin of delight over that happy little reminder. Although she hadn’t been there to witness the spanking of the paladins from the Order of Vulcan, the whole thing had fast become the stuff of urban legend.

Dex, not having been privy to the earlier encounter, choked on his mouthful of food; “She did what? You did what?” he repeated in Max’s direction – who merely shrugged, never taking her gaze off her lover.

“The Captain of the Order of Vulcan and his sad little knights gave Lark a beating. So Max threatened to squeeze his neck so hard his dick slit would bleed,” Cali commented, almost lazily.

Dex barked out a laugh, “You did what?!” he echoed, once again.

Cali patted her lover’s hand, “She –”

“We don’t really need to keep repeating it, do we?” Darius chimed in, looking a little rosy around the cheeks.

Dex just laughed at his staid brother, turning to Max, “Could you really do it?”

“I don’t know. Shall we find out?” she asked mildly, tension thick in the air as she gazed at Ryker.

Axel snorted out a laugh, ambling over to his liege and throwing an arm around her shoulders, “As if you would break your favourite toy. What would you do without Ry’s meatcicle?”

The room erupted into a series of splutters, guffaws, and cackling. Ivy could only shake her head; they’re all nuts! Axel’s depraved levity had the desired effect though, and Ryker pushed Axel away from his woman as he drew her into his large chest;

“I’m sorry, honey. I don’t mean to be an arsehole but I’m scared for you. Your display at Cas’s went a long way in proving your legitimacy to many wardens and paladins. Unfortunately, the opposite is also true. There are those who believe your display of power was a scare tactic, an attempt to shock people into following you,” he explained.

Max looked curious but not alarmed, “Following me? For what?”

“World domination,” Darius volunteered, deadpan.

Max laughed, clearly believing the air paladin was joking but unfortunately, Ivy knew he wasn’t. There really was a bunch of wardens and paladins who believed Max had ulterior motives.

“He’s serious, Max,” Beyden spoke up. “You’re powerful. The most powerful being on the planet. A lot of people are worried you will abuse that power.”

Max looked shocked, “But it would be impossible for me to do that. My purpose is as deeply ingrained in me as it is in you to be a knight. I could never use my abilities for harm – well, not in that context anyway,” she amended.

“We know that,” Ryker assured her, rubbing her arms in comfort, “But there are already pockets of paladins and wardens who think you are some kind of evil genius planning to take over the world. And I know for a fact at least three members of the council feel the same way. Do you see why it’s important that you don’t create any more brands?” he implored.

“I honestly didn’t do it!” Max gestured wildly to Caspian, Leo, and Lawson, who were trying to remain as still and as inconspicuous as possible. Max turned pleading oceanic eyes to Ryker and Ivy saw his brown eyes soften as he pulled her to his chest once more;

“Okay, sweetheart, I’m sorry. I believe you. Any theories?” he then asked the room at large, walking Max over to sit down next to Ivy herself at the table.

Ivy wanted to move immediately but knew that would be rude and also draw attention to herself. She would usually stand against a wall, ensuring she was well out of any conversation. But everyone else had been standing, so she had sat down instead. She felt a warm weight press against her lower leg and knew the mottled pup must be leaning against her. She didn’t bend down to scratch him outright but she did lift her foot to give him a solid rub on his rump near the base of his tail. She knew he loved that.

“I’ve got a couple,” Lark volunteered in response to Ryker’s question.

“Of course you do,” Axel snorted, turning to the room, “Egg-head always knows something we don’t.”

Ivy felt herself bristling at Axel’s words. She may still have concerns regarding Max’s choice of a partner for her but she had felt herself softening towards to the earth paladin the more time she spent in his presence. And for some reason, she now took exception to Axel picking on the guy.

“Don’t worry. Axel is just teasing. He doesn’t mean any harm and Lark certainly won’t take offence. They’re as close as brothers,” Max patted her hand as she spoke quietly.

“I’m not worried,” Ivy responded, rather shortly. Had she been so obvious with her thoughts?

Max held up her hands, as if in surrender, “Of course not,” she agreed. “And, no. Your thoughts weren’t obvious,” she said, in direct contradiction to her words.

Something had sure been obvious, Ivy thought, unless Max could read my mind …? Which she couldn’t, Ivy assured herself, because Ivy was not bound in her Order. But sure enough, Max was clearly correct regarding Axel and Lark because Lark merely grinned at his brother-in-arms;

“Aw, don’t be jealous just because I can read books that have words and not just pictures …”

Axel shook his head, “I’ve already told you – Playboy has articles too.”

The room laughed once again and Ivy felt herself relax, reminding herself that this wasn’t a typical Order. This was also a family.

“Children … focus,” Darius reprimanded, raising his eyebrows at Lark.

Lark nodded, turning to Caspian, “Did you happen to be talking about Max last night?”

Caspian frowned a little but nodded his head, “Yes. We were talking about how grateful we were for the new home, the new garden … the new friends,” he added, smiling sweetly.

Lark nodded, “And did you happen to make any comment about being loyal to Max?”

The three visitors looked at each other, Caspian confirming, “We did.”

“That’s why then,” Lark stated, as if it was obvious. “Although the new brand is clearly all about Max, given it’s made up of Max’s symbols for all seven domains, it’s not the same as her Heraldry. Her coat of arms is a manifestation of her power and therefore all about her – the giver. In contrast, I believe the brand is a manifestation of loyalty and is thus, all about the recipient.”

“So, I did it to myself?” Leo asked.

“Yes and no. Max’s power must have brought it to fruition – unbeknownst to her,” he quickly added before Max could interject. “But, I think if you’re loyal and you’re worthy …” he trailed off.

Ryker started pacing, “Loyalty brand makes sense. We already figured that anyway. But, you’re telling me Max doesn’t have to personally give this brand to people? She doesn’t even have to be around?”

Lark shrugged, “It’s just a thought. But … the proof’s right here.”

Ryker swore, “Fuck! So, people only have to think they are loyal and they could start popping ink?”

“No, I don’t think it’s as simple as that,” Lark said quickly. “I think they have to mean it.”

“Oh well then, as long as they mean it …” Ryker groused and Ivy could tell he wasn’t comforted in the least.

“You think I’m right?” Lark asked.

Ryker waved a negligent hand at him, “Of course you are. You’re always right with stuff like this.”

Ivy watched as Lark quickly ducked his head as if he were embarrassed by his Captain’s words. She knew how much such absolute faith from your superior meant. It was just more evidence of how much all these people believed in the young paladin. Ivy felt her previous low opinion rising more and more with every little titbit she learned. A good thing? Or a dangerous thing? She wondered.

“So, paladins could be waking up all over the world with a new brand. That’s not going to go over real well with their wardens,” her brother commented, chewing on his lower lip.

“Or the council,” Diana noted.

“No, it’s not,” Ryker’s frown was dark as he finally stopped pacing. “I’m worried this is going to cement their opinions …”

“Perhaps it’s time we tested some of our fellow citizens?” Darius suggested, “We’ve all heard the rumblings, we all have our suspicions but I think it’s time we were a little less subtle about determining what they are and where they’re coming from.”

“Less subtle?” Dex asked, his voice full of shock. “Who are you and what have you done with my brother?”

Darius flashed his older brother a droll look, “Funny. I’m serious. What if there are other wardens and paladins waking up out there with Max’s unique domain symbols on their arm? This could very well start some serious in-fighting …”

“What do you think we should do?” Ryker asked his second in command.

“We set a trap,” Darius responded, decisively.

“Now you’re talking my language. Let’s trap the bastards! I hear bear traps are particularly effective and painful,” Max crowed, rubbing her hands together. Zombie, who had still been sitting happily and quietly at Ivy’s feet, joined in Max’s jubilation, jumping around and barking happily.

Bloodthirsty little animal, she thought, liking the dog even more.

Darius shook his head but laughed, “Not a physical trap, you malicious little goddess. A mental one. We get them to expose themselves so they are forced into the open. Not only for us to see but for other wardens and paladins as well. We’ll be able to identify our allies and our enemies in one fell swoop.”

Ivy could have sworn Max was pouting at having her bear trap plans flushed down the toilet but a few moments of thought had her nodding her head, “Mind games. I like it,” she finally decided.

“You think we should dangle Max’s power in their faces? See how they react?” Dex asked, years of shared strategy making the brothers think alike.

Darius nodded, “Precisely.”

“I’ll do it. I love mind-fucking people,” Axel volunteered.

“No. Not you,” Ryker shook his head, “Lark.”

“Lark? What? Why? Lark already has a secret mission!” Axel whined, “I wanna annoy arseholes until they snap like rubber bands!”

“We all know you’re the master of irritating people, Axel,” Ryker soothed the fire paladin. “But you’re also known for your snark and your strength. You don’t let anyone get away with shit.”

“And I’m known for being weak, a pushover, and a victim,” Lark stated.

Ivy eyed him, expecting to see resentment on his face but instead all she saw was calculation as a smile began to bloom upon his lips;

“And they say you’re all brawn, Captain.”

Ryker sniffed, “I have my moments.”

“Fine,” Axel pouted. “You look more like a squirrel than I do anyway. All that red hair,” Axel pointed out.

“It’s not red, it’s auburn,” Lark corrected, quickly.

“Whatever you say, Ed,” was Axel’s quick and obscure response – to Ivy at least.

Lark merely rolled his green eyes at the fire paladin and turned to Ryker; “You want me to head out now and start making some waves?”

Ryker nodded his agreement, “I think this is something we need to deal with immediately. I know you, Ivy, and Dex need to be moving out again very soon – as soon as possible. But this needs to be dealt with too. With three fewer soldiers in the house, we need to know what and who we’re up against.”

“It’s cool. I’ll check out the lodge first and if I don’t have any luck, I’ll hit Lonnie’s,” he said, naming the paladin-frequented bar where Ivy knew he’d had a violent encounter in the past.

“Let me get my scythe,” Bey said, preparing to leave the room.

“What for?” Lark asked.

“So I can come with you, of course.”

But Lark was already shaking his head, “You can’t.”

Beyden’s lion-gold eyes narrowed, “You need back-up.”

Uh oh, Ivy thought. Her brother was a soft-spoken man but he was loyal and protective down to his marrow. She recognised the hard line of his jaw for what it was; stubbornness.

“Seriously, Bey. You can’t. The people we’re trying to expose are bullies. They pick on the defenceless. I need to make them believe I’m vulnerable. If I bring six-foot-three of hulking muscle with me, no-one is ever going to make a move.”

Beyden merely crossed his beefy arms over his chest.

“He’s right, Beyden. He needs to be flying solo for this to work,” their Captain chimed in.

“I don’t like it,” her brother was still stubborn and she could see he was genuinely worried for his friend. Before she could even think about the consequences, she opened her mouth;

“I’ll go with him.” All eyes turned to her and she made sure to keep her face blank. The looks of surprise on the various faces had her wanting to sink into the floor.

Lark cleared his throat, breaking the awkward silence, “Not that I don’t appreciate the offer but your presence would be worse than Beyden’s. You’re our law enforcement. Nobody’s going to pick on me with you around.”

Ivy kept her mouth shut this time and let someone else fill in the silence;

“We’ll go,” Caspian spoke. “Nobody will think twice of me being there and they certainly won’t worry about insulting me or others in my presence,” he added, sardonically.

Ryker blew out a breath and Ivy realised he was just as concerned for his paladin’s safety as her brother had been for his friend, “That would be perfect. Thank you, my Lord,” he said, formally.

Caspian smiled, “It’s the least we can do. Why don’t you give us a bit of a head start?” he asked Lark. “No point being obvious about it …”

“Good idea. I’ll go shower real quick and get changed. That should give you guys enough time to already be there, acting all casual-like,” Lark offered to Caspian and his knights, who nodded. He then began to leave the room but stopped briefly in front of her, “Thank you,” he said softly, his eyes smiling and sparkling under his shaggy mop of hair.

Ivy felt her heart give a giddy leap and she questioned herself once again; A good thing? Or a dangerous thing?





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