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Ranger (Elemental Paladins Book 4) by Montana Ash (24)



For once, his liege’s advice had proved useless. The irritating woman had been right about everything since the second they had met and when she finally decided to be wrong, it just had to be about him and Ivy. Three weeks. Three weeks and nineteen chade redemptions later and Lark was about at the end of his rope. Max had told him to be patient, to show her he wasn’t like every other arsehole out there bent on getting into her pants. But he had been patient, dammit! He had been funny and kind – he was great company! He had also been totally kickarse with the chades – fighting and killing those that couldn’t be saved and acting as the conduit for Max to those that could.

But was the woman impressed? No! If anything, with every passing day, she became more closed off and distant. It was really pissing him off. He didn’t know what else he could do – other than molesting her against the car again, that seemed to work out pretty well the first time. But then, he knew that was likely the reason she had shut down on him. The situation reminded him a little of how Ryker had been with Max – always blowing hot and cold. Although to be fair, Ivy had never been hot – lukewarm maybe – on her good days. But still, there was only so much ice he could take before he got frostbite … And he was feeling pretty frickin’ cold!

And when he wasn’t feeling the cold, winter chill that was Ivy? He was feeling horny – like, all day, every day, kind of horny. He was forced to watch her wield that sexy, lethal blade of hers all day long. And that sinister cloak of hers that made him picture the subtle curves on the short frame hidden underneath? He was getting a serious case of blue balls. Suddenly, his Captain’s predicament when he had first met Max was no longer so amusing. Popping wood a dozen times a day was not his definition of fun.

As for his other companion, Knox couldn’t exactly be called chatty but his one-word responses still held more warmth and interest than any of Ivy’s. He had seemed a bit thunderstruck after his first trip back to the hotel but his demeanour had continued to improve upon each round-trip home, so Lark wasn’t concerned. That first week, Knox had followed them in the second car, ferrying the partially-healed chades back to Max and the hotel. It had been a rather time-consuming process because he and Ivy had been forced to wait until Knox returned before they could make further attempts to identify chades.

It had been Knox who had suggested an alternative. He would travel in his ‘other’ form, basically as the air itself. Because the others could also revert to the pure states of their domains, Knox could guide them back in the same manner. It had definitely saved time and the last couple of weeks had consisted of he and Ivy travelling in the car while Knox caught up with them as the wind. They would locate chades, identify who still clung to their souls, give them a hit of vicarious Max, and move on to the next location while Knox escorted the chade-wardens back.

It had been a very successful process and he knew by his daily check-ins with his Order that things were progressing very well back at the camp and the hotel. Nearly all the chades sent back were already sporting some new ink and were slowly reacclimating to being wardens again. As far as he was aware, there had only been one instance when one of the survivors had tried to get a little too close to Caspian. Leo had promptly removed his head – a decidedly messy experience because the chade in question had been healed enough that he didn’t just go ‘poof’ anymore. Leo had been unrepentant under Caspian’s scolding but no-one else, not even Max, had reprimanded the paladin.

As for Lark and Ivy now? They were headed down another stretch of highway, en route to their next possible chade sighting. Picturing another cheap motel, with dust-filled pillows and who knows how much random human DNA clinging to the mattress, Lark made a sharp turn onto the next highway exit. He had caught sight of a big sign advertising a five-star hotel just ten minutes from here. If he had to travel with shitty companionship and stay in an even shittier hotel one more night, he thought he might just snap. In fact, it took Ivy a good five minutes to notice they were no longer on the scheduled route. It just proved how hard she was focusing on ignoring him and he felt his temper flare to life once more.

“What are you doing? The next location is still two hours away,” she said, looking out the window.

“I know,” he said. See? He could do short, snappy sentences too. He didn’t always have to be happy and full of conversation.

“Do we need petrol?” she queried.


“Do you need to go to the bathroom?” she tried again.


“Then what are we doing?” she asked, sounding frustrated now.

“We’re stopping here for the night,” he stated, already turning into the driveway of a truly beautiful old Victorian-style hotel. It had five, yellow shiny stars above its name and Lark felt like whimpering in gratitude.

Ivy’s head was whipping back and forth from him to the window, “Here? What? Why?”

“Because I want to,” he informed her.

She looked incredulous and more than a little confused by his odd behaviour, “Because you want to? What are you – ten?”

He flashed her a look filled with heat, “Really, Ivy? Another comment about my age? Be careful, I’m sure you remember where that got you before.” The warning had the desired effect and her mouth closed with a snap.

Gazing out his window, he noticed that the hotel was not only big and beautiful but it also nestled into the surrounding landscape like it had sprung from the rainforest itself. Oh yes, they were definitely staying here tonight. His body was practically vibrating with the need to reconnect to his element – as well as a feather-down pillow.

Putting the car in park, he pocketed the keys, “Come on,” he threw over his shoulder. He didn’t bother to wait for a response, just hopped out and began striding to the entrance. He heard a car door slam and stomping footsteps as they hurried to catch up – he didn’t bother tempering his longer strides to match her shorter ones.

“Wait a minute. What the hell is going on?” she huffed out.

He came to an abrupt halt, causing her to crash into him. His mood was so dark that the full-body contact only made his dick twitch to half-mast, “Look, I don’t know about you but I’m tired, I’m sore, I’m cranky, and I’m starving. I’m taking the night off and asking for a late check-out and pretending there are no such things as chades.”

Less than ten minutes later, he was leaning back against a solid oak door, his bag at his feet and a pouting Ivy stashed away in the adjoining room. His eyes scanned the room from the high ten-feet, tray ceilings to the gorgeous crown molding lining the walls and over to the king-sized canopy bed with the mahogany-coloured comforter. It was even better than his tired brain could have imagined. But he was still a knight and the twinge of guilt he felt had him groping for the Order link;



Lark grinned, even hearing his liege’s voice was enough to make him smile. The distance away from Max had also been a strain on him. That was another reason why paladins were never far from their wardens; the bond. It was a bond that was literally soul deep. His need to ensure to Max’s safety, health, and happiness was so entrenched in him now, that he couldn’t remember what it felt like to be un-bound. If it weren’t for the daily connection with her and his Order when they healed the chades, he was sure he would have needed to turn back long before now in order to satisfy his sense of duty.

‘I’m taking the night off. Check out my digs for the night,’ he crowed, scanning the room again so Max could ‘see’.

‘Oooh, nice! I bet a place like that has a spa bath. Enjoy. You deserve it,’ his liege said.

Max didn’t even hesitate. Not one question about why he was there or what he was doing or when he would be leaving. No scolding about getting the job done. Just: enjoy! Was it any wonder why he adored the woman? ‘Thank you. We’ll be back on the road tomorrow,’ he informed her even though she hadn’t asked.

‘No probs. Oh, and Lark?’


‘Patience, remember?’

He growled at that, ‘What the hell do you think I’ve been doing?! Max! Max!’ But it was no use, his liege had closed the link. Damn aggravating woman, he grumbled silently, no more adoration for her! he promised himself. After a few more grumbles he availed himself of the facilities and noticed Max had been correct, there was indeed a spa bath.

Although the claw-foot tub called to him like a siren, he was famished and he made his way out the door. Despite himself, he paused at Ivy’s door, listening for any signs of movement. Hearing nothing through the thick wood and feeling like a creeper, he raised his fist to knock. As soon as Ivy cracked the door open he began to speak;

“The menu from the restaurant looked amazing. And I saw they have live entertainment with a dance floor. I don’t care what you do but I’m going to go and sit at a restaurant and eat like a civilised person while listening to some relaxing music,” he informed her and headed to the elevator, not waiting to see if she came or not.

Seeing the suspicious look in her eyes when she had opened the door had brought his temper flaring to life once more. He knew whatever else was on the fancy menu, a decent scotch would also be included.