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Ranger (Elemental Paladins Book 4) by Montana Ash (35)



Lark was still riding high the next morning. Despite her words to the contrary, Ivy’s lovemaking had taken a decidedly intimate turn. All concerns of evil mastermind chades and bad dreams had vanished amidst the hours of slow, sweet pleasure. He didn’t need the words – those would come with time. For now, he was content with Ivy’s actions.

“Lark, a word?”

And just like that, Lark felt his happy mood evaporate. He turned to face his Captain and sure enough, the man’s face was as serious as his tone. Figuring he knew what this little ambush was about, Lark decided to go on the defensive, “Ryker, I’m sorry. I know I lied to you and I know how much you hate that. I promise I won’t do it again. It’s just –” If he wasn’t mistaken, Lark could swear he was on the verge of hyperventilating. The thought of disappointing the man who had given him everything, cut him to the quick.

“Whoa. Slow down, there. Take a couple of breaths,” Ryker placed a warm palm on the back of his neck and squeezed reassuringly. “Good, now …” he said after Lark did his bidding, “want to tell me what you’re apologising for?”

Lark glanced up, seeing concern on Ry’s face, “For not telling you I was a potentate. I know I broke all manner of laws; the IDC must be notified of every potentate. I know there’s only allowed to be one potentate in every Order. I know how sparse potentates are now and the council needs every single one. But I honestly hadn’t even thought about it in years. After I managed to convince my father I wasn’t born with the gift, I just forgot about it. I mean, it wasn’t like I was ever going to be in an Order. And then Max came along and I just –”

“Lark! Will you shut up for a minute?!” Ryker yelled to be heard over Lark’s continuous chatter, “I don’t care,” he then said, blandly.

That sure shut him up and Lark found himself blinking a few times in confusion, “You don’t care?” he repeated.

Ryker shook his head, “Nope. Couldn’t give two shits, to be honest. I just don’t understand why you kept it a secret. What did you think would happen if you told me?”

Lark shrugged, feeling a little embarrassed about his over-reaction now, “Before Max? I guess it was a non-issue. But after Max? I was terrified you would tell the council and they would make me leave the Order. One potentate per Order. That’s the rules.”

Ryker scowled, “And how long has it been since I’ve given a fuck about the rules?”

Lark felt his lips twitch and his shoulders relaxed for the first time in minutes, “A long time, I guess.”

Ry grunted, “That’s right. I’m in love with my liege – completely against the rules. I’m in an Order that was never sanctioned by the council – completely against the rules. Multiple members of my Order are in intimate relationships – completely against the rules. I have a former chade living in one of my bedrooms who also happened to knock up one of my paladins – really fucking completely against the rules.”

Lark laughed as Ry’s list went on and on, “I see your point.”

“Good,” Ry cleared his throat and shifted a little uncomfortably, “Just so you know – you can come to me about anything. I may not be a genius but I’m a good listener and I’m always here for you … and stuff.”

Lark felt his smile spread slowly until he was sure it consumed his entire face; an uncomfortable Ryker in touch with his feelings sure was a thing to behold. Instead of teasing the man, as he was inclined to do, he clapped him on the back, “Thanks, man. I know that.”

Ryker cleared his throat and nodded once, “Good. That’s settled then. Unless you want a death match to prove who should be Captain of the Order?” he asked, grinning as well now.

Lark recognised the evil glint in Ry’s brown eyes and knew he would end up slammed to a mat if he took the man up on the offer, “Um, that would be a no … Sir,” he added.

“We’ll consider the matter closed then. I actually came to speak to you about something else …” he trailed off and his face returned to its earlier seriousness.

Lark felt dread pooling in his stomach, “What is it?”

Ryker looked him straight in the eye as he answered, “Wardens and paladins are being recalled from their posts from all around the world. They’re being given orders to assemble here – at the local headquarters.”

“The council?” Lark questioned.

“Yeah,” Ry nodded.

Lark frowned, his mind quickly processing the ramifications of such a move, “Why?”

“Ostensibly? To meet Max – so all wardens can present themselves to her, as an opportunity for them to show their respect.”

“You don’t believe that,” it was a statement.

Ryker clenched his jaw, “No, I don’t.”

Neither do I, he thought, remembering his theories about the council recalling Orders right before the Great Massacre. “Who is in charge of calling them in?” he asked next.


The name surprised him. It really wasn’t the name he had been expecting to hear. He had thought maybe Ravyn, Ares, or Cinder would be behind such a bold move. They were the ones who had been so outspoken in their dislike and distrust of Max. Blu, Garrett, and Autumn had been her biggest supporters. And Mordecai had been the wild-card who could go either way. It seemed perhaps the man had now chosen a side. Although, it didn’t quite sit well with him.

Lark had observed the Death Warden many times now because he had a disconcerting habit of staring at Max. The others thought he was cold and creepy – unless you asked the girls, who thought he was hot. But Lark could swear he saw something else in the man’s green eyes. Something he wasn’t quite ready to believe. Not until he had a chance to investigate and think a little more, in any case.

“Maybe someone should have a chat with him. I’d be happy to,” he offered. In fact, he was going to insist upon it. Luckily, his Captain nodded;

“That’s what I was thinking. And I was hoping you’d volunteer. I think your observation skills would come in handy. I want your take on the guy.”

It was good that Ry already had him in mind for such a task, but Lark wanted the opportunity to talk to the warden one on one. Before he could formulate a good argument however, Ryker spoke again;

“That’s not all I wanted to talk to you about. There’s something else.”

“Oh? What is it?” Lark asked, easily.

“It’s Isaac.”

He immediately stiffened upon hearing his father’s name and he was sure he went pale. Despite the years away from the man and his own newfound perfect situation, the thought of his father still terrified him. He swallowed hard, steadying his voice, “What about him?”

Ryker’s gaze was direct and steady, “His Order is one of the ones being recalled. He’s here.”