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Recklessly Forbidden (Bennett Brothers Book 2) by Emily Bowie (12)

Chapter 17


“He’s dead! I just know it.” The voice sounding through the line is hysterical. “There is so much blood, it’s everywhere!” the voice shrieks into the phone, making my ear buzz.

“Slow down, who’s dead?”

Sobs and hiccups overtake the phone line.

“Andrea, who’s dead?” I ask, still uncertain even if it’s her.

“My dad!” her voice shrieks again, causing me to pull my phone away from my ear, still hearing her perfectly.

My breathing stops. No, no, no. This is bad.

“I can’t get a hold of your dad, he seems to be missing!” It takes a few moments for her to get the words out between sobs.

I slump down onto my bed. My mind goes on high alert, taking in the limited information. I’m a little worried this could be the start of an uprising for having Andrea initiated into our society. I heard the low rumblings of the other members when her “job” went sideways and didn’t proceed like it was meant to. I had tried to hush it as much as possible, but somehow it was leaked.

My mind swirls with possible plans for every scenario. My hands hold my phone and my face as I hunch over into them, trying to concentrate while blocking out the sobs and muffled movements on the phone. Minutes pass before I speak.

“Andrea, I’ll be back in the city soon.” I hang up, my mind continuing to be tormented with thoughts and ideas.

Before I can do anything else, a knock on my door has my spine chilling. Opening up my small duffle bag, I take out a small concealable pistol before looking into the peephole to only see a sad looking Jewels. My shield cracks further for the one girl who is able to penetrate my walls.

Instinctively, I place the pistol in the back of my pants while I open the door slowly, confused by her presence. “Jewels, are you okay?”

Her cold arms wrap around me, holding me tight. It’s one of those holds that seem more than just a hug, one that wants to say one hundred things. I’m shitty at feelings and emotions, and wish just this once I understood girls. I wish I knew what she wanted me to know by this hug.

“Is it okay that I’m here?” she asks in a small voice.

“I would have invited you earlier if I thought you would come back with me.” She looks up at my face and I give her a smile as I try to cheer her up.

“Why are you so cold?” I ask, rubbing my hands over her back and arms before I realize we are still standing in the doorway. I can see a moth flying around the motel’s light from having the door open for so long in the dark. I begin to usher her into my room.

“I hitchhiked, and the car I was in had their AC cranked to the top level.”

I hold her out so I can see her better in my embrace. “You hitchhiked?” I growl, as I pin her with my eyes.

She lifts a golden eyebrow at me. “Yes, not my first rodeo there.”

“It better be your last rodeo, darlin’. That shit is dangerous. And I will risk no girl of mine like that.” The words come out so naturally that I’m shocked by them. But they’re out now and I refuse to back down.

“No girl of yours?”

Is that a playful smirk I see her trying to hide?

I cup her face, trying to reel in the alpha in me. “Damn right. You’re my girl. And you will not do that again.” Then I crush her lips against mine before she can argue with me. I wrap my hand around the back of her neck as I pull her tight against me. My tongue sweeps her lips as they open. She tastes perfect, just the right amount of sweetness. She meets my pace, like this kiss is the kiss that our survival depends on.

Remaining a gentleman, I place her in bed with me. Nothing else, not tonight. Next time we share a bed together she will be screaming my name. I turn to my side to watch her peaceful face. This is the second time I have stopped to watch her facial expression in these few weeks. There is too much going on for me to sleep. My chest is pounding too fast; I can’t relax into sleep like her. I wish it came that easy for me.

Slowly, I slip out of bed, needing to move my body more. Lying down and doing nothing is only making my nerves worse. Heading into the bathroom, I pick up my phone along the way and close the door behind me. I call the one guy I know who will be straight with me. Liam Walsh. He is one of the lucky few who has backed our society; in return he has continued to climb the law enforcement ladder higher each year. He has become a detective but will continue to rise. I will make sure of it.

“Tyson Bennett, what do I owe the pleasure?” He answers on the first ring like he was waiting for a call.

“I heard about Mr. Lewis. Can you tell me anything about it?”

“The whole situation is messed up, man. I have secured the scene, but I’m on my way out of town so I can’t guarantee it will stay that way.”’

“Can you tell me what happened?”

“Not yet. It’s hard to determine when there is no body.”

“What? Andrea told me there was a lot of blood, that her dad is dead.” Now I’m confused.

“Since I consider you a friend not just an ally, shit is going on down here. There are rumors of an uprising. No one can find your father and Andrea is pointing her finger at him.”

“Andrea is doing what?”

“The whole situation is messed and it looks like no one cares that Lewis is missing. If one of you don’t get down here soon, mutiny may not be a rumor anymore.”

“Thanks, man. I appreciate the honesty. I know I can trust you. This will not go unnoticed, I can promise you.”

“I know the Bennetts are men of their words.”

I pace the small bathroom, deciding my next steps.

Next I call my father, who seems to be missing in action. He answers on the third ring. “Tyson, where are you?” He sounds stressed.

“I could ask you the same thing. No one can get ahold of you.”

“If it is true about Lewis, me coming back won’t change anything.”

“People are saying that Andrea is trying to go for power.”

“I’m not worried.” He might not be, but I am. He needs to step in as the only acting president. “You need to get back into the city and deal with this. It’s your rightful place to be there, son.” I should be saying that to him.

“Why can’t you go, too?” I question, not understanding his logic.

“You know family always comes first no matter what. I’m in the middle of something that I should have dealt with a long time ago. I have your back on this, and will be there for you as soon as I can. Until then this is up to you. You need to show the society that you are ready.”

“I have to ask, did you do it?” I hate saying those words. I know he wouldn’t have, but I need to hear him say it.

“No,” the answer is clipped. His word is enough for me. I pause, waiting to see if he elaborates. When he doesn’t, I let the subject drop and hang up the phone.

William has pretty much just placed me as temporary president. I realize it’s more of a figurehead position until the society agrees upon it, but still. I have been striving for this for most of my life, and yet I’m not as excited as I thought I would be in a moment like this.

There has always been two leaders, with Lewis gone people are expecting me to lead them into the president role. The next of the new generation. What will happen next can be one of two things, society members will reach out to me to show their loyalty or they will choose a rival.

This leads me to believe Andrea may be going for my position. I should have seen the signs sooner. She confided her dreams to me a long time ago. I never took her dreams seriously, but then again, I never realized she would sacrifice her own family or try to overrule me for that dream. In an instant, flashbacks of Andrea fill my head. Slowly, I see how she has been playing me. Beating me at my own game. It’s time I show everyone that I am the leader who my father has created.

Slowly, I go to put on my clothes in the dark, not wanting to disturb Jewels. It’s time I start to round up support for myself. I open the door an inch at a time not wanting it to creak before I slip out into the fresh air to plan who should be contacted first. With both of my brothers here in town, I have them on my list to visit before I head back. They should be as much invested into this as I am. After all, this is our combined family heritage.



I wake to an isolated bed, but it still feels warm to the touch. Stretching out my legs and arms, I try to wake myself up. “Tyson?” I call out his name, trying to gauge where he is.

I wait for a few beats but there’s no response.

Slowly I sit up, letting the blankets pool around my waist; the room is empty.

Sitting on his nightstand is a coffee and muffin. The cup is still warm on the tips of my fingers as I wrap my hand around it.

The first sweet taste fills my mouth, warming me. I can’t help but smile that he thought of this for me.

Getting out of bed, I walk the perimeter of the room, looking around for any personal touches of Tyson.

A knock on the door draws my eyes away from a folder I want to touch and peek at. Hesitantly, I stand there, wanting to touch it. My moral side wins out and I answer the door, hopeful I’ll see Tyson on the other side. I forget that I am still in my tank top and boy cut panties.

I open the door shielding my body behind it, poking my head around with a big, goofy grin plastered on my face to only see Trevor watching me from the other side. There are no pleasantries, no smile, before he barges in and closes the door behind him.

“What are you doing here?” Ignoring my question, he steps toward me and gives a look that says you must be shitting me.

“Small town, remember?”

Of course, how could I forget you are truly never alone. Everyone knows I had a sleepover. But that still doesn’t explain why he is standing in front of me.

“No one saw me come here, I made sure of it,” he says it like he’s trying to comfort me.

I tilt my head, feeling my eyebrows shoot up as I wait for his response to my question.

“I wanted to tell you personally the terms of the contract.” His eyes and voice sound so sincere, I lose my guard for a few minutes. Or maybe it’s wishful thinking.

“You can have the stud, plus one of his dad’s spring foals.”

“That’s more than what I asked for.” But it would help set me up. I don’t trust him, I know he has an angle to this, I just need to figure out what it is.

“I feel generous. What can I say?” He touches my jawline, bringing me back to reality.

Immediately, I feel self-conscious with what I’m wearing, or rather, what I’m not wearing. My tank doesn’t cover my purple cheeky panties nor does it hide the fact that I’m not wearing a bra. “So what are the terms?” I cross my arms, trying to hide my nipples as I wait for the bomb to drop. Nothing is ever free with Trevor.

“There will be no negotiation.”

I can feel my eyes rolling hard in my head. “Just tell me.” My teeth sink into the backside of my lip, annoyed that he is dragging this out. Just spit it out already!

He smirks at my annoyance. I can tell he’s enjoying this.

“One.” He pauses for effect. “Give me an honest second chance date. Two, a real kiss. And three, a thousand dollars.”

My heart stops. You have got to be shitting me. My arms fall to my sides as my head tilts back in defeat.

“You know the answer is no.” Slowly, I bring my face down to see him shrug, uncaring of my predicament. If this were a book and he a good guy, everyone would be swooning. Instead, I get the bad guy who doesn’t realize he lost his second chance the day Luke wanted to shoot him.

“I understand. I wish your family luck.” Closing my eyes, I can feel my family slipping through my fingers. I thought I had a solid chance to help and rebuild the life I grew up with. I want that family, not this detached life I have been living.

He turns to leave, making me hate myself. “Just one each?” I ask, referring to the kiss and date. I’m sure if I explain this to Tyson he will understand. I breathe out a half-laugh, my breath making the only sound. I’m fucked. Tyson isn’t the type to just roll over to someone like Trevor.

I can feel the cocky confidence sweating off him as he slowly turns like he has me on his hook.

“The kiss is now for good faith you will follow through, and I have to feel like you’re making an effort.”

I shake my head, mostly to myself. “Sure.” What else am I to do? I feel backed into a corner. No direction is good.

He takes two strides to me; I keep my hands at my sides and stand like a statue. I am really not wanting him to kiss me. Tyson’s face dances behind my eyelids. I feel I’m caught in a hopeless situation without any real options.

I close my eyes, waiting for it to happen, the anticipation causing my heart to beat faster, but I feel nothing on my lips. My fingers are tingling; even my ears seem to be twitching, the room’s vibration mocking me as I wait.

“Now, Ruby, call me old-fashioned, but you don’t kiss a girl who doesn’t want to be kissed.” Opening one eye at a time, I see him still standing in the same spot. There’s that smug smirk, I know he’s getting off on this.

I refrain from speaking my mind and instead force a smile, not my polite one that no one knows I’m using. The one Trevor knows I’m forcing, and he has the audacity to smile larger.

“Now that’s the girl I know.”

His voice is mocking my internal demons, making me wish I didn’t want my ranch or my family so bad. Where was that girl who was happy to run away? Why did she have to leave me? This is for the ranch, for my family, for our survival, I remind myself; this is the only way I know how to fight for it all.

Nodding my head, I will myself to relax and give him the go-ahead.

Closing my eyes, I feel his hands slither around me. I step into him, willing him to believe I’m trying. I need this. My tender lips find his rough ones as I push my doubts aside and put my whole self into this to only have his lips leave mine. I keep my eyes closed. Surely he wanted a better kiss. When nothing happens, I open my eyes to see a fuming Tyson holding Trevor in a headlock and giving him a shot to the stomach.

“Bro code number one. No kissing another man’s woman.”

“She wanted it, just ask her,” Trevor grunts, making my stomach sink. In this moment I could lose it all.

Picking him up, Tyson throws him out of the room, only fueling what rumors may surface.

“It’s not what it looks like.” I jet my chin out. It’s true. What is truer is that I will do anything for my family. This thing with Trevor is only business.

“Trevor didn’t just have his tongue at the back of your throat?” Tyson takes on an accusatory tone, sounding almost too calm considering I can feel the anger radiating off his body.

We stare off at each other, both stubborn and unwilling to back down. He is infuriating! I turn around to stomp toward the bathroom. I can hear him close on my heels but I don’t look back.

“Jewels!” he calls out to me, anger laced within his words.

Turning on the bathroom tap, I bend down to take in some water. I swoosh the water around, in an attempt to wash Trevor from me before spitting the sin from my mouth as I turn the water off.

I’m prepared to stomp right past him. I know I did wrong, but I’m not about to admit it to him, nor will I encourage this caveman attitude. Turning back to the doorway, I don’t make it far until his large frame stops me.

“Move,” my angry voice forces out.

“Did you not understand when I called you my girl?” His face is rigid and serious, not allowing me to really read where this is going.

This Tyson looks almost scary. His eyes are wide, his arms crossed over his chest. I don’t ever want to be on the receiving end of his bad side. His body vibrates as he pushes out the sentence. I can hear the strain in his voice as he tries to remain in control and not yell, yet his voice is anything but quiet.

Tyson’s hand comes up and hits the door loudly, catching its backswing before it crashes into us. I refuse to flinch. Pushing my shoulders back, I stand taller.

Turning he goes into the room and I watch him pace the floor, his arms moving at his sides in an attempt to keep from punching something. Going to the bed, he kicks the mattress to only have it fall loudly back into its place. He’s not done; I can see it in his body. I slowly begin to slip out of the bathroom, my eyes never leaving him.

Turning toward me, the look on his face is calm, as if he didn’t just have a tantrum.

“It looks like I’m going to have to show you what my girl means,” Tyson says in a fierce tone, his eyes twinkle with lust. My stomach betrays me by doing loop the loops. He takes another step toward me, his lips curving upwards.

His fingers trace my cheekbone and I want to lean into it. Then he moves them across my lower lip, making a tsk, tsk sound before smirking at me.

Heat swirls in my body, waiting for him to show me what ‘his girl’ means.

He grabs my ass with both hands and pulls me in tight. There is no missing the tightness in his pants.

Those lips of his that I love press down on mine so lightly. I sink into him, wanting more.

“This conversation isn’t over,” he reminds me, before his tongue sweeps into my mouth. The heat in my body goes straight between my legs. A moan I try to suppress slips out, betraying me, and that stubborn streak melts away under his touch.

His lips press kisses down the side of my neck as his fingers slide into my panties. A light burn on my skin from his scruff fans my flames inside.

Those hot lips smile onto my skin, telling me he knows how much I want this.

Pushing his hips out, he tells me he is into this as much as I am. Then it’s like his willpower crumbles, his pace changes.

Whipping my body around, I’m pushed against the cold front door. Cold and hot sensations running though my skin. He is in full control as he positions my hands above my head with his, his lips biting into my skin as he kisses the tiny love bites. It’s sexy as hell, seeing him lose control with me.

Moving one hand away from mine, he brings it down to explore my body. Each touch has me pressing into him, wanting and needing these touches. I lose myself into the passion. I can hear him actually growl when his hand slides onto the sides of my panties and underneath, touching my skin. He teases me, touching everywhere but where I desperately need.

“These panties are for my eyes only. Just like this pussy of yours.” Crouching down, he releases my hands and moves his to pull down my booty shorts. He does it much too slow for my liking and I try to wiggle out of them faster.

“I don’t share,” he reminds me, as he brings my panties down to my knees; I can feel his breath dance around my glistening lips.

“You are perfect.” He kisses my thigh just far enough away that I try to push my hips out to his. “You don’t like it when I tease you, do you?” He plants another kiss, this time so close to touching where I want him to.

I shake my head; speechless from the effect he is having on me. “Do you want me to keep teasing you, Jewels?”

Ah, the way he says my name never sounded better. A kiss touches underneath me so lightly I want to scream in frustration.

“Please.” I am quite okay with begging at this point.

“Next time you put me in a situation where I think you have forgotten that you are my girl, I will make you beg for hours. With this type of torture. I’ve barely touched the tip of the iceberg with what I’d do to you if this were to happen again.” He places another kiss under me, this time I can feel his wicked tongue delving between my lips. I moan, pushing my hips closer to him again, hoping for more. I almost sink down on him when his fingers spread me, his soft touch massaging along my slit.

His hair is short and feels rough as I thread my fingers through it.

A small yelp rips through me when he picks me up and tosses me over his shoulder before throwing me down on top of the bed.

“Perfect!” His deep voice rumbles past his tongue that is back on me, causing my clit to swell. His one hand is on my lower belly as I buck underneath him, his fingers and tongue making me rock farther off the bed. I’ve never been so aware of someone’s tongue in my life, and my clit feels like it’s rock hard as he massages it back and forth, faster and faster. Those fingers of his rock into me, hitting far enough back that it awakens my whole body. I convulse around his fingers and scream out his name as the best orgasm I’ve ever felt rocks my core.

I’m breathless as I see him lift those deep chocolate eyes to mine. I don’t have the energy to move my body in this moment, but am enjoying his light kisses as he works his way up my body until he is hovering over me and we’re face-to-face. Reaching my hand up and in-between us, I grab hold of his package. It feels so hard I’m surprised it still fits in his pants. I want to feel it; I want to taste him. I don’t even like blowjobs and I want his dick in my mouth.

He rocks his hips into my hands before giving me a kiss then standing up. It takes him less than a minute to fully undress and I take those seconds to watch the grace of this man.

A long, drawn-out sigh leaves my lips, enjoying my view. I lie content and very naked for his eyes. Yet, I feel no desire to cover up. I want to watch his eyes as they rake over my body. Tyson’s touch is like a drug. I should be happy and content with the mind-blowing orgasm he just gave me, yet my breath is already hitching, my nipples hardening under his stare. I want to see what his dick can do. Maybe his tongue is the superstar, or is his cock the overachiever? Moving my gaze down his body, I admire his large cock that is in his hands as he strokes it once, then twice. Its head looks strained.

He gives me that cocky playboy grin of his before he flips me over, holding onto my tits as he arches my back up toward his chest. I need his lips, and I take what I want. We fight for dominance in this kiss that only leaves me breathless.

“Fuck me,” he whispers onto the side of my face. I feel his chest leave me just as the sound of plastic rips through the room.

“If you don’t want this tell me now.”

Just the thought of that stabs me in the gut. “I want to see if you fuck as good with your cock as you do with that tongue of yours,” I tease him, wiggling my behind for him.

He responds by squeezing my nipples harder. I feel his head nudge me before he slides into me slowly, allowing for me to take him inch by inch. He circles his hips, taunting me. I can’t help but sink deeper into him, loving the way he makes me feel so full.

Our skin makes a slapping sound each time he thrusts into me. With each inward thrust I allow myself to take him deeper, squeezing my insides with each outward thrust.

“Jewels.” My name is a mere pant, making me think he doesn’t know what he’s saying. I can’t help but smile at the thought. Our cheeks are side by side. His one hand playing with my nipple, a sure thing to get me going, his other has slipped around us and is stroking my clit again. He feels magical. I’m not even sure if this is real. I can feel my orgasm build inside of me and I squeeze him harder. Then it rips through me, just as he takes my mouth. Even with his lips covering mine, I can still hear his name echo off the walls and back to us. He sinks deeper into me before stilling.

“Fuck me,” he says between breaths.

I expect him to let me go and start cleaning himself but he stays planted inside of me and holds me tighter as we drop to the mattress. It feels safe and too good. We lie side-by-side, his cock connecting us, our skin pebbled with a light sheen of sweat. When he does pull out he gives me such a warm thank you, you’re amazing kiss (I imagine that is what he is thinking anyway) before he slips into the bathroom to rid himself of the condom.

I watch his perfect body walking back to me, and can’t help but smile that this man is mine. “I like putting that smile on your face,” he tells me as he begins to crawl onto the bed, caging me underneath him. He gives me a light kiss on my lips before slipping in beside me. His body is snug next to mine, his hands never leaving my skin. My whole body is humming with warmth that this man creates inside me. He makes me feel special and important. Being cocooned in the safety of his arms, I drift in and out of light sleep, enjoying how the events turned in my favor.




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