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Recklessly Forbidden (Bennett Brothers Book 2) by Emily Bowie (10)

Chapter 15


Trevor puts me on edge. I don’t trust him, yet he seems to be my only savior. I’m in my jean shorts, and my Snow White biker princess tank top. I tried to pick the outfit that showed I no longer belong here. At least that’s what I’m still trying to convince myself of.

The way his eyes fall down my body has me squirming.

“I want to buy one of your studs,” I tell him, trying to sound as professional as possible.

His family just placed one of their breeding stallions on sale. And my family’s ranch survival will depend on its sperm. If he is anything like his daddy, I will have money-winning stars who will come from all over just for a sample.

He flicks the toothpick in his mouth in a full circle. The act itself repulsing me.

“So no rekindling our flame?” He leans back into his seat, making me sweat this out.

“One stud, one loan, that is all that is on the table.” I stare into his eyes; he will not drag me down again. I’m determined to prove to Luke I can help him with our family’s legacy. Living in the city has taught me that I am a very determined person when I want to be.

The way he sits back has me glancing at the tables behind him.

Seeing Kat—the girl from our backyard casino—across the room of Van’s BBQ has me realizing that this poor girl has gotten herself into some bad stuff. Her affiliation with Chase Bennett will only top her problems. I have to warn her, it’s the least I can do. If I could go back in time I would want to be warned of Tyson, right? My head has been spinning around Tyson Bennett’s name the last few hours. With the methods Luke is using to save our ranch, how different am I from him?

I stand, ending our meeting. “Think about it and draw up the paperwork for the contract.” He gives me his evil smile, like he thinks he has me. He may have had Ruby but he doesn’t have Jewels. I am more confident than I have ever been.

I can’t help myself when opportunity knocks on my door. As soon as I see Kat heading into the women’s bathroom, I follow behind her.

When she sees me in the bathroom, she doesn’t hesitate to wrap a warm, friendly embrace around me, sealing my line of thinking. The Bennett brothers are nothing but bad news.

“Ruby!” Kat hugs me tighter in her welcome.

“Is that a Bennett boy you’re with?” I ask her as she slowly releases me. I’m almost positive I’m right.

“Yes. Do you know him?” she asks, looking like I caught her off guard.

“You be careful and watch your back with him.” I lower my voice, offering her my warning. “They hold a lot of power, and I have seen how it ruins everythin’ in its path.”

I take a step back. Thinking about what I had walked into at Tyson’s home. Andrea’s words come flooding forward about the blackmail pictures of myself Tyson had taken. If the other Bennett brothers are anything like Tyson you never know how low they may go to get their way.

“If I were you, I would stay away from him.” Then I leave before she has a chance to say a word.

Quietly, I slip out the back unnoticed, and for the first time in my life I am okay with that.

Stepping into the back alley where a lone dumpster sits, my steps no longer press onto the asphalt and my body feels like a feather as I am grabbed and lifted off my feet. Before I have a chance to scream, my back is against the restaurant’s exterior wall. Seeing the determination in Tyson’s eyes has me gasping, I never thought he’d follow me out here.

Slowly, I drop my eyes from his face, casting my eyes down his body, all six feet of him. He is wearing a leather jacket that seems much too hot to have on, and a white button-down cotton shirt with faded blue jeans.

I hate that his presence still makes butterflies in my stomach.

Biting my lip, I try not to lean in to smell his masculine cologne. Looking back up, his eyes mirror mine.

The anger slowly retreats but the dominance stays.

“You never answered any of my calls, Ruby.”

The way he says my nickname has a shiver running through me. Knowing he has looked into me should make me want to run, instead I fight back a grin knowing that he’s invested enough time to find out the name I normally go by.

His eyes keep me pinned, even without him touching me.

Forcing the saliva down, I force my voice out, hoping for it to come out strong. “It’s Jewels to you.” But I feel like a lusty fool, and lick my lips for moisture. “What are you doing here, Tyson Bennett?”

Dipping his head down, I can feel his breath on my lips, it takes all my control to stay put.

“You keep playing with that bottom lips of yours, while saying my name how you just did, will have me taking you for keeps.”

I’m pretty sure my knees almost buckle right in front of him. I force my hand to the wall for extra support.

“Before I take you all caveman-like, we have things to discuss.” Hearing his deep, rough voice has my rational side yelling for me to run. But my feet stay planted. I hear the hidden tone of warning that he will stay true to his word, which only heats my core.

“I have no idea what you are talking about. I dropped beer off to you as a parting gift, simple as that.”

His hands wrap around my waist, pulling me closer. “We both know that’s not true.”

We are so close it would be impossible for anyone to hear his words.

“And there is another thing…your dealings with the ranch.”

The way he says your has me stiffening, like a kid caught in a candy store.

“We are not that different, Jewels.”

I can feel his lips on my earlobe; the pounding in my body makes it difficult to concentrate on what he’s saying.

“Now be a good girl and hop onto the back of my bike so we can go talk somewhere.” His hands run over my bare shoulders.

My words are stuck in the back of my throat and all I can do is nod.

Linking his fingers through mine, he leads me to his ride. He swipes my hair away from the sides of my face before placing his helmet onto my head. The act is so gentle and caring.

Lifting the dark mask up, he gives me a chaste kiss before lifting me onto the cushiony back.

The load roar brings the bike to life, and I wrap my hands around his body harder, keeping my legs snug beside him.

I allow my cheek to rest on his back and tell myself it’s only to keep the wind from hitting my face. Taking this silent moment to relax, I can’t help but feel a little concerned over how the next part is going to go.



I drove for an hour after I reached the small town, trying to make a plan that did not consist of throwing Jewels over my shoulder to take her back home. But, in essence, this is what I have done.

I kill the motor at an old abandoned church; its doors and windows have been boarded up. I found this gem during my ride. I lead her toward the back where one of the windows has been pulled off. It’s dark and you can hear the bugs flying around with the long grass not being attended to.

“Where are we going?” I can hear the uncertainty in her sweet vixen voice.

Pulling the loose, lone board down, until it’s hanging on one nail, I motion inside. “In here.”

“I don’t think that’s safe.” I don’t have to see her to know she’s a little bit scared.

“Jewels.” I place my hands on her shoulders because I can’t hold myself back from touching her. “I checked this place out earlier, it’s safe.” I pull her in a little closer. “I would never intentionally put you in harm’s way.”

I can hardly see her nod in the dark before I hoist her up and over the window.

I walk over to the lantern I left here for this reason and turn it on. This may not be the most romantic place, but it has a certain ambience. It is a very small church and looks like it originally held eight or so rows of pews.

Taking a seat, I sit facing forward and pat beside me. This is way more awkward than I anticipated. Clearing my voice I start, “Sorry for what you walked in on the other day.” I run my hands through my hair in a smooth sweep.

“Is it true what Andrea said?” she asks me straight out. “About the pictures?”

She is standing with her arms crossed, glaring down at me. I watch her gauging what to say. “There were no indecent photos taken of you.” I shake my head, feeling like we have bigger issues to talk about. I can see her visibly relax, and realize I need to be more truthful than this.

“But I did take photos.”

Her hands go up into the air. “Oh, so there are photos.” Her voice is sarcastic. “No big deal, right?” Her head bobs back and forth as she begins her lecture.

“It’s not like that. I had planned on deleting them before that night, just never got around to it.” I turn my body to face her, refusing to stand back up, and lean against the back of the seat trying to look relaxed.

“Look, Bennett, I realize you’re still learning how to treat a lady right.” Her hands are moving as she is talking, and I wait for my turn to speak. “But that is in no way an appropriate manner in which to treat a lady. I expect those photos to be fully deleted in front of me.”

Her eyes stare into mine. “Well, that’s impossible,” I tell her.

I can see her eyes go wide and her about to go off on me, so I continue before she can take a big enough breath to go on a rant.

“Because they are already deleted. Not even a professional would be able to get those pictures off the deleted parts of my hard drive.”

Her mouth closes and I can see that I stumped her. Without saying a word, she takes a seat beside me, relieving a bit of the pressure I am feeling.

“Look, I realize I come with my own baggage that comes with the ranch but I just can’t see myself associating with someone in your position.” Her voice gives her away; she doesn’t truly feel this way. I can hear when someone is scared. This is what she thinks she should be saying.

We sit there as I think about the struggles she must be having internally. But I’m a selfish prick. Seeing her again confirms that I want her. No one else. I keep telling myself that I just need to flush her out of my system. But deep down I know this isn’t the case. I should push her away from me and let her go like she is asking me.

“What you saw the other day was none of my doing.” I place my hand on top of hers that rests on the seat. “But it is a part of who I am.” I let my thumb run across her delicate skin.

I let out a breath, knowing I should explain it further, but I know I’ll resort to what I do best. Manipulation. It’s low, but something about her won’t let me say goodbye. I hope maybe I can help her then set her free. Maybe I can be strong enough once I’ve had a taste.

“Gambling in Texas is illegal, and you being part of that comes with a hefty prison sentence. I am in a position to protect you from that.” My voice comes off smooth, crisp, and confident. Looking down at her, I see hope flare in her eyes. I feel like an ass, not because this isn’t true. I will honor my word, but I am not doing this for her, I am doing it for me.

“Honestly, I just want to save my home. Luke…” She pauses, gathering her words. “He’s had no help and is trying the best he can. Unfortunately, it looks like he went the easy way out.” A few moments of silence pass between us. “I don’t want to be that person.”

I have had enough of hardly touching her, so I pull her into my side. We sit there, her head on my shoulder looking forward. I allow myself to breathe her in, run my hand up her arm. For a second time tonight I try to talk myself out of laying claim on her; but the devil on my side is stronger.

“Can you also protect Luke?” Her voice is quiet, almost a whisper.

“I will help him this time only, because you asked me. I can have it so that we can come up with a plan to save your ranch.” I turn and give her a gentle kiss. “If I do this, will you hold it against me?” I ask, referring to what it will take to complete this job perfectly. Unfair, I know, since she has no idea what it could entail. “I do this sort of thing pretty much for a living.”

“What do you do?” Her hand is on my chest, making me want to feel her more. I can feel my heart begin to pump harder; she’s close to coming around.

“I’m a computer hacker. It brings me a lot of power sometimes.” That’s the CliffsNotes version anyway. “Do you trust me?”

“Unfortunately, yes.”

That’s all I needed to hear. I pull her in for another kiss, moving her on top of me. Her legs straddle mine as she deepens the kiss. My hands go up her back, needing that soft skin under my hand. It’s both an intimate gesture and controlling. Play it delicately and she will blossom under my touch. I tug at her small waist, having her snug up against my torso. I allow my hands to outline her thin, lacy bra. I tease her with little touches and dip a finger or two inside the rough material, finding her plump, smooth tits underneath before moving back to the outside of the lace to pinch at her hardening nipples. With each touch she presses her chest into me more, telling me she wants more. Unclasping the front of her bra her breasts tumble out into my hands. She arches toward me, welcoming my touch, which has her hips pressing harder onto my crotch.

Her tits mold into my hands perfectly and my thumb and forefinger pinch and twist one of her nipples. Her hips rock on top of mine, and there is no doubt she can’t miss the hard-on she’s helped cause. I can feel her rock onto it each time. Lifting up her shirt, I kiss up the side of her tit before I wrap my mouth around her dark puckered nipple. I tease and taunt her with my tongue wrapping around it as I suck on it hard before I repeat the process. She whimpers under my touch. I love that fucking sound, each suck has her rocking harder and I involuntary thrust against her hot core.

Her hands go onto my face, gently rubbing the scruff before they go back to my shoulders, her fingers pinching into my skin with each movement.

“Jewels.” Her name is like velvet on my tongue.

I want to push my dick into that wet pussy of hers right now, and pull her hair so I can have access to nip and suck at her neck and mark her so everyone knows she’s taken. But this is for her, I remind myself.

I allow my hand to glide down her perfect, warm skin to the denim shorts she is wearing. My fingers brush the middle seam of her shorts as I dip my head to gain access to the delicate side of her neck. I start with slow, delicate kisses, and allow them to grow with each swipe of my hand. I am careful to not suck too hard, which is harder than it sounds.

Her breath dances across my skin, encouraging me. My hands are greedy and the other one leaves her perfect tits to skate down her belly, over her middle to the edge of her shorts. I allow my fingers to circle her skin underneath the hem.

She already feels magnificent on my cock, and it’s yet to touch her hot skin. I move my fingers to the edge of her panties and run them down her center to find them damp. She moans under my touch and I sneak underneath her panties to skillfully rub her growing clit. I can’t hide the smile on my lips as she moans and rocks against my hand. “Do you want my fingers to fuck you?” My voice is rasp. She nods but I need to hear it from her. “I need to hear you say it, Jewels.” She rocks against my thumb, which is still stroking her wet clit.

“Fuck me with your fingers.” It comes out breathless and needy.

I fill her with one, then two fingers, curving them just right as I allow my fingers to fuck her how I imagine I would with my cock. My other hand remains working on her throbbing, swelled bud before I introduce my third finger. She is so fucking tight, I can feel me stretching her, and she pumps harder into my hand.

Her hands find my face, directing my lips back onto hers. I put everything into it, like my life depends on it. She feels amazing on my hand that happens to be rocking against my massive wood. I lose myself in it all. I think I even hear myself moan as I imagine replacing my fingers with my cock, I can feel her tighten up and know she’s close. My fingers fuck her harder, my thumb rubbing faster as I feel myself come undone, coming right into my pants like a lovesick teenager. I groan into her mouth and she gasps into mine as her tight pussy squeezes the life out of my fingers, her orgasm ripping through her.

I feel like my heart is going to beat out of my chest and right into hers. Slowly, I remove my fingers from that pussy I want to own. We’re both panting with our foreheads touching. Our evading breaths echo throughout the church. I feel like my mind is blown, a surreal feeling for me.

My hands find hers and I intertwine my fingers with hers. She looks up at me with lustful, hooded eyes, looking completely satisfied as she gives me a smile. It’s not a shy smile, but a smug, confident smile. “Well I think that conversation went over well.” She giggles and lifts up her breathtaking blue eyes.

“I take it you forgive me then?” I tease her.

Titling her head, she smirks even bigger. “Well, maybe. You might have to convince me again.” Then she follows her comment with a wink.

I almost forget about the mess inside my pants before she uncurls herself from my lap. Fuck, this is going to be an uncomfortable and cold ride home.




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