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Recklessly Forbidden (Bennett Brothers Book 2) by Emily Bowie (6)

Chapter 6


I run my fingers through my hair as I fret about it. This is stupid. I hate that I feel like I need to try to have amazing fabulous volume in my hair. I even have a hard time admitting to myself why. It’s not the hair that is truly giving me problems, it is the fact I may see Tyson today that has me fretting. I have not heard one word since I left his place feeling like I was doing the walk of shame. I have no reason for feeling this way, nothing happened. Maybe it’s just embarrassment over getting uberdrunk. I close my eyes, releasing a breath before I give up. It’s useless. I haven’t heard from him, yet his words, Friday at four, have been replaying over in my head since I woke up at the crack of dawn.

Not that I had planned on actually following through with the lousy way he asked for a date. Not this girl. Nope. I need to be swooned, lifted off my feet, made a number one priority. I made myself that promise when I left Three Rivers. I was not going to fall back into the same pattern and find myself another Trevor. Trevor, Tyson. Their names are similar. Stop it! I am not going there. Anyway, it does not matter.

I take one last look in the mirror before I head out the door for work. I work in a high-end retail store, but other than Mandy no one knows I work there full-time. After the first year of college, I couldn’t bring myself to go back. I hated it. A waste of a scholarship and money. So I put it on hold until I could solidify what I wanted to do.

I should have been honest with myself and tried harder for veterinary school, instead I allowed myself to be pushed into a business degree with a math major. I know I should be working with farm animals, but this is the city, there are no farms or ranches nearby. The veterinary clinics already have so many student volunteers they don’t need to pay someone to work for them. Since I have bills to pay, I am working here. My knowledge of fashion was so limited before joining this team.

I stand, steaming a fresh box of clothes head office just sent up. The clock on the wall has a way of ticking at me. Each minute has crept by today. Four o’clock. I sneak a peek at my cell phone from my back pocket. No missed calls. Not even a message of anything important on Instagram or Snapchat. To be truthful, I only have Mandy on Snapchat, but still.

I keep blocking out the thought that maybe I am disappointed. Frick, I don’t know why. I roll my eyes at myself, a habit that lives strong in my world.

Methodically, I retrieve the retractable utility knife to cut open another box that needs steaming and roll the full rack of clothes toward the till for someone else to begin to put away. Before I know it, the part-timers begin to walk in, signaling that my shift is almost over. I feel jittery, as if he will pop through our doors any moment, but nothing. It’s four forty-five and no word from Tyson. Maybe he forgot about his idle threat. With that thought I can’t help but feel a little more relaxed.

After my shift is over, my manager checks my purse and I head for the door. I look in both directions as soon as I am out the door, and there is no guy lurking around the corner. Not that I would expect him to lurk, he doesn’t seem to be the type.

I casually approach my car, no one is near it, and foolishly I even check the backseat. No one likes to be surprised while driving, even me. I sink into my warm cloth seats and take a deep breath. But now I literally have no plans for tonight, and I am reminded that it’s Friday.

I press Mandy’s number on my phone and it begins to ring through my Bluetooth.

“Hey, girl!” Her voice is cheery, almost too cheery.

Pulling out of the parking lot, I head down the street toward the highway.

“What are you up to?” I ask, trying to sound as if I’m not prying.

“Kent and I are about to head out for some ultimate Frisbee.”

I quickly debate if I want to tag along, and decide it’s better than sitting at home.

“Want to get a bite to eat before or after? I’m just leaving work now.” I shoulder check as I access the highway, speeding up to go with the flow of traffic and hopefully catch up with Mandy before she leaves.

“I’m stuffed. I had a late lunch today. I feel like I may not eat for a week.” I roll my eyes at her exaggeration. She probably had a half of a salad.

“Yeah, no problem.” I try to hide the disappointment in my voice. Maybe I should get a dog…

My thought runs off just as Mandy responds, “But if we go for a drink after I will give you a call?” It was more of a question than a statement, telling me that she feels bad for me. Not my intention whatsoever. I am fine in the big city by myself.

“Don’t worry about me,” I tell her, easing my next lie off my tongue. “Jessica from work is having her birthday tonight, so I might already be gone by then.”

“That’s great, sister!” Mandy yells into my ear, her proudness radiating off her into my speaker. Now if only this were true.

“Talk to you later.” I fake being chipper.

“See ya, darlin’.” I end the call just as the red and blue lights reflect in my rearview mirror.

Looking down I see that I am just shy of going ten over the limit. I want to scream in frustration, but I lock it down. Instead, I slow down to a stop, manually rolling down my window, trying to pleasantly greet my punisher.

Seeing the cop walk on over with his tight cute uniform, I choose the flirtatious route, in hopes to avoid getting a ticket. I really don’t have the extra money to be paying this.

“Howdy, Officer.” I bat my eyelashes and give him my charming smile.

“License and registration.”

No please or thank you as I hand it to him. His eyes seem cold and uninviting. Who am I kidding, I can’t flirt my way out of a ticket! I can cry though, plan B. I think about my stressful day, then this shitty ticket, the tears are there, but no waterworks. Of course, today would be the only day I cannot cry on demand. Why shouldn’t it be?

He goes back to his patrol car and I search through my phone. I can’t believe that I had expected Tyson to call or follow through. But that’s the day I am having right now.

Getting my ticket, I throw it with the rest of the garbage in my backseat. I take no shame in doing that with the cop’s eyes on me. In fact, it only makes me smile. Yes, this may be the highlight of my day.

It doesn’t surprise me that my assigned parking spot is taken. Some fancy motorcycle sits in its place. Some nerdy scrawny geek who needs to feel cool probably owns it. Yes, I could go complain to the condo board but it isn’t like anything will get done. This dumbass will probably be gone by the time they get their lazy asses off the chair to check it out.

As I walk toward the entrance of my home, I can smell the sweet aroma of delicious cooking. Must be the neighbors again. I need to become friends with them, I mentally note. That is my next mission. Mandy and I both burn water when we cook. Apart from making eggs and bacon, that is. It’s time I branch out.

The thudding bass of “Thunderstruck” by AC/DC greets me as I approach my door. I only know this because I thought it was catchy at Brody’s party when the DJ announced it. At the same time it makes me turn my head a bit. I had no idea Kent liked this music and it is unlike Mandy to accidently leave the music blaring like it is.

Stepping into our home, I hear the sound of oil sizzling in a frying pan, the food aromas making my mouth water. Instantly, I notice the room is dimly lit and the table fully set. Holy shit.

Tyson looks over his shoulder, giving me one hell of a sexy smirk that sends goose bumps through me. I am frozen in place. My eyes cannot leave him in my stunned state.

Turning around, he wipes his hands on my old hand towel. His look is one of amusement and cockiness.

“You are a little late for four o’clock I think.” Of course he goes right in for the kill.

“I—I,” I stutter, not knowing what to say. To be honest, no one has ever made me a romantic dinner like this before. The gesture is so darn sweet that tears begin to flood my eyes. Blinking, I fight them back. I, Jewels, do not cry. Especially over something sappy like this!

“How did you get into my house?” I cross my arms, shielding me from his voodoo magic that he seems to use on me. I will not be charmed by Tyson Bennett!

He cocks one of his eyebrows at me. “That is what you take out of this?” His voice is full of amusement, like he knows something I don’t.

“Do you take enjoyment out of stalking innocent girls?”

His sexy lips curve upward, leaving me wonder what they could do to me. I already know this will only lead to heartbreak.

“I stopped by here at four.” He emphasizes the time part. “And Mandy told me I could wait in here for you while she stepped out.” He shrugs like this is no big deal.

“Do you plan on coming in and staying?”

He’s inviting me into my own home now. Oh no, he does not. Slipping off my heels, I move past him, bumping his shoulder. “I need to put my stuff away.” I hold up my purse I have been clutching as if my life depends on it.

I need a moment to gather myself, to get out from under his eyes. Holy shit, Tyson Bennett is in my house and made me dinner! I want to squeal and do a happy dance but refrain as I remind myself I am heading toward a road of heartbreak.

Placing my purse down, the whole thing begins to vibrate. I drive my hand in to fish my phone out from among the other two hundred things I have in there. Oh Mandy is going to hear about this tomorrow, I decide. The nerve of her to act like all is well. She and Kent are probably laughing at me right now.

My fingers find the vibrating phone and I pull it out to see the number belonging to a person from my past. Trevor. I throw it on my bed, like it is acid, before I turn on my heels to go back to face the man making me dinner.

As I sit and watch Tyson cook for me, I take the moment to ogle his perfect backside. My kitchen looks so small with him in it. I can see the muscles stretching his shirt, his dark jeans hugging his ass perfectly. He must instantly sweat when he steps outside, his outfit makes me hot just looking at him.

He turns around, flashing me that sexy panty-dropping smirk while lifting one of his eyebrows. Busted. Oh well. I shrug like it’s nothing and smirk right back at him.

“Wine?” He holds up a bottle of white wine and I nod. He fills up my glass with a modest amount. I can’t help but remember how adamant he seemed to be about me not drinking too much at Brody’s party.

Tyson has been a true gentleman the whole evening so far. Right from pulling out my chair to dishing out my food. The smooth white wine he brought has flown easily, too easily. My senses have been on high alert, waiting for anything that may tell me he’s here for all of the wrong reasons. Nothing.

“That was delicious!” I announce, pushing my plate away from me. Standing up, he goes to clear the table. “Let’s leave these in the sink,” I say, taking the dishes straight from his hands and walking over to my sink that is already full of pots and pans.

“I don’t mind washing these up while you relax on the couch,” he offers. I give him one of my looks. There is no way company of mine will ever be doing the dishes.

“No. I would rather the two of us relax, or I can’t relax,” I admit, keeping my ground, unwilling to negotiate.

He studies me for a moment before he takes what I am saying at face value. He nods his head. “Only if you are sure?” He phrases it like a question, making sure that I am fine with this. He keeps softening me up with how nice the whole evening has been.

“That was the best home-cooked meal I have had since I moved here,” I compliment. My stomach feels stretched to its limits.

I lie down on the couch, swinging my legs over top of his lap, wine glass in hand. I feel relaxed and content. Comfortable silence washes over the room, and I can honestly say at this moment I feel like I am back. The pre-Trevor Jewels is back. My smile is honest and genuine.

His hands slide over my feet before he starts to massage them; it’s divine. Being in heels and on my feet does a number on my soles.

“So I hear you have a full scholarship for university.”

I have no idea how he knows this, Mandy must have mentioned it.

“I did.” I take a sip of wine, deciding if and how I should elaborate.

“Come here.” He pulls at me, bringing me right to his chest. I can feel his hot breath on my hair and before I know it he uses his phone to flash a picture of us.

“A little warning would have been nice!” I giggle.

“There, it’s done.”

“What’s done?”

“We’re Instagram official.”

“What?” I squeak. “I probably have one eye shut and a crooked mouth!”

He just laughs at my reaction.

“Let me see that!” I reach for his phone but he keeps it an arm’s length away. I don’t stand a chance with my short arms. In a smooth roll of the hips I am straddling him, reaching for that darn phone of his.

I am so close to reaching it; I can practically feel it against my fingertips. Just as I am about to arc my hips forward, he goes below the belt, so to speak.

Picking me up from his lap, he drops me to my back on the couch, his fingers blasting the underside of my arms, tickling me. He shows no mercy. I have no control over my body, as I flail on the couch in an attempt to escape the attack.

“Give up?” he asks as I try to squirm away from his touch.

“Never!” I never lose; I can’t allow it. Just when he thinks he has me, I play even dirtier than he does. His face is a mere inch from mine. I go in for the kill. My lips crush his and my arms loop around his neck, pulling him in closer.

He immediately stops tickling me and shifts his arms under my ass, pulling me up so that our bodies are even on the couch. He rests one hand on my bare midriff, where my shirt rose up during our small war.

His tongue delves in my mouth, making me forget all thoughts. I can hear his phone drop from his hand onto the floor by the couch.

Trying to take control of the moment, I manage to roll us so that I am back straddling him as I lean my body down on his, continuing our kiss. The kiss goes on forever. His hands delicately go up and down my back underneath my shirt. I can feel the hard-on in his pants as I press down on him, deepening the kiss.

Then my brain starts working. What am I doing? I’m not this girl. Or could I be? Before I have a chance to fully think this through, I swoop down and pick up his phone as I run to the back of the couch, earning me precious moments to open up his Instagram account.

The picture is all right, not as horrible as I envisioned. But it’s the caption that catches my heart.

I’m crazy for a little bit of Country.

“This is not over, baby.” He has a gleam in his eyes, full of desire and mischief as he starts stalking me around the couch.

“If you want it, just come and get it,” I mock, sounding way too seductive for my own ears.

His phone buzzes in my hands just then. Giving him a winning smirk, I slowly lift my finger, bringing it down to press on the message. The image I see burns my eyes. Seeing Brody’s name on the screen I thought I might see some brotherly banter, giving me more insight to the Bennett brothers. This was not the insight I ever wanted or imagined I’d see and I practically throw his phone at him. Shock sets in before my uncontrollable laughter washes over me. I am talking about belly hurting laughing. Oh my, did this just happen?

Tyson looks at me like I’ve lost my mind as he retrieves his phone that landed on the floor.

“I wouldn’t do that if I were you,” I warn him between the gasps of air I manage through my giggle fest.

Just as he’s picking up his phone, I can no longer keep my curiosity at bay. “What is Brody doing sending you a dick pic?”

His eyes go wide before checking his phone. Tyson groans, not sure if it’s due to embarrassment or disbelief.

“He does say he only has access to the Internet for a few short minutes. Should I text him back saying he sent this to the wrong person?” He shakes his head like he is trying to get the image erased from his mind.

I think about it. “Nah, well if you do, maybe tell him to add a can of Coke by it for size verification. Never know, he could have Photoshopped that thing.”

He has that predatory glean in his eyes as he tosses his phone in his back pocket.

“I think it’s time I erase that image of my brother from you.”

“Oh do you?” I sway my hips back and forth, debating what direction to run.

“You can run but you can’t hide,” he playfully taunts me. My smile spreads across my face, I enjoy the butterflies he stirs up inside me.

Seeing him jump over my couch, I try to turn away to run but he’s too fast. Within seconds I’m thrown over his shoulder.

“You have been a bad girl.” His arm rubs up my leg, and I wonder what his plan is.

“What do you plan on doing about it?” I can’t believe I am being so brave; Tyson seems to pull another side out of me.

“What would you like me to do about it?”

I try to wiggle free, not knowing what else to say. Flirting like this has never been my forte. I freeze and trip over my tongue, not knowing how to respond. I feel like I only have maybe three sexy lines.

I can tell he has changed directions and we are headed back to the couch. Why can’t I think of something naughty and flirty to say?

He tosses me back on the couch before he crawls over to straddle my legs, caging me in.

“No sassy comeback?” he sexily mocks me. Being under his glare is doing something crazy to my insides.

“I wouldn’t want to make it too easy on you, now would I?” I fake my confidence, not allowing my eyes to leave his, but my breath hitches, giving me away.

“Oh, Country, easy would not be the term I would use for you.”

We are not going there right now, are we? My eyes widen, not needing a conversation about what is happening right now.

“Confident and sexy, yes. But I would never expect you to make it easy for me. That’s why I like you.”

His lips are so close to mine, I want to kiss him, why isn’t he taking my lips. He’s killing me right now.

His arm slides down the side of my body, leaving my skin awakening under his touch. I have never been so thankful for my shirt to ride up; I want this too much. He fiddles with its hem, waiting for what seems like my permission. I’m not slapping it away, so that’s me saying yes. Just as I am no longer able to take the suspense, his lips crush against mine, rough and hard. A girly moan leaves me when I feel his hips press against me. There is no question that he is into this moment. I want to explore his muscular back, making my way around to feel his whole package. Almost like a test drive, to see if I like this model. Who am I kidding, I can feel that it would be the best model I’ve ever had. It’s me being greedy, wanting to feel him in my hands.

His fingers knead my breasts through my bra, trying to get at my nipples. My hands have still not moved from his neck. He feels amazing; it’s hard to think when he is touching me like this. It’s been a long time since I have been touched this way.

His lips begin to trail down my neck, just as my hands being to move. They slide down his back, cupping around his rock-hard ass. My breathing has become labored as I feel his hips taunting my core.

My hands keep on their tour until I find this hard dick pressed against his jeans. I let my fingers glide down the length and back up before I allow my palm to rub him. He can’t help but sigh into my hand as he pushes harder.

Grabbing my shirt, he practically tears it up and over my head, with me barely moving forward to remove it. Then does the same with his, throwing it on the floor where it’s quickly forgotten, as his lips find mine again, my hand still enjoying the feeling of him.

Finding my pants button, Tyson beats me to it, just as I hear a voice echoing in my tiny home. “Just forgot my wallet.” A squeal follows almost instantly.

“Mandy, what’s wrong?” Kent follows my roommate in, both of them shell-shocked and standing like statues while looking at us.


Tyson leans over to grab my shirt, throwing it at me, all the while looking like a kid who got caught with his hand in the cookie jar. Mandy is now grinning at us; not at all ashamed that she just walked in on us. Kent is slowly trying to back away, tugging on Mandy’s arm.

“I have to go anyway, I have a meeting,” Tyson says while throwing his shirt over his head.

“No need. We’re leaving.” Kent is now pulling Mandy out of the house, while she is trying to keep her giggles from escaping her.

Tyson nearly plows them over as he runs out of my living room and out the front door.

Well so much for Tyson and my date, if you can call this a date I guess. Story of my life.

Mandy mouths sorry to me as she watches Tyson run out of my house, shoes in hand. He was so intent on leaving he went shoeless. That’s a first for me.

I just shrug, like I’m not fazed by it.

“So you want to go for a drink with us?” She drawls out the first few words as she looks from me and back to where Tyson disappeared.

“I guess so, since your stench caused him to run away,” I joke, trying to deflect how I feel at this moment.

Kent lifts his arms, smelling under them, humoring me. Shaking his head, he then bends down to smell Mandy. “Yep, it’s her!” he jokes. She laughs alongside him while giving him a pitiful slap.




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