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Resolve by Carla Susan Smith (4)

Chapter 4

Liam sipped his glass of wine and watched his wife as she moved effortlessly about the room. She stopped to speak with a group of people, distant relatives from the Pelham side of the family, although he was at a complete loss to recall their names even though he knew they had been introduced. Then again, both he and Felicity had met so many new faces in the past twenty-four hours it was difficult to keep track of who was related to whom, at least on his wife’s side of the family.

As for the Connors, it was a relatively simple matter keeping track of only himself and Rian. Their father had been the only child in his family to reach adulthood, and their mother’s people had strongly disapproved of her choice of a husband. Defying her family’s wishes and being married in secret had made her an outcast to them. Thankfully the large and colorful Pelham clan had more than enough females eager to welcome both Connor men into the family fold.

Felicity had left Pelham Manor the day before Rian and Liam’s departure from Oakhaven. Naturally she had resided at her parents’ town home until the wedding, and would spend her wedding night with Liam in his house before they returned to the country.

It had been the longest five days of Liam’s life, but it had all been worth it when he had watched Felicity walk up the nave of the church toward him. Her wedding dress was pale blue with silver embroidery work decorating the bodice, outer skirt and pleated panels that fell from her shoulders down her back. White bows decorated the front of her bodice and each elbow where the tight-fitting sleeves ended in a cascade of ruffles. Bows continued down the front of her gown. With the addition of pearls, they ran either side of the gown’s front split, accentuating the white petticoat that was also embroidered with silver thread. Liam found himself mesmerized as she came ever closer, and he might have forgotten entirely why he was there if not for a well-timed poke in the ribs from Rian. The look on Felicity’s face, shining with joy as she repeated her vows to him, was one Liam knew he would remember for the rest of his life.

Sipping some more wine, Liam realized he was starting to feel a little lightheaded, and so he put his glass down on a nearby table. He had no intention of being anything but sober when he consummated his marriage. A movement at his side made him turn his head, and he found himself face to face with Isabel.

There had been no need to remind Rian of his promise to be her escort on this day. He was a man of his word. Besides, he had little to worry about with Catherine safely tucked away at Oakhaven, and Isabel had wasted no time reminding him what a charming companion she could be. No mention was made of their last meeting, or the apparent quarrel between her and Catherine. Instead it was almost as if they were meeting for the first time, and Rian could not help but be delighted by her conversation and general gaiety. A charming Isabel was as difficult to resist as the accomplished seductress.

Liam bent to kiss Isabel’s proffered hand. “Thank you for coming, Isabel,” he said, hoping his tone would not make a liar of him.

“Your bride is very beautiful, and I wish you both many years of happiness.”

The smile she gave him seemed genuine enough, but it did not persuade him to drop his guard. Women like Isabel unnerved him. The boldness of her character was enough to guarantee he would never, by his own choice, seek her out. He glanced across the room at the woman he had chosen, who, at that very moment, lifted her eyes and met his. A frown of concern momentarily creased Felicity’s brow as she noted who stood next to her husband.

Your reputation has managed to precede you even to our little backwater, Liam thought to himself, as he gave Felicity a reassuring smile.

“I will be certain to pass on your kind words to my wife,” Liam told Isabel. A small shiver of delight ran through him at being able to refer to Felicity in such a way.

Isabel tapped him on the arm with her closed fan. “Now you must promise not to be a bore and keep Felicity locked away in the country. I expect both of you to come to town often, and I insist you both visit me when you do.” Her smile turned positively feral. “After all, I want Felicity and me to become the best of friends. Just as I’m sure Catherine and I will soon be.”

“Catherine?” Liam feigned innocence, though he was shocked at hearing Catherine’s name being spoken out loud by his brother’s former lover. Common sense told him that Isabel would assume her meeting with Catherine would not be unknown to him. Rian would have told him, but she could not have known it was Rian’s idea to avoid mentioning Catherine’s name. As far as Liam knew, neither Rian nor Mrs. Hatch nor even Catherine herself had actually used her first name in Isabel’s presence. So how was it she was able to now speak of her with such familiarity?

“Oh come now, Liam,” Isabel said, narrowing her eyes, “don’t pretend that you have no idea to whom I am referring.” Her voice was as smooth as silk. “You would be amazed at the secrets I know. I hope Catherine is enjoying her stay in the country. The air at this time of year can be so…invigorating.”

Liam’s protest was silenced before it even had time to form in his head. The tap from Isabel’s fan was a little sharper this time.

“Ah, here comes your brother. I do hope you take advantage of his expertise should you be in need of instruction on your wedding night.” She arched a brow. “Would you like me to have a quiet word with your bride? Offer some advice of my own perhaps?”

Her question took him by surprise. He could conceive of no situation that would benefit by Isabel giving his wife advice on any subject. It was an idea so repellant Liam was unable to successfully disguise his dismay.

“Don’t fret so,” Isabel chided with a laugh. “I have no experience with virgins, at least not those of my own sex!”

Liam muttered something unintelligible as his brother joined them.

“Rian, how wonderful!” Isabel declared, taking the glass of wine from his hand.

“What have you two been talking about?” Rian asked, noting the slightly horrified look on his brother’s face.

“Oh, nothing in particular,” Isabel said, tapping Liam once more with her fan. “I was just asking your brother if his bride might like to avail herself of my expertise.”

“In what area?” The muscle in Liam’s jaw began to jump alarmingly.

“A wife’s expectations on her wedding night,” Isabel laughed.

“And how would you know what Felicity should expect?”

Isabel laughed again, and put a finger to her lips. “Don’t worry,” she said, addressing Liam, “I promise it will be our secret!” Giving both men a conspiratorial smile, she left with a swish of her skirts.

Liam looked at Rian, the color beginning to creep above the collar of his shirt. “I swear to you, Rian, Isabel and I have never—”

“I know, I know,” Rian soothed, his hand on his brother’s shoulder. He knew only too well that this type of teasing, the kind filled with sly innuendos, made his brother uncomfortable. And it was positively unnerving when it came from a woman. He sighed quietly. He was not going to have Liam upset on his wedding day and certainly not by Isabel. “Unfortunately that’s just Isabel’s way of being humorous. She means no harm by it.”

“Really?” Liam gave his brother a scathing look. “Forgive me if I beg to differ with you on that particular observation.”

Rian drained his glass. Liam was being overly sensitive but, given the strain of the day, he was willing to overlook it. Like his bride, his brother preferred not to be the center of attention. “I’ll speak with Isabel,” he promised quietly. “In the meantime I think your beautiful wife needs rescuing.” He pointed across the room, where Felicity seemed to be surrounded by a group of middle aged matrons. Giving the groom a push, he was pleased to see any concerns about Isabel vanish as Liam crossed the room to join his wife.

It didn’t take long for Rian to find her. Surrounded by a group of young bucks, Isabel looked delighted as each man hung onto every word she uttered. She reminded Rian of a queen holding court, and there was a collective sigh of disappointment when he apologized, and led her to a secluded alcove. “Do not make me regret bringing you here today,” he told her in a low voice, keeping his smile fixed.

“Regret?” Isabel sounded genuinely puzzled. “Whatever are you talking about?”

“I know my brother better than anyone else in this room, yes, better even on this day than his wife.” Rian bent his head, and to the casual observer it would appear as if he were murmuring in her ear. “I will not have you playing games with either Liam or Felicity. Not today, and not ever. Do I make myself clear?” Pulling his head back, he looked down at her.

For a moment Isabel’s eyes turned a hard, glassy green as rage made them glitter with an unnatural light, but then she relaxed and let out a peal of laughter loud enough to be noted by those nearby.

“Darling, nothing could be further from the truth.” She placed her hand on Rian’s chest. “I apologize if your brother misunderstood me, but if it makes you feel better, then I gladly give you my word that I shall behave myself as far as the newlyweds are concerned. Come now, you’re being tiresome, and I thought we were getting along so well.” Looking over his shoulder, she gave a small wave. The alcove, it seemed, was not so private after all. “Now if you will excuse me, there’s someone who’s been trying to get my attention, and I’ve been ignoring him for far too long.”

He caught hold of her arm as she slipped past him. “I will be keeping a close eye on you, Isabel.”

“I wouldn’t want it any other way, lover,” she said, tilting her head up and pressing her mouth to his, making certain the inappropriately intimate kiss was witnessed by at least two or three other couples.

Rian watched her walk away from him and wondered what she was really up to. There was always a purpose behind everything Isabel did, even when she was teasing, but before he could speculate further he was surprised to see Liam advancing on him once more. “Did I not send you to rescue your wife?” he asked.

“It seems my mother-in-law beat me to it,” Liam answered in a tone that indicated wounded pride.

“Not to worry. Let them enjoy what little time they have left together. Felicity is your wife now. You can afford to be generous, brother.” Lowering his voice, he added, “Isabel will apologize if you so wish it.”

The new husband shook his head. “No, that won’t be necessary, but there is something else I think you should know.”

“Don’t let her get you riled up with her foolishness Liam, not today of all days,” Rian admonished gently.

Liam shook his head again. “I won’t, but that’s not what this is about.” He frowned. “She talked about Catherine, and mentioned her by name.”

Rian looked thoughtful. “What did she say?”

Momentarily forgetting the promise he’d made to himself, Liam seized two full glasses of wine from a servant carrying a full tray. He passed one to Rian, drained the other in one go, and then repeated his conversation with Isabel, word for word.

“Bah! Isabel has no intention of becoming friends with any woman, let alone one who could draw a man’s attention from her,” Rian said with a derisive snort. “She dislikes competition in any form.”

“The real question is how did she know Catherine’s name and the fact that she is already living at Oakhaven?” Liam asked

Rian shrugged it off. “Most likely one of the servants talked. It is of little consequence, and perhaps this is Isabel’s way of saying she intends to find out who Catherine is. I am sure there are doors she can open that we cannot.” He clapped his brother on the shoulder. “Lady Howard is a clever woman, but she knows no more about Catherine, or her circumstances, than we do. She holds no advantage.” He took the glass from Liam’s hand. “For God’s sake, man, wipe that look of doom and gloom off your face. It’s your wedding day.” Liam gave a weak smile. “Better. Now let’s go and find that wife of yours so I can indulge myself in a time-honored male Connor prerogative.”

“Time-honored?” Liam was suddenly wary at the glint in his brother’s eye. He’d never heard of such a thing. “And what might that be?”

“Dancing with the bride, of course!”

* * * *

At last, the happy couple managed to slip away from their guests, and, after a long, circuitous carriage ride guaranteed to discourage any would-be pranksters, they finally arrived at the Connor townhouse. Mrs. Hatch was the only member of the household to witness Liam carry his bride across the threshold. She had given strict orders that she alone would tend to the needs of the new couple. Most of the staff had been given the night off and those who remained knew better than to leave their rooms unless specifically called upon. The only exception was the night footman whose duty it was to make sure the front door was bolted securely after everyone was abed.

With a smile on her face, Mrs. Hatch led the way to the master suite, and, after closing the door behind Liam, she sat quietly on a chair at the end of the hall. Experience told her to wait, and a few moments later she heard the door open, and the new groom came out of the room.

“Mrs. Hatch?” His tone was as anxious as his expression.

“Master Liam?”

His nervousness made him appear far younger than his years. “Um…I was wondering if you could assist Felicity. Too many ties and things…” He stared at his hands as if he’d never seen them before.

She patted him gently on the arm. “Why don’t you go downstairs to the library and get yourself something to drink, but only one, mind. I’ll come fetch you when your bride is ready.”

With a grateful look over his shoulder, Liam did as he was told. Mrs. Hatch knocked lightly on the bedroom door before entering. Her new mistress stood in the middle of the room, anxiously twisting the wedding ring on her finger.

“He tried to help me but his hands shook so much he was fearful he would tear the material,” Felicity explained.

“Well now, we can’t have that, can we, Miss Felicity.”

Felicity caught hold of the older woman’s hands, letting her feel the trembling in her own. “He’s not the only one. I can’t seem to stop my hands from shaking either.”

“What you’re feeling is perfectly normal,” the housekeeper assured her. “I was nervous on my own wedding night, as is every new bride I imagine.” She poured a small glass of blackberry brandy and handed it to Felicity. “Just a sip or two to help calm your nerves,” she instructed with a twinkle in her eye. Turning the new bride around, Mrs. Hatch began unlacing the wedding gown. “Do you love him?” she asked softly.

“Oh yes, I do. Truly.”

“Then put your trust in him, my dear. I have known Master Liam all his life, and believe me when I say he will never hurt you.” With the back now loosened, she helped the new Mistress of Oakhaven step out of her beautiful, but cumbersome gown, and then proceeded to remove the layers of petticoats she wore. “Now let’s get you into something that is sure to please your husband.”

Liam poured himself a brandy but did not drink it. Instead he set the glass on the fireplace mantel as he stared into the flames. Although he was not as experienced as Rian when it came to the fairer sex, he knew what it was to lie with a woman. He remembered all too clearly his first time. Filled with a mix of excitement and dread, he’d been awestruck by her breasts, while remaining confused and bewildered by everything below her waist. Thankfully, she was the experienced one, and he would be forever grateful not just for her role in helping him through the physical act, but her kindness to him afterwards. Though he knew losing one’s virginity was markedly different for a woman, he promised to be as kind to Felicity. A knock on the door brought in Mrs. Hatch, whose gentle nod told him he could return to his bride.

Together they walked up the staircase and then along the hallway, stopping outside the bedroom door. Liam turned to look at the woman who had been a surrogate mother to him for so many years. His head was suddenly filled with a hundred things he wanted to say to her, but he couldn’t think of how to phrase a single one.

“She’s a wonderful young woman, Liam, and I have no doubt she will make you a wonderful wife. Your mother would have been very proud of you. As am I.”

“Thank you.”

In a rare display of emotion, Liam gathered the housekeeper to him, holding her in his arms as though she truly was his mother. Leaning down, he kissed her cheek and received a kiss in return before he freed her from his embrace. She smiled up at him and then retraced her steps, leaving him alone to stare at the closed bedroom door behind which lay the rest of his life.




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