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Rule Number One (Rule Breakers Book 1) by Nicky Shanks (3)














One thing is for damn sure: Julie is extremely frustrating to me.

I watch her bounce around our bedroom, putting things away and fretting over if I’d seen her panties before she throws them into a small dresser drawer. The entire dance she does turns me on. I admit, I’m a little frustrated that she isn’t trying to show me her panties on purpose. I avert my eyes when she flicks her gaze toward me. I hope she doesn’t know that I’ve been looking the whole time.

Not that I won’t try and check those lacy things out while she’s still wearing them.

My legs ache when she bends over. With the way her jean shorts hug her hips, I can just imagine how soft her skin must feel, but I stop myself. She still flutters around the room, her chest bouncing with her every move, and I fake a yawn and stretch out on the bed, shaking my head at her demanding one of my dresser drawers for her pajamas.

“What’s mine is yours.” I yawn for real this time, remembering that I haven’t gotten very much sleep in the past few days because of my extracurricular activities at night. But Julie doesn’t need to know about that.

She closes the drawer gently and leans back on it. I get a perfect view of the curves on both sides of her body and the way her slender, pointed nose turns down at me. “You can sleep for a while, if you want. I can cover for you downstairs.”

How about I cover myself with you, instead? I clear my throat. This is getting out of hand already. I hadn’t done the whole girlfriend and mushy feelings thing ever since Heather, and I’m not trying to start doing it now with a random girl I just met.

Still, she smells like strawberries and sunflowers—it makes me want to cover myself in her scent, but I take in a deep, sharp breath and she looks at me with bewildered eyes. “I should be okay, thanks though.”

Julie makes a small noise and turns back to her suitcase. “That’s all of it.” She closes it, zips it up, and looks around for a place to put it. I close my eyes and let her think for a few more minutes, then stand up, taking the case from her. I push her onto the bed and my body’s on fire now thinking of her pinned beneath me. I hurry and put her suitcase in the closet and rush from the room before I get any other stupid ideas.

What is wrong with me? I have to get out of here. Now.

“I’ve gotta go,” I mumble and leave the room. I don’t bother looking back at her; I know she’s aware of my issues.

“Hey, bro,” Casey says when I enter the living room, “did you want to grill some meat tonight? I had the caretaker go shopping before we got here.”

I grunt. I’m glad that he’s steering my attention away from someone I can’t have. “Sure.”

His eyebrows rise in suspicion. “What’s wrong with you?”

I wave my hands. “Nothing. Where’s the stuff for the grill?”

Casey points toward the back patio where everyone—except for Julie—is laughing, drinking, and hanging out around the large fire pit. I think about running back upstairs to grab her, but I tell myself that if she wants to be down here with me, then she will be.

I want her here.

“Oh, so you guys—” Nora snorts through her hysterical laughter. “—Is it okay if I invite another friend to come up in a few days?” I throw the large plate of turkey legs and steaks on the grill, slowly turning them.

“Sure, babe,” Casey answers her. “Anything for you.” I hear them sloppily kiss and a pain twinges in the bottom of my stomach. There is no way I’m going to turn and look at that while everyone else gushes over how cute they are.

“Awesome, you are so amazing. She’s going to love it here.” Nora coos and I want to be sick all over the food.

“Food is done,” I mutter after a few more minutes and look around behind me.

No Julie.

“I’m going to get Julie,” I mutter again and leave the group. As I search the house, I finally find her tucked away on the chaise in our bedroom, a thick book open in her hands and a smile on her face. The soft light from the floor lamp next to her warms her face and her golden hair glows around her like an angel.


My heart races and I can feel the blood rush to my cheeks. I make sure to quickly turn and look away before she can catch me staring at her. It takes every ounce of strength I have left not to close the bedroom door and lock everyone else out.

“What the fuck?” I mouth.

“Hey,” she says. “Did you need something?”

“Yeah—yes.” I choke and turn back around, hoping that my face isn’t red. “Are you hungry?”

Julie smiles and stands. “Actually, yes. Thank you.”

“Okay.” My body’s frozen in place.

She rolls her eyes. “I can’t walk through you to leave the room, you know.”

My body is still frozen as my eyes focus on her lips. I want them; they’re thick and pouty, and the bottom one is slightly pink from the way she bites it when she focuses on something—like she focuses on her book when she’s lost in the pages. I’m so much taller than her that I’m sure she feels uncomfortable, but I can’t make myself move out of her way.

“O…kay.” Her mouth moves into a perfect O-shape and my stomach drops. “I’ll just find something to eat later. I want to finish my book before it gets too late.”

Move, Oliver!

I finally gain control over my legs and walk toward her, furrowing my eyebrows. I’m angry at her for making me want her, and angry at myself for not being able to have her. “You’re only like halfway through that thing,” I say and snatch the book from her hands, smiling. “And at this rate it’ll take all night long. Why not come and eat with me now?”

Her little nose twitches with annoyance as she grabs for the book, which I wave in my hands. “I’m not going to fawn over you, so you can forget about that.”

“What is that supposed to mean?”

She sighs and grabs the book back. “It means you are very aware of your charisma and what you look like. I’m not here for some crazed, casual sex weekend with a stranger. I’m here because life sucks and I want to look at pretty trees and nature. Okay?”

Well, okay, then.

“Just come on,” I demand, my eyes burning into hers.

She doesn’t bother to look back up to me, sticking her nose back in her book and ignoring my demands.

What the hell? This won’t do.

“Julie. Come. On.”

Finally, her eyes meet mine again. “I’m not a child—you can’t order me around to do what you want. I told you—”

I growl loudly and before my mind can catch up, I scoop her up, clutch her body hard against my chest—with only a small bit of want dripping from my skin—and storm out of the room with her fingernails digging into my neck and her feet kicking against my abs. She’s frustrating me on purpose. “Put me down!” she squeals. The pressure of her sharp fingernails excites me, but it’s the tone of her voice that ruins it.

There’s no delight in her voice.

She fears me.

I put her down when we get to the bottom of the stairs.

“You are such a major jerk.” She scowls and punches my arm, the book still in her hand. “I’m not some girl you have to save—I don’t need you doing things for me.”

“I’m sorry.” I bow my head. “I’m not trying to be a jerk.”

Julie isn’t buying it. She taps her foot against the floor in annoyance.

“And I definitely don’t think you need to be saved.”

A small smile creeps across her face, and the knot in the pit of my stomach grows a little when she bites her lip.

She’s thinking about me.

All my blood rushes to the lower half of my body.

“Can we just go eat?” I snap a little at her, annoyed with my inability to control myself.

Julie rolls her eyes. “Fine, but only because I’m actually hungry.”

I smile and place my fingers lightly on her back, gently nudging her toward the back patio. The others are already helping themselves at a long table of food and laughing at something Casey had just said. He waves at us, then motions toward two empty seats at the end of the table.

I don’t bother pulling out her chair for her, so I just sit down in my own and start filling my plate with meat and the steamed vegetables the girls have prepared. Julie hungrily eyeballs the steaks and turkey legs as I shove food into my mouth, but she just nibbles on some steamed asparagus and a few cheese cubes.

I cut a small portion of my steak off and plop it onto her plate, narrowing my eyes at her.

“I don’t want that.” Julie pouts and whispers, “Take it back.”

“Is it not cooked the way you like it?” I frown. “How do you like your meat, Julie?” The girls giggle and Julie’s eyes are wide. There she goes, biting that lip again. I’ll have to make her stop doing that or it’ll drive me crazy. “Do you want a beer?” My gaze never leaves hers for a second. She nods and starts to stand, but I hold my hand out to stop her. “I’ll get it.” I run off into the house, my tail between my legs.

At first, I drown myself with a few glasses of cold tap water, letting the chill fill my insides and settle the little twinges in my stomach. I slam the glass down on the counter when the feeling starts to come back, throw the fridge door open, and grab three bottles of beer from the top shelf. I pop them all open and guzzle the first one instantly, tossing the remains into the recycle bin and letting the liquid fill my insides. “This isn’t working.” I’m starting on the second bottle when Julie walks into the kitchen.

Her honey blonde hair is braided down one side of her neck, exposing the other side of her pale collarbone. It’s perfectly defined beneath her smooth skin, taunting me. I think about pressing my lips against it and find myself angry that the arousal has come back ten times worse than before.

“What isn’t working?” she asks. She bends her head a little so her collarbone is exposed even more. My teeth start to grind; they want to sink into the skin there.

This isn’t going to work for me.

Oh, no. Oliver, you are in trouble.

You like her.

“Oliver?” Julie’s voice cuts through the silence. I nearly drop the bottle I’m holding at the way she says my name.

I gulp down the rest of the second beer. “Yeah?”

“I can get my own.” She takes the third bottle from my hand. “Is this mine?” I nod and don’t dare say a single word. Her lips touch the bottle and my skin starts to rage with fire. I slam my empty bottle down on the table in frustration, but she hardly notices my tantrum.

“So, a little information about me…” Her teeth play with the underside of her lip. “I don’t usually eat meat and I’m actually talking about the food topic, not the…other one.” She blushes a little and I want to reach out and run my thumb along the bottom of her lip, just to see how soft it is compared to what I think. “But it’s sweet of you to care.”

I choke when she says that.

Sweet. There’s that word.

Heather used to call me sweet.

My bones grow cold and my smile stiffens. “I’m not sweet—don’t say that. Nothing about me is sweet.”

Julie’s lips turn down, and without saying another word, she takes her drink back to the patio where the others are enjoying life. I grab a third beer and follow her back outside.

“Hey,” Julie says to me, her voice dainty and faint, “are you sure you’re okay?”

“He’s fine,” Casey chimes in, his voice booming in the backyard like he’s speaking through a megaphone. He’s slurring. “He’s just brooding over his ex. Trust me, he’ll be fine.” He glares down the table at me. I know I’m putting a damper on the good mood—I just don’t care.

I shoot him an I’m-going-to-kill-you look, but he doesn’t notice. Now, his tongue is so far down Nora’s throat that I want to vomit. The twins, Harley and Victor, hardly notice either, as they’ve intensified their moves on the other two girls that Nora brought with her.

And then there’s Julie.

I like it when she blushes; it pulls at my insides and sets me on fire.

Stop thinking about her, man. What is wrong with you?

Julie starts reading her book again while sipping her beer and nibbling on the baby carrots that litter her plate. I look down at my lap, lost in my own thoughts and not even listening to the other conversations floating around the space between us. My hair falls into my eyes but I don’t bother pushing it away this time.

I am sad.

I miss Heather.

I hate her, but I miss her.

Maybe I can forgive her.

              “So, Oliver…” Nora clears her throat. “Do you remember that you and I’ve actually met before?”

I stare at my plate. “Before what?”

“Before Casey. You and I met at a few parties. We have some mutual friends.”

I hardly care what Nora is talking about. I certainly don’t care enough to ask her any further questions. Once the silence drags on, Nora takes the hint and stops talking to me. I have a lot of “friends” and she could be talking about any of a hundred people.

Julie giggles at something she read and I get nervous, sitting so close to her. She’s sexy, in her own nerdy way, and that isn’t going to stop me from wanting her so damn bad. I stare at her for longer than appropriate and I haven’t even noticed that Casey and Nora have gotten up to disappear into their bedroom. After the conversations die out, the other two girls yawn, finish their pink wine, and giggle their way back into the house.

The twins drink more beer and Harley leans his body onto the table. “So, why are you still driving that shitty Jeep when you don’t have to, man? You’ve got money—you should be investing in something with a few more zeros behind the price.”

I blush, hoping that Julie’s too involved in her book to listen. Another rule I live by: Don’t let the women I sleep with know that I’m loaded. Not that I’m sleeping with her—yet. “Don’t worry about that—just worry about the money I keep spending at your body shop fixing the damn thing all the time. I’m keeping you in business.”

When Julie yawns and stretches, her chest moves with her and Harley and Victor stare at her with their tongues out, practically drooling. I want to jump them for even looking at her.

“Hey, I’m going to head upstairs and take a shower—can you light the fireplace when you come up?” I say in my best smooth Casanova voice. Julie’s eyes flutter with confusion, glassy from looking at book pages for over an hour. One thing Casey managed to do before whisking Nora up here first was call the caretaker to get the cabin ready. I noticed firewood already stacked neatly in our bedroom fireplace earlier.

“Sure.” She nods and rubs her temples. “Oh, shoot. I forgot ibuprofen when I packed earlier…do you think there’s some inside?”

“Hey, you want to get into the hot tub?” Harley asks her. “It does wonders for headaches.”

“Yeah, I’ll go start it—you should join us,” Victor adds.

Julie brushes them off and starts to stand up, taking my plate in her free hand. I growl at them and then glance at Julie, who stifles a laugh and picks up her plate too. “No thanks, guys.” She faintly smiles and then without even looking at me, walks the dishes into the house and leaves the three of us in silence.

“Dude, if you want to fuck her, just say so,” Harley whispers. “You don’t have to act like a little bitch.”

“I don’t want to fuck her,” I blurt. I try to lower my voice so she can’t hear me from inside the house. “Quit being little creeps.”

They look at each other in disgust. “We aren’t creepy.”

We hear dishes clanking in the kitchen. “Yeah, you are,” Julie says loudly through the open patio doors. I raise my eyebrows at the twins and cock my head like, See? I told you so. I leave them arguing with each other and join her in the kitchen, but she’s already left to go back upstairs. My heart sinks a little. I wanted to share that victory with her.

When I get to the bedroom, she’s bent over, rummaging through a smaller backpack. “Oh, sorry.” She blushes and sits down on the bed when she notices I’ve come into the room. “You wanted to take a shower? You can go ahead; I have to find my toothbrush anyway.”

I have to force myself not to pick her up and take her into the shower with me. I grunt and mumble something that even I don’t comprehend, but she doesn’t bother to even look up at me. Her honey hair is loose now—she’d taken out her braid and the soft waves frame her body. As she sifts through her bag, I watch her carefully. I don’t want her to know, so I pretend to be going through my suitcase for clothes.

“We can get you another one if you forgot it,” I say. “I have to go into town later this week.”

Julie smiles at me and holds up her purple toothbrush. “Again, sweet of you, but I found it.”

Sweet. You’re so sweet, Oliver.

I don’t want to be sweet.

I wait as she slips in to brush her teeth and smile innocently when she returns. “All yours.” I find so much pleasure in those two words that it’s hard to keep calm.

“I’m going to shower now,” I flatly say and leave the room. I have to go before my body totally explodes and I do something I’ll probably regret later. When I stand in the shower, the hot water rushing over me, my mind goes back to Heather.

Talk about someone who I thought was perfect in every single way. Her jet-black hair shimmered when we showered together, and her lips are thin and powerful, making her smile light up the room. I start to get aroused, so I turn the heat down a little bit, letting the cooler water wash over me and help settle me down.

There’s a small knock on the door. “Oliver?”

Shit. It’s Julie. And I’m hard as hell.

“Ye-yeah?” My voice cracks so I allow water from the shower to loosen it. “What’s wrong?”

The door opens and she lets cold air into the room. I hear her walk toward the shower. I really hope she’s going to open the door and get in with me, but instead she lifts up the toilet lid and stands facing away from me like she could see through the glass. I smile and wonder if she can.

“I have to pee and Staci is in the hallway bathroom losing her pink wine,” she says. “Don’t look.”

I scoff and decide not to tell her about the other two bathrooms inside the house. “Not my thing, baby.”

She says nothing, and I hear her feet shuffling around. I know she can see my silhouette through the frosted glass of the large shower. I smile at the thought of her sitting across from me, watching me and wondering what I look like on the other side.

The room is silent until I hear her clear her throat in the awkward air. Suddenly I realize that if she pushes the lever down, my world is gonna be on fire. Before I can say anything, she flushes the toilet and I dance around the scalding hot water until I feel the cool breeze of the door opening and then closing. I quickly jump out of the heat and hop around the steamy bathroom.

I blow out hard. That was too fucking close.

The door opens suddenly and the cold air hits my naked body. Julie and I both freeze in place. Her eyes widen and she quickly fixes her gaze on mine. Embarrassed, she covers her eyes and squeaks, trying to run from the bathroom—but she runs into the wall instead. Her head makes a loud thump against the hard surface.

I spring into action, twirling her body around and moving her hands from her eyes so I can inspect her head for damage.

“Y-You’re naked!” she squeaks. “Naked and I just burst in here—”

She’s right.

I am still naked.

I immediately reach for my towel and wrap it around my lower half, almost definitely too late because I catch her glimpsing down there. Her face brightens, then almost immediately falls. “I-I’m going to change while you finish your shower,” she says as she quickly leaves the room.

I stand in confusion for a moment. What the hell was that? Something switched inside her head—something put her off of me—and I don’t think I like it. I return to the shower to think about what just happened and where I went wrong.

You’re falling for someone you hardly know.

That’s where you went wrong.