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Scorched Ice (The Fire and Ice Series #3) by Erica Stevens (3)

“What are we going to do with the vampires we took from the hotel?” Devon inquired as he settled the panel back into the floor, effectively hiding the room below.

Before they’d fled the abandoned hotel, Julian had asked Devon to take control of the minds of two vampires within the room. He was fairly certain the man and woman were a couple, and he had plans for them.

“Chris and I will take a good look at them to see what they’re really like, but I hope to be able to set them free.” Devon’s jaw clenched at Julian’s response. “With no memory of Cassie, of course. I’d wipe Quinn from their minds too if I could, but they need to remember her, and what she can do, for what I intend to do next.”

Devon’s eyes slid toward him. “And what is that?”

“The vampires must be organized. They’re far more dangerous to us, to humans, and to the Hunters while they continue to remain scattered like they are.”

“You have a plan for that?”

“I do.”

“Quinn has caused you to grow a heart and a brain.” Devon laughed. “Never thought either was possible.”

Julian gave him the finger as they left the garage. He paused to close the door before walking beside Devon to the bar. Stepping into the kitchen, they made their way past all of the stainless steel equipment before pushing open the doors and striding into the main barroom.

Chris, Melissa, Dani, Cassie, and Luther sat huddled around a table, their heads bent close together as they talked. Lou also sat at the table, but his chin was on his chest, and his eyes were closed as he breathed slowly in and out. Devon moved to stand behind Cassie. She turned to look up at him when he rested his hands on her shoulders.

Behind the bar, glass clinked as Quinn held the dustpan while Clint swept up the broken bottles and shelves that had fallen. The mess had been created when Earl used Quinn’s friend, Jeb, to attack Quinn and her friends. When Jeb shot Clint’s longtime girlfriend, Hawtie, Quinn had used her ability to heal Hawtie. Using so much of her power to save Hawtie’s life had left Quinn weakened and vulnerable to Earl when he came for her.

Julian used the sight of Quinn to help cage the monster lurking so close to his surface at the fresh reminder of what Earl had put her through.

Quinn paused in the act of emptying the dustbin into the trash. Her head came up and her honey-colored eyes latched onto him. If he still breathed, the air would have rushed out of him at the love radiating in her gaze. Never had he thought a woman would look at him like that. He wasn’t sure he deserved her love after the countless horrific things he’d done over the years, but he would never let her go.

Looking at the scar running across her right eyebrow up to her temple and the one down the center of her chin reawakened his urge to kill. All he could think about was tearing the throat out of Earl before beating him into a bloody pulp. Then, he’d let Earl heal before going at him again.

Quinn’s pointed chin jutted out as if she’d read his mind. Pretty, in a proud, willful way, with her high cheekbones and pert nose, she’d become his everything in such a short amount of time.

She tossed the glass into the trashcan and placed the dustpan on the bar. Her chocolate-colored hair swayed with each of her steps as she came toward him. Despite her five-nine height, she looked unbelievably small in the T-shirt he’d given her to wear. The shirt had belonged to someone else and had been too big for him. A set of baggy jeans he’d never seen before were cinched at her waist with a rope. The bottoms of the jeans barely touched her ankles, leading him to believe they belonged to Clint. He spotted the skimpy dress Helena had made her wear in the trashcan.

“Are you okay?” she asked when she stopped before him.


Her eyes scanned over him. “Julian—”

“I’m fine.” He pulled her into his arms. The bloodlust slithering through him eased immediately at the feel of her. “You can always bring me back from the darkness,” he whispered in her ear.

Her shoulders sagged as her hands slid up his back and she hugged him closer. He felt the incredible swell of her power against him when his lips ran over her ear. She didn’t have to tell him what she’d experienced in that hotel as flashes of her imprisonment filtered through his mind.

For the first time in years, he kept his psychometry turned on. When they were changed, every vampire acquired some kind of special ability upon turning. With their vampire lineage, most Hunters were born with an ability. His ability to learn things from touching a person or an object they had handled was something he’d used often over the years to torment someone or to gain an advantage over them, but he often kept it turned off in everyday life. There were many many things he didn’t care to know.

However, in order to keep Quinn safe, he would keep his ability turned on twenty-four seven if he had to.

“Don’t,” Quinn whispered, turning her mouth to his ear. “Don’t see what they did to me in there.”

“How did you know?” he grated through his teeth.

“Your body is as hard as rock against me right now.”

Leaning away from her, he forced himself to relax as he brushed back her hair. He clasped the silken strands against her nape before bending to kiss her. She pressed closer to him and opened her mouth to his. His tongue slid into the warm recess of her mouth as he tasted her in leisurely, sweeping thrusts that left him hungry for more.

They’d abused her. They’d chained and beaten her, but she was here, with him. She was alive. He could taste her and feel her in a way he’d been petrified he’d never be able to do again.

He broke the kiss before he lost himself to her completely, something so easy for him to do when it came to Quinn.

“You should kill him,” she whispered. “Keeping him alive is a bad idea, Julian. What if he takes control of someone else’s mind?”

“I’ll kill him soon,” he promised. “And Devon has control of that part of Earl’s mind. He won’t be taking over anyone ever again.”

“What of the couple? Why did you want them brought here?”

“They’re going to spread a message,” Julian replied.

Quinn’s fingers stilled on his face. Her head tilted to the side. He didn’t know how well everyone was going to react to what he planned, but he believed this was the best course of action to keep them all safe. He’d realized a while ago that the vampires required a leader and direction, especially the younger ones.

Having them frightened and disorganized was far more perilous than having them grouped together with a clear set of rules. Many of them may not like the rules he intended to set forth, but they were going to be enforced, and he was going to be the one to do it. Even if it meant he’d have to immerse himself in the vampire way of life he’d spurned the entire five hundred seventy-six years of his vampire existence.

He would keep Quinn safe no matter what it took.

“What do you mean they’re going to spread a message?” she asked.

Julian glanced toward where Devon had earlier left the couple sitting in the poolroom. Quinn winced at the sight of them sitting with their hands in their laps, their eyes closed, and their heads bowed. Her eyes fell away from them, and she fiddled with the hem of her shirt as a tremor went through her. He took hold of her hands, enveloping them within both of his.

“They’re not going to be abused,” he assured her.

“Not having any control over your mind and body is a hideous feeling,” she murmured.

Julian wrapped an arm around her shoulder and pulled her against his chest. When they were finally able to leave here tonight, he planned to spend the next week with her locked securely in his arms.

“I know,” Julian said as he kissed her forehead, “but this is necessary.” He looked to where Devon remained standing with Cassie by the tables.

“They’re in a state equivalent to sleep,” Devon said to Quinn. “They have no idea what is going on right now.”

Quinn nodded, but she still wouldn’t look at the couple again. Julian took hold of her chin and lifted her head. “We need them.”

“For what?”

“If you agree to it, we’ll gather the vampires and lead them together. As one of the last two remaining Elders, some of them will follow me, but with you by my side, many more will fall into line. There is no denying you’re the vampire of this prophecy, and though I’ve never bought into the prophecies, many vamps do, and they’re latching onto this one.

“Since we killed the rest of the Elders, the vamps have no idea what to do with themselves. If we don’t give them a purpose, they’re going to continue to see you as their lifeline, and because of that, they won’t stop trying to find you. We’ll give them both of us, a purpose, and rules.”

“You hate vampires,” she pointed out.

“I hate people too, but I tolerate them,” he said with a teasing smile that caused a small one to tug at her lips.

“Having Quinn work with them instead of in opposition to them could succeed in bringing them under control,” Devon said. “Her joining with them could be the savior part of the prophecy, or at least many of them may see it that way.”

“I’m hoping so,” Julian replied, but he didn’t tear his eyes away from Quinn. “I won’t do this if you say no. This is something we will have to do together.”

“We will all do it together,” Luther said. “I think it’s time we do more to bring the non-killing vamps, Hunters, and Guardians together. An understanding between all three could save many lives in the future.”

“It could,” Cassie agreed.

“Don’t feel forced into this,” Julian said to Quinn. “Out of all of us, you’re the one many of them will look to. I’ll do whatever you choose to do.”

“But they’ll keep coming for me if I keep trying to remain hidden,” she murmured.

“They won’t stop searching for you,” he confirmed. “I’ll kill every single one of them if that’s what it takes to keep you safe.”

Her eyes searched his face. He remained unmoving as she pondered her answer.

“I’ll try it,” she said.

Relief and dread filled him. He’d hoped she’d make this choice, he believed it would work, but it would also be a big risk to expose her in such a way.

“Then that’s what we’ll do.” He kissed her again before turning to Devon and waving at the immobile couple. “Can you wake them?”

Lou lifted his chin from his chest to gaze tiredly at all of them, but Julian had a feeling he’d been awake throughout the conversation, or at least most of it as he didn’t look confused.

Devon stared at Julian for a minute before replying, “I can.” Walking into the poolroom, Devon stopped near where the couple sat. “Wake,” he commanded.

Both of their eyes opened, their heads shot up, and their gazes darted around the room as they took in their new surroundings.

The woman’s lower lip trembled and tears filled her eyes. “How did we get here?”

Julian felt no sympathy for them. They’d been in that ballroom with Quinn and all the other vampires. They’d stood by as she’d sat helplessly on the stage. If he didn’t need them, he’d kill them himself.

“We brought you here,” Julian answered and stepped in front of Quinn when their gazes went to her.

The man took hold of the woman’s hand when tears spilled down her cheeks. Julian didn’t know if they were a mated couple or not, and he didn’t care.

“What do you want with us?” the man demanded.

Julian reached back, grasped Quinn’s hand, and gave it a squeeze before stalking across the room to stand before the couple. They both shrank away from him. “Do you know who I am?” he inquired.

The woman’s brown eyes ran over him. The man’s blue eyes went from him to where Devon stood beside him. “Julian Aasen,” the man replied, “and Devon Knight. The only two Elders still in existence.”

At the age of five hundred, Julian and Devon had reached the rarely attained Elder status of a vampire.

“We’re the only two Elders left because we killed the others,” Julian said.

The woman whimpered and shrank further away from him. The man’s shoulders went back, but the tremor in his hands belied his brave front.

“Do you remember what happened at the hotel?” Julian asked. They both nodded. “We did that,” he gestured at the group behind him. They’d all risen from their seats and moved closer while he’d been speaking. Clint stood beside Quinn with his hand on her arm. “This small number destroyed hundreds of vampires.”

The couple both swallowed nervously and leaned away from him when he unleashed some of his power, allowing it to drift off of him in waves.

“Come with me,” he commanded. They exchanged a look but rose to their feet. Walking across the room, he stopped in front of Quinn and rested his hands on her shoulders. “I want you to stay here.”


“You shouldn’t see what I’ve done.” He didn’t know how she would react to seeing Earl pinned as she had once been pinned.

Some of the color drained from her face, but she tilted her chin up. “I refuse to turn away from any part of you.”

Julian’s hands tightened on her shoulders before he released her and stepped away. It would be pointless to argue with her, she would not back down from this, and truthfully, one of the things he loved best about her was the fact she knew about his past and loved him anyway.

Taking hold of her hand, he ran his thumb over the delicate bones in the back of it before tracing the puckered line of the scar there. “Come.”

“Stay here,” Devon said to Cassie.

Cassie hesitated before stepping back to stand with Melissa, Dani, and Lou. Chris, Luther, and Clint followed them out of the bar and to the garage. Chris walked at his side, his sapphire eyes shifting nervously between Julian and Quinn.

“How bad is it in there?” Chris asked.

“You’re not going to like what you see,” Julian assured him.

Chris’s shaggy, sandy blond hair fell into his eyes when he gave a brisk nod. He ran his hand through his hair, shoving it away from his face. As a Hunter, Chris had seen a lot and killed his fair share of vampires over the years, but Julian still would have preferred to keep this from him. When they’d first met, Julian would have happily killed the kid, he’d definitely tried to, but now he considered Chris a close friend. That friendship would make Chris refuse to return to the bar to wait with the others.

Julian opened the garage door for the others before making his way over to the hidden entrance to the room below. Bending, Julian pulled the panel covering the hidden room up and set it aside. Quinn’s eyes flickered when the coppery tang of blood wafted up from below. Julian rose to stand before her. He ran his fingers over the scar on her temple before stroking the one on her chin. She didn’t shrink away from him or slap his hand away like she used to when he tried to touch her scars.

“Everything he’s ever done to you will be done to him, plus some,” he told her as he reclaimed her hand. “Prepare yourself.”

Realization caused more color to drain from her face, but she resolutely followed him down the stairs. Her hand jerked in his when she spotted Earl lying spread-eagle on the floor. It was the only reaction she gave to the grisly display. The couple both cried out and took a staggering step back toward the stairs. Devon, Clint, and Chris blocked their exit before they could flee. Luther strode over to stand on the other side of Earl, his forehead furrowed as he stared at the vamp.

Over the years, Julian had learned that Luther could be as ruthless as him and Devon, especially when Melissa, Chris, and Cassie were at risk. As a Guardian, Luther was responsible for training Hunters to kill vampires. Luther had raised Melissa since she was a baby, after her parents were killed. He’d taught her what she was and trained her as a Hunter. He hadn’t discovered Cassie and Chris until later in their lives, but he’d also taught them what they were and what they were capable of. To Luther, they were his children, and he would defend them with his life. Despite that, Julian didn’t know how Luther would react to what he’d done to Earl.

Luther’s Lennon-style glasses slid down to perch at the end of his hawkish nose. Pushing his glasses back up, he ran a hand through his salt and pepper hair before lifting his gaze to Julian. Luther didn’t say a word to him, and Julian didn’t see any disapproval in Luther’s steady gaze, only a concern Julian knew was for him and not Earl.

Quinn’s eyes remained riveted on Earl while Julian walked her around to stand on the other side of the vamp. Earl’s eyes filled with a loathing Julian would make him pay for as the vamp watched Quinn’s every move.

“This is only the beginning for him,” Julian said to the couple, drawing their attention from Earl to him. “If more try to come for her, they will meet this same fate and worse. If you’re not what I need you to be, you will not be walking away from here tonight.”

“We’ll be anything you need!” the man blurted as the woman flattened herself against the wall.

“Chris and I will be the judges of that,” Julian replied, and the couple shared a confused look.

Earl gurgled and jerked against his chains as he made a lurching motion toward Quinn. She didn’t step away from him, but Julian pulled her back before placing his foot on the knife in Earl’s throat and pushing it deeper into his flesh. The woman cried out and buried her face in the man’s chest as Earl jerked awkwardly on the ground.

“Out!” Julian commanded the couple.