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Second Shot: A Men With Wood Novel by C.M. Seabrook (27)

Chapter 32


Despite getting the win, the tension between the team is still tangible. I’ve never heard more muttering from the men since we lost in the semifinals two years ago.

Blake has done his best to avoid me. And Sebastian is still acting like I killed his fucking puppy.

After our flight takes off, I move to the empty seat beside Sebastian. “You not talking to me now?”

He gives me a sideways glance. “You still keeping shit from me?”

“You know everything.”

He grunts. “I can’t believe you have a kid and didn’t tell me about it.”

“Things were messy. I was doing my best just to keep my head above water.”

“Could’ve helped you.”

“Yeah.” I admit. He’s right. “Forgive me?”

He grunts. “You owe me.”

“Fine.” I smile. “You can have that bottle of Dalmore you’ve been begging me for.”

“I’ll take it. But I’m talking big-time owe me.” He’s smirking now. “Like best man at your wedding owe me.”

Exhaling, I rub my palms on my jeans and grimace. “Wish I could promise you that.”

“You better not tell me you’re letting Starowics take my spot.”

“No. It’s not that.”

“You are going to marry her? Christ, you’ve been half in love with her-” He stops and winces. “Shit. You asked her?”


He gives me a look of pity. “Take it she said no.”

“Smart guy.” I let the sarcasm drip from my words.

“So, what? You just going to keep playing house?”

“For now.”

Silence stretches between us.

“Well, then I expect to at least be the kid’s godfather.”

I chuckle. “Deal.”

“I get the kid and Blake gets your sister. Sounds fair.” He smirks at me.

“Fuck off.”

“You should talk to him. He’s always been a moody bastard. But I’ve never seen him like this.”

“I know.” I’ve been worried about him, too. But if what Tyler said is true, then I have a whole other reason to be concerned.

I get up and move down the aisle, giving Matt, who’s sitting beside Blake, a look that makes him move.

“About time you two kiss and make up,” Matt says with a smirk, before moving down the aisle.

Blake glances over at me when I sit down beside him, then looks back out the window.

“Well?” I ask, watching him.

“Well, what?” His voice is clipped with irritation.

“You know what.”

“I didn’t kiss her, if that’s what you’re asking. The little prick thought he saw something. But I haven’t touched her. Wouldn’t. She’s a fucking kid. And she’s your sister.”

I believe him. But there’s more that he’s not telling me.

“You care about her.”

He exhales heavily and closes his eyes. “I’m doing her, and you, a favor. Don’t make it anything more than it is.”

“So, your pissy mood has nothing to do with her?”

He glares at me.

“Good. Then you’ll be happy to know that an apartment opened up in the building. I’ll move her into it next week.”

His brows draw down. “You think she’s okay living on her own?”

“She’s almost twenty years old. She doesn’t need a babysitter.”

He doesn’t look convinced.

“I’ll take care of her.” I rub the back of my neck. “You were right. She’s family. And Brynne seems to really like her.”

“You would, too, if you took the time to talk to her.”

“Maybe. But she’s not your responsibility anymore.”

He grunts and looks back out the window.

“We good?”

“Yeah,” he mumbles, despite the lack of change in his mood. “We’re good.”

I return to my seat, catching Sebastian’s gaze when I walk back.

He gives me a smirk and says half-joking, “I better be your best man over that moody bastard.”

“If you can convince the woman I’m worth wasting the rest of her life on, then it’s all yours.”