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Shutdown Player New by dlady (11)

Chapter 11—Neutral Zone

Jared had planned on talking stuff out with Steph when he returned from the road trip, but fate was not making this easy. An epic snowstorm in Chicago grounded all planes for two days. They finally flew out on Wednesday, getting in late evening. Steph wasn’t available, as she had a party-crashing gig that night, and the next night, Jared had a home game.

He suspected she was avoiding him and their inevitable conversation. That was fine. He’d wait. He was a patient man, and this woman required a lot of patience, but she was worth it. He didn’t want to scare her off. He’d take it slow and work her slowly into the idea they could be a match.

Jared had a tentative plan. He wanted to date Steph, and he planned on getting the sisters’ permission to see their employee. Besides, they owed him a solid after the two failed dates they’d arranged.

Thursday night, Jared stepped onto the ice for the game against Vancouver. Steph was supposed to be there with Izzy and Vi, but he put thoughts of her on the backburner. He needed one hundred percent of his attention on the Canucks. The rivalry between the two teams had become one of the most contentious in the NHL.

Rolfeson, Vancouver’s top scorer, barreled toward the goal, stickhandling with the ease of one of the best forwards in the league. Jared skated backward, matching Rolfeson’s speed, his eyes on his opponent, as he crouched down, waiting for whatever came next. Jared had a sixth sense about where the puck was going, and perhaps his uncanny ability accounted for him not totally discounting the sisters’ psychic claims.

The Sockeyes goalie, Brick, was having a rare bad night, putting more pressure on the defensemen to keep the Canucks out of the net. Somehow they’d held it together, and the score was tied two-two, thanks to the sharpshooting of Smooth, who scored both goals.

The way Brick was playing, it should’ve been far worse. But this was a team sport, and the team would never lay all the blame at Brick’s skates, so to speak. Every guy had their off nights, and the rest of the team stepped up to fill the gaps.

Jared used his body, as he always did, attempting to steer Rolf toward the boards and away from the net. Rolf, crazy bastard that he was, continued straight toward the net with Jared in his way. The big forward didn’t seem to care. He was going to score or kill them both.

Jared knew the net was close behind him, along with Brick. He had to hold his ground or run into his goalie. At the last second, Rolf tried to slip past Jared, but there wasn’t room, not with Ice blocking his escape on the right.

Rolf slammed into Jared with the force of a high-speed train and sent them sprawling onto the ice, taking Brick and Ice with them in a heap resembling a dogpile on the one-yard line of the Super Bowl.

Jared lay under the pile. Brick’s glove was across his mouth, and he hoped to hell the guy got up soon, so he could breathe. The pile started to clear and everyone managed to get to their feet and skate away without injury. Ice wasn’t skating away. His gloves went flying, and he charged Rolf.

Rolf wasn’t usually a dirty player, but he’d had a dry spot lately when it came to scoring, and his contract was up at the end of the year. At his age, he might not get another. So he’d probably been desperate to score and not thinking clearly. Ice didn’t cut him any slack. For several seconds they wrestled, Ice definitely having the upper hand with an uppercut to the jaw. The referees jumped in, earlier than usual, fearing Ice might do damage, and both guys skated for the penalty box.

Jared and his line took to the bench as a new set of players replaced them. Fighting had never been Jared’s strong point, though he didn’t back down from it, either, which probably explained why he didn’t get into many. Guys knew he meant business when he dropped his gloves.

Catching his breath, he tested the various parts of his body and couldn’t feel any damage other than the usual scrapes and bruises associated with hockey.

Only then did he turn slightly and look down the bench to the row of seats on the glass.

Steph was standing and turned toward him. Her hands covered her mouth, her eyes were wide with concern, and worry furrowed her brow. He nodded slightly and flashed her a thumbs-up. She smiled in relief. Jared focused his attention on the game, but his heart was soaring past the arena ceiling and into the stars.

He hadn’t laid eyes on her in days. He’d missed her horribly, which, while disconcerting, actually wasn’t such a bad thing.

He couldn’t recall ever seeking out Candy during a game. In fact, she didn’t exist when he was in his game head. Somehow Steph had gotten in there, but in a positive way.

He wasn’t sure how to handle it, yet instead of distracting him and disrupting his game, he played the next period as if his ass was on fire. He was everywhere, and when Coop scored with five minutes left, the game was over. Even Brick pulled out of his stupor and played like a man possessed.

They were heading toward the new year with renewed energy. This was their year. Jared could feel it, and so could his teammates.

Jared also wanted it to be his year, on and off the ice.


* * * *


Steph waited with Izzy and Riley in the Sockeyes’ family lounge. She had no idea a family lounge would be like this. She’d expected a room with some tables and plastic chairs. Not even close. There was a large fireplace on one wall with gray rock, giving it a cozy, rustic look. A U-shaped sectional in Sockeyes blue offered a lot of seating around the fireplace. Beyond the sectional were several cozy seating nooks for smaller groups, a small snack bar with barstools, and TVs on the walls. One wall had lockers for items to be safely stowed while the families went up to their seats. Even more amazing was a play area for the smaller children behind glass, allowing parents to relax and enjoy adult conversation but still watch their children.

In fact, the ownership provided childcare during the game and for an hour afterward, according to Izzy, who chose to leave Connor at home with their part-time nanny.

Every time the door opened, Steph glanced up, her heart beat faster, and her stomach flip-flopped. Riley and Izzy were watching game highlights with several WAGs. Steph sat off to one side, unable to relax. What was she doing here? She’d wanted to come to the game, but she hadn’t planned on being treated like one of the hockey family by Izzy.

One by one, players came into the room and hugged their families. Cooper was one of the last ones out, but Jared still hadn’t appeared. Coop gave Izzy a huge hug and deep kiss, while Riley groaned and rolled his eyes in typical grossed-out teenager mode.

“Steph.” Cooper turned to her, his arm wrapped tightly around Izzy’s waist. “Rod will be out in a few. He asked you to wait. He’ll give you a ride home.”


“We’ll see you later.” Izzy waved at her as she left the lounge with Cooper and Riley.

Steph watched them go and wondered what just happened. She hadn’t expected to be left alone with Jared. Being around him wasn’t wise or safe. He was dangerous to her heart, and she’d already fallen for his green eyes and handsome face. Once she fell for his heart, there’d be no return to normalcy.

Hadn’t she already?

She should get a taxi and escape as fast as she could.

Only it was too late.

The door opened. Jared, looking absolutely edible in a gray suit with a blue shirt and gray tie, walked into the room. His gaze swept the almost empty space and settled on her. A smile slowly spread from one side of his mouth to the other. She unconsciously clenched her legs together in a feeble attempt to stop the pulsing sensation.

He headed toward her, his stride purposeful and strong, despite the beating he’d taken tonight. He stopped within a few feet and trapped her gaze with his.

“Thanks for coming tonight.” His voice was raspy, almost hoarse. “You look great.”

“I wouldn’t have missed it for the world.” Steph swallowed and cleared her throat, twisting her hands in her lap. She looked away first, unable to maintain a shred of sanity while gazing into his deep green eyes. She craved this man like she’d once craved her mother’s warm hot fudge brownies fresh from the oven.

He looked down at her and said nothing. His intent stare made her nervous. It was as if he was memorizing every little thing about her face. She got to her feet.

“You played a good game, but that hit… Are you feeling okay?”

“Yeah, just part of the job. I’ll be sore and bruised, but nothing that won’t heal.”

“It seemed pretty brutal.”

Jared shrugged as if it really wasn’t a big deal. He cocked his head and pointed at her chest. “What’s up with that?”

Steph frowned at first then remembered she was wearing one of Matt’s jerseys. He was pointing at the number, not at her boobs. “Vi loaned it to me.”

“You had one of mine before Thanksgiving.”

“It was borrowed. I returned it.”

“I’ll get you one. I can’t have you wearing that asshole’s jersey,” he said with a smile.

Steph had never dated in high school, but she’d watched longingly on game day as the other girls wore their guys’ football jerseys to school. She’d dreamed of being one of them. Even though she wasn’t a teenager anymore, she couldn’t quell of thrill of excitement at the thought of wearing his jersey, pretending to be his girl.

“Jared, are you sure you want to send that message?”

“That’s exactly the message I want to send. We’re friends, right?” As if to prove his point, he put his arm around her waist and gave her a quick hug. She hugged him back. She couldn’t stop herself.

“I’ve missed you.” His voice was earnest and his expression sincere. Her body responded with enthusiasm, and she couldn’t prevent her reaction to him. She’d missed him too. Terribly. But she couldn’t bring herself to say the words and make whatever was between them more real than it already was.

Just friends. Just friends. Just friends.

“Are up for dinner out with the team?”

“I— Okay.” The thought scared her to death, but Jared would be by her side. She’d be brave for him. She wasn’t great in crowds of people she didn’t know. “Where are we going?”

“The Place.” He grinned at her. “We’re not a very adventurous bunch when it comes to dinner choices. Besides, they have a back room with pool tables and stuff, so we can chill without people bothering us. Not that I mind fans asking for an autograph or selfies, but it’s nice not to be ‘on’ all the time.”

“I’m sure it is.” She was grateful they were going to The Place, since she was familiar with the funky pub.

She followed him to his nondescript car, once again wondering why he drove such a piece. Before she could get in, he turned to her and cupped her face in his hands. “I really have missed you.”

She stared at him, unable to move. She wanted him to kiss her. In fact, she wanted more than a kiss. She wanted all of him. Despite her bad experiences having sex with Gino, she wanted to have sex with Jared. He’d be different. She knew he would. She was working on believing she deserved good things. Jared would treat her well, like she deserved to be treated, like no man had ever treated her—with respect and kindness.

Would he continue to treat her like that if he knew?

He searched her face for answers she couldn’t give, not when she didn’t really know the questions. But something in his eyes struck emotions deep inside her. He wanted her. Really wanted her. She’d seen hungry looks before from men. She’d seen lust. But she’d never seen what she saw in his eyes. It scared and excited her.

She brought her hands up to his shoulders. His mouth quirked in his patented half-smile. He bent his head and claimed her mouth with a searing kiss. She closed her eyes and gave herself over to his talented mouth, leaning into his body, and gripping his shoulders.

“Oh, God. Get a fucking room.”

Steph pushed away, embarrassed and annoyed with herself.

“Assholes,” he growled at his teammates. Steph recognized Gage Ziegler as the speaker and Alexander Markov as his buddy. They were both young, with reputations as extreme partiers. She ducked her head, certain she’d seen them in the club before. They didn’t appear to recognize her, most likely due to the mask she’d worn over her heavy makeup.

“See ya at The Place.” Rush raised a hand to wave as he strode by.

“Don’t let them bother you,” Jared told her.

“They—don’t,” Steph replied.

“Good. They’re idiots, but they’re good guys underneath it all. And,” he added with broad grin, “they’re jealous.”

Steph’s eyes sprang open. “Jealous?”

Jared chuckled. “Oh, hell yeah, because I’m hanging with the prettiest girl around. I’m probably going to be knocking some heads together tonight because I won’t like the way they’ll be drooling all over you.”

“You wouldn’t get in a fight because of me.”

Jared chuckled as he opened the door for her. “No, I’m just joking.”

“I’m sorry. Sometimes I think I was raised under a rock. I miss subtle cues.”

“I like that about you.”

She was glad because she liked everything about him, but they were supposed to stay just friends.

Somehow all those things she worried about, such as the no-dating agreement, didn’t seem all that important tonight.

Maybe that stuff would be important tomorrow, but not tonight.


* * * *


Steph followed Jared to the back room of The Place. Several of his teammates cast appreciative glances at her as they walked by. She ducked her head, praying none of them recognized her from her dancing days. Jared found two empty seats between Vi and Smooth.

“You made it.” Vi winked at her.

“Why wouldn’t I?” Steph regarded her friend with puzzlement.

Vi shrugged. “Thought you might find something better to do tonight.”

“Did those fuckheads say something?” Jared asked Vi, then glared down the table at his teammates, who were grinning with mock innocence. They couldn’t quite carry off the innocence part.

Steph stared at her hands in embarrassment, but this rowdy group quickly moved on to harassing Brick over a bad play he’d made that just about took out Smooth and Coop in the process. These guys were brutal to each other, but none of them seemed to hold it against the other. They were like brothers in that way.

Jared reached for her hand under the table. “Are you okay?”

She forced her gaze to meet his.

Be brave. Be focused. Be yourself.

She’d spent her entire life trying to be the person everyone else wanted her to be, and never measured up to their expectations. Now she realized they expected more than any human could give. In the case of Gino, when she met his expectations, he merely moved the bar higher. She didn’t realize until now that he’d never wanted her to succeed. Failure kept her tied to him.

If only she’d known then what she knew now. She wondered how many other women thought the same thing.

“I’m fine.” She gave a big smile just to prove she could handle this kind of good-natured ribbing.

“I could kill them for you if you’d like?”

“No, too messy. And you’d do me no good in jail.”

He arched a brow. “What kind of good are we talking about?” She could almost see those wheels turning in his head, as if he were trying to figure out if she meant what he hoped she meant.

“I don’t know,” she said honestly.

“We still need to have our little talk about this friends thing.”

“Not tonight, please.”

He nodded, as if he understood.

Much to Steph’s surprise, the night went quickly, and she thoroughly enjoyed herself. She forgot to be self-conscious or worry about the five hundred and one things she always fretted about. Instead, she allowed herself to live in the moment.

At the end of the night, Jared drove her home. They sat in his car for a few minutes, laughing about a prank Smooth had played on the young guys. Then he walked her upstairs, checked her apartment, and stood near the door, where they lingered. Obviously, neither of them wanted the night to end.

“Any sign of Gino?”

Steph shook her head. “He likes to play this game. Disappear for a while. Reappear. Keep me on my toes and looking over my shoulder.”

“The bastard. Are you okay?”

“I’m fine. Izzy, Vi, and Bella have been looking out for me.”

“That’s good.” He was stalling, she could tell. As much as she didn’t want to say good night herself, she had work in the morning, and it was past midnight.

“Good night, Jared.” She stood on tiptoes and brushed her lips across his. Passion flared in his eyes, and she almost succumbed, but held strong. She backed away a few steps and focused her attention on the lapels of his suit jacket. If she looked into his eyes one more time, she couldn’t be held responsible for what she’d do after that. She was holding on by a thread as it was.

Steph had spent a lot of time this past week thinking about Jared, and she’d done more than think. She’d actually pleasured herself, imagining he was doing the pleasuring. She’d never considered herself a sexual person, but perhaps she’d been wrong. She’d needed the right man to awaken he desires, and they were wide awake and demanding satisfaction.

But not tonight. She had too many things to straighten out first.

She opened the door, and Jared walked out. He turned slightly on the landing and smiled at her.

“Good night, Steph.”

Steph smiled back and closed the door behind him. After locking it and setting the alarm, she leaned against the door and closed her eyes. She wanted to run after him and beg him to stay the night.

But she didn’t.