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Shutdown Player New by dlady (15)

Chapter 15—On Ice

On Friday, Steph hurried home from the sisters’ mansion. She didn’t usually work afternoons, but Agnes had left her a note that afternoon to interview a special client who was only available at five. When she got to their house, no one was home, not even Giles.

Steph shivered as she stood on the porch and called Agnes. The gathering storm clouds seem ominous. Thunder rumbled in the distance. Not having Otto with her was unnerving, even though she doubted the Newfie would offer any serious protection.


“Agnes, I’m at the house, where are you?”

“We’re playing pinochle at the country club. Why are you at the house?”

“You left me a note to interview a client at five tonight.”

“No, I didn’t.” Steph could hear her talking to someone in the background. “Neither did Iona.”

“Oh, no.” Cold, hard fear stabbed into Steph, as she tried to think rationally about what to do next. “Where is Giles?”

“It’s his night off. He dropped us off. Steph?” Agnes’s worried tone didn’t make Steph feel any better. She sounded alarmed. “Get out of there now. Get home. As soon as you can. Is there someone you can call?”

“I—” There wasn’t anyone who could get here quickly. Jared was on a road trip. Izzy and Riley were at Avery’s house half an hour away. Bella was a possibility.

“Leave now. Call us when you get home. If we don’t hear from you in ten minutes, we’re calling the police.” Agnes knew. Just like Steph knew, and she wasn’t psychic.

She shoved the phone in her pocket and searched the darkness. Her heart slammed against her rib cage as if trying to escape her chest. For some reason, the porch lights on the old house were off.

Steph wasn’t stupid. She shoved her hands in the pockets of her raincoat and gripped the mace she’d brought with her. Just in case.

Gino had gone to ground again. She’d heard nothing for over a week. Even as she tried to pacify herself with his disappearance, she feared his absence was one other way he was toying with her, by making her feel comfortable then popping up when she least expected it.

She hurried from the secluded house, looming ominously without any of the usual lights on. The winding driveway she’d once considered lovely didn’t seem so nice now. The thick native growth on either side of the pavement could conceal an elephant. She was about to round the last of three corners and step from the gloom to the relative safety of the streetlights when she heard a rustle in the nearby bushes. She swallowed a scream.

“Where are you going so fast?” Gino stepped out from the bushes and blocked her path.

“Gino, what are you doing here?” She fumbled for the safety cap on the mace in her pocket.

“Just came to say hi. Thought you might have finally come to your senses and started missing me.”

Steph couldn’t outrun him even if she maneuvered past him. He was faster than her and nimble on his feet. She’d seen him in action before. He was pretty good in a fight, having trained as a boxer.

He took a menacing step toward her. She pulled out the mace and held it up.

He stopped. One dark brow quirked with amusement. “You’re going to use that on me? Is that any way to treat an old friend? In fact, a former lover?”

“Leave me alone.” Steph resisted the urge to hunch down and make herself smaller. She stood straighter and challenged him by looking him directly in the eyes, an action that would’ve gotten her a fist to the stomach in the past. Gino’s eyes narrowed to dark, evil slits. He didn’t appreciate her challenging him. She never had before.

“No,” he said. “You’re mine. You belong to me.”

“I don’t belong to anyone.” The hand holding the mace was shaking, drawing a chuckle from him.

“Ah, Steph, you are mine. You know it. You can’t get away from me. You’ll always be bound to me.” He took a step forward.

“Stay away from me.” She jerked the mace toward him.

He laughed, not the least bit worried by her threat. “You won’t use that on me.”

“Don’t push me.”

“I was your first.” He lowered his voice to that gravelly tone she’d once found sexy. He’d been able to get her to do his bidding so easily by preying on her propensity to forgive all his transgressions, even the kind leaving visible bruises.

This time his cajoling tone and big brown eyes made her feel nothing but contempt and disgust. She’d been so easily duped and sucked in by this man, not understanding what a giving relationship formed of equals could be like—until Jared.

“That doesn’t work on me anymore.”

His charm turned to menace like the flip of a light switch. “Because you’re fucking that rich hockey player.”

She didn’t flinch—outwardly. “Yes, and he’d be ten times the man you are even if he was poor.”

Gino’s gaze turned calculating. “Does he know about your former career choices?”

“You won’t tell him.” Fear sliced through her, followed by near panic. Telling Jared was exactly what Gino would do.

The dawning realization on his face struck home. She’d screwed up. Big time. “You haven’t told him, have you?”

“None of your business.”

He chuckled, relishing her discomfort and reading the panic on her face. “He doesn’t know. What’s in it for me to keep my mouth shut? This asshole is fucking my property, and I’m not getting a penny for it. Doesn’t seem right, does it?” He took a few more steps toward her, moving so quickly that he caught her off guard. He ripped the mace out of her hand and tossed it in the brush.

She backed up a step, but he followed her. “Gino, leave now.” She forced herself to be brave, to stand up to this man who once controlled her life to the point where she had to ask permission to use the bathroom.

“What would he say if he knew you stripped for men? What about those lap dances you did where you allowed men to touch you all over? He thinks you’re this sweet churchgoing girl, and you’re nothing but a whore.”

“I never did that. Never.”

“But you would’ve. You were going to. I had some special parties all lined up for you.”

“I left. I wouldn’t do that.”

“Do you think he’ll believe you when I show him the videos of what you did do?”

Her mouth fell open and her knees wobbled. The world spun before her eyes. She grabbed the trunk of a small tree to hold herself steady. Videos? He’d taken videos of her? Of course he had. He was that sick, that degenerate. He probably had them online somewhere, too.

“Ah, I see I’ve finally struck a nerve with you, honey. I want what’s mine, or someone is going to pay for my loss.”

“How much?” she croaked, sick with the images of Jared watching videos of her performing those demeaning acts with men and pretending to enjoy them when she hated every minute. Jared knew she had secrets, but not like this.

Jared would dump her. Her new life would collapse, and she’d have no one to blame but herself. She’d fallen for this jerk, and she’d made this bed with him. Now she either needed to lie in it or find a way to get out.

“How much do you have?” His eyes lit up with greed. One thing Gino loved above all else was money. He’d always believed himself entitled to money, large amounts of money, and the world owed it to him, as had Steph. She still owed him from his way of thinking.

“I have about two thousand saved up.” That was all she had, but she’d give it to him if he’d go away and leave her alone.

“I’ll take two now, but it’s not enough. I think you’re so fine, you’re worth a lot more to me than two thousand dollars.”

“I’m not yours.”

“You are mine, and you always will be.” His face hardened into an angry, devil-like mask. She knew that look and shuddered inside. That look was usually followed by a fist or a kick. It had never ended well for her. Only this time, he didn’t hit her. “Get the money in cash. Hundred-dollar bills. Put it in an envelope and leave it with Billy by tomorrow afternoon.”

She was buying his silence, but for how long? His extortion could go on forever. She had to be brave and show him she wasn’t the woman she’d been before.

“I changed my mind. I’m not giving you anything.”

He walked closer to her, standing inches away. She could smell the cloying cologne he practically bathed in. How she’d once found his scent alluring was beyond her.

Catching her off guard, he drew back his fist and punched her in the stomach. She doubled over, and he kicked her legs out from under her. Steph slammed to the ground, butt-first, which was good, since that was where she had the most padding. Having had experience with Gino’s brutality, she rolled to the side and curled into a ball to protect herself.

She heard his cruel laughter.

“Stupid bitch. You deserved that.”

Anger at him and herself for taking it rose inside her. She shot to her feet, shocking him to the point where he scrambled backward.

“Don’t you ever touch me again. Ever.”

He regained his composure quickly. “Or you’ll what? Have me arrested? Honey, let me remind you that putting me behind bars doesn’t ensure your safety. Remember my buddy who paid you a visit?”

She did, but she refused to let him see her fear. Instead she glared at him, challenging him to touch her again. She was pissed, and this time she’d fight back. She ignored her upset stomach and throbbing hip.

But meeting violence with violence wasn’t the answer. Not in a million years. She wouldn’t be like him. She was the better person.

“Leave now.”

He studied her for a long moment, sizing her up, and not liking what he was seeing. His lip curled. “I want the money. I want payment for what’s mine.”

“You aren’t getting a thing from me.”

“Fucking bitch.”

She shrugged, marveling at her own bravery and the fact he wasn’t attacking her again. Not that she was going to get off this easy. Headlights lit up the driveway. Someone was pulling in. He glanced behind him.

“I’m not done with you,” he warned her as he dove in the bushes.

As soon as he disappeared, Steph collapsed at the side of the driveway. She’d been as strong as she could manage, and she was proud of herself.


* * * *


Jared sat down next to Drew at the table. Several of his teammates were eating an after-game dinner. Realizing he was hungry, Jared ordered off the menu and poured a beer from one of the many pitchers gathered around the table. Smooth and Coop were debating the merits of a new type of hockey stick. Ice, being somewhat set in his ways, was calling bullshit on this stick, which supposedly improved accuracy and speed. Brick ignored them all and ate half his weight in food. The guy worked up a huge appetite after a game. Drew slumped over his beer and said nothing to anybody. The guys avoided him when he was surly like this. No one spoke to him, even though they side-eyed him with regularity.

Jared blew out a frustrated sigh. Matt pulled up a chair and forced Drew to move over to make room, ignoring the younger player’s grumbling.

“What’s up, Hot Rod?”

“I can’t reach Steph,” Jared said gloomily. His words brought about a new wave of panic punctuated by a sick feeling in his stomach. Déjà vu threatened to overpower him. Steph wasn’t like that. She wouldn’t screw around on him. She was a good girl, one of the trustworthy ones. She didn’t care if he had money or fame or any of that bullshit. She cared about him.

“I’m sure everything is fine.” Concern flashed in Matt’s eyes. “How long has it been?”

“I’ve been trying all afternoon and after the game. Could you text Vi and find out if she’s seen her?” Jared hated the needy desperation in his voice.

“Sure.” Matt texted Vi and waited for a response. “Nope, hasn’t heard from her since this morning. Do you want Vi to check on her?”

“If she wouldn’t mind.”

“I’m sure she wouldn’t. She’s worried now too.”


Matt smiled and gave Jared a playful punch in the shoulder. “She’s fine. Maybe busy party crashing or something.”

“Yeah. I’m sure that’s it.”

“You don’t think she’d cheat on you, do you?”

Jared considered Matt’s words and was surprised to find that despite his reaction to not being able to reach Steph, he really didn’t believe Steph would cheat on him. He was more worried about her abusive ex. “No, it’s the ex.”

“Ah, yeah, that guy. He’s not willing to leave her alone, is he?”

“What do you know about him?” Jared met Matt’s eyes.

“Enough to know the guy is an asshole. I’d gladly beat the crap out of him if you just say the word.”

From down the table, Jasper “Caveman” Flint glanced up from his second burger and wiped his mouth on his sleeve. “Did someone mention a fight? I’m in.” Cave loved to fight.

Coop glowered at Cave, not liking how quick the guy was to drop his gloves and draw a penalty. “No, you will not. No one is getting into a fight.”

“Ah, Coop, you’re about as much fun as my ninety-five-year-old great-grandma.” Cave grinned. A glob of sauce slid down his chin, and he ignored it. The man had the manners of a gorilla. No one liked to sit by him at meals because he was such a slob.

“Put away your club for another day.” Smooth smacked Cave on the back. “And wipe your fucking face. Food goes in the mouth, not on the rest of your body.”

“I beg to differ. Food on certain parts of female body is fucking good.” Cave winked at his teammates, drawing chuckles and agreement from around the table. For once Coop said nothing, but his face turned suspiciously red, leaving Jared to wonder what types of food Coop used on Izzy’s body. Then he decided the images were too much for him to bear and switched to imagining strawberries and hot fudge on certain parts of Steph’s body.

Yeah, next time he saw her, he was bringing strawberries and whipped cream, maybe some hot fudge sauce. God, he was getting hard thinking about it—and hungry. He signaled the waitress and ordered a chocolate cake with two scoops of ice cream. If he couldn’t have Steph tonight, he’d eat himself into oblivion.

His phone rang, and it was Steph. He grinned and tapped the answer button. “Hey, beautiful, where’ve been? I’ve been trying to reach you?”

He heard what sounded suspiciously like a stifled sob followed by hiccup. Alarmed, he rose quickly and moved to a more private table in the bar. “Steph, what’s wrong?”

He listened without comment as she told a rambling story punctuated by heart-wrenching sobs and sniffling. His fingers closed into fists as the story unfolded, and he began to make sense of her disjointed, highly emotional words.

Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.

He pounded the table in frustration. He was stuck on this road trip and wouldn’t be home until Sunday night, which happened to be New Year’s Eve.

“Where are you now?”

“With the sisters, and Vi’s here. We called the police, but they won’t do anything. They never do.”

“I’ll do something if they won’t. I’ll hunt the bastard down and kill him,” he said through gritted teeth. Thank God the sisters had come along when they did. Who knew what that asshole might have done? The possibilities were endless and scared the ever-loving shit out of him. He couldn’t lose Steph. In such a short time, she’d become as much a part of him as hockey and his family. She mattered. Her well-being mattered. He wanted to wrap her in his arms and protect her forever. Only he couldn’t be there. Not for a few more days.

“Please don’t. I don’t want you to go to jail.”

He managed a tight chuckle. “I won’t go to jail for the likes of him. I’m smarter than that fucker.”

“Jared, I almost didn’t tell you because I was afraid of how you’d react.”

“I promise you I won’t do anything stupid.” Jared went into protector mode. If he couldn’t be there, he’d make sure someone kept Steph safe. “You can’t stay alone in that apartment.”

“I’m not. I’m going home with Vi after we stop off and get a few things.”

“Good.” Some of the tension drained from him. She wouldn’t be alone.

“We need to go now. Vi left the boys with a friend, and it’s not going well. You know how Matt’s boys are.”

“Yeah, I do. I’ll talk to you after morning skate.”

“Okay.” Her voice was small and soft. He could imagine her hugging herself and trying to disappear. The anger raged all over again, tempered only by his need to make her feel better.

“And Steph, don’t worry. I’ve got this. I’m going to take care of it. You won’t have to worry about him much longer.”


“Don’t worry. I won’t do anything illegal.”

“Good.” He could hear the relief in her voice. “I need to go.”

“Okay, I care about you, sweetheart.”

“That makes me feel so much better.”

The call ended. Jared sat at the table for another fifteen minutes until he’d gotten his temper and pounding heart under control. He strode back to the team table and motioned for Drew to follow him. Coop met his gaze, concern in his eyes. Without asking for an invitation, he stood and followed Drew and Jared to the private table. Matt watched them walk by and joined them.

Jared glanced around the table at the three men. “This is a private conversation.”

“Does it involve Steph?” Coop asked.


“Then I need to know. I’ve come to think of her as a little sister, and she lives on my property. What concerns her concerns Izzy and I.” Coop crossed his arms and leaned back in this chair, making it obvious he wasn’t going anywhere.

With a sigh, Jared turned to Matt, already knowing he wasn’t going to win this one.

“Vi is her best friend,” Matt said. “I know what happened, and I’m interested to hear what you plan to do about it. If there’s any action, I want in on it.”

“Fine.” Jared rolled his eyes and focused his attention on Drew. “I need to hire your buddy.”

“For what?” Drew asked.

“I want him to find a guy for me.”

Coop’s brows shot up, but he didn’t say a word, while Matt nodded knowingly.

“A guy?” Drew said.

“Yeah. Let me explain, but I’d like to keep it between the four of us.” Jared relayed the story as he understood it. The more he told, the angrier his three teammates appeared. Like him, they had no regard for a man who knocked a woman around.

“Where is he now?” Coop asked, and Jared doubted his question was as casual as he tried to make it sound. Knowing Coop, if he could track the guy down, no one would find the body. Jared felt the same way, and judging by the determined looks on the others’ faces, they were in agreement.

“No one knows. She called the police, but they won’t do much or make an effort to find him. He’s not exactly a law-abiding citizen.”

As much as Jared would love to rough up the asshole, he knew they couldn’t without jeopardizing the team’s Stanley Cup chances. This had to be done legally somehow.

“You want Bronson to find him?” Drew asked.

“Yeah, that’s your friend’s name?”

Drew nodded. “He’s recently started a business called Gone Missing, where he finds missing people.”

“I want him to find Gino and dig up some dirt, so we can put him away for a long time.”

“I’ll put you in touch with him.”

“Good.” Jared managed a grim smile. He dearly wanted to punch the jerk’s lights out, but seeing him in handcuffs and an orange jumpsuit might be the best he could do.

Maybe, maybe not.





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