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Single TV Dad: Billionaire Romance... Naughty Angel Style by Alexis Angel (8)



Anxious to tell Laurel about what just happened during the table read, I make a beeline straight toward my dressing room.

“You won’t believe what just —” I start to say, but then I trail off as I realize that Laurel isn’t inside the room. In her place, there’s a handwritten note resting on the table. Babe, the note reads, I’m off to try and meet some producers. Preferably some hot ones. Anyway, I want to get your name out there and pitch some ideas. Soon enough you’ll be a star! Keep your chin up. P.S: Text me if you need me.

“Jesus, already?” I whisper to myself, folding the note in half and shoving it inside my purse. I haven’t even shot a single scene for Manhattan Reign, and Laurel has already been pestering me about trying out for a feature movie. According to her, the TV show leaves some free space on my schedule, and she wants to squeeze every single ounce of that time and strike while the iron's still hot. Well, I guess I can’t blame her for looking after me, huh? Besides, I know she’s been trying to sell a script of her own for ages now, and she’s excited about meeting all these producers.

For a second, I consider texting her and telling her about what happened with Alberta in the conference room, but then I decide to just tell her once we’re back home. After all, what I really need now is to sit in silence and unwind.

Most people assume that acting is an easy job, but it isn’t as easy as one might think. People expect you to get in and out of character on demand, and I believe that some directors even believe that actors have some kind of act-in-character switch inside their heads. I don’t have one of those switches, in case you’re wondering.

That, in a weird way, means that I’m half-myself, half-Katya. And after the tension Kane and I built during our little scene, both halves of me are definitely turned on. In fact, I was already starting to feel uncomfortable during the table read; as I started reading my lines, looking straight into Kane’s eyes, my pussy started growing wet and my thong became drenched fast. It was so drenched that I was starting to feel worried about it; what if that wetness seeped through my thong and stained my dress? Yeah, Alberta would never let me live that one down.

But Alberta isn’t here with me right now, is she? I’m completely alone, and that means I can think of whatever the hell I damn please. And it doesn’t take a genius to find out that I want to be thinking of Kane right now.

Turning around to face the doorway, I bite the corner of my lips and lay my hand on the handle. Slowly, I close the door and turn the key inside, locking it. Tip-toeing my way to one of the chairs, I sit down and close my eyes for a while, breathing in deeply as I surrender to the avalanche of emotions that are building up inside of me.

Remembering the way Kane looked at me just a few minutes ago, I exhale sharply and place one hand over my stomach. Biting on the corner of my lower lip, I move the palm of my hand up, bringing it over the smooth curve of my right breast. I squeeze it softly, feeling my nipple hardening under the fabric, and I feel my mouth growing dry.

I can’t believe I’m doing this, I think to myself, now grabbing both my breasts and rubbing them gently. Then, I move both my hands down the side of my body, only stopping when my fingertips are over the hemline of my dress. Sliding them underneath the fabric, I hold my breath as I reach for my inner thighs, my heart tightening up as I brush my fingers against my drenched thong.

“Oh, God,” I whisper, breathing out all of a sudden. Pressing harder on my pussy now, I imagine how it’d feel to be swept off my feet by Kane. He has big strong arms, and it must feel like home when he has them around my tiny body...And the taste of his lips, oh, I wonder how good they must feel when pressed against mine.

Grabbing the fabric of my thong between my index finger and thumb, I flick it to the side. My skin prickles as I feel my knuckles brushing against my wet folds, and I lean back against the chair and throw my head back. My hair cascades down my shoulders, and I imagine Kane leaning in to kiss my neck, his hungry lips devouring me.

I want you, Katya, I imagine him saying and, for a moment, I stop being Sasha and fade into my role as Katya. He’s a powerful man, almost old enough to be my father...And I’m just the petite foreign exchange student, completely obsessed by his fatherly figure. It’s a dirty thought, I know...But dirtiness isn’t always bad, is it?

“Mm…” I moan, pursing my lips to stop myself. I’m inside my dressing room, yeah, but I don’t want to be too loud. There’s always someone walking up and down the corridor, and I don’t want anyone to decide to put an ear against my door to listen in.

Feeling my whole body tense up, I push past the resistance and, still keeping my thumb over my clit, I slide one finger inside my pussy. I push it past my drenched folds, sliding it up to that sweet spot inside me, and I press there as hard as I can. With one finger pressed against my G-spot, and another taking care of my clit, I work on my pussy until my whole body feels as if it’s on fire.

Kane’s naked body, his groans of pleasure, his hard cock—all these images waltz behind my shut eyelids as my fingers keep on moving, pushing me toward a mind-bending orgasm.

“Fuck,” I groan, the sound of my voice foreign to my own ears. Sliding one more finger inside my pussy, I press it hard against my G-spot, keeping it there until it feels as if my whole body is about to explode. Breathing out deeply, I let a wave of ecstasy wash through my body then, every single muscle in my body twitching as an orgasm takes over both my mind and body.

“Jesus,” I whisper, my voice quivering.

Reeling from that orgasm, I slide my fingers out of my pussy as slowly as I can, my skin prickling as I try to catch my breath.

Oh, God, I know I shouldn’t be thinking of this...But if sex with Kane was this good in my imagination, I wonder how good he is in real life.