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Sold on Christmas Eve: A Virgin and Billionaire Romance by Juliana Conners (195)

Chapter 8




I go into work and have a meeting with the other partners. It’s just the four of us, so it’s more relaxed than our typical board meetings. The ones held in the conference room where I pleasured Erin. I don’t know if I’d even be able to concentrate if we were in there. I’d just keep picturing her body laid out on the table.

I wish I’d seen her face as she had her orgasm. It was probably beautiful. It had sounded like it.

Nope. Not now.

I need to concentrate on the task at hand. Our company is having an image problem and we’re trying to figure out ways to combat this. In this day and age, people almost automatically have a bad image of large financial institutions and that’s what we are.

We’ve all put our names on this company and we want to keep it afloat. Asher Marks, Cameron— whom most of us call Ron— Sanchez, and me, whom most call Jim. It’s an old nickname left over from college, since my dad is also named Jameson but goes by James, and having two James around got confusing. 

And now Garrett Mack, who is probably the biggest wild card of all, has joined the firm. None of these other guys could ever seem to be able to keep it in their pants at work but at least two of them got married and settled down.

We brought Mack in because he has a lucrative client base and because his father has been with our firm for a long time and wanted to see his son established with us before he passes away—the poor guy is already pretty senile. And even though it seems hypocritical, we had to warn Garrett not to bring his philandering ways here to our firm because they had hurt him at his law firm and we can’t handle any more scandal. I know how to do things discreetly, but Garrett obviously does not.

We’re sitting in a room designed for just the four of us, discussing what we can do to improve our image. Asher suggests we hire a consultant.

“I don’t know. It’ll look more calculated if we’ve got someone telling us how to conduct ourselves,” Ron chimes in with his opinion, and what he says makes sense.

We don’t want people to think we’re too calculating, even though that’s what the law is all about – taking calculated risks. When it comes to women, though, I’m the only one around here who has even been able to grasp what that means, and put it into practice.

No one here will ever know I just sucked the pussy of our hot new receptionist dry. And that I’ll have her do the same down on my cock before finally taking her virginity and then moving onto the next.


I always move onto the next. It’s one of the ways this game manages to work. I can’t get tied up, have commitments. That just increases the risk and the drama. This girl seems to understand what’s what, and I have a feeling she doesn’t want a real relationship either. She seems to be the shy and scared type, even though her resolve at getting me to give her her panties back was pretty feisty.

I think about Erin’s legs spread open for me, her curvy body on display for me. Why the fuck can’t I get her out of my mind? She seems to be messing with my head more than the other girls I’ve been with.

“You know what we can do. Present ourselves, the heads of the company, as wholesome people. If we look good, the company looks good.”

Of course, Garrett champions wholesomeness. Even though he is likely the least wholesome of any of us, with the exception of me, of course—but no one here even knows that. Unlike a lot of guys, I don’t run around bragging about my conquests. It’s another rule I’m sure to abide by, to keep things on the downlow.

The other three members are all settled down, but Garrett is particularly proud of his bachelorhood. He constantly likes comparing it to my own, joking that he’ll be the last one standing because I seem like the type to not want to be with a girl until I find “the One.” It’s hilarious, but I say nothing, because it fits my agenda just fine, and Garrett’s naivety never fails to amuse me.

“What would you have us do, Garrett?” I finally ask him, just so he can get that smug grin off of his face.

I know his comments are pointed at me. He sees me as his biggest competition for women, since I’m the only other single partner. But since I have a lot of pull in this firm I helped to start, there isn’t much he can do about it. Just make his passive aggressive comments.

Asher is more or less oblivious about what goes on around here because he’s still caught up in being a new husband and father. Ron manages to delegate duties to others while also being enamored with his new wife as well. We have all seemed to strike a good balance, despite our own individual strengths and weaknesses. Probably because we’re actually friends. Garrett has thrown a monkey wrench into the equation, but, although he can annoy me, I think he’s got guts and knows how to bring in and keep clients that pay us a lot of money, so, for the most part, he’s all right in my book.

“Just be good people and the rest, will hopefully fall in place.”

I know Garrett wants to say more, but he holds his tongue. That’s rich, because I’ve heard all about his exploits with his secretaries. After we gave him a lecture about not doing that here, he’s trying to act all high and mighty and turn it around back on me.

Whatever. I just want to get back to work as normal. We end the meeting. Garrett and Asher leave, heading for their offices. I stay behind because I can tell Ron wants to say something to me.

“I saw you leave the party last night with the new girl.”

He’s always been observant, the son of a bitch.

“I was giving her a tour of the floor. She seemed intimidated by it all and I wanted to give her some calm.”

“You’re a dirty liar and you know it.”

Obviously, I’m lying. What I said wasn’t even convincing. But Ron seems to be the only one who ever half catches on to any of my shit. He never cares, though, as long as it doesn’t hurt the firm— which, of course I make sure it doesn’t. And he knows he wouldn’t be one to talk, seeing as how Ruby was his secretary before she was his lover, and then his wife.

“Just be careful, okay. Don’t pull your usual shit. I know you like to ‘initiate’ new hires or whatever you call it, but right now the company’s in danger of being in peril and you need to be on your best behavior.”

“You’re beginning to sound like my father, Cameron.”

And he really is. My dad would give me speeches about responsibility and duty and how I’m wasting my potential.

“I’m being serious. You’ve been lucky so far. It’s bound to run out. Take it from someone who knows— this is only really worth it if it’s meant to be.”

He pats my shoulder and then leaves me alone in the meeting room. I know he’s right, but I’ve never been the best at listening. Plus, it’s easy for him to say it’s not worth it unless it’s “meant to be,” after he married his secretary. I’m not about to do that. That would just complicate my life beyond the pale.