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Sold on Christmas Eve: A Virgin and Billionaire Romance by Juliana Conners (56)


I couldn’t wait for today to get here. As I walk into the swanky Radish restaurant, I keep an eye out for Isaac, excited to see him again even though our parting after our first encounter had been awkward. I could swear he wanted to say more, do more, but was holding back.

I know it’s not my place to question why he does the things he does. This is just a paid arrangement. Isn’t it?

I know logically that it is, but emotionally, I can’t help but wonder if there’s something more to it.

I look down at the huge rock on my hand, still in awe of its size and beauty. It might represent a fake marriage, but it’s the most beautiful piece of jewelry I’ve ever owned.

Isaac isn’t here, but when I tell the hostess that we have a reservation, she leads me to table near the back. An old man is seated in a wheelchair at a table and an even older woman is opening a napkin and placing it on his lap.

“Oh hello there,” she says, looking up at me with kind eyes.

“You must be Jessica,” the old man says, interrupting her. “The rare unicorn who my son has finally agreed to marry.”

I’m taken aback by his abrasiveness, but Cora’s sweet temperament overrides his.

“Oh Jim,” she says, patting his shoulder. “You’re always confusing names. This is Veronica, remember?”

He shrugs, glaring at me.

“Isaac goes through so many of them I can’t even keep up,” he mumbles.

I notice that Cora pinches him on his shoulder. I smile at her, to let her know that I’m not bothered. If I were Isaac’s real girlfriend, I probably would be— to hear what a player he is. In fact, I feel a pang like a dagger in my heart, wondering how many girls he’s been with just like he was with me the other night.

But I know I have no right to possessive. It doesn’t surprise me that a handsome, rich man like him has his pick of women. And since this is all a fake arrangement, I’m determined to go with the flow.

I’ll do anything for Isaac because he’s paid me so handsomely. I’ve already arranged with the clinic who is doing Mom’s experimental treatment, to pay them anonymously so that she won’t know it’s me. However, she’s been acting suspicious, telling me she doesn’t understand how they’re now covering the cost of what they said would be too expensive, and asking me what I’ve been up to and where I’ve been going.

The truth is, almost nowhere, except to The Exchange last week— which I certainly wasn’t going to tell her about— and out with Stacy over the weekend, which only lasted about half an hour. I took one look at the blink date I was being set up with and made an excuse that my stomach had been bothering me.

He wasn’t bad looking, but I guess I couldn’t help compare him to Isaac. I had no interest in sitting there having dinner with him. I suppose it makes no sense, but until I finish this business with Isaac, it doesn’t feel fair to anyone for me to be dating other guys as well. That’s what I tell myself, anyway, even though I know that I’m so gaga over Isaac that no other guy comes close, and even talking to one just doesn’t even feel right.

So that night I came home early and watched cheesy 80’s movies in my room, daydreaming about what it would really be like to be married to a filthy rich, sexy man like Isaac. Perhaps I should have never let him take my virginity. Because now I can’t get him out of my head.

“Please don’t pay any attention to Mr. Morris’ grumpy mood,” Cora says. “He’s been very excited to meet you.”

“And very excited that my irresponsible son is finally settling down,” Mr. Morris adds.

I’m not sure whether to laugh or feel horrified. I’m beginning to see what Isaac has to go through and even though at first I was dubious about his plan to fool his father with a fake engagement for whatever reason, now I’m beginning to get a glimpse into why he might feel the need to do whatever it takes to pacify this seemingly incorrigible old man.

“Darling,” a newly familiar voice calls out, and I turn around to see Isaac rushing into the restaurant, holding a large, beautiful bouquet of flowers. “Sorry I’m late. I was just looking over something very important to the family business.”

As he hands me the flowers and pulls out my chair for me to sit down, I’m impressed by his chivalry. His father, on the other hand, leaves a lot of manners to be desired.

“It’ll only stay in the family if you two actually tie the knot,” he says.

Poor Isaac. I can’t believe he has to put up with this all the time. I decide to go all out and really play the part for Isaac’s sake.

“Of course we will,” I tell him.

Then I turn to Isaac and ask, “Have you been downplaying the seriousness of our relationship to your own family? Honey, I know you never thought you’d settle down, but it’s about time you admit I caught you hook, line and sinker.”

My charm must work because Mr. Morris gives me a small grin. Cora breaks into a laugh. But the best reaction comes from Isaac. His handsome face breaks into a big smile.

“You’re right,” he says, playing along perfectly. “And that’s why I had you come meet my father and Cora finally. You knew I wasn’t going to do it until just before our wedding day so that I could be sure I’d really go through with it. Even though I have cold feet when it comes to commitment, I’m actually ready to take this big step.”

Cora shakes her head at Isaac.

“Now you be nice to your fiancée,” she says. “It looks like you have a real keeper here.”

She winks at me and I nod at her appreciatively, sincerely glad she’s here.

The waiter takes our order and as dinner progresses I begin to see more and more of Isaac’s father’s personality. Isaac keeps trying to bring up something that he talked to his friend Dan about but his father keeps dismissing him.

“I’ll talk to Charles about all that later,” Mr. Morris says. “Let’s just eat now. I’m sure you’re confused anyway. You rarely really know what you’re talking about.”

Isaac looks crushed, but he presses forward.

“Dad, what I’m saying is that we’ve ordered an audit for the books to be gone through and I really think it’ll be a good thing because there are some discrepancies.”

Isaac’s father coughs and is unable to answer. I realize that his condition is severe. In his frail state, I’m surprised he could even come to dinner.

It must be incredibly important for Isaac to pretend to be getting married to me. I decide to try to step in and help the situation because it’s obviously also important for Isaac that his dad hear what he’s trying to say about the books.

“Well, you know honey, how I’m a mathematics major and I’ve take taken some accounting courses,” I say. “I’d be happy to look at the books if you’d like to show them to me.”

Isaac looks at me with more interest than his father does. I can tell he wants to ask me if I’m really a mathematics major but that would give away our little ploy. So, he says nothing.

After dinner as we stand to leave, Cora gives me a hug and says, “It was such a sincere pleasure to meet you. I hear the wedding is next weekend and I can’t wait to attend.”

It takes all my willpower not to glare at Isaac. He planned our fake wedding for this weekend and didn’t even tell me? That’s such a guy thing to do.

I’m going to have to tell him Stacy about it. I hope she doesn’t have plans and she can make it. Even if it’s a fake wedding, I need her to be my bridesmaid.

As we’re walking out, I’m wondering when I’m going to get to see Isaac again. But I don’t have to wonder long.

“Follow me to my apartment,” he instructs, as soon as we’re out of earshot of his dad and Cora.

By the way his jaw is clenched and the nervous way he’s jostling his keys in his hand, I can tell that he’s been wanting to see me as much as I’ve been wanting to see him. He’s trying to hold himself back but he wants me.

I’m beginning to think this relationship isn’t as fake as we’re trying to make it seem.