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Something More (Another Falls Creek Romance Book 4) by SF Benson (3)

Brady proved to me tonight that there really is a first time for everything. We’ve been together for what? Twelve? Thirteen years? Not once during that time has he yelled at me. Never lashed out. He sure as hell has never come close to changing out of anger. All because I turned him down. Seeing his ugly side almost convinces me I’m dodging a bullet. Almost.

But you hurt him.

No. This isn’t my fault. Brady brought this on himself by proposing.

Do you honestly believe that one?

We talked about marriage the last time Brady popped the question. He knows I’m not ready for the commitment. Why does he have to be so insistent?

Why do you have to be so stubborn?

I’m not being stubborn. It’s called being practical. After all, I’m not a ring-wearing type of female. Jewelry gets in the way when you’re changing.

Right. Like you couldn’t take it off before changing. Just like you do your clothes and shoes.

Not the point.

And pups? Who needs a house full of yapping mouths all needing attention? A little girl who looks like me… A boy like…Brady… No. Raising my sister squashed any notion of wanting a litter.

Keep telling yourself that one.

Besides shit happens. Brady and I are both alphas. What happens to our babies if something happens to us?

They’d be alone just like me and my siblings.

Everyone knows commitments hold creatures back. Keep you from reaching your full potential. It’s why alphas don’t take care of the house and pups. That’s the job of the wife. A role my mother fulfilled all too well.

Mom missed out on so much being content to exist in Dad’s shadow. She put her dreams of being a singer aside to become the perfect alpha’s wife. Mom followed him, literally, to the end of the world. Her devotion cost her in the worse way. Truth be told, it cost all of us.

Why can’t Brady understand we can love each other without slapping formal titles on shit? It isn’t like we need it to prove our dedication to each other.

You know that’s not what the bond is for.

I’ve loved Brady ever since that first night we spent in the moonlight. Even when my parents threatened to send me away, I couldn’t stop loving him. He’s been my rock through everything, and I don’t need a ring or some public ceremony to prove it. The opinions of others don’t matter. Brady has to know that without him I’d die. I love him that much. As soon as he gets it through his thick head that I’m here to stay, the happier we’ll be.

Parking my shiny red Jeep Wrangler at the curb, I kill the motor and lower my head to the steering wheel. It was never my intention to hurt Brady. If the situation was different, I’d say yes. As long as he kept the ceremony simple, I’d do it. But I can’t. Obligation to my family and the pack restrict me. I’d have to turn over leadership. If my brother was stronger, more dependable, owned a fucking set of balls, then I could give up my status. Brady wouldn’t try to turn me into a fifties version of a housewife. Ours would be a more modern leadership, possibly even sharing the role.

I take the key out of the ignition and get ready to exit the vehicle. Chirping crickets stop my progress, however, reminding me I’m alone. Being home without Brady crushes me. After high school graduation, we have rarely been apart. Honestly, my world revolves around the handsome wolf. Other than pack business, we’re always by each other’s side. Anger doesn’t travel with us when we separate. We’re the type of couple that has to make up before going to bed.

What if I have to sleep without him tonight?

I open the door. In the distance, a twig snaps. The hairs on the back of my neck lift. Scanning the dark street, I don’t see anything unusual. A stray cat sits in the glow of a street light. An owl hoots from its perch on some faraway rooftop. All normal. Expected. Sniffing the air, however, tells a different story. A cloying scent filters around me. Shifter. Not wolf. The beast wears enough cologne to choke somebody. Damn. Only one creature drenches himself in enough fragrance to cover up his funk. 

What the fuck is he doing here?

Out of the dark steps the pompous prick dressed in ripped jeans and a blue plaid shirt. My stalker. Look up the word asshole, and there’ll be a picture of Calhoun Delroy Ryder. All muscle and nothing else worthwhile. He’s the dim light bulb of his species.

Our history goes back to high school—the same day I met Brady. The were-panther doesn’t know the meaning of the word no. It doesn’t matter how many times I tell Calhoun I’m not interested, he insists that I’ll be his one day. Calhoun’s goal? To get me naked beneath him. Make me submit to his smelliness. The Ryder family has no problem crossing species. I heard there were some renegade Ryders living in the Louisiana Bayou. Rank half-breeds without scruples.

Calhoun continues stalking me. All of the Ryder men think they are gifts to females everywhere. No way would we have the audacity to turn them down. This one, however, doesn’t understand that my repulsion goes deeper than a desire not to mix species. Even if he was a wolf, I’d be turned off. Calhoun is an arrogant throwback to narrow-minded males. He, along with other members of his family, hold firm to the belief that females are to be ruled over, not respected. Thankfully, Brady’s not that way. He’d never disrespect me or take my feelings for granted.

I get out as Calhoun ambles down the street, his step heavy and unsure. “What are you doing here, Cal?”

“Evening, Audra,” he says with a curl to his lips. “Where’s your shadow?”

Folding my arms over my chest, I lean against the door. “Brady’s not my shadow. You should leave before he gets home though.”

Calhoun comes closer and places his beefy arms on the Jeep’s roof, trapping me. “Do you think that wolf scares me? I eat shit like that for breakfast.”

“And that explains your breath.” Fanning the air, I duck beneath his arm and walk around the car. Last thing I need is to get caught outside with the foul-smelling were-panther. Word would get back to Brady faster than a FedEx delivery. “Go home, Cal. Ain’t nothing here for you.”

The ass cuts me off before I can clear the curb. “That’s where you’re wrong, sweetheart. I’ve a message for your boy toy.”

This beast, trying my patience, makes the mistake of waking my wolf. Her hackles rise and teeth bare. If Calhoun isn’t careful, he’ll get the chance to see me out of my pants, but it won’t be pretty.

Although I swallow my growing rage, my hands clench. “What is it?”

“It’s time for the Ryders to even the score,” he drawls. “The Romeros need to watch their backs.”

My wolf flexes as I lift my chin. She doesn’t like threats, direct or otherwise. “Or what?” 

Calhoun moves closer until we’re toe-to-toe. With his nose just inches from mine, his nasty breath smacks me in the face. “We’re coming for your boy.” Calhoun touches my cheek with the back of his cold, calloused hand, and I shudder. “And you’re gonna be mine when the smoke clears.”

Summoning strength from my wolf, I push the jerk off me. Calhoun’s like a bad country song—the same old story about the lost love, the broke-down truck, and the dead dog told over and over again. When someone figures out how to keep oil and vinegar mixed, then maybe I might entertain staying in the same room with him. Until that day comes—or hell freezes over—Calhoun and the rest of the Ryder crew should keep their distance.

“Not happening. Remember, we have packs. Our wolves will beat the shit out of you and your boys. Go home, Cal.”

“You forget. Your pack has no obligation to the Romeros without a bond.” He gives me a brief laugh and turns to leave. “Keep believing in fairy tales, Audra. It’s cute on you. Just remember, Ryders don’t give up easily.”

“Or bathe enough,” I shout behind Cal as the shifter disappears into the night and the air clears.

Securing my vehicle, I head toward the house. This is one time I’m glad Brady’s not around. He would have torn Cal’s arm off and beat him with it. The Romeros and Ryders have no love for each other. Can’t say I don’t blame Brady’s family though. The death of Braden hit them all hard, especially Brady.

As I step into the hallway, the sound of howling wolves come from my purse. Taking a deep breath, I pull out my phone and stare at my brother’s name on the screen. What on earth does he want now?


“Hey, Audra!” Greg’s words slur. “Wh-what’s up?”

Tossing my keys on the hook by the door and kicking off my shoes, I climb the stairs to the bedroom. “Greg, are you in trouble again?”

“Yeah.” Silence keeps me company for a minute. “I’m sorry, sis. Come get me?”

I drag a pair of jeans from a hanger and grab my white Colgate University hoodie. Tia gave me the sweatshirt with attached fingerless gloves for Christmas last year. “Where?”

“You’re my one phone call.”

Fuck! He’s in jail. Again. “I’ll be there in fifteen.”

“Thanks, Audra! Love ya!”

Disconnecting the call, I toss the phone on the bed. I’d like just one night where I don’t have to worry about Greg. He’s supposed to be the oldest, but I’m the one who’s responsible. Over the past five years, my brother has had repeated trouble with the law. Ever since our parents’ death…

But if it’s not Greg, it’s Tia. I thought once I got our sister into college, we’d only hear from her at breaks. Wrong. The girl calls me every week asking for money like I’m a damned ATM, but I give her what she needs. After all, it’s my job. I’m the alpha—the head of the family since Greg won’t shoulder the burden.

Slowly, I unzip my dress. Dwelling on the situation won’t change things. It is what it is.

An hour later, my brother sits with me at the Depot diner. Agnes, our usual waitress, isn’t on duty. Instead, we get a dark-haired girl named Candace with big breasts. “What can I get for you?”

Greg surveys the human. His face lights up, and his mouth opens.

“Just coffee,” I say quickly, cutting him off. “Bring the pot.”

The pretty girl, her cheeks flushing, smiles at my brother before leaving.

“She’s a friend of a founding family. Off limits, brother,” I warn. The last thing he needs is a romp in the hay with a human, especially a female. They lack the stamina to keep up with most shifters in bed. “So what landed your ass in jail this time?”

My brother runs a hand over his shoulder-length dreads. “Same old shit.”

Another fucking fight. When will he learn? It’s not the behavior for a future alpha. “Keep it up, and you’ll never become alpha.”

Candace returns with our coffee. Her eyes are anchored on my brother the entire time she pours our drinks. “Can I get you anything else? Slice of pie maybe?”

Greg gives her a toothy grin, unwilling to shift his gaze off the woman. “Any apple pie?”

The corners of her mouth turn up. “We have ice cream. Or would you prefer whipped cream?”

“Baby, whipped cream is only for the bedroom,” he says suggestively.

I face-palm. My brother doesn’t listen. Never has.

The sparkle in the waitress’ green eyes spell mischief. The curious glance on Greg’s face confirms nothing good will happen if these two hook up.

“Before you say anything, dear sister.” He leans across the table. “I heard what you said about the honey, but I’m a grown-ass male with needs.”

Folding my arms over my chest, I say, “So grown he needed his sister to bail him out.”

“Fine.” Greg adds about four sugars to his coffee with a generous pour of cream. “I’ll give you your damn money back. Is that what this is about?”

“No.” I stare down into my cup. “Brady asked me to marry him again. This time he had a ring.”

Greg’s eyes bulge.

“Stop worrying. I didn’t say yes.” I take a sip of coffee. My brother may be immature, but he’s not stupid. He knows what it means if I accept Brady’s proposal. “But I wanted to.”

“Well, there’s a news flash. What’s changed your mind?”

Good question. “I haven’t changed my mind,” I lie.

“Right. He’s asked you three times to tie the knot. Every time you’ve given an excuse not to do it.”

“And how long do you think it will be before Brady says forget it?” It’s my biggest fear. If he leaves me, I don’t know what I’ll do or who I’ll become.

“Please.” Greg sits back on the bench. “That wolf isn’t going anywhere. I guess you’ve changed your mind about pups too?”

My head swings up. “Hell no! I have enough raising you and Tia. You, however, should be able to take care of yourself.”

That’s the biggest joke of all time. Mom believed in Greg. She always said to have patience with him. Being patient, according to her, would get you further than anger. Dad, however, didn’t share her opinion. He did everything possible to teach me about leading the pack, knowing Greg wasn’t fit to become alpha.

Greg looks past me and pushes to his feet. “That’s what I plan to do. Thanks for picking me up, sis.”

“What the—?” I turn in my seat, my gaze following him. Candace stands near the counter with her coat on. Greg drops a kiss on her upturned mouth before they head for the door.

Well, I’ll be damned. Greg’s behavior simply proves what Dad and I knew and Mom refused to see—my brother will never be alpha. He’s a selfish bastard who’ll only put his interests first. I toss a few bills on the table to cover the coffee and uneaten pie. It’s time to go home.

Back at the house, I switch out of my jeans and hoodie for a pair of pajama bottoms and one of Brady’s T-shirts. I’m surprised he hasn’t returned, and I haven’t heard from him, not even a text. Maybe I should be the one to extend the olive branch?

Audra Nevers: Baby, I’m worried about you. Are you coming home?

Minutes pass but there’s no reply. Is he really that mad at me?

Try saying you’re sorry for a change.

Audra Nevers: Brady, I’m sorry. Can we talk? Please?

Still no reply.

I toss my phone onto his side of the bed and reach for the remote. Scrolling through the DVR, I find the latest recorded episode of Arrow. Nothing like a good-looking man in tight leather to distract me for a while. By the time the credits roll, my phone pings.

Brady Romero: I’m on my way home. Had to see my folks.

Good. I can stop worrying. Glancing down at my too-comfortable outfit, I realize the situation requires something a bit more seductive. A shower first to wash off the faint smell of panther lingering in the air.

I’m lost in my thoughts when the shower door pops open. Brady, in his naked splendor, enters the stall. For the longest moment, he stands there staring at me. His glance angles down my body before his eyes, brimming with warmth, meet mine.

“Hey, sugar,” Brady rasps as he slides his arms around my soapy body. “I’m so sorry I didn’t call you. I should have never raised my voice.”

Resting my cheek on his chest, I say, “No. I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have pushed you.”

“Let’s not argue anymore, Audra.” He lifts my chin and gazes into my eyes. “I just want to love you tonight. No more anger between us.”

“I like the sound of that.” I lean into Brady as our lips mesh together, and the water cascades around us.

It only took a few minutes before the gentle kiss sets off a wild, driving need in the both of us. My back hits the tile as Brady lifts me, and my legs wrap around his muscular body. His erection throbs against me. There’s no need for foreplay. This is about making amends. Later, much later, we’ll take our time. Show how much we love each other. Brady’s cock teases me before pushing into me. He presses me into the wall as he thrusts deeper. My breath hitches as he fills me completely. Brady slips a hand between us and fingers my clit. Within seconds, I’m plummeting over the edge as he continues stroking me. My pussy tightens around his dick, and we cry out together.

He squeezes me closer to him, gathering me in a loving embrace. “Sugar, I love you.”

“I love you more.” A shiver snakes down my spine. It has nothing to do with the pleasure Brady gave me though. It’s that unspoken but that bothers me. I lean back and look into his eyes. “Are we okay?”

Brady forces a smile. “Sure. Let’s go to bed. It’s been a long day, and I just want to hold you.”

Panic swells inside me. Something is definitely wrong. If we shared a bond, I’d know exactly what was going on inside his handsome head. Without it…

That’s your fault. It’s not too late to fix it though.

I’m sure Brady will tell me in time. In his own way. I just need to be patient.




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