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Something More (Another Falls Creek Romance Book 4) by SF Benson (8)

It’s over. Thirteen years gone just like that. How am I supposed to function without her? Sleep won’t even be possible without her by my side. Letting go of Audra won’t be like getting rid of an item I no longer need. She’s the fucking air that I breathe. I shouldn’t have given up. I should have fought.

It’s not your style.

No. I didn’t try because of the pack…because of the same damned code Audra lives by. Thanks to that fatalistic motto, everyone else gets to be happy except us. Maybe I should have walked away from the pack and given up on those who have supported me without question.

Until now.

Somebody doubts my leadership, and I need to find out who. Under my father’s leadership, he would have called each and every pack member into his study. Questioned. Threatened. Crushed if necessary. By the end of his tirade, the culprit would have been found and dealt with—his throat ripped out, and his carcass displayed as an example.

Maybe it’s time for you to act like a true alpha.

No. That’s not my style either.

Somehow I’ll fix this without resorting to Dad’s tactics. When this is all over, Audra will be with me again because my life isn’t worth living without her.

For now, I’ll have to deal with the mess I created. Storming up the stone stairs, I push open the door and enter the house like a maniac, seeing red.

“Brady!” Mom shouts from behind me as I tear down the hall. She follows me as I make a beeline for my father’s study. “I thought that was your car. What are you doing here?”

“Not now, Mom!”

“Not now?” Gone is the soothing concern in her voice. It’s quickly replaced by a savage edge. A warning that I’ve said the wrong thing. “Brady Maxwell Romero, don’t you dare walk away from me!”

My feet find purchase in the middle of the floor. Exhaling loudly, I announce, “I need a key to a guest house.”

“Okay.” Cautiously, she says, “The one closest to the stables is open. It was cleaned yesterday.” Mom steps in front of me. “Mind telling me who’s visiting?”

“Not visiting,” I admit. “Moving in.”

Her mouth opens and closes before understanding colors her face. Mom reaches for me, but I step back, dodging her hands. The last thing I want is comfort. Give me a damned minute with my anger. Let me walk around in it until it becomes comfortable. It’s the only way I can go on with my life.

An angry alpha is not an effective alpha. He’s not the one pack members will respect and follow.

I. Don’t. Give. A. Damn.

“Oh… I guess that explains the pickup out front.” Mom’s eyes appraise me. “Brady, tell me what’s happened.”

“Not now. Maybe later.” I push past her and continue down the hall. I’m going to regret that move, but it had to be done. Pouring my heart out to my mother isn’t happening. Hell, I’ll drink myself into a stupor before that.

It’s not until I exit the back door that I allow my emotions to take over. Shrugging out of my jacket, my shirt and jeans shred. My wolf charges forth. Bones snap. Muscles lengthen. Pain so intense it nearly cuts me in half sends me to my knees. The last thing I notice is the clouds parting in the black sky as I howl at the moon.

An hour later, I’m settled in the guest house. In high school, Audra and I used to sneak in here. Granted, we spent all our time between the sheets while praying no one found us.

Now isn’t the time for this trip down memory lane. I shake the thoughts from my mind and appreciate the warmth radiating from the fireplace—probably Mom’s doing. It feels good on my chilled flesh. Still naked, I sink down on the cloth-covered sofa. Earlier, during the run, my anger shifted to pain. Now all that’s left is an ache so deep it threatens to suck me down with it.

Alone. I did this. Alphas don’t quit.

You did.

Because I never wanted this role. All I wanted slipped through my fingers tonight.

And you let her.

Out of the corner of my eye, I see the bottle of bourbon and a snifter on the coffee table. More evidence of my mother’s intervention. It’s something she used to do for Dad when he was dealing with heavy pack shit. He’d go for a run and when he returned, she’d have a bourbon and a steak waiting for him. If I go to the main house, I’m sure there’s a perfectly prepared steak for me. For now, I’ll settle with the alcohol. Twisting off the cap, I drink straight from the bottle and appreciate the burn along with the peace and quiet.

My phone buzzes, interrupting my moment of solitude. I start to ignore it when I see Brian’s name displayed on the screen.

“Speak,” I bark, gripping the neck of the bottle.

“Aren’t we the pleasant wolf?” my brother says. “What’s up?”

“You called me. Remember?” I have no patience for small talk.

“Deed is done. Amber will arrive next week.”

“Fine. You need to get your ass back here asap. We have business to handle. We also need to talk about your mate.”

Nervous laughter hits my ear. “So…uh… You know about that? Who told?”

“That’s not the point. You’re—” A knock at the door cuts through my thoughts. “Hang on, Brian. I’ve got company.”

I drop the phone and slip into the pair of sweatpants Mom left on the sofa. I’ve no idea who would bother me here. Maybe it’s a pack member. Time to put personal issues aside and get some work done. Yanking the door open, I don’t find a wolf though—unless she’s hiding one under her tattered skirts.

Elsbeth’s brilliant blue eyes travel over my bare chest, and she moans lowly. “Nice,” she rasps.

A shudder sneaks down my spine. Suddenly, I feel exposed and dirty. Uninvited thoughts, courtesy of the witch, filter through my mind. I push past them, wishing Elsbeth wasn’t here but being rude to her is ill-advised.

“Come in.”

“Good decision.” She sweeps into the room. “I have news for you, but don’t hang up on your brother. Brian can be of assistance.”

Nodding, I return to the sofa and the call. “Elsbeth is here. Hang tight. She has something you can help with.”

“No problem. I’ll wait.”

“Thanks.” I press the speaker button and place the phone on the table. “Elsbeth, what did you learn?”

The Red Witch, wearing her youthful persona, takes a seat on the far end of the sofa. “You were right to suspect a curse. But this is no ordinary curse.”

“It can be broken though?”

“Any spell can be broken. Once it’s learned, that is.” She leans back into the cushion. “This spell is an ancient one cast by a powerful sorceress—a Mercier witch.”

Mercier? “I’m not familiar with that coven.”

Brian chimes in, “I’ve heard it plenty since being here in New Orleans. The coven’s here, right?”

Elsbeth’s eyebrow lifts. “Your brother is correct. Question is, why did a Mercier witch spell Santiago?”

Good question. “Brian, take some time and look into it. Find out whatever you can about the coven, but be careful.”

“Contact Edwina Devereaux,” Elsbeth offers. “She lives in New Orleans now. The Devereaux witches have a history with the Merciers. If anything, she can protect you.”

“Thanks,” Brian says. “If there’s nothing else, I’ll let you go, brother.”

Elsbeth adds, “Find the vampire known as Kragen. He can direct you to Edwina’s property. It’s my understanding she doesn’t live in the city proper.”

“Gotcha.” He breathes into the phone. “We good?”

“For now. We still need to talk about your situation.”

“When I get back.” Brian disconnects from the call.

Focusing my attention on the witch, I ask, “How long before you undo the spell?”

“Give me a day to collect what I need. I’ll have to go to the source. You’ll hear from me again tomorrow night.” She studies me for a moment before standing. “As for your problem… Sometimes it takes a loss to make us stronger.”

My eyes lift to hers. There’s nothing that gets past this witch. Falls Creek has a mayor, but it’s this being running the town. “You know?”

“How could I not? Your anger and despair have a stench—a mixture of sweat and something akin to rotting meat.” Her mouth twists violently as she sniffs the air. “Without you telling me, I’ve learned your intended mate denied you. She broke your heart. Its fragments lead a path to your door.”

Wow. Elsbeth’s ability to ascertain is one of the many reasons why she’s the most powerful being around contrary to The Najex’s beliefs.

“Might I offer you words of advice?”

“Why not?” If I’m lucky, maybe Elsbeth could spell me so I’ll forget.

“If that’s what you want, I am capable. Warning though. This circumstance you’re in isn’t permanent. Your life and Audra’s are in a cycle. At the moment, your respective wolves want the same thing, but it’s a push and pull to win the prize. Your wolf, however, needs to be smarter than hers. Control his emotions. Do not forget the one you love.”

“Easier said than done.”

“But it must be done.” Elsbeth tilts her head, and her eyes roll skyward. “There’s a battle on the horizon. In the end, your strength will win. You can’t do it with a clouded view though.” She looks down at me. “I know it hurts, but it’s the pain that will help you see.”

I scrub my hands over my face. Why does this witch perplex me with cryptic language?

“There’s nothing cryptic in what I say. When you’re calmer, you will see. There’s a way for both of you to be happy. Your enlightenment will come with the rising of the sun.”

My wolf grumbles. “My family’s indebtedness doesn’t give you the right to read my mind.”

A thin smile appears on Elsbeth’s face. “My assistance doesn’t give you the right to question my actions.”

If I want her continued help, it’s best to accept her mind reading. There are far worse things the witch could do. “Back to the subject… Are you saying I’ll wake up in the morning and everything will make sense?”

“Maybe. Maybe not. I did not say which sun.” The Red Witch opens the door and disappears into the night, leaving me confused and far too sober.

Only thing the rising of the sun brings is a monster hangover. My stomach roils, and my brain slams into my skull. Shit. My mouth, feeling like I slept with a paw in it, tastes like shit. Peeling open my lids, I try to take in my surroundings, but piercing sunlight attacks my eyes. I shut them, roll over, and place the pillow over my head. That’s when somebody’s fist collides with my front door. Swinging my legs out of the bed, I’m prepared to rip apart whoever is making that racket.

For a moment, I’m lost. Why the hell am I in the guest house? Then my brain flicks a switch, and it all comes back to me—the break-up, moving back to the estate, talking to Elsbeth last night, and…the bourbon. It also explains why I’m still wearing sweatpants.

The continued banging on the front door disrupts my thoughts, and I pad down the hall at top speed. I’m a little shocked to find my mother on the porch.

“It’s about time.” She gives me an elevator glance. “Did you drink the whole bottle?”

No words needed. The empty container lies on the sofa. “Good morning to you too, Mom.”

“Morning?” She pushes the door shut behind her. “It’s afternoon, Brady. I know I’m just your mom and you don’t want to share everything with me…”

“It’s not that, Mom.” I wrap my arms around her and pull her close. “Audra and I broke up. I can’t move forward if I’m thinking and talking about her. Understand?”

“I do. If you need me, I’m here for you.”

“Thanks.” I step back. “Elsbeth learned some things. I need a shower, some coffee—”

“How about I make you something to eat? Get you some coffee while you shower?”

“Sounds good. I’ll be up to the house in half an hour.”

Mom has always enjoyed cooking for all of us. If you’re hurting, she’ll treat you to all your favorites. It’s afternoon but she prepared a full spread—blueberry pancakes, scrambled eggs with cheddar, applewood bacon, thick slices of honey ham, and endless cups of coffee. Makes me appreciate the biggest advantage of being a wolf—a voracious appetite and a rapid metabolism.

After a third plateful, I push away from the table.

“Care to talk now?” Mom asks, sitting across from me with her own cup.

She won’t let things rest until I say something. “You want to know what happened with Audra?”

Mom nods.

“Audra already made up her mind. She thinks she’s doing what’s best for all involved.”

“But you don’t?”

“No. I’m going to make this right.” I take my plate to the sink. “But I need you not to push. We’ll make the pack happy and announce my union with Amber Broussard. But we’re not moving on it.”

Mom purses her mouth. “What are you planning?”

“My marrying someone isn’t as important as this thing with the Ryders. Will you contact the pack for me today? Get them all here tonight for a meeting.”

“Shouldn’t your beta make that call?” Mom lifts her coffee cup.

“He’s still in New Orleans.”


“Elsbeth mentioned the Mercier witches—”

The cup slips from Mom’s hand and crashes to the floor. Ceramic shards along with coffee paint the tile. Her voice shakes as she asks, “Did you say Mercier?”

“Yeah.” My eyes narrow as I scrutinize my mother, biting her lips and trying to hide her trembling hands in her lap. “It’s something we need to discuss.”

Consuela, our housekeeper, rushes into the room. “¡Dios mío! ¿Qué ha pasado?

“Just a spill. Would you mind cleaning it up now? Mom and I need to see my father.”

“Of course.” Consuela’s head bobs nervously, and her dark eyes dart around the room. “The Master is awake.”

To avoid repeating myself, I choose to share Elsbeth’s news with both of my parents. Mom’s mouth drops open while Dad doesn’t blink or say a word.


“If you’re expecting me to be surprised, don’t hold your breath,” he says flatly. “The night we helped Hank, I knew there would be retaliation.”

Mom gasps.

“Thing is, I wouldn’t do anything different,” Dad continues. “If the panther showed up today, I’d help him. Hank’s a good male. His sister didn’t deserve to die that way.”

Mom’s gaze shifts from Dad to me. “So what happens next?”

“Elsbeth will break the curse.” What I’m going to say will upset my mother, but it’s part of my plan. It has to be carried out. “I don’t want anyone to know Dad recovers though.”

“Why?” she shouts. “Your Dad can help you.”

Dad shakes his head. “No. Brady is alpha. He knows what he’s doing. What’s your end game, son?”

“Cal and his brother think they’re going to break us. Let them think you’re so sick you’re dying. Mom, that’s what you tell the pack to get them here. Keep up the lie this evening. Someone within our own ranks is behind all of this. I’m certain of it.” I walk over to the window and pull back the heavy curtain.

“How do you plan on outing the rat?” Mom says.

“The same way we deal with all vermin,” Dad tells her. “You lay a trap so tempting that the culprit will jump without thinking.”


Now to set out the bait.

“Are you sure this is what you want to do?” Sebastian asks. He waves the envelope in front of his ruddy face.

“Yes. Someone within my pack is a traitor. This is the best way to flesh him or her out.” I reach across the wooden desk and take the envelope. The document inside looks authentic right down to the signatures.

“How will you detect the culprit?”

“Not that I don’t trust you, Sebastian, that’s guarded information. Believe me when I say it’s handled. We’ll find out who’s behind this tonight.”

With pack business behind me, for now, I need to deal with the rest of my life. I have to unravel Elsbeth’s mystical words. The last being on earth I care to spend time with is the very one that might help me.

Unwilling to go by Balls Up, I meet Greg on Crucifix Island. He joins me in the clearing near an area where humans enjoy rock climbing. I don’t understand the attraction of scaling the side of mountain with only a thin rope keeping them from death. To each his own.

Crunching dead leaves grab my attention. Greg Nevers slinks out of the shadows. To be honest, I’ve never liked the male. Even before his plunge into alcoholism, he was an arrogant wolf. He never listened to anyone, including his parents. For years, I tried to look past his flaws. Now that I’m no longer with Audra, I can’t help but focus on his imperfections.

Cigarette smoke wafts off his body. Great. Another damned vice. “You wanted to see me?”

“Yeah. You know about Audra and me?”

He nods.

“Did you see her before she broke up with me?”

“She came by the house. Tried to talk me into becoming alpha.”

My wolf bares its teeth. If this ass would step up and be a real male, Audra wouldn’t have broken up with me. “What else?”

“I told her to walk the fuck away. She doesn’t want to be an alpha. Audra’s only doing it out of obligation.”

What the fuck? “Audra’s alpha because she’s a responsible being. She wouldn’t abandon those who rely on her.”

Greg laughs. “What’s with you two? Who gives a flying fuck about being responsible if it means trading in your happiness? Audra is miserable.”

Something I already knew. “If you did your part, she wouldn’t be miserable.”

“You don’t get it, Brady. My sister thinks shit will fall apart without her. The pack doesn’t give a fuck who leads them as long as it’s not me. I failed my parents. I’ll only fail the members too. Audra thinks she’s protecting a legacy. There’s nothing left to protect. Tia’s mated with your brother. I could walk out of this town and nobody would care.”

My head bobs up and down. Audra won’t leave the pack without a good reason. Sadly, I can’t be it. I won’t be the one Audra blames when the pack suffers.

Fixing this is going to take a lot more effort than I’d bargained for.




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