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Special Delivery (The Billionaire's Baby Book 1) by S Cinders (29)


Week 34: Baby's fingernails grow

Thirty-four weeks into your pregnancy, or 32 weeks after conception, your baby's fingernails have reached his or her fingertips.

By now your baby might be nearly 12 inches long from crown to rump and weigh more than 4 1/2 pounds.


“DON’T THINK I HAVEN’T noticed the pep in your step, Mrs. Johnson,” Tina waggled her eyebrows at Mandy. “You don’t come in here moping about anymore.”

Mandy sighed, “Tina, I am not married. So, I can’t be Mrs. Johnson, now can I?”

Tina went on as if she hadn’t spoken, “You took my advice and got you one of those new fangle-dangle vibrators, didn’t you? Oh, don’t deny it! I can tell, Mrs. Johnson, you know, this isn’t my first rodeo.”

Mandy wasn’t sure why she even tried to converse with Dr. Robert’s medical assistant. She doubted that the woman heard anything that came out of her mouth.

“That one by Jimmy-John might come with a hefty price tag, but I am telling you, Mrs. Johnson it is worth every penny. And the Bionic Bunny Bullet, Sugar, that will rock your world.”

The door opened, and Dr. Robert’s entered the room.

“How is my favorite mother to be?” he said kindly as he took the chart that Tina was offering him. “It looks like there isn’t anything new going on, that’s good. Your urine test was fine, weight gain normal. So, tell me, Mandy, how are you feeling?”

Mandy went over her aches and pains before Dr. Robert’s measured her belly and told her what to expect in the next few weeks. He said at their next appointment he would begin doing internal exams to check how her body is preparing for the delivery.

“If everything goes according to plan we should be meeting this little one the week of Valentine’s Day.”

Mandy could hardly believe that they were discussing delivery. In some ways, it seemed like she had been pregnant forever. But in another, it scared the shit out of Mandy to think about bringing a baby home from the hospital.

“What are you plans for the holidays?” Dr. Robert’s inquired as he threw his gloves into the bin.

Mandy blushed, “We were supposed to have my sister over, but I am not sure if that will still happen.”

Dr. Roberts raised his eyebrow at the term ‘we’ and asked, “How are things working out with Elliot Brand?”

Mandy knew her cheeks were only getting redder, “Very good, Dr. Roberts, he is a good employer.”

Thankfully Tina had already slipped out to help other patients because she would have noticed how flustered Mandy was getting. Dr. Roberts had too much tact to call her out on it.

“Well, I won’t see you again until after the holiday, so, have a Merry Christmas! And we will see you just before New Year’s.”

Mandy nodded gratefully and said a silent prayer of relief as the doctor left the room and she could gather her things.

The entire morning, she had spent in meeting with Charles from human resources. They had begun ordering the equipment necessary for the child watch facility. It would be housed on the main floor of the building with an entrance into a private alcove outside. When it was warmer, they would put in a playground and picnic tables.

Charles had protested some of the things that Mandy had picked out stating that they were too expensive. But her thoughts had been more geared toward safety ratings and what would be best for the children.

When Charles loftily said that he would call Mr. Brand to confirm the purchases, Mandy felt a shiver of unease race across her skin.

Was she not doing the right thing?

Elliot had been in a conference but came as soon as he was able to see in person what Charles was concerned about. It took approximately four minutes for Elliot to see what the issue was.

He informed Charles in no uncertain terms that he was not to question Mandy’s purchases or decisions during this project. He was merely there for assistance if she asked for it. He then said something about Mandy’s position has changed to director level.

After Elliot left, Charles was subdued, and Mandy had been mortified. But that wasn’t the worst of it. Later on, when Mandy went to grab some lunch, she saw Pam from accounting talking with some girls from marketing.

The instant Mandy had walked into the break room they all went silent. Mandy tried to offer a small smile, confused on why they were less than friendly. Pam rolled her eyes at Mandy and got up to leave.

But not before offering a sneeze that sounded suspiciously like, ‘slut.’

Mandy didn’t want to think badly of Pam, but when the girls she had been speaking with started laughing. Mandy knew that she hadn’t misheard the woman.

Tears welled in her eyes, and she left the office a little early before her scheduled appointment with Dr. Roberts. She had intended on trying to find Elliot something for Christmas. After all, the next day was Christmas Eve. Mandy was running out of time.

She walked around the mall at least twice not seeing anything that Elliot might like. Robert, Elliot’s butler, had picked her up at the mall and waited until her appointment was finished before driving Mandy back home.

Elliot noticed that Mandy hadn’t eaten very much of her dinner and seemed to be distracted.

“How was your appointment?” he asked cautiously.

Mandy’s faint smile heated him clear through.

“Baby is growing well, and they did a nonstress test that went great. Dr. Robert’s said that during the weekly appointments they would most likely begin to see if the baby is getting into position.”

Elliot asked with enthusiasm, “And your due date is Valentine’s, right?”

Mandy nodded, “Dr. Robert’s said it would be that week most likely. I think I am going to lie down for a while. Please excuse me.”

Elliot immediately stood and helped her with her chair. He didn’t like the way that she had seemed so withdrawn. After Mandy went into her rooms, Elliot asked Robert if anything unusual had happened that day.

Robert reported to Elliot that she had left work crying, but once they had gone to the mall, Mandy seemed to be feeling better.

It took Elliot three phone calls to find out what had happened. The first was to Charles to feigned ignorance of the entire affair. Stating that Mandy was fine when she left him. It was Ian from the front desk that told Elliot of the rumors that were circulating the building. The worst being that Mandy was carrying his child and that he refused to acknowledge it.

What kind of bastard does something like that? Elliot wondered.

The third phone call was Elliot redialing Charles’ number. Elliot told Charles to have Pam from accounting and Lisa and Mary from marketing in his office at 8:30 am the following morning.

When Charles protested that it was Christmas Eve, Elliot told him that he didn’t give a damn.

When Mandy awoke the next morning, it was quiet in the home. She glanced at the clock and saw that it was after nine. Mandy never usually slept this long. There was a knock on the door, and Mrs. H had a tray of breakfast for her.

“You are spoiling me, Mrs. H,” Mandy was secretly delighted, “I’ve never had breakfast in bed before.”

Mrs. H helped her to sit up and arranged the pillows so that when her breakfast tray was set up, she could eat comfortably.

Mandy spilled her secret to the older woman that she hadn’t found anything yet for Elliot. Mrs. H said that she had a few last-minute chores to run as well and invited Mandy along.

When Elliot arrived back home, he found the spacious apartments empty. Surprised he glanced over at the counter and saw a white notecard with his name on it. Immediately he walked over and picked it up.


Mrs. H and I had some last-minute shopping to do. I spoke with Kim. She and Nate will be around for dinner tonight after all. We will be home soon. Please do not worry.

Yours- Mandy

Elliot stared at the words, ’Yours- Mandy’ for quite some time. It struck him to the core that he wanted Mandy to be his. Mandy and the little peanut she was carrying had come to mean far too much to him.