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Special Forces: Operation Alpha: Saving Scarlett (Kindle Worlds Novella) by Shauna Allen (17)



Maverick’s Café Grand Opening, Oceanside, California, Spring Break . . .

I was one miserable son-of-a-bitch.

It had been two and a half months since I’d seen Scarlett and the boys, and while she’d answered my texts and taken my calls, something about it all felt stilted and unnatural, and I had the sneaking suspicion that she was just as unhappy as I was, but was just better at covering it up. I’d tried again to talk to her before I left, reassure her that we could try to make it work, but she brushed me off. She said she needed time to think about what she wanted. What was best for the boys. I couldn’t really blame her. My life was not for the faint of heart. If she was in, I needed her all in.

But I was about ready to hoof it back to Texas so I could lay eyes on her to make sure she was alright and shake some sense into her if need be after Joanna had called because she was concerned that Scarlett was losing weight and sleeping more than usual, which was not like her. She had to take care of herself. The boys needed her. I needed her.

I’d been toying with the idea of not re-upping when my enlistment was over and making a go of ranch life so I could be with her. It didn’t exactly fit into what I’d had planned for my life, but I’d come to the conclusion that I’d do just about anything for that woman, including shovel horse shit, if it made her happy.

Maverick shoulder-checked me. “Cheer up, bro. It’s my party. You have to be happy.”

“Technically, it’s your woman’s party.”

“Same difference.” He grinned.

“True enough.” I watched as his girl, Rebekah, flitted around the bustling café, welcoming guests and showing off her trendy menu offerings. It was obvious this was going to be a popular spot on the beach.

Tito sidled over and took a seat next to me. “What’s good?”

“Not much.”

“Man.” His smile fell. “You really need to get laid.”

I nearly growled and he backed off, his hands up in mock surrender. “Sorry, bro. Bad timing.”

I glanced down into my drink and swirled it around. “Any word from Lucky and Tex?”

“They just landed in Mexico about twenty minutes ago and they’re on their way to the motel to set up comms now. I told him to check in with me as soon as they knew something.”

I glanced over. “You sure this is a two-man op?”

Concern flitted through his light eyes. “No. But the way we figured, if the bastards are watching us, they’ll think we’re all here with our guards down. This way, maybe they can get in, get any intel they can gather, and get out before anyone is the wiser.”

I nodded and tipped my drink to my lips. We had to find some way to say a step ahead of that damn El Lobo Blanco.

“Who knows . . .” He shrugged. “Maybe this Grace woman isn’t a cover. Maybe Lucky can get her to spill something we can use.”


Rebekah sauntered up a few moments later and pressed a kiss to my cheek then Tito’s. “Having fun, guys?”

“Yup,” I lied, wishing like I hell I could be anywhere but there, but not wanting to ruin her party.

“I’m glad.” She leaned against the table, blocking my view of the door and making me nervous. “So . . . did I tell you that I hired this amazing new accountant to do my books for the café?”

“Uh, no.” I frowned and glanced at Tito.

He just shrugged.

Her grin split her face. “I did. I was really lucky to find her. She’s wonderful and sweet.” She wiggled her eyebrows. “And beautiful, too. I think you’ll love her.”

My frown was thunderous. “Rebekah, listen. I—”

She stepped away, leaving a beam of sunlight to stream in through the windows and straight onto . . .


I leapt to my feet, my eyes raking over her hungrily. I couldn’t believe she was standing in front of me, looking good enough to eat in a flowing blue sundress and loose curls that I wanted to lose my fingers in. Her eyes lit at the sight of me, but before she could speak, two sets of little arms threw themselves around my legs.

“Mr. Johnny!”

I knelt and hugged Nathan and Daniel, never happier to see anyone in my life. “Hey, guys. How are you doing?”

“Good!” they chimed in unison.

I laughed and hefted them with me, one on each hip, as I stood.

“Hey,” Scarlett finally said.

“Hey.” I tilted my head to an empty booth in the back, away from the noise of the crowd.

She followed, but I couldn’t miss the way she twisted her hands nervously, though I had no idea what she had to be nervous about. Maybe California was overwhelming for her.

We sat and the boys crowded me, but I only had eyes for her. She looked beautiful. Beyond beautiful. She was radiant. Maybe it was the time apart, but she was even more spectacular than I remembered, and my memory was stellar.

I reached across the table and grabbed her hand. “You’re here.”

“I’m here.” Her voice wobbled.

I frowned. “You’re nervous?”

“A little,” she admitted.


Her eyes darted away then back. “This is all so much. It’s nothing like the ranch.”

I smiled. “True.” Still, I could tell she had more on her mind. “Gimme a second?”


I took the boys and we headed over to the rest of the team and their women, who were now congregated on the outdoor patio. “Hey. Would you guys mind watching these two for a few minutes so Scarlett and I can talk?”

Caroline glanced down with a grin. “Of course not. Hello, boys.”

“Hello!” Nathan took her hand immediately, ever the adventurous one. Daniel followed his lead a moment later.

I went back inside to Scarlett and sat down. That’s when I noticed she still had my keychain. It was clutched in her hand on the table. I smiled, determined to believe that meant something. “You look beautiful.”

Gold-flecked eyes darted up to mine. “Thank you. So do you . . . look good, I mean.” She huffed out a breath. “You look good.”

“Baby.” I waited until she looked at me again. “Why are you nervous? This isn’t like you at all.”

Another breath. “You’re right.” She sat up straighter. “I have some news.”

I sat up, too. “Shoot.”

“The boys and I are moving to California.”

Wait. What? I simply stared at her, not comprehending what brought this on. “Moving?” I echoed dumbly.



Her face fell a fraction, but she quickly pulled it together. “Because. I thought about what’s best for us and that’s you. And you’re here.”

“I know, but—”

“And we love you. The boys love you. I love you . . .” She bit her lip. Looked me straight in the eye. “And you’re going to be the father of my baby. Who I know will love you, too.”

I blinked. Hard. Blinked again.

This was so not what I’d imagined would be happening to me today. Yet here was the woman of my dreams, offering me everything I never knew I wanted on a silver platter. All I had to do was grab it.

“Baby?” I parroted her again, because apparently, I’d turned into a dumbass.


“Baby?” Yup. I was a moron.

She tilted her head. “Are you okay? Do I need to go get some help?”

Slowly, I stood, and she eyed me like I might go crazy at any moment. I took her hand and drew her to her feet to wrap her in my arms. “I’m okay. Just a fucking idiot for leaving you.”

Her brows tipped down. “No—”

“Yes. I know it’s my job and I didn’t have a choice, but I still feel like the world’s biggest asshole. I was going to get out as soon as my enlistment was up and come home to you and the boys next year.”

Her eyes lit with shock. “You were?”

“Hell, yes, I was.” I dipped my head and brushed my lips across hers. “Because I love you, too, darlin’. More than you’ll ever know.”

“Oh . . .” she whimpered as I peppered kisses across her jaw and throat. “Well, we couldn’t wait that long, and now you don’t have to get out.”

I lifted my head. “Are you sure? I will. For you, if that’s what you want.”

She met my gaze. “What I want is to be with you, Johnny, and for you to be happy.”

“I’ll be happy as long as I’m with you, baby.”

“Then I guess it’s settled.” She smiled up at me like I’d saved her life again, but I think we both knew it was the other way around.