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Steal Me (Longshadows Book 1) by Natalia Banks (140)

Chapter 25


“I’m supposed to be keeping it a secret,” Emma says, peeking past me into the kitchen where the guys are as she lowers her voice to a tiny whisper. “I’m pregnant!”

Joy fills me and I realize I’m much more deeply emotionally invested in these people than I thought I was. “Congratulations!” I whisper, trying to keep my voice down despite the excitement bubbling up in me.

“I wonder if they’re killing each other yet?” Emma asks, her neck craning so she can look past me.

I smooth my hands over my knees. “I think we’d hear something if they were,” I say, realizing that maybe it was a bad idea to let them go into a room full of knives alone together. “Let’s go see if they need help,” I suggest and she’s quick to agree. I wonder if she’s thinking the same thing I am as we creep toward the kitchen.

As soon as we come into view, Kieran holds his hands up. “We’re good,” he says and Emma walks up to him and gives him a quick kiss.

I see Kyle glance at me and I feel the promise in his eyes that we’ll finish what we stared here in this kitchen later. And I can’t wait.

“How’s Jax? Emma asks and I shrug. As if he heard his name, Jax trots in, his tongue hanging out of his mouth. Quick on his heels, Sentinel walks in with a slower, more painful gait.

“Oh, hi Sentinel!” Emma says and he walks up to her to give her a kiss on the chin. He lowers his head a little and offers Kieran a soft growl.

I see Kyle glance over in surprise as I tell Kieran that he’s not generally okay with men. Kieran studies Sentinel, and my god glares him down as if daring him to make a move.

“Sentinel,” I say and he walks over to me. I feel the need to explain, but I don’t want to give much. “There was a guy who often threatened to kill him. I think he started seeing men as a threat because of it.”

I meet Kyle’s gaze and know he’s asking why it’s never been a problem for him. I shrug. I have no idea why Sentinel was okay with him. Maybe Sentinel knew Kyle wasn’t a threat. Maybe he trusted the man who jumped to help him when he needed it most. Whatever the reason, I bet it had something to do with my own trust of Kyle. Maybe not consciously, since Sentinel has been so confined while getting well it hadn’t occurred to me until now that he was still so nervous around guys.

After a moment, Sentinel quieted down and I tell him to go lie down. He walks off, his nails ticking on the floor as he passes a sad Jax. Jax looks up at me, his tail slowly wagging.

“Need to go outside?” I ask him. His tail moves quicker and I head to the back door to let him out. He scampers out and I feel eyes on me.

“What?” I ask the group of people watching me.

Emma flashes me a smile. “It’s good to see Jax so taken with someone other than Kyle,” she says, looking over her shoulder at Kyle, who looks down at her with a slightly disdainful look.

“You didn’t tell her?” Emma asks, and he gives his head a slight shake. She turns to me. “Didn’t you notice Jax ignored me?”

I think about it a second. He had walked in after hearing his name, but he’d come to stand closer to Kyle and I. It was Sentinel who gave her kisses and attention. But why does that matter? Confused, I shrug at her to let her know I have no idea what she’s getting at.

“Jax only likes Kyle. That’s why he’s not a service dog,” Emma says, her eyes sparkling. “Kyle was trying to train him for a vet, but Jax just wouldn’t take to anyone other than Kyle. So he wound up stuck with him.” She glances up at Kyle with a teasing look on her face. “I guess Jax is the one stuck with you,” she says and Kieran smirks.

“I had no idea,” I say, wondering if Jax ever ignored me.

“Food,” Kyle says, plating up several servings of chicken crusted with cheese, a side of perfectly steamed rosemary carrots and potatoes, and pulls a pan of rolls from the oven. The smell is incredible and I hear the groans of pleasure.

“Why don’t you cook like this?” Emma teases Kieran while digging her elbow into his ribs.

“Thanks,” Kieran says sarcastically to Kyle who dips his chin with an amused, “Anytime.”

I set the table quickly with Emma’s help. The guys bring over plates, the rolls, and butter. “Drinks?” Emma asks everyone, heading to the kitchen to get gasses.

“Water,” I say at the same time as Kyle.

“Weirdos,” Emma says, her eyes sparkling as she opens the fridge and grabs milk. Kieran joins her and nudges his head toward the table. “I can get drinks,” She says to him and I can’t help but smile. It’s good to see big, tall, imposing Kieran taking care of her. And no wonder, knowing she’s pregnant.

I catch Kyle’s glance and see him arch a brow as if he knows my secret. And I realize that Kieran must have told him too.

Good. It’s nice that the brothers are getting along. Maybe things between them can be healed after all. Maybe with enough time, they’ll finally realize that it’s important to stick with the people you love.

Well, when those people aren’t just there to hurt you. I could never forgive my father. And while I know it’s not the same, I could understand Kyle if he was never able to forgive Kieran for the past. I’m sure as hell the last person who should be judging people based on who they cut out of their lives or their reasons.

When we’re all at the table, I feel like I’ve found my family. They’re not perfect, but they’re here.