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Study Hard: A Steamy Romance (Wild Quickie Book 1) by Lucy Wild (4)

Chapter Four


I caught a glimpse of her running off to the bathroom and it was a sight I'll never forget. I was instantly hard as her skirt flicked up at the back, revealing enough of her thighs to make me want to run in after her and grab her, shove her against the wall, fuck her without caring who saw us.

Instead, I turned the other way and hurried to my office, settling into my desk and trying to concentrate on the lesson plans for next week.

It was Friday and I had two days off coming up. I needed to think about dealing with my ex, not the girl who would get me sacked if I didn't get a hold of myself.

I'd seen her pussy. It was only a glimpse but the image kept intruding on my mind as I worked. I kept wishing it was Monday morning already, wanting to see her again.

What was my plan anyway? Her essay hadn't been that bad. It was a passing grade. A scrape through but still a pass. If she showed it to any other tutor for a second opinion, I'd be rumbled.

I had been an idiot. Frustrated by my own desire, I'd taken my anger out on her and then my lust had risen up again and I'd made up that story about corporal punishment, just to see how she reacted. And she did react, her cheeks flushing as her eyes glazed over. She wanted me. But the tears, I just wanted to comfort her when she cried, unable to resist stopping her in her tracks to arrange a private tutorial. It was a mistake. I knew at once I shouldn't have done it but by the time I reached the corridor, she was already running off and my thoughts were back in my pants again.

Or was my mind playing tricks on me? Did she want me? Was I reading too much into things? I guessed I'd find out on Monday when she realised what I demanded of her to get her essay to a better standard.

I somehow got through the rest of the day although Donna remained in my thoughts, particularly that flash of her thighs as she ran into the girls toilet.

At six I finally headed off, driving to my ex's house. She ignored me knocking on the door until I did it a second time, just one more little pointless gesture to show how little she thought of me. If it wasn't for Daisy, I'd have told her exactly what I thought of her behaviour.

The door opened at last and Daisy ran out to me, wrapping herself around my leg. "Daddy!"

I reached down and picked her up. "Hey, sweetheart, ready to go?"

"Course I am. What we doing this weekend?"

"I thought playing in the park might be nice, what do you think?"


Sarah appeared on the doorstep. "You were meant to be here at five."

"No, six, remember, we agreed six?"

"You would say that."

I kept the smile on my face for Daisy's sake. "Say bye bye to Mummy. See you on Sunday night, Mummy."

"Bye bye, Mummy," Daisy said, waving back at her.

"Bye, sweetheart. You behave for Daddy, all right."

"She always behaves," I said, already walking towards the car. I could hear her breathe in as I went, she was ready for an argument.

I got Daisy strapped into her seat in the back before climbing in. Luckily, Sarah had remained on the doorstep.

I got Daisy home and played with her for an hour before putting her to bed. Once she was asleep, I sat with the laptop on and tried to make some headway with my paper. It was supposed to be submitted by the Easter holiday and if I didn't get it done soon, I could kiss goodbye to journal publication. I was required to submit a certain number of papers per year by the university and if I didn't keep up with the deadlines, my chance of head of department would vanish as quick as if I turned up wearing an "I fucked Donna Malley," tee-shirt.

It was a little after ten when I stopped and got myself a coffee. I returned to the computer to see an email notification in the corner. That wasn't that uncommon. The students all had my email address and regularly sent questions and papers to me at odd times. I'd grown used to it, making sure my phone was on silent before I went to bed to avoid being woken by a four in the morning sob story on the day a deadline expired.

The name on the email caught my eye. It was from Donna. Was it going to be another apology? Beg for forgiveness? Threaten to sue me for affecting her emotional wellbeing?

It was none of those things. There was no text in the email, just an attachment. I clicked on download and waited. A few seconds later, I opened the file. It was an image.

It was a photo.

A photo of her topless.

I couldn't believe it. I looked around me. Was this a sting operation? Were the senior staff about to burst in and fire me for looking at it? For opening it?

No one appeared. There was just me and the screen and the image. It was recent. Her hair was the same as it looked now. She was outside somewhere, near a lake maybe. There was water behind her. She looked as if she'd been caught unawares, a look of shock on her face as if she was about to cover her chest when the photo was taken.

My eyes moved to her chest again and again. I wanted to look away, I knew I should. I was in a world of trouble if anyone found out I had this. But I'd done nothing wrong. It had been sent unsolicited. Would they believe that?

Her breasts were small but well rounded, her skin soft looking. The nipples were hard and dark brown, the areola pink, making my cock strain in my trousers.

I headed to bed, taking the laptop with me. Once in bed, I reopened the image. There she was. I closed my eyes and could see between her legs again. The laptop pinged and there was another email from her. I opened it so fast I nearly knocked the computer off the bed. This time she had written to me. I scanned the words quickly, desperate to know what she was going to say.