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Temptation by K.M. Scott (12)

Chapter Twelve


I wasn’t going to let it drop like that. As he stood there behind his desk, I marched around it to stand right in front of him. I wasn’t sure what to do next, but I wasn’t going to let this go.

“No! I want an answer from you. I know you wanted me like I wanted you, so why are you acting like this?”

He stared down at me with a look that was ice cold and searing hot at the same time. I felt the heat coming off him and knew whatever he was saying wasn’t how he truly felt. Moving closer to him, I lowered my voice. “Cash, I just want to understand what’s going on.”

“I don’t think that’s what you really want, Olivia.” He stepped forward, his chest brushing against my breasts making my nipples squeeze into hardened peaks. Lifting his arm, he pressed his palm against the wall, trapping me, and looked down. “So what do you really want, Olivia?”

“I’m not doing this little show for you. You want me to tell you I want you so you can throw it back in my face because I didn’t let you know I knew it was you there with me.”

My hands shook at my side as he continued to stare down at me so intently. A tiny lick of fear flickered in the back of my brain at the chance that I didn’t know Cassian March as well as I thought I did. I’d always seen him as a calm, almost cool person, not easily ruffled, but maybe that controlled façade was just that—a façade meant to hide something far more violent that lived inside him.

The problem was that even as I shook in fear at what might happen next, part of me had never been more turned on by any other man. I waited for him to react to my refusal to play along like we were still in the fantasy room, unsure what to do but knowing I wanted him more than ever.

“So instead of just going after what you want, you’re going to stand there like a little girl angry that you don’t get what you want. Is that it, Olivia?”

“Fuck you! Fuck you and your games. I should have just trusted my instincts about you.”

He stepped closer, his body pressing full against mine, but never broke his stare into my eyes. Low and deep, he asked, “And what did those instincts tell you?”

My defensiveness kicked into high gear and before I could stop them, the words I knew would hurt him most tumbled out of my mouth. “That the only March who could ever show me a good time is Stefan.”

I turned to look away, but I was too slow. His expression morphed into one so full of anger that I instinctively moved to run. He grabbed my arms and pushed me back against the wall as his leg pressed into my thighs just above my knee. In a voice so low I barely heard it, he said, “Then you should have played your game with him, little girl.”

Every way I turned, I saw his face. It was the face of betrayal, and I’d done that. I didn’t mean to. I’d just lashed out without thinking and before I knew it, those horrible words had come out. Instantly feeling awful, I quietly stammered, “I’m…I’m sorry. I didn’t mean…”

“I know what you meant,” he bit out. “And you were wrong.”

He released his hold on my arms and backed away like I disgusted him. All at once, my fear turned to disappointment at myself and the entire situation. I hadn’t wanted this to turn out this way. Suddenly feeling alone even as he stood there in front of me, I reached out and grazed his shirt sleeve with my fingertips, hoping to stop him from leaving.

My touch surprised him, and he looked up at me with eyes so full of intensity I had to believe he cared and there was a chance I could make up for what I’d said. If I didn’t do something now, he’d leave and we might never know if there could have been something between us. So I stepped toward him and before I could chicken out, I kissed him full on the lips. It was crazy and stupid and I’d never felt more vulnerable. If this was never going to be anything real between us, at least I’d be able to say I’d conquered my fears and done everything I could to make this happen.

His lips hardened against mine as he fought kissing me, but gradually they softened and he kissed me with a passion he’d never shown me in our fantasy room. I felt like I was burning up as his mouth devoured mine, like at any moment the two of us would be consumed by our desires if we kept this up.

But I didn’t want to stop, and if the way his tongue slid over mine was any indication, he didn’t want to stop either. My hand clung to the back of his neck, desperate to have him closer. His cologne filled my nose, a powerful male scent that added another layer of need to my desire. He was sensory overload, taking my mind and body to a level I wasn’t sure I knew how to handle.

He pushed his hips forward, thrusting so his cock pressed long and hard against the front of my dress. I wanted to feel him—feel his skin against mine instead of through the barrier of our clothing. I knew it might look eager, but I angled my hips upward like he was fucking me, needy for some release after everything I’d felt that night.

“Olivia…” His voice was thick with passion and the promise of more. I wanted more. I wanted it all.

My core clenched at the thought of actually having more from Cash. Just kissing, he overwhelmed me, nearly taking my breath away. He intimidated me and enthralled me, all at the same time. Outside his office door, the rhythm of the music pounded like the beat of my heart, each moment faster and faster as we shared this moment together.

He directed me toward the conference room behind his office, never once breaking his kiss. As the realization of what was about to happen settled into my brain, I opened my eyes to see the man I was about to sleep with. I needed to see he wasn’t that cold fuck anymore but the sensual man who’d thrilled me every Friday for the past month.

Cash stopped moving as we entered the other room, and for a moment I worried whatever magical something I’d thought we shared was all in my mind. Crestfallen and confused at the change in momentum, I saw instead that he hadn’t stopped to reconsider but to begin undressing. He looked at me seductively with those gorgeous blue eyes as he loosened his tie, sliding it from around his neck before he threw it over one of the high backed chairs that ringed the long, mahogany conference table. My eyes followed it and watched as the black silk tie slid like it was in slow motion down the back of the black leather chair.

He spoke, drawing my attention back to him as he stood there unbuttoning his sapphire blue dress shirt. “Are we still playing the game we started upstairs, Olivia?”

I didn’t know how to answer him. This had never been a game to me. At first, it had just been to prove to myself and the girls that I wasn’t as boring as they thought—that I could be that sexy woman I’d always wanted to be. Then once I knew it was Cash, our time together began to truly fulfill my fantasy about him. He was sexy and irresistible, the gorgeous public face of the most exclusive club in town, and in that fantasy room, he wanted me, shy and inexperienced Olivia.

Now, I didn’t know what this was to either of us. To him, it was likely just another night of sex which he likely had more often than I changed my underwear. To me…to me it was more. I was probably the world’s biggest fool, but I wanted it to be the beginning of something bigger than just great sex.

He shrugged out of his shirt, revealing a muscular body filled with tattoos. For a moment, I stood there in shock, amazed that the straight-laced and serious businessman who sat behind that glass desk in his minimalist office hid a totally different person under those tailored dress shirts and thousand dollar suits he wore. His left arm was covered from his shoulder down to his elbow with an intricate dragon in hues of dark and light green with gold eyes, and it looked like another design had been outlined on his right bicep. Visually stunning, those tattoos were nothing compared to the one that stretched in an arc across his broad chest. Black and red letters spelled out the words LUCK HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH IT. I wasn’t sure I’d ever seen a more perfectly chosen tattoo on anyone.

I couldn’t help but stare, not only at the tattoos and his pierced right nipple but also at how stunning his body was. I’d only ever seen him fully dressed in a suit and tie, and even upstairs as I ran my hands over him in the darkness of that blindfold, I never could have imagined him being so well-built. My eyes traveled down from his toned pecs to a set of abs honed washboard perfect and cut hipbones angling down toward the bulge that still remained hidden beneath his pants.

By the time I realized I hadn’t answered his question, he wore nothing from the waist up and was slowly sliding his belt from around his waist. My mind reeling, I mumbled, “No game,” as I stood on wobbly legs not sure what to do next. He’d upended all my bravado the moment he’d taken off his shirt and showed me he wasn’t that stern March brother, gorgeous but all business. That man had seemed somewhere close to my league. Now as I stared in adulation at the man who stood in front of me, I knew Cassian March was so far out of my league I wasn’t even sure we played by the same rules.

Hell, I wasn’t even sure we played the same game.

“I like the way you’re looking at me, Olivia.”

“Why do you say my name all the time?” I asked, immediately feeling awkward as he stepped close to me, running his fingertips over my shoulders.

“Because there’s no sweeter sound to the human ear than the sound of one’s name.”

Jesus, why did everything he said seem so effortlessly sexy? As I stared up at him, unsure of what to say to that, he dipped his head and placed a soft kiss just below my ear. Closing my eyes, I tried to let myself enjoy this moment, but the reality that I didn’t know what to do with someone like Cash wouldn’t leave my mind.

Sensing my fear, he trailed his tongue up to the shell of my ear and whispered, “Relax.”

“I don’t…I think…” I wanted to stop, to say that I wasn’t the type of woman for him, but all I could do was stammer those few words out.

He lifted his head and cradled my face in his hands. Looking down into my eyes with a gaze so sure, he smiled. “We both need this, maybe even more than we want it.”

“But what about work and…and…everything else?” I asked in meek protest, my insecurities raging.

“Don’t worry. I promise I won’t fire you. Everything else means nothing. Unless I’m not the man you want?”

“No! That’s not what I meant at all.” Was it possible he wasn’t as confident as I thought?

He slowly ran his tongue along the seam of his lips and smiled. “Then relax, Olivia, because you’re the woman I want.”

Something in the way he said those words eased whatever doubts lingered inside my brain, and I let a feeling of genuine anticipation take me over. I wanted to know what it felt to sleep with this man. I wanted to believe whatever else I was, I could be that sexy woman with him.

His mouth covered mine in a kiss so sensual it felt like a jolt traveled straight from his tongue to between my legs. From that moment, I was lost. Whatever he wanted, I’d give him. I felt his fingers gently tug my dress off my shoulders and then his strong hands were cupping my breasts. He gently rolled my nipple between his thumb and forefinger, sending waves of pleasure through me. Pushing the dress down my body, I stepped out of it as it hit the floor, barely conscious of the fact that I stood there in just panties and pumps.

Everywhere his fingers touched excited me. I wanted to feel them on the most sensitive parts of my body, bringing me to that sweet edge and over it as I came.

I reached out to touch him, dying to feel what hung between his legs. I’d fantasized about that part of him since the first day I walked into his club, never truly believing I’d find out what he felt like inside me. Tugging his zipper down, I brazenly reached my hand in to gently squeeze his cock in my hand, amazed by its size as I began to stroke him from root to tip. Thick and hot against my palm, he was harder and bigger than any man I’d ever slept with.

“Mmmmm…don’t stop,” he whispered as the thought of his size began to make me slow my strokes just as my hand touched the swollen tip. “Right there, baby.”

Cash buried his hands in my hair, pulling me to him, and I heard him groan again as my thumb grazed the spot just below the head of his cock. He was rock hard yet so silky in my hand, and with each ragged moan I grew more and more confident. There he was standing in front of me loving what I was making him feel.

His mouth crushed against mine, and he thrust his tongue into my mouth like it was his to do with as he pleased. Whatever control I thought I had evaporated in a fleeting moment as he transformed from a man receiving pleasure to one taking what he desired. He was intoxicating, and I couldn’t get enough of him.

Pushing a chair out of the way, Cash backed me up until I felt the edge of the conference table against the back of my thighs. He wrapped his hands around my waist and picked me up, easing me back onto the cool surface of the polished wood table. My legs hung off the end, rather indelicately leaving me wide open as he remained standing. I looked up at him, hoping he’d soon save me from this embarrassing position.

He unbuttoned his pants and let them drop, revealing no boxers or briefs underneath. Feeling awkward, I instinctively joked, “Commando? I would’ve never guessed.”

I received a smile and moan in return for my moment of humor. “Come here,” he groaned as he tugged me toward him. I slid down the table until I felt the crown of his cock press full against my opening. A tiny whimper escaped from my throat at the feel of its thickness. Cash simply smiled and slowly ran his hand up my thigh to stroke my needy clit.

“Relax. You look so beautiful lying there. Let yourself go, Olivia. You’re ready.”

To prove that to me, he slid his finger inside me with long, slow strokes that sent waves of pleasure tearing through me. I hadn’t been touched there is so long I wasn’t sure I wouldn’t come just from his delicious finger fucking me.

“So fucking tight. God, I want to be inside you.”

I gave him a meek smile, but my heart slammed against my chest at the thought of him fitting inside me. Closing my eyes, I heard him tear a condom package open. He planted his hands on both sides of my head and kissed me full on the lips. Then I opened my eyes and saw him staring at me with those blue eyes so intense as he slowly eased into me, each inch filling me so completely that I couldn’t imagine being able to take any more.

He sensed how unsure I was and stopped for a moment to lightly massage my sensitive clit, sending more waves of exquisite pleasure through me and allowing me to take more of him. The combination of his finger drawing those tiny circles on my clit and his cock deep inside me filling me like I’d never been filled before thrilled me. I wrapped my legs around his waist to accommodate all of him, feeling deliciously stretched by the time he was fully seated in me.

“You feel so good, Olivia. I promise I’ll go slow.”

He inched out of me, leaving me empty and missing the feel of him. As he promised, he slid back into my body slowly, ratcheting up my desire and filling me once again. Kissing me hard, Cash grunted into my mouth as the base of his cock stretched my opening. My body ached, a sweet pang forming in the pit of my stomach, making me want more.

He eased out of me again, but I slid my feet down his back and pushed my heels against the base of his spine. “Cash…faster…please…”

Raising himself up above me, he flashed me a look of concern. “You sure? I don’t want to hurt you.”

Cupping the back of his neck, I pulled him back down to kiss him, my body begging for more. “Yes. Faster. Fuck me faster.”

Cash narrowed his eyes in a sexy smoldering look. “Mmmm…such words coming from that pretty mouth of yours. Faster it is.”

Rearing back, he slammed his long, thick cock in until he was balls deep inside me and then retreated from my body only to crash into me again. He was power personified, and with every plunge into my willing body, I wanted more.

I wanted to finally live my fantasy of having no control.

Deep inside, a tiny kernel of release began to form, weaving its way through my body as Cash continued to fuck me. His deep grunts filled my ears with every thrust of his cock into my body. He was animalistic and primal, unlike any man I’d ever slept with. I felt small and vulnerable. And out of control. I loved it!

My orgasm curled through my core, a tiny exquisite sensation that grew with each moment. Sliding my hands down over his shoulders, I dug my nails into Cash’s back and moaned, “Don’t stop. Please don’t stop.”

His abs and chest, hard and unyielding, slid over my breasts and nearly crushed me under his weight. I lay there helpless underneath him and clutching him like I couldn’t get enough of this man. I was already sore, but I never wanted the feeling of him inside me to end.

My body clenched around his thick cock to signal the beginning of my orgasm. Crying out, I struggled to hold on to him as he pistoned into me, grunting his pleasure deep in my ear. “Let yourself go, baby. Let me see you come.”

“Ah, God, Cash! Don’t stop!”

He watched as I came, his blue eyes focused on me as I bit my lip and scratched down his back like a wild animal. Never before had I come so hard, my thighs shaking violently against his hips as the last of my release wound through me.

But his was yet to come. I felt every muscle in his back tighten and tense. He buried his face in my hair and let out a long deep groan as he buried his cock completely inside me. “Fuck…”

We lay there silently for a long time, still joined together on that conference table as the sounds of the nightclub outside his office began to once again drift in to where we’d just had sex for the first time. It felt secret and sexy. When Cash raised his head, he licked his lips and kissed me, making me feel sexy too.

“Olivia, that was incredible.”

I couldn’t put my finger on it, but something in the way he said that made me feel open and self-conscious. Forcing a smile, I nodded, hoping he couldn’t see my insecurities rearing their ugly heads. Nothing was unsexier than looking needy after sex. Letting my hands drop from their hold on his back, I forced myself to sound confident. “It was.”

He slid out of me, and a feeling of emptiness joined my insecurities. I knew it was foolish. What had I expected—the two of us lying there for hours in each other’s arms as we drifted off to sleep? We’d just fucked on the table in the Club X conference room. Cuddling wasn’t on the menu.

I stood to put my dress back on as he slipped back into his clothes. Watching him, I took in the last sight of his beautiful body, sad to see it covered up with his dress shirt and pants. Unsure of what to say as we finished dressing, I fidgeted with my shoes to avoid feeling any more awkward.

Cash seemed entirely at home with this part of the night, though. Adjusting the knot in his tie, he once again did that brushing off movement he’d done earlier and then looked up at me. “You were incredible, Olivia.”

Two mentions of that word made me certain I’d been anything but that, but he pulled me into him and kissed me full on the lips and my insecurities disappeared, at least for the moment.

“I promise I won’t act strange tomorrow. I’ll be the same stiff Cassian March I’ve always been.”

“Well, you have a reputation to keep.”

He laughed at my joke, but I’d subconsciously been referring to his other reputation that now seemed to take up so much of my mind. Cash dated the most beautiful women in town, and undoubtedly, he slept with them too. As he escorted me out to his office, that’s all I could think about. Yes, I’d gone into this whole thing with him with my eyes wide open, but now I didn’t want to go back to being simply his assistant.

I tried to read his expression to see if he felt anything for me, but there was nothing but that cool man who was all business in front of me now. He kissed me again, soft but without all that passion that had been in his kiss before, and told me he’d see me the next day. We parted ways, boss and assistant once again, no matter how much I wished that wasn’t all we were.