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The Baby Plan: A Second Chance Romance by Tia Siren (116)



One Year Later


“So, happily ever after?” Karly said.

My smile went from her to the rosy-cheeked baby in the stroller I was pushing.

“Yeah, I guess so. Never thought I’d say it—but my life couldn’t be going better. Jake and Mark are sweeter than ever. Little Stanley is just an angel, he sleeps easily and long. Look at those dark eyes of his—you can totally tell he’s Jake’s.”

Karly leaned in and tapped Stanley on the nose. He let out a loud peal of laughter.

“Mark said he has dibs on the next one,” I said.

Karly felt at her belly.

“Know when you’ll have the next one?”

“Not for another year or two, at least,” I said with a laugh, “One baby is enough for now. Remember, we didn’t even plan for Stanley, he just happened.”

Karly smiled at me.

“Yep, same story with Ryan and me. And yet, he grinned when I told him—he actually grinned.”

“The boys cried when I told them,” I admitted.

Karly let out a low whistle.

“No way—even Mark?”

“Even Mark,” I said, smiling at the memory. The way they’d clasped at me with that harried sort of happiness.

“They’d cried for a good half-hour before we started brainstorming baby names.” I giggled, “We fought over that for basically the entire pregnancy. But then, as soon as we saw his round little face, we knew. It had to be Stanley. Anyway, they at least agreed on his nursery being in the upstairs room by the master bedroom.”

Karly nodded, licking her mauve-glossed lips.

“Are you still liking it there at Mark’s?”

I shook my head sadly.

“No, it’s kinda small.”

Karly swiveled her head to gape at me. Catching my mischievous eye, she slapped my arm.

“You bitch. You’ve totally become me.”

“Oh, you mean a bitch?” I said innocently.

She slapped me again, and we tittered together, little Stanley joining in too.

“Even my mom came around once she saw Stanley,” I continued, “I mean—he has a face that’s pretty hard to deny. Anyway, it looks like the whole media scandal turned out for the best too—did I tell you that revenues actually have actually grown by 50% since then?”

“Damn,” Karly said, clearly impressed, “Looks like everyone wants to get a look at our resident throuple.”

I laughed.

“Oh hush, you talk as if we’re some crazy science experiment. Although it still seems crazy to me too, just how perfect things turned out.”

I paused, taking in the scene before me. The whole scene was like something out of a storybook. Karly and I in our white gauzy sundresses. Little Stanley in his dinosaur onesie, grinning up at nothing. The sun shining down on it all. The field of magenta and periwinkle fields alongside of us.

“We made quite the purchases, didn’t we,” I said, indicating the big shopping bags on both our arms.

“Oh this?” Karly said with a laugh, “This is nothing. Sometimes, I have to get the store manager to help me cart the stuff to the car.”

As I gaped at her, she continued “What? Having a baby is a big business—you need lots of new things.”

“Yeah,” I said, “But you don’t need to plan out their outfits for the next ten years.”

Karly sniffed.

“I think we’re almost at your house.”

And she was right. The towering white mansion at the end of the block was ours.

“Oh, come on, you’re not really mad, are you?” I asked her.

“I totally am,” she said, sticking her tongue out of her smile.

As we walked up to my driveway, I embraced her.

“I’m so glad we got to go shopping. And the walk around the block was a good idea, too.”

Karly nodded.

“It’s seriously awesome seeing you this happy, Brooke. Motherhood, throuple, nurse—it all agrees with you.”

“Same with pregnancy and you Kar, you’ve got that glow.”

I nudged her, but she only scoffed.

“Oh please, I’m fat. Admit it.”

“Oh shut-up,” I said, “I was fat for how many months?”

We laughed together, and hugged once more. Then Karly got in her car and drove away.

I walked to the door, humming away, smiling down at little Stanley. When we came to the door, Karla, Stanley’s nurse, was waiting.

“You’re to go to the dining room, miss,” she said, smiling at Stanley as she took him in her arms.

I gave him a goodbye kiss, then strode towards the dining room. A yummy smell was wafting from there.

The dining room was dark. The sitting forms of Mark and Jake were illuminated by the light of the candles they’d set on the table.

“What’s this for?” I asked, taking in the spread with shock.

The hardwood table was heaped with plate after plate of delicious-looking food—broiled Atlantic salmon, succulent steak, mouth-watering garlic mashed potatoes.

Jake rose, coming over to embrace me.

“It’s to celebrate the one-year anniversary of us deciding to be a throuple.”

As Mark came over and did the same, I rested my head on his shoulder.

“Wow, has it really been a year already?” I asked.

They grinned, nodding.

Mark voiced my thoughts, “Time flies when it’s been the happiest year of your life.”

“You’ve got that right,” I said.

Mark pulled out my chair for me to sit down. As we ate, we talked over all the happenings of the past year, how even Jake’s mother was coming around.

Once we were finished, Mark and Jake gestured to the far leather couch.

“That’s for you.”

Walking up to it, I gasped. Folded neatly on the couch, was the most beautiful dress I’d ever seen in my life. It was made entirely of glimmering gold chain-links.

“That’s real gold, by the way,” Mark said, “Jake told me not to tell you, but I think you should know. So you’re extra-careful not to lose it in that walk-in closet of his.”

I frowned, giggling in spite of myself.

“And I told you, I’ve never actually lost-lost something, just haven’t been able to find it for a few days. Anyways, when you and Jake buy me a new dress every week or so—”

I shook my head, holding the dress to my chest.

“Anyway, thank you. I’ve never seen a dress this gorgeous.”

Silence. I turned to see both men regarding me.

“Eh, I’m not convinced yet,” Mark said.

“Put it on,” Jake urged me.

As I headed for the bathroom, Mark stopped me.

“Here,” he said, his blue-eyed gaze boring into me.

A quiver of excitement passed through me. I nodded and pulled off my dress. Then I pulled the dress on, the cool chains pressing into my skin as I slid it over me. Once it was on, Mark and Jake didn’t move.

“Is it alright?” I asked anxiously, “Should I take it off?”

“No,” Jake growled, “Don’t you move.”

Next thing I knew he was pressing himself into me with an urgency that had me shake with desire.

“But Jake,” I said, breaking away a little, “What about dessert?”

“Don’t you get it?” Jake asked, kissing me again.

“You’re the dessert,” Mark said, his hand squeezing my ass.

Together, kissing and pawing at each other, we flowed to the bedroom. I paused as we passed a mirror to take myself in. The dress was truly radiant—I’d never looked better. It was a glistening golden wonder—and yet it was my face was gleamed most of all.

In the bedroom, Mark and Jake wasted no time in stripping it off of me.

“What goes on, must come off,” Mark declared.

He slid the slinky thing over my head, then put his lips where the dress had been. He and Jake covered my torso with adoring kisses, travelling from one to another with swift licks. As my body twisted with moans, Mark’s hand slipped to my pussy.

“Good—wet already. Just how I like it.”

First, he edged one finger in and out, my pussy clasping down on it desperately.

“Yeah, you like it? Good. We need you to see how fucking thankful we are for having met you,” Mark said, shoving his finger in further as I squirmed.

“Thank you, Brooke,” Jake growled.

He ripped off my bra and tossed it aside. Then he buried his face in between my tits.

As he kissed his way up onto my trembling nipple, Mark pulled down my panties.

“They’re in the way for what I have to do now.”

Next thing I knew, his face was in between my legs, his tongue twirling around my clit. Already, the foreplay downstairs had had me near the edge. Now, I was basically on it.

Now Jake’s lips were back on mine, while I moaned my pleasure into his mouth.

Fucking hell, Mark’s pulsing finger and swirling tongue felt so good. And yet, I needed more, I needed to suck out my pleasure onto something else. I lifted Jake’s finger to mine, and started sucking it. He met my eye, and understanding passed through us. Mark pounded me more and more. In the haze, Jake took off his pants and boxers, then got into a sideways lying-down position. His cock slipped into my mouth easily, just as Mark finger-fucked me as hard as he could. A shaking howl of an orgasm passed through me. Then it was me, Jake’s cock and Mark, behind me.

“I have a better idea,” Jake said.

He positioned me on my side, so he could slip inside my pussy.

“Yeah, let’s go,” Mark said.

And they began fucking me nice and slow. They swept their cocks into me as if they had all the time in the world. As our pelvises flowed together, the rest of our bodies did so too, they rubbed against each other with a tenuous sensuality that had me trembling. Foreheads, shoulders, noses, sides, everything slid over everything else in perfect harmony. On and on we fucked and rubbed, groaning and moaning along with the onward beat. Until the pace had picked up and my whole body was on the brink of cumming. Mark and Jake paused at the same time. My pussy clasped at his dick angrily as my pleasure waned.

“Not just yet,” Jake said, “You don’t get to cum yet.”

Mark’s hands swept over my butt crack, tracing my crack.

“We’re going to fuck your brains out first.”

And then, when they slipped back in, they were right. The pleasure—after being taken away— was even greater this time. My whole body was delirious with it. I could barely think. I wasn’t even consciously moving. All my limbs were responding to something greater than them. It occurred to me, as our bodies swirled over each other, and my orgasm built greater, like the far-off thrumming of a waterfall, that this was something like religion. That there was nothing holier than this, our bodies flowing over each other, perfectly in tune. Every movement righter than right. One pulse, one surge, one more. And so, we went, they fucked me hard and fast as I groaned, once against bringing me to the trembling brink.

“Please,” I groaned when they stopped.

And then, finally, they answered my prayers. Now their rock-hard cocks were a two-timing fuck fiesta. In my pussy, in my ass. More and more. Faster. Harder. Deeper. I’d forgotten how to speak—words were a distinct memory. The sounds coming out of my mouth were syllables, gurgles, grunts. Together we swirled on. Until the orgasm was filling every part of me, and they paused. I cried out, and they slammed into me together. Back and forth, they railed me so hard that I left my body. I was the pleasure itself, the orgasm. So fucking good there were no words. Like dying and being born again in an instant. Like the holiest feeling I’d ever experienced. Like the best orgasm I’d ever had magnified by a thousand. That was how I came—shaking, screaming, groaning. All of us, together, filling and being filled, we came.

Afterwards, we washed up with my cherry-scented soap and smiles. In bed, we curled up with each other. They stroked my body and I kissed theirs in return. And then we said nothing, just smiled at each other. They understood, just as well as I did.

For love this great, there were no words.








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