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The Baby Plan: A Second Chance Romance by Tia Siren (21)

Chapter 22


Time had been dragging. I had hoped to see Lara hours ago, but her flight had been delayed. I could have driven up there. I should have. I had thought about surprising her but didn’t want to appear stalkerish. A romantic gesture in my mind could come across to her as me being overly needy. I had to tread lightly with her. She seemed pretty skittish as it was. I didn’t need to completely freak her out and send her screaming in the opposite direction.

She had texted and let me know she would call when she was ready. I couldn’t wait. I was headed to her condo and would wait for her. I needed to see her. I stopped by the florist and picked up a bouquet of spring flowers to give her, hoping that would lessen the strangeness of her finding me at her door.

I rode up the elevator, hoping she was home already. I knocked, waited, knocked again, and realized she wasn’t inside. I would have to wait. I looked down the short hall and saw nowhere to rest comfortably. I guessed they didn’t encourage loiterers.

I slid down the wall outside her door and got ready to wait. Thankfully, I didn’t have to wait long. The second I heard the elevator, I quickly scrambled to my feet.

“Mason?” she asked, clearly surprised to see me.

“In the flesh.” I held out the flowers.

“Thank you,” she said. “Have you been waiting long?”

I shook my head, lying to her face. “Not really.” I reached out and took her bag.

“Liar,” she said with a grin.

“I’d wait all day for you.”

She leaned in to kiss me. I knew it was supposed to have been nothing more than a quick kiss hello, but I had thought of nothing but her naked and writhing for days. I dropped her bag and used my hand to pull her mouth to mine. I wasn’t graceful or kind. I slammed my mouth over hers, my hand holding her firmly in place.

I felt the flowers topple next to my foot as her arms wrapped around my waist and tugged me close to her body. I thrust my tongue inside her mouth, telling her what I wanted to do with my dick.

“Hall,” she murmured against my mouth. “Hall,” she said again.

“Keys,” I said, pulling away just enough to speak.

She handed me the keys while she massaged my dick with her hand. Her touch was making me crazy. I couldn’t get the key in the lock. Finally, my hands shaking with unbridled need, I managed to get the door unlocked. I pushed it open and we tumbled inside.

Her hands were moving over my body with such crazed passion, I was the one who couldn’t keep up. There was no time for foreplay. I had to be inside her. Now.

I yanked her skirt up and then shoved her hands away from my dick so I could free myself. With my pants around my ankles, I started walking her backward. I would fuck her on the floor if I had to. Her naked pussy was grinding against my dick.

“Fuck, Lara. I have to have you now,” I said. Lifting her in one quick move, I dropped her body onto my dick.

“Oh.” She moaned as I drove home.

I almost felt guilty for not readying her for my entrance, but it took me half a second to realize she was more than ready.

“You’re so wet,” I said, managing to kick off my pants and pushing her against a wall.

“Fuck me. Please, Mason. I’m dying for you to fuck me.” She moaned, her hands gripping my shoulders as she leaned against the wall for support.

“Hold on, baby. I will,” I said, leaning forward and devouring her neck.

I rocked up, pushing her body against the wall, higher and higher. I pounded into her. Her head bounced off the wall.

“More! More!” she cried out. Her legs tightened around my waist.

I pumped faster and felt my orgasm rolling up through my body.

“Come, Lara,” I grunted out between thrusts.

Her back arched and her tits thrust up. I dropped my mouth to one of her breasts, closing over the silk shirt she still had on. I used my teeth to find the hard nipple thrusting out and gently nibbled. It was all she needed to be sent over the edge.

Her body rocked against me as she moaned and spoke incoherently. My own release pumped into her body. I held her close against me as her pussy squeezed and pulled my dick, milking every last drop.

Once we were able to breathe again, I slid out and let her body slide down my own.

“Thank you,” she whispered against my neck.

I chuckled. “Not sure a thank you is what I was looking for.”

“You have no idea how badly I needed that,” she said breathlessly.

“I think I do actually.”

I took a step away from her. We were both bare from the waist down, and suddenly it was slightly awkward.

“I, uh, we—” she said, looking down at my naked penis.


I turned to find my jeans in a crumpled heap and quickly pulled them on while she pulled her skirt back down.

“That was quite the welcome home,” she said, giving me a kiss.

“Your flowers are in the hall. I better grab them before someone sees them and thinks you were attacked.”

Another quick kiss. “I was. In the best possible way.”

I grabbed the flowers and picked up her small suitcase that I had also dropped. I had lost all semblance of control when I’d seen her. I’d had to have her. Clearly, by her response, she had felt the same way.

“Did you still want to go out for dinner?” she asked.

“I am hungry. I’d love to take you out if you want, or we can stay in if you’re tired from your trip.”

“Nope. I’m starving. Give me a few minutes to change and then we can go.”

I nodded my head. “Sounds good.”

I watched her walk to her room before moving to the kitchen to get a drink of water. I smiled as I took in the new appliances on the kitchen counters that were all a bright red. She really liked color in her world. I loved that about her.

I walked around her living room, looking at the art on the walls. Her entire decorating scheme was eclectic.

“Is it too garish?” she asked from behind me.

“Not at all. I love it. I mean, I don’t know if it’s something I would have gone out and bought, but it looks good in here. It’s very you. I like it.”

She laughed. “Thank you, I think.”

“I like that you are expressing yourself. I remember your bedroom. It was full of color. The first time I came here, I was a little surprised to see your home—and that was after you had painted. I can’t imagine what it was like before.”

“Cold. Gray. Boring.”

“Definitely not you. Ready?”


“You can tell me all about your trip over dinner.”

The restaurant I had chosen was in the heart of the city. Traffic was light, making it a nice drive. She yawned once. I felt a little guilty for dragging her out of the house. I should have ignored her when she’d said she wanted to go out. Travelling had a way of zapping your energy.

We were seated right away.

“Explain to me a bit more about this exclusive deal you scored.”

Her smile was genuine. “It’s going to be amazing. There is a clause, a backup plan if things don’t go as well as I’d hoped, of course. I’m not too worried about it, though. The clothes are perfect. I just know they’re going to be a hit.”

She stopped, and I knew what she had been about to say. She wanted the clothes for her own baby. We had been avoiding the subject, and I inwardly cringed at the thought of another round of unprotected sex. She hadn’t stopped me, but I’d promised myself I would be more careful. I didn’t want to risk her kicking my ass to the curb for purposely impregnating her.

“How was the beach?”

“Gorgeous. I don’t know why I don’t visit there more often.”

“Because it’s always packed.”

She laughed. “That is true. It wasn’t too bad this time. Of course, I wasn’t there on the weekend.”

We chatted a bit more about her store and her plans to try to lease the space next to hers when the current clients retired at the end of the year. I loved hearing about her work.

“This is weird,” she said, taking a drink of tea.

“What’s weird?”

“Talking to you about my work. My ex hated my store and certainly didn’t want to hear about it. The only person I talk to is Kali, and considering she works there, she doesn’t really care to talk about work outside of work.”

“Confession? I like hearing about it because I like the way you light up when you talk about it. You can talk to me anytime.”

We finished the meal, both of us full and satiated.

The drive back took a bit longer. When I looked at the passenger seat, I found out why she had been so quiet. She was sound asleep. I smiled at the sight of her slouched over, her face resting against the shoulder strap of the seatbelt.

I decided to take her back to my place.

When I parked the car, she woke up and looked around.

“We’re at my place. It’s closer. Is that okay?”

“Yes. Thank you.”

We went up to my apartment. Neither one of us was really in the mood for anything more than cuddling. I knew she was exhausted and didn’t even try to do more.

“Want a shirt to sleep in?” I asked her.

“I can sleep naked. If you don’t mind?”

That caused a surge, but I fought back the urge to strip her and plunge my body into her right there. She wanted to sleep. I wanted her to sleep.

“That works for me. I’ll keep my hands to myself,” I promised her.

The coy smile nearly did me in, but I wouldn’t give in to my basic instincts.

“Ah, not completely to yourself I hope.”

We both stripped naked. It felt strange to be naked and not wanting her. I wanted her, but I could wait. She climbed into my bed and I crawled in behind her.

“Hold me,” she murmured softly.

I wrapped my body around hers and pulled her back against my chest. The warmth of her body combined with the heavy blanket over us made me feel like I was in a cocoon. I heard the pace of her breathing slow and knew she was already drifting off to sleep. I kissed her neck and then her ear, allowing myself to relax. Holding her in my arms felt so right. I had thought laying naked in bed with her would be difficult, but it wasn’t at all. It was calming and gave me a sense of security I had never felt before.

Now I never wanted to let her go. I wanted to do this every night. Maybe sex and then cuddling, but I wanted her in my bed every night for the rest of my life. I just had to figure out if I could convince her to want me in the same way I wanted her.

No time to think about that now. Sleep was quickly pulling me under. I would worry about tomorrow, tomorrow.