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The Billionaire's Kitten: A Fake Marriage Romance by Cassandra Dee (130)



Lukas stretched lazily, his muscled arms almost touching the ceiling in the narrow passageway. He was a guest of the New England coven, an emissary from California sent to discuss the imminent danger to the nereid world. The vampires knew that the continued encroachment of human activity put the nereids’ watery home at risk of extinction.

Already, the nereid population was shrinking, driving the species to seek human mates and creating weak, half-breed offspring. The half-breeds appeared 100% human in most cases, and had no supernatural powers.

Lukas kept walking, his long strides eating up the distance in the narrow stone passageway. No nereids had shown their faces at the coven yet, and he wasn’t exactly looking forward to seeing their slippery tails.

As he tightened the rough terrycloth towel around his waist, his mind wandered to the pleasures ahead of him. As customary for vampires, each coven hosted its guests in the utmost style. Visitors were waited on hand and foot by serving women, who ensured that every detail was perfect.

Another luxury was access to the coven’s facilities, including state of the art gyms, training rooms, and recovery rooms. Most covens carved deep caverns into their facilities, sparing no luxury in appointing their spas with the latest high-tech saunas. Exotic massages, scrubs, and other luxury services were also available at the requests of guests.

As Lukas approached the mighty bathing cavern, a fragrant gust of fine tropical mist enveloped him, apprising him of the pleasure to come. He came to an archway made of stone, and gazed at the scene below.

A large pool had been carved into the rock formation, thirty feet below where Lukas now stood. The water was steamy and yet relatively clear, enabling him to see the blue tiles inlaid on the floor and sides. Again, no expense had been spared – the mosaics formed an intricate jewel-colored sunburst on the floor of the pool with exquisite motifs of birds and mythical animals.

The temperature of the water was fairly hot, judging from the mist which hung in the air. Lukas could see a male relaxing in one corner of the pool, heavy arms outstretched on the pool edge, surrounded by a bevy of nude females who gently lathered him with suds.

Rose petals limned the surface of the water, and the women no doubt held basins containing scented oils which they gently rubbed on the large male. The vampire gave a great sigh of satisfaction and opened his bright blue eyes, seeing the visitor.

“Lukas, join me,” he gestured with a massive hand. “The rose bath is something that you shouldn’t miss during your stay here,” he chuckled. “Our ladies ensure that it is a most enjoyable experience.”

“Not afraid to come out smelling like a woman, Oribe?” Lukas asked as he strode towards the group. He dropped his towel to the floor and stood nude by the edge of the pool before descending into its glittery depths. The serving women glanced at him appreciatively, taking in his heavily muscled frame complemented by a massive penis, as least ten inches in length even when flaccid. More than a few of the serving women felt their bodies grow hot in the mix of water and oils.

“Not at all,” chuckled Oribe in return. The large vampire gave his head a slight shake, his damp dark locks spraying fine droplets of water onto the breasts of the women surrounding him. “The experience itself is enough to make you want to smell like a courtesan.”

As Lukas waded waist deep into the clear waters, he detected an undercurrent amidst the heady scent of roses. A faint trace of orange blossom emanated from one of the women, and he immediately recognized the servant from the dining room.

He had noticed her despite the heavy gray robe shrouding her face and figure. Her gestures had been graceful and gentle, and he had sensed, rather than seen, her faint trembling while she served the roast pheasant. He’d been intrigued.

As he neared the small group, the warm mist cleared slightly so that he could see the woman with the orange blossom scent. She was utterly beautiful. Heavy blonde hair framed the face of a Venus de Milo, with a figure to match. She was amply built, with enormous breasts which swayed temptingly with her movements, and soft arms meant for stroking. Her flesh was pure peaches and cream, dimpled like that of the Venus herself. He felt himself grow hard at the sight of her, watching the trail of her narrow waist disappear below the water.

Noticing Lukas’s distraction with Jurlique, Oribe chuckled to himself. He mentally congratulated himself for asking the woman to accompany him to the spas this evening. He was building alliances for the upcoming Nereid meeting, and a little uninhibited sex with a beautiful woman was always one way to make friends.

“I see you like the looks of this serving woman,” said Oribe, his deep voice rumbling with amusement, beckoning the voluptuous blonde closer. He gestured for her to sit in his lap, gently cupping one of her luscious breasts with a large hand.

“Yes, I noticed her at the daily meal today,” replied Lukas. “She was unusually deft and the lilt of her voice melodious.”

“It’s not unusual for our serving women to be charming,” said Oribe. “The New England Brotherhood is like all other covens. We honor our past verlahen by permitting them to stay at the coven. They remain in service, even though they may no longer be of breeding age. Jurlique here has been at this coven for three hundred years,” he said, lightly squeezing a nipple.

Lukas’s watched intently as Jurlique’s nipple grew hard under Oribe’s caress. She leaned back sensuously into Oribe’s embrace, and gasped slightly. The large vampire chuckled again, and let his other hand drift under the water, stroking her thigh lightly.

“Lukas, you must help me punish this servant,” said Oribe. “I caught her with an object that she shouldn’t have had on her person,” he added. “Or perhaps, in her person would be more accurate,” he chuckled.

“Oh really?” asked Lukas silkily, taking in Jurlique’s glistening naked form. “And was it a dildo, perhaps?”

“Yes, you catch on quickly, my friend,” replied Oribe. “But not just any dildo. After I asked her to accompany me to the baths, she disrobed with the rest of the girls, and what did I see but a giant double-headed dildo protruding from her pussy. Evidently, she’d been fucking a woman, and left the dildo in herself as a reminder of the sex,” he said.

“You mean this whore has been walking around all day with a toy deep in her pussy?” asked Lukas incredulously, thinking back to the dinner just an hour ago.

“Yes indeed,” replied Oribe. “These sluts are unbelievable. Evidently, Jurlique worked an entire day at the coven with the double-cock in her vag. We just didn’t know because her robes are so loose. Maybe we should swap out the robes and just let them walk around naked,” he chuckled.

“Anyways, I pulled the dong out of her myself with the greatest pleasure,” Oribe added, nodding to an obscene black appendage lying at the edge of the pool. The rubber of the dildo was still wet on one of its heads, no doubt from leftover pussy cream.

“I bent her over and removed it inch by inch as the other girls watched,” Oribe said. “Now it’s time to punish our dear Jurlique, and you, Brother Lukas, are to help me with the discipline.”