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The Billionaire's Kitten: A Fake Marriage Romance by Cassandra Dee (72)




School that day was a daze, a blur of images and sounds that I couldn’t remember even if I wanted. I swear, they could have had a fire drill and it would have passed me by, my body on auto-pilot, going through the motions, answering only when spoken to, nodding dumbly like a sheep.

Because the last twenty-four hours had been unfucking-believable. I’d been tapped by Ms. Smith to stay after class, sure, but I could handle our local cougar.

“Jason,” the middle-aged woman purred once I shut the door behind me, the two of us alone in the empty classroom. “I wanted to talk to you about some extra tutoring.”

I snorted under my breath. Extra tutoring? Sure, if Ms. Smith meant human anatomy up close and personal, nothing so boring as Math or English.

“I’m getting a B in your class,” I growled, trying not to look at her. “I’ll be fine, thanks.”

But the woman got up and sashayed towards me, blonde hair pulled into a bun on the back of her head, glasses perched on the tip of her nose, a white blouse tight on her breasts. If I wasn’t mistaken, the older lady was actually trying to look like a naughty librarian, evoking some kind of MILF fantasy.

And shit, it was boring. To tell you the truth, my teacher was okay looking, in pretty good shape for someone forty and past her prime, boobs saggy, waist thickening, and maybe if I didn’t know Katy, I’d be into it. After all, it was just too easy, the woman was practically devouring me at this point, eyeing me up and down, licking her lips as she took in my tall, muscular body, the t-shirt that hugged my biceps, jeans that clung to my long legs.

But the problem was that I did know Katy. Because the brunette was everything that I wanted, curvy, sweet, always the first to jump up and help with the dishes, doing our laundry, folding our clothes, taking good care of Brent and I. And her laugh, her smile, made me feel ten miles tall. I’m not a funny guy by nature, but Katy always giggled at my jokes, always let out a sweet titter, a shy smile even when my gags fell flat and stupid.

So yeah, I was already taken and faced now with Ms. Smith prowling towards me, eyeing me up and down, the whole thing was pretty gross. Even a little pathetic, come to think of it. Because what cougar goes hunting her own students? It was grounds to be fired and yet Ms. Smith was so desperate she was willing to risk it.

So when the blonde placed her hands on my chest, those long, red fingernails digging into my pecs, I tried to stay calm, remind myself that this was a woman who needed help. Grabbing her hands firmly in mine, I pulled them away from my body.

“Like I said,” I rumbled, “I got a B on the last midterm so I’m fine, thanks.”

Ms. Smith pouted and wiggled her hips a bit.

“I can make it an A,” she breathed, peering at me over her glasses, licking her red, lipsticked lips. “Or even an A+.”

Shit, this was really beyond the pale. Not just coming onto a student but also offering to change his grades in return for … ? What exactly? I didn’t want to know.

“Thanks, but no thanks,” I managed in a neutral voice. “Now if you’ll excuse me,” I said, turning to go. But I could tell it wasn’t over yet because she was still gazing at me hungrily, eyeing my muscular back, the broad shoulders and long legs like she hadn’t heard a word of my rejection. I could tell from the sassy gleam in her eyes that even a direct “no” in plain English hadn’t turned her off.

But I wasn’t gonna hang out, no way, the sooner I got to sweeter pastures, the better. So I beat feet, crossing the classroom in two long strides and banged the door shut behind me. And once out, I stopped, shaking my head in the empty hallway. What the fuck? Had that really happened? Had my English teacher offered me an A+ in return for sex, in return for hot meat in her body? Holy shit, holy shit, this was so fucked up.

But I guess it wasn’t that hard to believe. I’m a full-grown man now, with a hard, masculine body, no longer the stretched out Gumby figure I used to be. Now I was an alpha with a commanding presence, newfound assurance and confidence. So yeah, a lot more heads were turning, women scrambling over each other to get to know me, begging for a second of my time, to feel my hands on their bodies. But fuck, I only wanted Katy. It’s so fucked up, I know, we live together and she’s practically like my sister. But what am I supposed to do? There was no one quite like my beautiful brunette with the sassy hips and gentle smile, the breathy little laugh that made my dick so fucking hard all the time, even though it was totally wrong.

So striding to my truck, I heaved my stuff in, trying to clear my head. I wanted her, yeah, but it was wrong, right? I mean, it’s wrong to feel this way about someone whose bedroom was literally next to yours, whose panties hung right next to your boxers on the clothesline. But I couldn’t help it, and my mind took off in perverted directions, thinking only of Katy’s shapely body, how much I wanted to have some alone time with my best girl, bask in her presence, enjoy her smiles, her words, gaze upon that sweet, curvy form without another man in the room. So with a grunt, I took off, ready to lay eyes on the little beauty.

But once at the trailer, alarm bells started jangling in my head like fucking fire alarms. Because what the fuck, the trailer was actually rocking, bouncing up and down on its shocks. I shook my head, confused at first. Brent’s a well-to-do guy and the place we lived in was top-of-the-line, costing tens of thousands of dollars and solid as a tank. So what the fuck was happening, was this an earthquake?

But in the next second, the mystery was dispelled. Because a long whine rang out, a breathy feminine, “Ohhhh Brent!” followed by the unmistakable sound of a deep kiss.

And fuck, but the blood drained from my body then, I was rooted to the floor, unable to move, my heart beating like thunder in my chest, arms and legs weak. Because could it be? Could Katy and Brent be … oh shit … I shook my head, disbelief in my eyes.

Because then there was the unmistakable sound of wet flesh slapping and Katy’s sexy little shrieks, little cries of “Oh oh oh!” punctuated by a deep growl from Brent, a hoarse rasp of “Yeah baby, come for me.”

And I ran. Like a coward, I turned and fled, long legs pumping, chest burning, breath minty in my throat. There could be no mistaking the sounds. Brent was fucking my girl, the girl that I wanted so bad, the girl who’d been in my dreams each night since she moved in, taking over every waking thought, every lucid moment. And fuck, but Katy was eating it up. She was there of her own volition, her own free will, begging Brent for more, asking him to take her, to make her his.

And so I threw up, hurling chunks everywhere. I was so heartsick, so shocked and broken at the realization that they were together, that another man had taken Katy’s pussy cherry, that I lost my cookies like a schoolboy, the vomit pouring brown, green and ugly from my mouth. I choked and rasped, heaving, bent over double, the surprise making me numb, unable to move, do anything except keep hurling.

But slowly shock passed and rage seeped in to take its place. What the fuck? What the fuck had happened? I’d been ready to talk with Katy about starting something up, maybe dating, a relationship, exploring each other, getting to know one another physically, but I’d been beaten to the punch. What the fuck? He’d beaten me by how much? Two months? Two days? Two hours even? I’d thought about revealing my heart to Katy today, and the tiny margin made me tremble with rage, big body shaking with fury.

So I kept to myself for hours, alone in the field, stomping up and down, punching trees and letting out godawful shouts that rang out in the wilderness. It was only at ten that I could handle myself, that I could possibly go back without letting on that I knew their secret. So I strode silently into the trailer and thankfully it was quiet, Katy and Brent silent in their rooms. They were definitely up, there were thin slits of light under each of their doors, but at least they were in their respective rooms and not snuggled up in Brent’s big bed. Thank god they had the courtesy to act normal for a little while longer, like they hadn’t been going at it like rugrats just a few hours before.

And slamming my door, I got in bed, tossing and turning for hours, unable to fall sleep. I could hear Katy in the room next to mine, her breathy whispers as she dreamed, the light, moaning cries she sometimes let out in sleep. And fuck, but despite everything that had happened, I still wanted her, I wanted that curvy body wrapped around me, her pussy wet, willing and open for my dick, welcoming me inside, begging me to take her.

So I shut my brain off, forcing myself to slumber. And it worked because the next morning when I woke, something had changed. My mind suddenly felt clear, everything lighter, more transparent because there was still a way to win, to reap my rewards. Because my gorgeous girl had given her pussy cherry to another man … but that ass cherry could still be mine.