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The Billionaire's Kitten: A Fake Marriage Romance by Cassandra Dee (3)




Grayson took me by surprise. One minute we were negotiating a deal, and the next I was in the alpha’s arms, swept into a hard, demanding kiss.

Because Mr. Channing is seductive, playing me like a violin. Somehow, I felt like I’d been taken even if I couldn’t put my finger on exactly how. But when he lifted his head, those blue eyes seized mine relentlessly.

“Like I said, baby girl. You belong to me now,” came that growl.

I was dazed, the words ringing in my ears. I belonged to him? I’ve never even had a boyfriend, so to suddenly be engaged to a billionaire took my breath away.

But then the words came out on their own, surprising even me.

“I belong to you now,” I murmured obediently. “Only to you, Mr. Channing.”

What in the world? Why would I say that? I was a doll, a puppet almost, already under the spell of this powerful, commanding man. But Grayson grinned like that was exactly what he expected to hear. He was about to ravish me again, to pull me once more against that hard body when a snarl escaped his chest.

“Rhonda’s still outside. Fuck, talk about bad timing.”

I looked at him, astonished.

“Bad timing?” I asked weakly.

“Yeah, because I want to touch your pussy again,” he rasped, eyes looking me up and down, devouring my curves. “Shit your nips are hard, tell me that cunt isn’t leaking.”

His words were crude, but they made me shiver. Because it was true, my body reacts immediately in his presence, that big form makes me shudder with need. And he was absolutely right, my nipples pressed obscenely against the dress, poking out like rocks.

“Here,” I whispered, pulling my curls forward. “Here, this will hide it.”

It was true, my hair was long enough so that arranged artfully, you could no longer see my stiff tips, big boobies shielded. But Grayson inhaled deeply again.

“It’s not enough, I can still smell my cum on you, that sweet pussy’s got my jism leaking out. But fuck it,” he ground out, pulling on his shirt and pants in a flash. “Mother dearest is outside, we can’t keep her waiting forever.”

I pressed my thighs together in embarrassment. Was it true? Did my pussy have a just-fucked smell? Oh my god, I should have been humiliated but instead, I squirmed internally with pleasure because the scent was Gray’s cum melting in me, running out from my slit, there was just so much.

But it was too late to reply because the alpha yanked open the door then, gesturing to the woman outside.

“You can come in,” he rumbled like it was no big deal. “We’re ready.”

The woman who stepped inside was hands-down beautiful, elegant and put-together, about sixty years old. Iron gray hair was artfully swept into a chignon, and blue eyes just like Grayson’s gazed calmly at me.

“Hello dear,” came the woman’s dulcet voice. “I’m Rhonda Channing, Grayson’s mother. I see that my son’s got his claws in you,” she said with a smile.

I nodded. Not just his claws, something a lot bigger and harder. But I tried to act like it was no big deal.

“Um yes,” I stammered before straightening my shoulders. This was never going to do, I needed to be confident. “Yes, Grayson and I are in love,” I proclaimed, a little too loud.

The elderly woman nodded.

“Of course you are,” she said with a smile. “And I’m so happy that my son is settling down. Finally,” she said with a pointed look at the alpha male.

To my delight, the billionaire actually looked embarrassed for once.

“Please Mom,” he muttered under his breath. “It wasn’t so bad.”

“What wasn’t so bad?” she asked archly, smiling at me again. “Please, Gray dear, you have a past. I know about the dozens of girls you’ve bedded, spending money like water, the fights you’ve gotten into at 3 a.m. I’m so glad you’ve found a woman who will help you calm down a little. Especially since your late father’s will depends on it,” she added meaningfully.

Grayson snorted.

“Pop was lame,” he grunted. “That will is the dumbest piece of shit ever.”

Rhonda wasn’t fazed one bit.

“Your father only wanted the best for you, and he figured that getting married would be a sign that you were ready,” she said.

“Ready for what?” snarled Grayson. “I already run this place.”

That made me stop for a sec because yes, Grayson was already CEO of The Milano. He was already the top dog, with thousands of employees at his beck and call. So what was this will exactly about?

But Rhonda had the answers.

“Gray, after getting married, you’ll get full control of all operations,” she said soothingly. “Because of this pretty girl, you’ll finally get that board seat and everything you wanted.”

I shook my head confused. What was the difference between owning the hotel and running the hotel? But Gray explained.

“What my mom is saying is that Pops thought I was good enough to run this joint, but I couldn’t own it. I could slave away for years, working my hands to the bone to make this place hum smoothly, but I’d never be an owner until I got married.”

This was way over my head, but before I could say anything Rhonda turned back to me.

“Forget this business stuff, dear, it’s so boring, even I can’t take it sometimes. Tell me,” she said with a sweet smile. “How did you meet my son?” she asked brightly. “I see that you’re wearing one of our hotel uniforms. A cocktail waitress?” she asked.

Immediately my face turned red. Was she toying with me? This woman was so smart, so intelligent and refined that suddenly, I felt about ten levels below her. And oh god, but the dress didn’t help. It was practically see-through, rumpled and stained in all the wrong places. Pulling furtively at the hem, trying to get as much coverage as possible, I hemmed and hawed.

“Yes, I work at the hotel club,” I stammered. “It was my fi-“

But before I could give away that we’d only just met, Grayson interrupted.

“What Kitty is saying is that she worked at the hotel. Now that we’re engaged, she’ll be prepping for the wedding, no time for work.”

I looked at the billionaire, shocked. Really? No more work at all? But I guess it made sense, it’d be weird if the CEO’s wife was serving drinks to hotel guests. So I nodded, pasting a smile on my face.

“I worked at the hotel,” I agreed slowly. “But I’m actually a student, and I’m hoping to get my degree sometime in the next two years.”

If Rhonda was surprised, she didn’t let it show, instead smiling beatifically.

“Oh it’s so good to hear that you’re in school,” she said. “Most girls Grayson dates only wanted to be in Playboy,” she confided in a loud whisper, winking at me. “So you’re a nice change.”

I looked at my fiancé, shocked. Really? Playboy? I’m no one to cast judgment on another woman, but that was definitely an interesting tidbit.

“What can I say?” he grunted, not at all embarrassed. “Those hooches all had fake tits and lipo to impress Hugh Hefner,” he shrugged. “Getting into Playboy was their life’s dream.”

Again, I was stunned. Never in a million years has it crossed my mind to model for a men’s magazine. Never in my life have I considered plastic surgery, my Double Ds are natural, my ass big and bouncy because that’s the way I was born.

And reading my mind, Gray shot me another knowing smile.

“Yeah, I like it natural,” he ground out. “Feels better that way, the fake shit is disgusting.”

I blushed. Oh my god, we were having this conversation in front of his mom! But Rhonda wasn’t fazed at all, merely clucking approvingly.

“Don’t listen to him, he’s always been this way. But I have to run honey, it’s been so nice meeting you, even if the circumstances were uh, unexpected. Another business meeting,” she murmured with a kind smile. “But I want to get to know my new daughter-in-law better. Gray, come over for dinner tonight? I’ll get chef to prepare your favorite, and we’ll bring up some champagne from the basement to celebrate.”

I half-expected Grayson to refuse, to say we were busy or whatnot. After all, this was a fake marriage, there was no reason to go over to his mom’s house.

But instead, Mr. Channing nodded.

“Sure. Seven o’clock okay?”

The elderly lady smiled happily.

“That’s perfect,” she cooed. “Now honey,” she turned to me, taking my hand. “We’ll have some quality time to get to know one another. I’m so looking forward to it.”

And with that, the elegant lady was off.

“Bye,” Grayson grunted. “See you tonight.”

I paused after the door shut, taking a deep breath.

“That was your mother?” I asked in a low voice.

“Sure is,” the alpha growled, looking me up and down. “Why? Something surprise you?”

A million things surprised me. Grayson’s mom was elegant and refined, clearly someone who was upper crust. But even more, Rhonda Channing was a perfect nice lady. At least she appeared to be nice, after our inauspicious start. Again, I was in over my head, and wasn’t sure which way to turn.

But the reality of the situation got to me. There was no sense in airing my fears, no sense in trying to figure out if Rhonda Channing really liked me or not. Because it didn’t matter. Ultimately, it didn’t matter because this was just a fake marriage, it’d be over in a month. So I bit my tongue, choosing not to get into it.

“Your mom’s really nice,” I said blandly, clearing my throat. “Real nice.”

The big man snorted then.

“Glad to hear,” he said dryly. “Because it’s just a cover. Mom can drive a hard bargain and more than a couple businessman have had their balls hung and dried by Rhonda”

I could believe it. After all, her son was alpha billionaire Grayson Channing, Rhonda had to have nerves of steel and a will that could bend iron.

But again, what I thought was all pointless. As merely a gun for hire, my opinion meant nothing. So I turned to Gray, pasting a smile on my face.

“Well, have fun at dinner,” I said with as much cheer as I could manage. “I’m sure there’ll be lots of witty conversation, your mom is a firecracker.”

The big man frowned at me then.

“You’re coming, Kitty. You’re invited tonight, you heard Rhonda.”

I laughed lightly, turning to pick up my bag once more.

“Oh no, I figured that was for show. Your mom doesn’t really need to get to know me, it’s just nice words. Seriously Grayson, it’s not necessary, this is one month for cash, remember? Family dinners not included,” I tossed off lightly.

But the billionaire frowned again, expression ominous.

“Stop this shit,” he ground out. “You’re coming.”

But I shrugged him off, turning to leave, my hand already on the door handle.

“No, it’s fine Grayson,” I said, tossing a smile over my shoulder. “This is a fake marriage, remember? I’m a fake fiancée, just a girl you’re paying so that you can get whatever it is you need from your dad’s will. I’m a nobody, there’s no need for me to be there tonight.”

One foot was already out the door when suddenly I was whisked off my feet and swung like a sack of potatoes over the alpha’s shoulder.

“What?” came my squeal, small fists beating against his back. “What in the world, let me down, let me down!”

But the big man was really, truly angry this time.

“Shut the fuck up,” he snarled. “You’re coming even if I have to tie you to the dining chair myself.”

He plunked me down on the couch once more, curves bouncing and jouncing.

“What is it?” I protested, breathless. “Why does it matter? Why does it matter if I come or not? Just say I came down with the stomach flu!”

But Gray reached into his desk drawer and pulled out a checkbook, scribbling madly. And before I knew it, the big man slid a piece of paper towards me, blue eyes cold as ice.

I took the paper in my hands, fingers trembling.

“Two hundred thousand dollars,” I whispered, my voice hoarse. “Made out to Kitty Jones.”

Gray’s jaw was tight, that expression menacing.

“I’m paying you extra to act the part of a fiancée,” he snarled. “Specifically, I’m paying for a head-over-heels, madly-in-love type of fiancée. None of this “I’m nobody,” shit,” he raged. “So you’re coming tonight, and you’re gonna be all over me like you can’t wait to get married.”

I paused, hands trembling, big brown eyes searching his.

“Are you sure?” I murmured quietly. “Absolutely sure?”

The alpha literally let out a roar of rage then.

“Of course I’m sure, damn you!” he thundered, that huge body filled with repressed rage. But the thing is I wasn’t afraid. Instinctively I knew Gray would never hurt me physically. I was completely safe in his presence.

So nodding, I murmured.

“Okay, I’ll do it. Just text me the address and I’ll be there.”

The billionaire looked at me with murder in his eyes.

“My car will come by at 6:45 sharp,” he bit out. “Be ready little girl.”

And this time, I looked up at him, brown eyes wide and sincere, lips trembling.

“I’ll be ready, Gray, you can count on me.”

And taking a deep breath, I collected my bag before getting up once more and heading towards the door. Pausing slightly, I turned and smiled my first real smile at the billionaire.

“I’ll be ready Gray,” I said quietly. “I promise.”

“You better,” was his growled reply, those blue eyes seizing my soul. “You better.”

And the words rang in my head as I took the elevator downwards. Because I’d promised I’d be ready, but was I? Was I ready for the time of my life with this domineering, arrogant billionaire? Was I ready to play the part of fake wife for a month, giving this man my all? Or was I in over my head?

I should have been scared, I should have been terrified, cowering in my apartment. But actually, the thought of fear never crossed my mind. Because instead, there was opportunity. Opportunity opened before me, filled with colors, possibility, and a world that I’d never experienced. I should have felt overwhelmed and in over my head, but instead, I was excited, filled with trembling anticipation, my senses on high, insides quivering. Because Gray would never hurt me … or so I prayed.




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