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The Billionaire's Kitten: A Fake Marriage Romance by Cassandra Dee (18)




The shock on the brunette’s face was flattering, her eyes growing wide, her breasts heaving up and down with quick indrawn gasps.

“CEO?” she whispered weakly. “Chairman?”

I nodded.

“Yep, always have been,” I said with a hint smugness to my voice. “In fact I founded Luxor, have been CEO since I was twenty-five when this place was nothing more than me and a couple admin staff.”

And the girl grew white as a sheet then.

“I’m so sorry,” she mumbled, “I know what you saw wasn’t … professional,” she choked, “but … but …”

“But there’s no excuse, is there?” I finished smoothly, hiding my amusement. “There’s no excuse for masturbating out in the open. You didn’t even lock the restroom door,” I chided her gently.

The girl went from sheet white to beet red. I loved the brunette’s coloring, the way she was so sensitive to everything I said, her expressions open, trusting, like reading a book. She couldn’t even lie worth shit and I ate it up, her innocence and naiveté refreshing, like a cake to be devoured whole.

Because life had just given me an opening and I was going to use it. I didn’t get to where I am by being the nice guy and letting other folks take the lead. I got to where I am by being the aggressor, pressing every advantage, working every angle and an amazing opportunity had just landed on my doorstep.

“So is this what you do to uphold the Luxor name?” I drawled, my voice a low growl, like a predator teasing its prey. “You touch yourself when you think no one’s looking?”

“Yes! I mean no!” cried the girl, flushing again, her boobs heaving up and down, fingering her ID card nervously. “It’s just been stressful like I said, I have so much work and I’m in school full-time too, it’s really rough, I needed some release.”

My eyebrows shot up.

“Well maybe I can help you with that,” I said silkily. “I am the boss after all. Let’s head back to your office.” I’d deduced by now that her office was the one I’d passed with the bare walls and dinky desk. Shit, how sad, she was alone down here all day in that tiny cubby, nary a soul in sight. Truthfully, I could see why she was in the bathroom feeling herself up. It was goddamn depressing in the basement with the fluorescent lights, a hundred degrees next to the boiler and the random cranking sounds of various machinery. Fuck, I would have been jacking off ten times a day if I were stuck here, but fortunately I’ve got a penthouse in a luxury office space just a couple blocks away.

Without saying a word, the brunette walked slowly to the door of the bathroom and led me outside into the hallway. Sure enough, her soft footfalls stopped at the dinky office.

“Anyone else around during the day?” I asked casually, looking around. The hallways were empty, a little spooky from the lack of human contact.

“No,” the brunette replied quietly, trying to remain dignified. “I’m a marketing associate and they put me down here after my boss was injured. To stay out of peoples’ way, I suppose,” she added rigidly.

And I nodded thoughtfully. The brunette sat at her desk, gesturing to the chair across from her and I lowered myself into the small seat. I’m a big man with long legs and this dinky plastic thing wasn’t exactly my idea of comfortable, but that was fine. I didn’t plan on the little girl staying here much longer anyways.

Tammy took a deep breath and moved her mouse slightly, quickly switching screens with a swift Alt-Tab. But not before I saw what she’d been looking at. If I wasn’t mistaken there’d been an image of a nude couple on her monitor, a man and woman locked in an embrace, the woman’s legs spread, her ankles high in the air. My cock, which had been rock solid before, stiffened immediately into diamond-hardness, the fabric of my suit pants straining. But I wasn’t going to hide, not when I had such a delectable morsel before me. Instead, I sprawled lazily in the chair, the tent in my crotch fully visible, making the girl inhale sharply before her eyes flicked to mine, alert and aroused at once.

But I ignored her unspoken question. Lazily I asked, “What was that you were looking at? Right before you switched to this Excel spreadsheet.”

And the girl’s chin quivered a bit, her eyes becoming enormous, deep pools of caramel, fathomless. But instead of resisting, she clicked back again and I saw that my eyes hadn’t betrayed me. Tammy had been looking at some dirty porn, the type of stuff that was typical of laddie mags, the stuff that I absolutely loved. There was a woman pressed against a man, both of them nude, in the throes of lust. And the woman’s legs were spread sure, but instead of drilling the woman with his dick, the man had a dildo stuffed up her snatch, the deep pink rubber stretching those pink lips, making the woman squeal in pleasure. And fuck me, but it wasn’t just an image, it was a video. My little girl had been watching a porny sex clip at work.

“Aren’t you afraid someone’s going to catch you?” I asked pointedly, ignoring the fire in my dick, the need that was already starting to drip from the tip.

The girl paused for a moment, biting her lip.

“No one’s ever down here,” she said quietly. “Especially not at 7 a.m.”

“Yeah, but aren’t you afraid that someone’s going to come down here, someday maybe, like today?” I asked again, teasing her this time. “Like me?”

Tammy blushed prettily again.

“Mr. Martin,” she said slowly. “When I say no one comes down here, I really mean it. It’s sweltering 24/7 and mostly they just stock supplies in the basement, mops and brooms and stuff. The maintenance crew comes by sometimes but not this early. They work mostly at night,” she added, still biting her lip.

I thought for a moment.

“But even if no one comes by, aren’t you afraid that Luxor is logging all the sites you look at on your work computer?” I said gently. “You know your hard drive and monitor belong to Luxor, we’re tracking every site you visit.”

And at that, the girl flushed bright red again, now chewing at her bottom lip, working the luscious bow with her teeth.

“Um … no, I didn’t realize that,” she said shamefaced. “I had no idea,” she said in a small voice. “Are you going to fire me now?” she asked, raising her eyes to mine. “I know I deserve it, I know that you caught me um … in flagrante, and that I was looking at dirty porn sites on my computer, but I swear, I work hard and I can make this up to you,” she rushed. “I’ll absolutely work ten times harder and I’ll contribute to Luxor Corp., I promise.”

I laughed heartily again.

“Oh, I’ll make sure you make it up to me,” I drawled gently. “I don’t give away anything for free, it’s not how I operate. But say I give you a second chance,” I posed hypothetically. “How do I know you’re not hiding anything else up your sleeve? Do you have any other dirty secrets?” I asked pointedly, fixing her with a demanding stare.

And the girl chewed her lip again, thinking carefully. I could see a debate going on her head, little voices arguing this way and that before one finally won out. Slowly, the brunette reached into her purse and fished out a key. I quirked an eyebrow at her in silent question. And the girl fit the key into a lock in her desk before pulling open a drawer, the metal sliding smoothly on its riders, a whispering rasp.

“Mr. Martin,” she said slowly, “I … I’ve been keeping this at work. For my pleasure,” she stuttered.

And I stood to get a better glimpse, looking over her desk into the drawer, my cock punching to rock solid status for the third time in ten minutes. Because the drawer was chock full of sex toys, dildos, vibrators, pocket rockets, butt plugs, things I didn’t even recognize. It was practically overflowing and my eyebrows flew off my face then, dark streaks slashing my cheekbones, the air in my lungs suddenly tight.

“And do you use all those?” I asked silkily. “Here in the women’s restroom?”

The girl was flushed again, her boobs heaving quickly, but she nodded slowly, admitting her slutty ways.

“Like I said, I’m alone most times here and by the time I get home to the Bronx, it’s almost eleven. I’m so tired that I figured it’d be easier to pleasure myself at work,” she said weakly. “It’s wrong I know, but it was my best option.”

Honestly, this was like a dream come true. The girl was so dirty, so raunchy, keeping a stash of sex toys in her desk drawer, using them at Luxor Corp. without even locking the door. And I fucking loved it. I loved the ballsiness, the sheer sexuality pouring off the woman in waves, the fact that I was ready to run my dick in her on a second’s notice.

“Well, honey, that’s something that can be fixed,” I rumbled, still in my chair. “Stress you say? Because I can do something about that right now,” I promised. And it was true. Big changes were coming her way, huge, enormous, gigantic changes … that involved her pussy wrapped around my cock.