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The Billionaire's Twisted Love Book 2: Trapped by You by Rosie Praks (9)



It was late afternoon when I woke again. I was hungry and exhausted. Yet what had me grumbling mad was the way I fell asleep. With Julian inside me. Again.

I slid him out and went to the bathroom to wash myself. Running a hot bath was what I needed at that moment. My whole body was sore.

As I got into the tub, I thought about all the moments I spent with Julian since the time he came back into my life.

Hard, aggressive sex. That just about summed up our time together. Maybe he was right to assume I was an insatiable woman. Maybe I was a sexual creature after all, an insatiable woman who constantly craved him inside me.

The water had turned cold by the time I got out of the bath. Once again, I brought along Julian’s shirt. This time, a grey stripped cotton. No panties.

The rose necklace was still on my neck. After all that time, I didn’t even notice it there. I tried unclasping it, but how the hell did he put it on me? It wouldn’t come off no matter how hard I tried.

Exhausted from that stupid task, I went in search of food.

Julian was already out in the dining room, food dished out on the table in front of him. His eyes were less red. His jaw hard edged, with a five o’clock shadow prominent on his jawline. He was wearing a loose white shirt, unbuttoned at the front. Flat abs and a rock-hard chest were on full display for me to view at my own leisure. The denim he wore hugged his butt like a second skin.

Holy shit. He looked hot as hell. This Julian was more relaxed and less refined, which made him all the more captivating, in a rough manner.

I turned away, noticing my breath coming in short fits. I knew I was getting into that horny stage again. Will there ever be a day I won’t be affected by his presence?

I ignored the throbbing need at my core and turned to the food placed in front of me. Somehow, in my moment of admiring Julian’s perfect butt, he'd dished food up for me.

Tuna with fresh salad. How appetizing for lunch, I thought sarcastically.

“Eat,” was all he said before sitting in front of me and forking his own food into his mouth.

His eyes skimmed my body, which didn’t help my current state one bit. My nipples were already perked and the lips of my sex already swollen, ready for more action. Subconsciously, I eased my butt backward and forward on the couch, just to release some tension. I told myself there wouldn’t be any more action today. The only action would be my mouth—talking about our current situation here at sea.

“You’re wearing my shirt,” he commented casually.

“Obviously,” I snapped, eyes glaring fire at him. “You neglected to collect my clothing when you kidnapped me.”

“I didn’t kidnap you.” He corrected, his voice stern.

“And what do you call this, then?” I lashed, gesturing to our surroundings. “I’m in your yacht against my own will.”

“As I recall,”—Julian popped a tomato into his mouth and chewed, whacking my brain function for a second—“you enjoyed our time together. I don’t consider that to be against your will.”

“Our time together consisted of a few fucks this morning.” I clawed back at him. “And now that my brain is functioning normal again, I want to go home.”

“Stay with me for a few more days.” His voice softened a notch. But that still didn’t get me to relax or mollify to this situation. It just got me angrier.

“To do what? Fuck with you some more?”

“If you would like that, then I’m willing to oblige.” He forked some more greens into his mouth.

“Fuck you, Julian.” I screeched out of my chair, yelling my innermost thought at him. “You’re sick.”

His jaw ticked. He clenched his fork in a tight fist, his knuckles turning white. But that moment passed in a second, and soon he was gazing up at me, his eyes roaming up and down my body again, before casually remarking, “Not as sick as you, craving my body every few minutes.”

He was right. My clit was already throbbing mad for him to be inside me. But my mouth had more dignity. “I’m not that desperate.”

“You are one dirty girl, aren’t you, Kimberly?” Julian put his fork down, staring at me like he was my superior.

“I can be sweet to some and rude to others. You, Julian, you deserve my crude speech.”

“Did you ever speak like that to me when we were in Miami together?”

The memories from our lovely time in Miami flooded my brain like a broken dam. It was the best time of my life. I'd enjoyed it so much. Never had I felt that much splendor in my life. Until he ruined it all that night. Now my heart was a shadow of itself. I didn’t have the energy or the courage to pursue another man. I was stuck with him.

This Julian. He trapped me. With his voice, his stormy grey eyes, his body. I was mesmerized by him, captivated, and even though I had the choice, I knew I couldn’t choose another.

“Don’t talk about Miami. I was just a stupid girl who got fooled by you. Rest assured I won’t make the same mistake twice. Now tell me what exactly did you bring me out to sea for? What do you want with me, Julian?”

“Do you want the real deal?” His eyebrow quirked up in question, mouth twisted slightly.

“The real deal, lay it out on the table.” I sat back down, wanting to hear the truth from his mouth. And he better tell me the truth, or I’d claw his eyes out.

“Okay.” He eyed me, leaning back against his chair. “Want to have a relationship with me?”

I stared at him wide-eyed, gobsmacked at what just came out of his mouth.

“Are you talking about having a real relationship with no pretenses?”

“Yes.” He nodded. Once again, a slight twitch appeared on his lips, and that twitch soon curved up into a fuckable smile.

“Your reason?” I folded my arms to stop my perky nipples from protruding even more just from seeing that smile on his face.

“I enjoy fucking you.”

Oh shit! I was on stage nine of near combustion. I screeched out of my chair again and shook my head out of my lustful hazy state.

“Fucking your partner doesn’t necessary make up a healthy relationship. You’ve got to have trust. Which I don’t have in you. You’ve got to be open to sharing your innermost secrets with your partner, which you clearly can’t.”

“So what?” Julian folded his arms, a placid look on his face. “We should be fuck buddies, then?”

“No, we will not!” I lashed out again, having had enough of this bullshit nonsense. “Take me back. I want to go home.”

Julian slammed his palms on the wooden table suddenly, his demeanor changing in the space of three seconds. I blinked, watching as his face inched closer to mine, until he was only a breath away from my lips.

“Hear this, Kimberly. You’re mine. Get that clear in your head. Sooner or later, you’ll have to accept that.”

This scene reminded me of when I made my declaration of wanting him back from our first few meetings in Brisbane.

How could our situation be reversed? Now he was the one who was in control. And I was his puppet.

This thought aggravated me. I didn’t like to be the loser or the puppet.

I stared at the plate of tuna in front of me. I inhaled. I exhaled. Then I flipped the plate, smearing the tuna on Julian’s face.

Julian seethed. His eyes were a dark molten grey. I could smell his wrath from where I stood. I slid out of my seat, running for the door to safety before he gathered his bearings again.

But I didn’t get far enough. Julian tugged at my shirt, pulling me back with a heavy thud when I hit his chest.

I whined with pain, but he didn’t allow me to wallow in misery. He jerked my chin up.

“Where do you think you’re going?” he growled obscenely in my ear. “You’re going to clean every chunk of tuna off my body.”

My whole body shook at the pleasurable thought of the ardent task before me.

Oh God. I’ve unleashed the beast again.

And the beast was certainly unleashed when he tugged me forward, his palm on my bared butt.

His eyes sparkled with erotic lust when he noticed.

“You’re not wearing panties?”

“We’ve touched base on that subject already.”

“Fuck me. I’m going to enjoy punishing you.” His deep baritone hit me like an arrow straight to my heart.

I quivered next to him. His eyes only lit up even brighter, like the evil puppet master he was, and he grinned wider, like I was his Christmas present.

Lucky Santa didn’t wrap me up too tightly in his giftwrap because Julian tore open the shirt in one swift action, taking more time to stare at my breasts than to take notice of his expensive grey shirt in tatters on the floor.

Julian grazed his teeth on my nipple, holding my heavy globes in his hands while I continued to moan out amorous sentiments because I was so aroused.

He ran his finger down to my navel. Then going farther down south, he cupped at my sex, inserting one finger into my already drenched core. My sex seemed to suck his finger in, clenching tight around that digit, not wanting to let go.

“How long have you been in this state?” he provoked next to my ear.

I didn’t reply to him. It was too embarrassing to admit I wanted him.

He pulled out. I whined at the empty sensation.

He jerked my chin so I would meet his eyes again. “How long?”

“I don’t know,” I let out. “Let me go.”

“You really can’t get enough of my body, can you?”

I pushed him off. But he wouldn’t let me. I finally gave up and answered truthfully, pain and misery all laced in this one sentence. “If I could, I would, but sadly, my body has a mind of its own.”

“So why listen to your brain, then, if your body says it wants me?” He caressed my cheek like he loved me and cared for me sincerely.

“Because my body tends to want things that would cause my heart to break. And this heart will not go through the same pain twice.”

“Did I hurt you that badly?” His voice suddenly broke.

“Very badly.” I moaned when he went back to probing my sleek entrance again.

I arched forward, subconsciously thrusting my breasts toward him. This only encouraged him as he licked and sucked my nipples vigorously while his hand continued to cup and rub my sex. I felt a warm glow radiating through me. Was he enjoying my body like I enjoyed his?

“I didn’t mean for us to go this far.” His eyes wavered, observing me while his lips were still plastered to my nipple.

A trace of that same Julian I loved flittered past me in that second and my heart fluttered.

“Julian.” I cradled his head and pressed him closer to my chest, wanting him to hear my thunderous beating heart. “Tell me.”

“It’s not time yet.” He surged back, sucking at my nipples even harder, his finger pounding into my core faster, making desire pulse through my veins in rapid succession.

I gritted my teeth, pulling his coal black hair back with my fingers as I took deep, gulping breath. I knew I was losing it.

Once again, I was trapped in Julian's strong hold, letting him do to my body as he pleased.


* * * * *