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The Cosy Canal Boat Dream: A funny, feel-good romantic comedy you won’t be able to put down! by Christie Barlow (19)

The following morning Nell looked out of the window of the ‘Nollie’. Little Rock Marina was still bright on such a grey day, but now she longed for the warm summer days to arrive. The towpath was already busy with dog-walkers and joggers and Nell noticed the blackboard was already standing outside the deli. Bea must have been up with the larks, she thought to herself. Cracking open her boiled egg, she glanced over the figures on the spreadsheet that Guy had prepared. Luckily, she’d slept well, despite her going to bed with the uncertainty hanging over her, but having slept on it, she’d woken up more determined than ever to win that auction.

‘No more dithering,’ she muttered to herself. After finishing her breakfast and washing the pots, she glanced at her watch.

There was still an hour before she was due at the deli. Quickly grabbing her coat and a flask of tea, she locked the ‘Nollie’ behind her and stepped out into the crisp morning air. Most of the boats still lay in darkness as she strolled up the path towards the lake.

Her feet echoed over the wooden bridge and she snuggled deep inside her coat before perching on the edge of the bench under the willow tree. There were a couple of swans gliding through the water with such grace, and a mallard with its brown speckled plumage bobbed its head under the water.

‘Morning Ollie. I know it’s early,’ she said out loud, taking a sip of her tea, ‘And you’re not one for early mornings, but I have news.’ She felt comfort as a robin flew and landed on the arm of the bench next to her. ‘Big news that I’m so excited about! You know we always talked about undertaking a project, something for the community? Well the Old Picture House has come up for sale and I’m thinking of restoring it to its former glory. Actually, not just thinking about it, I’m going to do it. What do you reckon?’

She stared out across the tranquil lake and had a sudden flashback to a conversation she’d had with Ollie when he had been umming and aah-ing about buying the yard. They’d been sitting outside The Waterfront sipping on a cool beer on a red-hot summer’s day when Ollie had shown Nell the property details of a business yard on the edge of Heron’s Reach. Nell could see the excitement in his eyes and the fire in his belly as he told her that he was thinking of buying it.

‘Let’s flip a coin: heads we buy it, tails we don’t,’ Ollie had suggested. Of course the coin had landed on heads.

‘Best of three,’ Nell chipped in, flipping a further two heads. They’d bought the yard and it had been a good decision. Ollie had been very happy there.

‘Maybe that’s it – let fate decide for me,’ said Nell, peering up at the sky.

She dug deep into her coat pocket and pulled out a ten-pence piece.

‘Heads or tails?’

As she flipped the coin in the air, ‘Heads,’ she said, catching the money and placing it on the back of her hand.

For a brief moment, she closed her eyes, not daring to look. Slowing removing her hand, ‘Heads,’ she murmured, ‘Best of three.’ She flipped the coin twice more and both landed on heads.

She heaved a huge sigh of relief, ‘Thanks, Ollie, decision made. I knew you’d come good. There’s something else too.’ She paused and took a deep breath. ‘He’s called Guy. We’ve become friends. You’d like him.’ Nell knew she was waffling but felt that she needed to say the words out loud. ‘I think I really like him.’

Suddenly, Nell was surprised by the intensity of the presence she felt. He was here, listening to her and comforting her, ‘You really are here, aren’t you?’ she whispered.

‘Whoa!’ Nell jumped out of her skin as she felt a hand on her shoulder. She flew off the bench and spun round.

‘Sorry … sorry. I didn’t mean to startle you.’

Guy’s eyes locked with an alarmed Nell, ‘Jeez, you frightened the life out of me,’ she said, her heart pounding.

‘I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you.’

Nell exhaled and held her hand to her chest, ‘I’m surprised you didn’t give me a heart attack.’

‘Well, I’m glad I didn’t!’

‘Honestly, for a moment there, I thought … oh don’t worry, it’s my fault I never heard you. I was lost in my own thoughts. What are you doing down here?’ she asked, forcing herself to breath normally.

‘Walking Sam before we open up the yard.’ He was currently ferreting around by the water’s edge. ‘Why are you here?’

Nell felt her thumping heart settle, ‘Now you’ll think I’ve lost the plot, but I was sharing my news with Ollie.’ Nell stared straight at him, trying to gauge his reaction.


‘Having slept on it, I’m definitely going to bid for the Old Picture House.’

‘Nell, that’s great. All systems go, then?’

‘All systems go,’ she smiled.

‘And I don’t think you’ve lost the plot. I talk to my granddad all the time,’ he smiled, warmly towards Nell, ‘Shall we walk back? Are you ready?’

She nodded and stood up, ‘I am.’ Giving a last, fleeting glance towards the lake Nell felt a sense of calmness, the decision was made. She was going to do this.

Nell linked her arm through Guy’s and they ambled back over the bridge in silence towards the towpath. Sam ran up ahead, nose to the ground, running in and out of the bushes.

‘So the sleep did you good, then?’

‘Yes, but my heads a whirl with builders, plumbers, electricians … the list is endless.’

‘You have to win the auction first,’ Guy grinned at her enthusiasm.

‘Pah! That’s the easy bit, the hard work comes after.’ With a spring in her step Nell sounded ridiculously hopeful and she was pinning all her hopes on winning that auction. ‘And the flip of the coin never lets me down.’

Guy looked at her, confused.

‘When in doubt, flip a coin, best of three.’


‘Yes seriously!’

‘You are a mad one, I’ll give you that!’

‘Heads I bid, tails I didn’t and heads it was, so I’m bidding,’ Nell said, beaming from ear to ear. The only slight niggle in the back of her mind was Gilly, but she’d made the conscious decision to go and talk to her mum about it as soon as possible and put whatever worries she had to bed.

Guy stopped walking and stared at her. He took both of her hands, his gaze bore deep into her eyes, ‘In my book everything happens for reason and I think it will be a huge success with the amazing Nell Andrews in charge.’

‘So you think I’m amazing, do you?’

Nell pressed her lips together with a secret smile.

He closed the distance between them and wrapped his arms around her, then squeezed her hand reassuringly. ‘I do indeed, amazing, gorgeous, funny …’ his words were soft in her ear and her whole body tingled in anticipation. He stroked her hair, then traced his finger along the side of her chin, finally tilting her lips towards his.

‘You’re not so bad yourself, Guy Cornish. Are you going to kiss me?’

‘I am,’ giving her a sheepish grin. He didn’t need to be asked twice.

‘You are just perfect,’ he said, lowering his lips to hers. Nell couldn’t wait any longer, she grasped his hair and their lips locked, gently at first, but then harder. She closed her eyes and basked in the pleasure of his touch. Her heart constricted at how gorgeous he was and swelled with happiness for the first time in ages. In such a short space of time, she was falling hook, line and sinker for Guy Cornish.