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The Marriage Mistake: A Billionaire Hangover Romance by Natalie Knight, Daphne Dawn (228)



The sunrise peaks out over the tops of huge skyscrapers and once again I wonder what I'm doing going to the office this early.

I’m way too committed to my job.

But every day, as I walk into the building and take in the look of the old brick façade, I feel grateful for my life.

What started as just a dream back in college has turned into an actual, viable company: Epica. We began as a brick-and-mortar store and haven't veered too far away from that, although we’ve been booking larger companies as of late.

I've worked very hard to achieve this little boutique ad agency. I strive to keep it small and simple, which I think is a niche in an otherwise saturated market overwhelming with huge ad agencies.

A new client is vying for our attention today—or rather, I’m vying for their attention. The lingerie brand Velvet Luxe is looking for new representation and I’m banking everything on scoring this campaign. They're very upscale and we have to win.

For me, it causes a flurry of nerves to swell and swirl in my stomach as I open the door to her office today. I know we have to book this job. I know our financial future is riding on it.

Plus, the prestige of working with this kind of a company would bring a whole new range of clients to our brand. And prestige is something we need because while my little company has made a mark on the world, we are on the verge of financial collapse if I don’t take on a big client soon.

I pull my blonde curls up into a loose bun as I power on the lights.

I've designed the office myself. It has a loft apartment kind of vibe. There are exposed bricks, beams, and industrial elements from the original warehouse shining through.

I'm really proud having built this place, but it's definitely not your huge typical ad agency. That's exactly the kind of atmosphere I want to have here. I want to keep the creative people happy by constantly inspiring them—either through interior design or just having a relaxed vibe around the office.

I walk into my cozy, well-defined office and hit the cappuccino machine first. I've already been on a run this morning and now I need caffeine.

I guess you can say that comes with my overachiever status. I like to get a jump on the day. As a design professor once told me, the morning is the most creative time to get your ideas on paper.

The machine pumps out my espresso and I smile as I enjoy the warm aroma filling my senses. I take my cup and curl up on the deep-seated leather couch in my office.

No one else is in yet because no one else cares about this company as much as I do. That comes with the territory of being a CEO. I'm willing to do whatever it takes to make this work.

I guess you can say I'm a workaholic. I don't mind being called that because right now, this Velvet Luxe campaign is all I can think of. I have to gain their business for the good of my reputation and for the good of the company.

People deserve bonuses around here. And frankly, without this new client, our company may not financially survive much longer.

I know I have to pull this presentation together perfectly. My company, Epica, and everyone’s livelihood depend on it being a success.

I’d like to say that nothing gets the creative juices flowing better than the early morning vibe, but really everything that’s motivating me right now is the thought of keeping this company afloat…

I start drafting and coming up with more ideas. Too much information is better than not having enough when it comes to things like this. Clients are willing to pay, but they want to get what their money’s worth.

I brainstorm and sketch and try to perfect the Velvet Luxe presentation. I spend a few hours in the morning light defining my ideas more thoroughly, so they're ready to meet with the Velvet Luxe executives today. I have a big meeting with them downtown and I want everything to be organized and ready to go.

Charlotte, my assistant and best friend, comes into the building at her usual 8 o'clock hour. She's not surprised to see me in here. Half the time, I spend the night in my office.

"Hey, you're here, early again," she says.

She eyes my empty cappuccino cup and offers to take it. I don't resist.

"Thanks Charlotte, I really need that. I guess you can say I'm a little nervous about getting the campaign."

"Well, I think you're gonna do great. You always outshine the big guys anyway, just don't forget that," she says reassuringly.

"Thanks. That means a lot.”

She looks at me knowingly.

“You’re worried aren’t you?”

“Yes,” I say as I look glumly down at my sketches.

“Everything’s riding on this. I can’t mess up.”

“It’s okay to be nervous, but when have you ever cared about going up against the big ad agencies?”

“Um, when the financial future of this company totally depends on me landing a client,” I answer her.

“Just don’t think too much of it that way,” she says reassuringly. “Imagine it like the times you outshine the big companies by just being you, and doing what you do best.”

I smile. She has a way of cheering me up.

“Now, let me get you some more caffeine and you can work until your meeting later.”

“You’re my saving grace.”

She really is. Charlotte keeps this business running while I focus on all things creative. Without her, I’d be lost. She makes sure I pay attention to my calendar, my bills, and all the other parts of running a business that I feel are less important than my creative work.

I work for another hour or so sculpting my ideas. I don't even notice the time when Charlotte walks back into my office.

“It’s time,” she says.

I look up from my computer.


I scramble to pull together all my notes and computer and anything else I might need. I stuff it all into my vintage leather satchel and then I pull a black suit jacket over the silky, white camisole that’s tucked into my pencil skirt.

“Do I look okay?” I ask Charlotte.

“Everything except the pencil in your hair,” she laughs.

I reach up and feel the sharp point sticking through my bun. I take it out and with it all my blonde hair comes tumbling down over my shoulders.

“Better?” I ask.

“Yes, here’s your green tea. I have an Uber waiting for you downstairs.”

“Oh, thanks Charlotte,” I say as I gather up my things.

“And Claire, good luck!”