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The Marriage Mistake: A Billionaire Hangover Romance by Natalie Knight, Daphne Dawn (239)



It's officially been two days since I've seen Liam.

He hasn't texted me. He hasn't called.

I try to push the meaning of this out of my mind. I'm not going to get wrapped up in some guy who has no interest in having a girlfriend.

At least, this is what I tell myself as I try to focus on making the lingerie campaign sensational. If I'm honest, all of my ideas revolve around me wearing the lingerie and Liam seeing me in it.

Is that so wrong? I have to get my inspiration from somewhere.

I know I shouldn't be even thinking about him at this point because he's a player, because he's unavailable, and because he hasn't been seen with a real girlfriend in New York’s social scene.

Liam is the consummate playboy and I have to remember that. I willingly gave myself over to him knowing that and now I have to be strong and understand that all good things come to an end.

I'm designing away on my computer, trying to bring sexy elements into the lingerie ads. This is what I'm good at. I know how to embed that sex appeal into anything.

That's why even the most boring of companies are satisfied with my work. Sex sells. And somehow, I'm able to cast mundane businesses in an exciting light that even they didn't know was possible.

This is why my little firm is becoming famous. Though we may be on the brink of closure, at least I will have made a mark in the creative world.

I idly wonder what I'm going to do if I don't win this campaign. I have to be realistic and think about my next steps.

Will I be a freelance designer? Will I go work for one of the corporate businesses that I so disdain? My future is left up in the air but what I'm most worried about are my employees.

These people have stuck by me through thick and thin. They know I'm a small company and that I can't pay them a ton of money, but together we created Epica.

From the other designers, to the social media manager, to the head of business affairs, we've all worked together to keep his company afloat. And I've worked extremely hard to make sure this is a creative environment where people can thrive.

I have a rule about not having rules. I think creative people should be able to come into work when they want and leave when they want. I think creative people need to be in a flexible, fun environment and that's what I strive to make this company into.

The idea of having to go work for a suit makes me nauseous. The idea of walking into a building under cold, fluorescent lighting with virtually no aesthetics or decor makes me sick to my stomach.

In truth, I'm an artist, and as an artist, I need to work in a place where I can thrive. A corporate environment would squelch any creativity I may have left after this whole thing is over.

This is why I cannot lose. I know Liam is good. I know his company is the biggest in town. And I know my other competition is stiff, too.

But no matter what, for my sake and for the sake of my people, I have to win this campaign.

I call for Charlotte to come in and she brings my afternoon tea. She and I have this kind of ritual of having tea together every afternoon and catching up.

That's a perk of working with your best friend. Like I said, it's fun around here.

"Earl Grey or green tea?" she asks.

"Um, let's go with Earl Grey. It sounds like the perfect thing to perk me up for the rest of the day."

She makes her way to the little kitchen I have in my office and prepares some boiling water.

"So," she says over her shoulder, "how was the other night with Liam? You haven't even mentioned it."

I try to act coy but she knows everything about me. I might as well just tell her the truth.

"You want the truth? He was amazing."

"Amazing, huh? I wouldn't have expected anything less from a man with that kind of reputation," she says dryly.

She brings the tea tray over to the little seating area in my office and we relax.

"Well," I begin, "don't think that I don't know what I got myself into. I know he's not gonna date me. I know it was probably a one-night thing."

"Yeah," she says. "You don't do one-night stands so I was wondering what happened."

I want to say that I feel shame but I don't. I don't regret a single thing that happened with Liam. It was totally worth it.

I think of his rock hard abs and the incredible "V" that leads down to his massive cock. It's enough to get me off in my fantasies for the next year.

I sit back into the plush chair with my hot tea and say, "I broke my rules for him, Charlotte. And it was worth it. He is seriously amazing in bed. I must've come like 1 million times."

Charlotte bursts into laughter.

"Wow, Claire, that's a lot coming from you. You're not usually into any guy."

"I know," I say with a sigh. "And I just had to fall for the most unavailable man in New York City. Why do I do this to myself?"

My best friend tries to console me. "Listen, Claire, I saw him. He's hot. He is like straight off the runway hot. He is like rugged, I've climbed Mount Everest hot. You'd be crazy not to have gone for him. You deserve a little fun in your life."

Her words make me feel a little bit better. I don't feel remorse for having been with him but I did feel sad that it's over so quickly.

It was a brief encounter and a magical night that I'll never forget. But I know you can't change a man and besides, I don't even know if Liam is the type of guy I'd ever date.

I sip my tea and tell Charlotte, "The problem is that I'm gonna have to see him again. He's working on the same campaign. He's our biggest competition and that makes him a fixture in my life for the time being."

"Yeah, but you're gonna win. Claire, you have to realize that you're gonna win this campaign. You're, like, the most creative exec in the city. They'd be lucky to have you."

Her words pump me up a little bit. I know that she's speaking honestly. I am valuable. I do have so much talent.

Every once in a while, I just need my friend to remind me of that. It's not easy being a little company going up against giant firms that have hundreds, if not thousands, of employees.

"What's freaking me out, Charlotte, is the fact that if I lose this client, our company will close. I'm worried not just for myself but for everybody else. Where will they go?"

She looks relaxed as ever as if she's not worried at all. "Oh, don't worry about them. Everyone here is super talented and they'll find another job easily. I know we're all just committed to keeping Epica open."

"Thanks, that helps. I'm feeling a lot of pressure to win his campaign because I know it's so important for the company," I say.

Charlotte grins at me. "Well, I've been thinking about something that's a little bit naughty.”

Now I'm intrigued. What could be on her mind?

"What is it?"

"Well, if you ever see him again—I mean, if you guys keep fucking, you might have the opportunity to see what he's working on. He's our biggest opposition and if you were to say...get some secrets out of him, or perhaps find some paperwork that reveals his grand plan for the lingerie campaign, then it might help us get an edge."

I can't even believe she's saying this. I know Charlotte would never even suggest this kind of underhanded behavior if it didn't mean the survival of our company.

She's acting optimistic, trying to help me believe in myself, but she knows the dire truth. Could our doors really close in a matter of weeks?

"Are you seriously suggesting I spy on him?" I asked incredulously.

"I wouldn't call it spying, more like vetting out the competition. What could it hurt? He might even tell you," she says.

I scoff. "Yeah, right. He's not gonna tell me his ideas. He's definitely smarter than that."

"I'm just saying, Claire, you guys aren't even serious. You may not see him again outside of work. You know that you're just a fling to him so why do you care so much? Just see if he asks you out again and, if he does, do a little snooping. It won't hurt anything."

Her words sting a little bit, but I realize it's the truth. I mean nothing to Liam. I shouldn't care about hurting him. And it might really help to do a little detective work to try to see his stance on the campaign.

I wonder if he's even working on it himself or if he's assigned it to his corporate minions.

I don't want to steal his ideas, but at least I can see how I measure up to him so I can adjust my thoughts accordingly.

"Okay, Charlotte, I guess you're right. I need to make sure not to get wrapped up in him personally. If I see him again, outside of work, I will try to see what his campaign looks like."

"Great!" she says. "And in the meantime, you can pull out all the stops to make sure that your presentation wins. We're gonna get this client, Claire. And it's gonna be bigger than big. Just imagine how far our company will go once we win this thing."

After that, Charlotte takes her leave. Her words make me daydream about the future.

Velvet Luxe is exactly the kind of client I need to drive me and my business forward. They are my dream client and I let myself to marinate in that thought for a minute.

To gain their business would validate everything I've worked so hard to achieve. It would mean that I really am that good.