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Their Stolen Kisses: A Single Dad Romance (A Chicago CEO Novel) by J. P. Comeau (13)

Chapter 13


One Saturday, when Diana came for a visit, we didn’t really have a plan for what to do in mind. Sometimes, we liked to just sit down and enjoy each other’s company or play with Noah.

Today, however, my little boy didn’t seem as interested in the new dinosaur Diana had brought him. Instead, his attention was captured by my coat, which hung draped over the back of a chair. “Daddy, what’s this?” Noah tugged a long black velvet box out of the pocket.

I looked first to Diana then back to Noah grinning from ear-to-ear and found my face began to flush. “Th-that’s… well…” I glanced into Diana’s eyes. “A present for your favorite nanny, if she wants to open it.”

Diana took the box, and I released it almost reluctantly. Unwittingly, Noah had spoiled a surprise I had planned for a week, one I had intended to spring it the next day on Diana’s 23rd birthday.

As Noah danced happily around and watched intently as Diana began to work at the lid of the box, I shook my head inwardly and banished any thought of disappointment. Noah hadn’t spoiled my surprise at all. If anything, he had set the stage for me to give the box to Diana.

Now I just had to hope that she liked it… and she said ‘yes.’

“Wow, Cameron - it’s beautiful!” The elegant and tasteful diamond necklace sparkled in its velvet cushion. “But - but -”

She still didn’t like me to spend money on her, even when we were together and all I wanted to do was shower her with things that would make her happy. But that wasn’t really the purpose of this gift. This one was to make me happy. “It’s for your birthday. You can’t argue against me giving you something for your birthday. And it’s for something else.” I unclasped the necklace, brushed Diana’s hair out of the way, and tucked it around her neck.

“What’s that?” She turned slightly, watching the necklace glitter in the mirror over the fireplace. A smile tugged at the corners of her lips.

“Will you move in with me, Diana?” I forged ahead when her startled eyes found mine. “You spend so much time here already, and I… It always hurts when you leave, even though I know you’re going to come back. I want you to live with me so this is your home too, and I’ll know I have you to come home too. And I’d like Noah to have a mother in his life. So… please move in with us?”

That was my pitch, complete with all my reasons, hopes, and dreams. All I could do now was wait to see what she would say.

I didn’t have to wait long. “Of course!” Diana threw herself into my arms in an enthusiastic hug. The diamond necklace rested cooly against my chest. Noah nearly knocked us both over when he slammed into our knees, not entirely sure what was going on but aware that the two people he loved most were embracing.

Then Diana stepped back and ran her hand through her silky hair. By her expression, I knew something was bothering her, even though she was still smiling. “I… well, I guess… Well, Cameron what about work? You said you wanted me to be here when you get home.”

“Yes, yes I did.”

“It’s just… what about my job as Chloe’s secretary? I do enjoy working at Pinnacle… But… but…”

I smiled to myself, now that I had gotten to know Diana and learned that she was not only confident, but also very independent. I took her hand in mind. “Look, Diana… I’ve already thought about this. Let’s just play it by ear. For now, if you want to continue working… I welcome that idea.” I locked a strand of hair behind her ear. “Just know, you can quit anytime. Go visit your mom, your nieces and nephews, and your college friends as long as you come home to Noah and me in the evening.”

Diana let go of my hand and walked over to the mirror. Watching me standing behind her and Noah playing on the floor, she fingered her neckless admiringly. Then she turned around flashing a demure smile. “I like your idea, Cameron. Now, I know why you’re a CEO.”

I dared not remark at that. Instead, I let out a silent sigh of relief and scooped Noah up off the floor. “Maybe we should get some ice cream to celebrate. It’s sunny out today. Do you want to walk? There’s a place where I take Noah-”

“-Just around the corner, I know.” Diana grinned. “I took him there once when you were in Seattle. Let’s go!”

Hand in hand, we walked to the ice cream shop as three. Despite the chill outside, the little shop bustled with activity, creating a pleasant and fun environment for our celebration.

At the register, we all ordered chocolate. When asked, “Bowl or cone?” everyone went with cone, and we sat at a table near the tall windows so we could watch the activity outside and feel like part of it - even if it was too cold to walk outside and eat.

After wiping Noah’s chocolate covered face, we forayed out into the Chicago winter, full of ice cream and content with laughter.

Six feet stamped traces of the ice and snow off of shoes once we returned to the brownstone, then I looked at Diana. “Maybe we could cook some dinner and watch a movie after?” I suggested. It was about 4 PM now, so by the time we finished cooking and eating, then watched a two-hour movie, Noah would be good and tired out for bedtime so he could be wakeful and rested for preschool tomorrow.

“Perfect. What do you have to make?”

Together, each of us keeping a watchful eye on Noah, we searched through my stores of food. We found chicken, frozen mixed veggies, and a box of pre-made pie crusts in the freezer, so of course, we had to go with a classic: chicken pot pie.

“I'll chop onions and melt butter. Can you boil and shred the chicken?” Diana asked, her eyes skimming the recipe we chose.

“Perfect. And I’ll set the veggies out to thaw.” We made such a great team in the kitchen, hardly getting in each other’s way and just laughing about it when we did. Even Noah helped by carefully measuring teaspoons and tablespoons of spices and partially mixing some of the ingredients.

The pie was a great success, and the movie might have been an even greater one. The animated film Diana and I chose suited the mood perfectly, setting us both laughing even though I doubted we were at all the intended audience or age range. Noah loved it too, and he loved sitting between us on the couch.

But, halfway through the movie, his head began to nod. Diana noticed first, giving me a quick tap with her fingers and pointing. I just smiled and shook my head. Noah could sleep if he wanted to. Going to bed an hour early wouldn’t hurt.

Twenty minutes later, the preschooler was sound asleep. I carried him to his room, and Diana helped me tuck him in. As we usually did whenever Noah went to bed and we weren’t quite ready to call it a night, we headed into my room with a bottle of wine - this one chosen by Diana - and sat on the bed with the television on low.

“What do you want to watch?” I asked, scrolling down through channels to give her an idea of what was on.

“Actually, how about we finish the movie? I’m kind of invested in it now,” she admitted, holding my free arm to her chest and only looking a little abashed.

“Me too,” I admitted, secretly glad she had brought it up first. “Wine?”

An hour later, the credits scrolled across the screen and I changed the television from channels to playing soft, unobtrusive music. A thought popped into my head. “We might have to finish it again with Noah.”

“Well, it’s just an hour and it was a good movie. If it could keep our attention until the end, it had to be.”

I poured myself some more wine. Diana sat on the bed against the headboard with her knees drawn up, holding a mostly full glass. Her blue tank top showed just the perfect amount of cleavage, and black yoga pants contrasted with the white sheets.

Damn did her ass look good.

Not for the first time since we had sex, I had to tear my eyes away from her. Otherwise, a certain part of me might have got a little too excited. I didn’t want her to feel pressured into lovemaking - or worse, feel like she owed it to me somehow. After all the hours I had spent with women who walked away after I paid them, it was time to let someone else set the pace. Besides, the reason I had turned to paid escorts was gone. My loneliness was gone. Diana had seen to that.

“Aren’t you going to come back and sit down?”

“Sorry.” I set my wine down beside the bed. The warm blankets and sheets reached out with soft folds to receive me, but they couldn’t be as soft as Diana’s skin. “I was just thinking.”

“About what?” The tiny hitch in her voice told me she knew already.

“About you,” I confirmed. “About how beautiful you are and how lucky I am to spend the evening with you.”

“I want to spend every evening with you. I’m so excited about moving in.” She scooted closer so I could put my arm around her and hold her hand with my other. Except, when I reached for hers, it dodged mine and found its way to my leg instead.

There were two kinds of ways to rest your hand on someone’s leg. The first was to lay your hand close to the knee, like we did sometimes when we drove in the car together. Diana had chosen the other way, the one where you put your hand on the thigh just a little too close to suggestive places.

Her hand shifted ever so slightly up my leg. A little closer to the danger zone, and I wouldn’t be able to help myself. She’d better not be teasing me. Or just unaware what her touch even a few inches away from it could do.

“I want….” Her hand crept ever higher, and her teeth just caught her lower lip. “Well, you know what I want.”

We had sex several times by now, but so far Diana had always waited for me to annunciate our lovemaking. I hoped over time, she would slowly but surely learn to trust herself enough to take control sometimes. Looks like we’re making progress…

As though Diana’s teasing hand and mischievous lips had given me permission, my sweat pants suddenly became a bit too tight.

I didn’t know who kissed who first, but our lips locked and our hands latched around each other, ensuring the kiss would last. My tongue searched for Diana’s, but her tight lips denied my entrance. A single pinch of her nipples under her shirt elicited a shiver and a gasp, giving me the opportunity I needed to kiss her how I liked it best.

And I knew she liked it too. Her hips rolled against mine, and I felt cautious nails scrape at my shoulders. “Harder,” I murmured into her ear, nibbling and sucking the lobe with its stud earring carefully, then making my way down her neck. Each time I gave a bite instead of a gentle kiss, I was rewarded with a tightening of the nails on my back that had me moaning into Diana’s skin. She smelled like coconut and some flower that I was sure I knew, but couldn’t identify.

I’d have to ask her later when I wasn’t more concerned with getting her naked.

Now, I began working off her tank top. Her hands rose to help me, and unlike the first time when she had almost stopped to fold the clothes, she wiggled out of her top as quickly as possible and tossed it to the floor. Eager hands gripped my sides as the heat began to rise from her soft flesh.

Skin rubbing skin, I felt her attentive nipples rub against my chest. What was a man to do? Lick them, of course.

I lowered her gently onto her back, stealing kisses the whole way, then set to the task of getting Diana good and wet with a will. My tongue and teeth played with her breasts.

When my hand found its way between her legs, she didn’t stiffen up as she often had at first. This time, she leaned into my hand, a long “mhmm” against my lips telling me I had made the right move.

When her hips started to shift in little circles under my touch, I decided it was time for me to make another move. Holding my breath and feeling for any signals that Diana wasn’t ready, I slipped my hand between fabric and skin so I could feel her soft bush and sensitive bits that coyly hid beneath.

“Do you want something?” My fingers teased her entrance, the wetness I found there tempting me into full hardness.

“Do I….” The words trailed away into a moan. I wanted to be absolutely sure she wanted this… and I wanted her not to be afraid to tell me what she wanted. A feather-light touch on just the right spot finally teased the words out of her. “I want you.” Finally, that confidence that I so believed and admired about her came forth. “I want you… inside of me.”

I didn’t waste any more of our time by asking if she was sure. I could feel how much she wanted me through her hips, hands, and mouth. Her body relaxed under mine while I finished undressing us, and her hands freely roamed my body, learning what I liked and even pulling my hands closer to show me what she liked.

Without losing our embrace or breaking a long kiss, I felt my tip line up with her sweet, tight hole and pushed my hips forward. Tight… she was so tight, and I had to pull myself from bliss long enough to look down at her face and make sure she was okay.

Slowly, I started moving in and out, getting a little deeper with each thrust. Our hips touched. I couldn’t go deeper, and Diana was staring up at me with a handful of my hair and another of bedsheet, waiting for what I would do next, so I went faster. She felt so good. My body begged me to go even faster, but Diana had to be ready. For her, I’d keep up a slow pace forever.

I felt the change in her body beneath me. She had been laying there, letting me do the work while she became accustomed to me again. Now, her hips ground against mine, rising to meet my thrusts. I took a second to share a few needy, passionate kisses, then shifted my weight so that I was resting on my folded knees with her legs over mine.

Freed from being used for balance, one hand held her shoulder and the other found her clit as I picked up the tempo. That single finger on her little nub of pleasure had her grasping at anything she could for stability as my steady thrusts rubbed the two together.

Our bodies moved in unison and our gasps and moans of pleasure were timed with the depth of my thrusts. Her hips writhed beneath me and I knew how she felt. The pleasure was so intense I almost wanted to escape it, but I also wanted it to stay this way forever-

Then suddenly, she pushed me away. And with a devilish grin pressed my shoulders against the sheets as she swung her legs over my hips. Opening her folds with one hand, and holding my erection with the others she eased herself down over my throbbing cock.

I sat and watched as my sweet Diana rode me with a vengeance. Slowly, at first, glancing up into my eyes taking in my reactions. When she reached down with her finger and started rubbing her bud, I felt myself being elevated higher and higher by what I saw - as she bit her lip and threw her head back rocking us so hard the headboard pounded against the wall.

When I felt myself pass the point of no return? I usually made some kind of noise, but this time all I could hear was a loud roaring in my ears as something swept me away, and all I could see was the inside of my fluttering eyelids. Far away, hands gripped my arms so tightly that the feeling made it through the confusion of senses from a shared orgasm so intense that Diana collapsed on top of me. “I can’t breathe… my head is spinning,” she gasped.

After of few moments of recovery for both of us, she lazily rolled off of me. I reached over and pulled her close. “That was amazing.” Her low, quiet voice purred against my chest.

“I know.”

“How was I,” she asked.

“Really? Do you really need to ask me that?”

A silence. “The lights are still on.”

I took an arm from Diana long enough to tap a remote by the bed. The lights shut off and the music faded into silence, leaving just a sliver of moonlight to fall through the curtains across the foot of the bed.

“That’s fancy.” Diana snuggled into me and pulled the comforter over us both.


“Kinda cocky aren’t you?”




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