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Torpedo: A Second Chance Romance by Joanna Blake (53)


I smiled to myself, watching the frustration and pride battle on her beautiful face. Camille wasn't just proud. She was prideful to the extreme. Haughty, upper crust society queen that she was, begging wasn't going to come easy to her.

But beg she would.

And soon, if I had anything to say about it.

I eased my way down her body, moving my hands to her tits and my lips to her clit. Slowly I dragged my tongue up and down her slit, her hips rocking in time with my tongue. I almost laughed at how wet she was, she was so ready for me.

But since my cock felt like it could cut glass, I was just as desperate as she was.

More even.

She didn't have to know that though.

I pushed my tongue inside her, wanting it to be my cock instead. Thor was more than ready to bring the thunder. I was desperate to slide him in, bare skinned, and ride her slow. I pulled back and blew on her pussy, making sure to keep her from getting any real satisfaction.

Not yet.

"Oh God…"

I grinned, flicking my tongue against her clit. If she was talking to God, then begging wouldn't be far off. Then I stopped, and started something else equally unsatisfying. A little touch here… a little lick there… the lady's hips jerked as she tried to follow my lips and tongue but it was no use.

I was two steps ahead of her.

I had what she wanted. And I was just waiting for her to say the word and I would give it to her. It was a second later when the word finally came.


I stopped, looking up at her. I pinched her nipple and swirled my tongue over her clit. She almost screamed in frustration when I stopped abruptly.

"Please what?"

"Please Cade… I want you to fuck me."

I blew on her pussy again.

"I'm listening."

"Please fuck me Cade…"

Well, damn. The lady had a way with words. Thor was telling me that was good enough. But I wanted her to say it plain as day.

"Almost there, Princess."

I heard her curse and laughed under my breath at the unladylike words coming from her pristine lips. Then I got back to work, teasing her into a frenzy. She was close to coming when I heard the words I wanted to hear.

"Unfff… Cade I am begging you to fuck me. Please… OH GOD PLEASE FUCK ME! Is that what you want to hear? Tell me what to say and I will say it."

I lifted my head and smiled at her. I practically vaulted into position over her, guiding my cock to her sopping wet pussy lips. I knew she would be tight from the way she'd felt on my tongue and fingers, but she was more than ready.

"Yes Princess… that's exactly what I wanted to hear."

I pushed forward, sliding my bare cock into her slick hot pussy. Fuck me, she was tight. And silky. And God damn if her pussy didn't feel like some sort of sweet and juicy quick sand, sucking me in.

Sucking me straight to heaven.

I moaned like a man who had just found salvation. And I had. If I could just get all the way inside.

Easy boy…

Around me, Camille was quivering, opening up. Letting me into her glorious body. But I knew I was going to bust a nut without getting all the way in if I didn't pick up the pace.

I had better get on with it if I wanted the full effect.

I grimaced and shifted position, raising myself up on one arm. I needed room to maneuver. I reached down with my other arm to strum her clit. I knew it wouldn't take long.





Camille's pussy clamped down on the tip of my cock, hard. So hard it almost hurt. But in a good way.

A very, very good way.

Then the fluttering began. Camille's pussy was rolling over me in waves. It was pretty much a world-class dick massage.

I eased in a bit further and she grabbed hold of my rod, pulling me in. I groaned and pushed forward. She was thrashing like a wildcat underneath me. I held her down, slowly starting to plunge in and out of her.

Holy Christ on a cracker she felt good!

Camille was bucking against me, not slowing down as I kept her coming as long as possible. My fingers were busy. I thanked God again for blessing me with physical dexterity as she made a sound that was one-hundred percent inhuman.

She sounded just like that fancy cat of hers.

I grinned as I plowed into her relentlessly. If I could make the woman meow like a damn cat, I was pretty sure I could manage her when we weren't fucking. Of course, I was still way too close to finishing. I didn't want this to be over.

Then again, now that I was almost the whole way inside her… there was no rule that said I had to pull out after I came… I was pretty sure Cami wouldn't complain if there was an encore to this performance.

I grunted as my body took over. My balls swelled and then pulsed as my seed came barreling out of my shaft like a freight train. I roared as my cock exploded, filling her up with an endless stream of come.

I leaned forward with my head on her shoulder. My whole body felt like it was full of fireflies. The soles of my damn feet were tingling!

This woman was dangerously close to making me say something foolish.

The L word. Or the B word. Or the 'aw hell let's shack up for good' word.

Then again, coming harder than you ever had in your life could do that to a man. It didn't mean anything more than that. She'd made me wait, and it had paid off.

In spades.

I pressed a kiss to her forehead. Then lower, behind her ear. Then her neck. I could feel her hard little nipples against my chest. Her smooth skin. The ripples of pleasure deep inside her when my cock was still lodged.

That's when Thor started to stir again.

I grinned. Yep. No reason to wait for round three with this beauty beneath me. She was a bona fide hard on factory.

Boners on demand. Ready to ship. Quality assured.

I flexed my hips, testing the waters. Oh yeah, I was definitely hard enough to fuck again. It had taken less than thirty damn seconds to go from spent to rock hard.

Even for me, that was a record.

I leaned up on my forearms so I could watch her this time. Hell, I might even flip her over so she was on top. I considered my options but decided against it. She looked a little too dazed for that.

I didn't want her to tip over.

No worries, I was more than happy to drive.