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Torpedo: A Second Chance Romance by Joanna Blake (26)


I shivered at the promise in his husky voice and smoldering eyes.

Gabe was giving me that look he had. That look that was somehow dark and hot and sweet and hard, all at the same time.

The look that promised I'd be calling out his name before long.

I felt my stomach clench in anticipation, at the same time that I started looking for an escape. There was no way I was going to let him have his way with me with his mother at home. Plus, it was still light outside.

That just wasn't right.

"Come closer."

I looked around, wondering if I should just leave. I could come back late at night. Or just wait for another time.

His lips found my neck before I could decide what to do. I sighed in pleasure as his hot lips found my most sensitive spot. He always seemed to know just where to kiss me... just where to touch me.

I was putty in his hands.

Worse. I was oatmeal.

And Gabe seemed to really have a taste for oatmeal. His hands slid from my waist to my neck where he started unbuttoning my shirt.

"Gabe! Your mother..."

"She won't be home till late."

"Are you sure?"

He murmured yes into my neck, his breath tickling my ear. I gave in with a sigh as his fingers grazed my nipples through my shirt. They were already hard and aching for his touch. I felt a sudden need, deep down in my core.

A need that only Gabe could fill.

I let my head fall back as he pulled my shirt open. He was intent on my breasts as he tugged down my bra cups and moaned like he was in pain. He couldn't seem to get enough of them.

It was crazy to think how wrong I had been. For years I had considered my big breasts to be an embarrassment. Something that just got in the way and made it hard to get to know people or find clothes that fit. In less than a week Gabe had convinced me otherwise.

They were more than a nuisance now. In his hands, they turned into sensitive pleasure domes. For both of us. He loved worshipping them with his lips and hands and tongue. And he couldn't stop looking at me with his hungry eyes. They were open and staring as he devoured me.

I had a feeling he could make me come, just by touching my chest.

My fingers threaded through his hair, marveling at the softness of it. At the realness of his warm head under my hands. This was really happening. We were an item.

This beautiful man loved me.

Gabe Jackson. The same man I'd watched grow up, in the spotlight and in the distance. Somehow, I'd known that we were always aware of each other. Not just as kids growing up in the same town. There was something special between us. I knew where he was without having to think about it, his patterns, his class schedule, his friends.

It was almost like I could sense it when he was near.

Now I knew why.

It's because of this. Because we were supposed to do this. Together.

I arched my back as my wonder turned into a climax. I shuddered in ecstasy as he flicked his tongue against my nipple with a satisfied grunt, tweaking the other with his fingertips.

"Ah ah ah!"

My pussy clenched, even without his fingers on me. I felt warmth between my legs and knew I was wet and ready for him. He knew it too. He lifted his head and reached for my jeans, unbuttoning them and pulling them down to my ankles.

"I can't wait."

I nodded breathlessly. I didn't want to wait either. I kicked my boots off and slid out of my jeans as he pulled his pants off. There were crumpled clothes on the floor and two heaving bodies on the couch.

I had a sudden insight: this is what high school romance was supposed to be like. Fooling around on the couch. Hiding from your parents. Desperate to be alone together.

Well, at least we were making up for lost time.

We repositioned ourselves on the couch with Gabe on top of me. He exhaled as his bare cock nudged against me, slipping just inside my slick lips.

I moaned in pleasure, at the same time I realized something was missing.


He stopped immediately, his face tense as he fought his instincts.

"What about- protection?"

"Shit- Tabby- we haven't been using that lately."

I stared up at him, realizing he was right. That night at my place, he'd asked and I said yes. And we hadn't discussed it again since.

"Oh my God."

"I'm going to do right by you, Tabby. I mean it. I want forever." He grimaced as his cock flexed where he was wedged just inside me. He repeated himself with a groan. "I want forever with you."

I stared at him. Did he mean he wanted to marry me? And have kids? The thought filled me with a sweet longing for little Gabriellas and Gabes running around. I could see them playing in a pretty little yard, with a white picket fence.

And just like that, my heart blossomed. I felt it open and his love poured in, warming me from the inside out. I would have given him anything in that moment. Anything I had to give.

This. I could give him this.

"Do you want me to stop?"

I leaned back and shook my head.


He held my gaze as he sank inside me. I was keenly aware of his bare cock as he began to move again, his body creating a deliciously slow tempo. He grunted as my body started to undulate in time with his. His hips rotated with purpose, driving up and in, over and over.

We never broke eye contact.

Not as he began to pick up the pace. Not the first time I came. Not the second.

Not when we came together.

Only as he shook with his climax did he look away. And only to pull me close, and bury his face in my hair. I cried out as he thrust into me, harder than ever before. I felt his seed fill me with warm, hot jets.

"God, I love you. I fucking love you Tabby!"

I held him tightly as our bodies trembled with the force of our release. He loved me. Even if it was partly just the crazy pull we had towards each other, I knew he meant it. I could feel it in my bones.

I could not stop smiling as we lay there, tangled up on the sofa. I was still smiling when he kissed me and pulled away. We dressed slowly, his eyes focused on my curves. I still felt shy at the way he stared at my body, but it made me proud too.

He wanted me.

Shabby Tabby.

Well, I didn't feel like that same girl anymore. I felt like a woman. I felt like his woman.

We watched TV on the couch for a while, then I whipped up a quick dinner of reheated organic chicken breast with a chilled quinoa and zucchini salad.

Gabe pulled me up against his side as we ate. He squeeze me and fed me bites off his plate. Then we finished mine.

It was like he had to be touching me at all times. To make sure I was real. That I was his.

I had to admit, I knew the feeling. I was afraid to close my eyes. Afraid he would disappear.

It was around nine when his mom came in. I got up to put on my coat.

"Don't go."

I shook my head.

"I have to."

"At least wait untill mom comes down. I want to tell her about us."

I paused, my hand on my coat zipper. He looked so earnest. So sincere. But this was happening too fast. I shook my head.

"Not tonight. Soon. Okay?"