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Torpedo: A Second Chance Romance by Joanna Blake (8)


I added filtered water to the soup I was making. Leftover chicken and veggies, with lots of dill and freshly ground pepper. My patient needed healthy, soothing food.

Never mind that something about him made me want to take care of him.

It smelled so good, I was tempted to have a bowl myself.

The kitchen was so warm and homey, with faded green and white gingham curtains and matching dishtowels and potholders. The white cabinets and tiles matched the marble countertop. It wasn't super fancy, and had little nicks from being used. But it was the nicest kitchen I'd ever cooked in.

I tried to imagine growing up here. Eating breakfast, or dinner. Doing my homework in this spot while my mother cooked a healthy supper. It must have been nice.

Not that Gran hadn't done her best. But still, I never stopped missing my mom, even though I barely remembered her.

I heard a noise downstairs and ran down to check on Gabe. He was just coming out of the bathroom. He'd changed his clothes and his hair was wet.


He gave me a lopsided grin. There was something absolutely endearing about it, like a little boy reveling in the act of being naughty. He looked just like a kid caught with his hand in the cookie jar.


"Did you shower? I need to help you with that."

"You want to help me with showering?"

He looked thrilled with the idea. I crossed my arms and shook my head at him.

"I would help you get into position on the shower stool and then wait outside. You would be- um- covered up until I left."


Was I crazy, or did he look disappointed?

"Well, I just splashed water on my head anyway."

I nodded.

"Good. I know it's annoying but you really shouldn't try anything like getting in and out of the shower without help."

I gave him an apologetic look.

"Not yet, anyway. Okay?"

He nodded and I sighed at the dejected look on his face. He really was like a big kid in some ways. He was surprisingly more emotional than I'd thought back in high school. I guess I'd seen him as indestructible- someone who had it all together.

It was weird seeing him vulnerable like this. And it wasn't just the injury either.

There was something.... sweet about Gabe Jackson I'd never noticed before.

Probably because he'd made me so damn nervous that I'd spent my time running away. I’d been busy ignoring the overwhelming mutual attraction between us. I'd avoided him from the first day I saw him watching me from a distance.

His eyes had been burning into me ever since, way too intensely for just a schoolyard crush.

He had been the golden boy, perfect in every way.

Handsome. Tall. Nice. A jock but not a bully. Popular but not on purpose. Smart enough but not a nerd.

And he'd never been mean to anyone as far as I could tell.

I sighed, forcing myself back to the present.

"Did you sleep?"

His cheeks went bright red. I stared, pretty sure Gabe was blushing. I rushed forward, pressing the back of my hand to his cheek.

"You're flushed! Do you have a fever?"

He stared up at me and I froze, still touching him. I had a crazy impulse to run my fingers along his jaw. To really touch him. Maybe even... kiss him.

Lord knows what he was thinking. Probably that I was crazy. But he wasn't looking at me like I was nuts. More like... he wanted to kiss me too.

His voice was husky when he replied.

"I'm fine. And yes, I, um, slept a little."

He kept staring at me and I pulled my hand back belatedly, feeling foolish.

"Thanks for the rub, by the way. My back feels great."

I nodded and turned away, trying to look busy.

"Good. I'll bring down your soup in a minute and then you can take your pills."

"Sounds good."

"Be right back."

I ran upstairs and checked the soup. It was still simmering nicely. I turned the gas off and moved the pot to an unused burner. I found a deep soup bowl and ladled some soup in, squeezing some fresh lemon juice on top.

"Oh, you're still here. Hi Tabitha."

"Hi Mrs. Jackson."

She smiled at me, looking tired. She waved me off.

"It's Ms."

"Got it."

I smiled. I'd always liked her. She always said hello when she saw me in town. And she'd served with Gran on some committee or other once upon a time.

Gabe's mom nodded and looked at me.

"Well, it's the end of your shift. I'm sorry I wasn't home earlier. I meant to be, but a client called me as I was walking out the door."

"It's fine. It's only ten minutes. I won't put it on my timecard."

"Oh, you should. Please do."

I looked away, feeling like a jerk for even mentioning the overtime. It was only ten minutes. And honestly, I'd forgotten.

I'd been... enjoying myself, I guess.

"I was just bringing down this soup. Then it's time for his meds in about twenty minutes. It's best to take them after eating."

"Thank you so much, Tabby. I'll bring it down."


I stood there, feeling very foolish.

"So, we will see you on Sunday yes? You don't mind working weekends?"

"Not at all. I would work everyday if the service needed me to."

"Alright, well I hope you enjoy your Saturday."

"You too, Ms. Jackson."

I scooped up my things, and stopped.

"Oh and-"

She paused at the top of the stairs.


"Please say goodnight to Gabriel for me."

"I will. Goodnight Tabitha."


I grimaced as soon as I was outside. Why had I said that? He was going to start to think I liked him. Then he'd really turn on the charm. Or worse, he'd feel sorry for me.

Poor delusional Tabitha. The girl who rejected the one guy she liked and missed her chance. The girl who was too afraid to let anyone close.

I sat behind the driver’s wheel of my cruddy old car, rubbing my neck. I did like him. That was the problem.

This morning I'd wanted to run. Now I wanted to stay. This was work. A job. How crazy was that?

I don't think I'd felt this way since Maryanne's Coffee Shop shut down. That had been my worst paying job by far, but the young owner of the shop had become a friend. Someone who treated me as an equal.

Plus it smelled so good, with all the teas and pastries. It had been warm and inviting, kind of like going home. Except it was much cozier than our home had ever been.

I sighed, realizing I owed her a phone call. And Dennis. And Jackie.

Of course, if I wanted to catch Jackie I had to stay up late. She went out most nights, since hosting fund raising events was her job. And Paris was way ahead of Eastern Time. But on the nights I worked late and came home keyed up, we'd message online or video chat.

I wondered what Jackie would say about the Gabe situation. She had noticed me watching him years before he'd even approached me. She'd teased me about Gabe exactly once. Before she realized how bad I had it.

The girl from the wrong side of the tracks and the jock. Ha ha. But now... well, things were different. We were more than our labels. I guess, we always had been.

Especially Jackie, who everyone had called 'alternative'. Now she was in Paris, dating the owner of an art gallery and wearing the chicest designer clothes on the planet.

I debated about calling her tonight.

I knew what she would say anyway.

She'd probably tell me to go for it. Which was terrible advice. I could not go for it. I needed the job and the money if I ever wanted to get out of this town.

Most of all I needed to protect myself from heartbreak. I had no doubt that's exactly what Gabe Jackson would do. He wouldn't mean to, but a guy like him would move on eventually, even if he was still interested in casually dating me.

I gripped the wheel, forcing myself to focus as I drove home.

I had all day Saturday to get my head on straight. To forget those old dreams of finding someone to love. Someone who didn't see me as a poor, slutty girl from the wrong side of town. Someone strong and sweet like Gabriel.

He was out of my league though. He always had been. A guy like that could have anyone. When he'd wanted me, it had just been because he thought I was easy, just like everyone else at school did. Which was ironic, considering I had been and still was a virgin. No. It was better just to forget all about him and do my job.

And I better.

I had to if I ever wanted a better life for myself.

Even in my small way, I allowed myself a few dreams.

A home of my own. A job I liked. Friends and co-workers who respected me. Who saw me as more than Shabby Tabby, the girl with the porn star body.

It could happen. I knew it. But if I messed up, I'd be stuck waiting tables in this town for the rest of my life.

And I'd never find someone to love.