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Undeniable (Damaged Elite Book 1) by K. Renee (28)

Fucking hell, she will be the death of me. 

I catch her just before she can fall off the counter. It isn't the first time she's passed out from seeing too much blood. I should have known better than to put her on the counter, but I didn't feel like getting down on the floor to pull out the glass. By the way she was acting, you would have thought she got stabbed or something, but it was just a piece of glass.

Now that it is out and she is bandaged up, I move her over to the couch and lay her down. I need to clean up her blood and all the glass before she hurts herself again. 

After cleaning up the mess, I go over to check on her and see that she's still out cold. Grabbing a blanket from the closet, I drape it over her and grab my phone, taking a seat on the couch next to her. The bleeding is no longer seeping through the bandage, so she'll be okay.

I dial Beck. On the fourth ring, he finally answers, sounding out of breath. "This better be fucking good."

“The shit wasn’t handled.” 

"Fuck," he mutters before whispering something to whomever he’s with. "What are we doing about it?" I know that Beck will always have my back, even if we are in a war we cannot win. He would never let me go alone. For that, I'm thankful.

"I called the president and told him to deal with it. I paid him, but he didn't live up to the deal. He needs to fix this shit." I run my hand over her thigh as I watch her sleep.

“And if they don’t?” 

“I’ll take him out myself.” 

“Fuck, Jagger. You know this shit will just blow back on you. Be smart, man.” 

“I don’t care. I’ll do anything to protect her, man. I love her.” 

"Just be fucking smart about it.” He doesn't need to tell me that. I know not to let myself get caught. 

Bresin stirs. I tell Beck I need to go and I'll keep him updated.

As the call disconnects, Bresin’s eyes open and land on me. She's even more beautiful with that just woke up look, and I love that she's mine.  

"What happened?" she asks groggily. 

I grab the aspirin bottle from the coffee table and pop the top, knocking a couple of tablets into my palm before handing them to her. I snatch the water from the table and open it before passing it to her, too.

“You cut your foot on some glass and passed out when I started cleaning it out.” 

If she doesn’t remember overhearing my conversation with the president of the Draconic Crimson MC, I’m not going to tell her about it. I want her to go back to living her life without a care in the world. I want her life to go back to the way it was before Ridge started doing drugs again. 

"God, that reminds me of eighth grade when you had to pull that piece of glass from my hand and I passed out." She almost looks embarrassed. I remember that day clearly. As adorable as it was for her to be creeped out by blood, I understood it. Some things creep me the fuck out, but I would never let her know that. Knowing her smart ass, she would do that shit just to fuck with me. 

“Yeah, I remember that. Your brother was a pussy and refused to pull the glass out.” 

She grins before nodding. “Totally.” 

I lean over her body, pressing my face into her tits. She doesn't have a bra on, which does shit to me. I want nothing more than to strip her down and take her again, but I hold back. All we've done for the past few weeks is fuck. There used to be more to us, but ever since we became a thing, it's all we ever do. Believe me, I'm not complaining. I love having her ride my dick before we both crash out from coming so damn hard.  

“You have class in an hour.” I press a kiss to her chest, making her groan. 

“But I don’t want to go,” she whines. 

"Don't care. You have an education to get. Your parents aren't paying that tuition just for you to stay here and get thoroughly fucked every day."

She grins. “How do you know? Maybe they thought that sex education was going to be the most important part of my curriculum.” She winks before pulling her body out from under mine, switching our positions so that I am now underneath her. 

I buck my hips up. She’s barely able to catch herself to keep from falling over. "I'll let you get in all the extracurricular activity you want after class." She wrinkles her nose, accidentally hitting her foot on my knee. She winces in pain. "Come on. Let's get you showered and ready before you hurt yourself again." 

She leans down and kisses me before pulling away and moving slowly off me. I know exactly what she is doing, but it's not going to work this time.

I slap her ass, causing her to yelp loudly. “Shower,” I murmur. She sticks her tongue out before making her way, limping, toward my bedroom. 

Laying back against the arm of the couch, I close my eyes for a few minutes before taking a deep breath and forcing myself to get up. As soon as I walk into the room, Bresin is wrapped in a towel. She had to have taken the shortest shower in history. Her standard shower time is about thirty minutes, and that's if I don't join her.  

I watch from the doorway as she shimmies her ass into a pair of tight jeans. It’s amazing that she doesn't fall over as she starts to bounce around and stretch them slightly. When she hears my chuckle, she turns her head in my direction, giving me a fantastic view of her tits that are barely being contained in her lacy black bra.

“Stop staring at me like that,” she huffs out as she finally gets her jeans buttoned. She lets out a sigh of relief, making me laugh a little more. 

“How the fuck are your jeans comfortable if you have to do all that jiggling and stretching to get them on?" She narrows her eyes at me, but I am genuinely curious. If it took me that long to pull on a pair of jeans, I would chuck the fuckers straight into the garbage. I like my jeans to fit me, but not like a second skin. “I mean, you look hot as fuck wearing them, but isn’t it a little much?” 

She shakes her head and doesn’t even respond, continuing to get dressed and ready for class. 

My phone buzzes in my pocket. When I pull it out, I see the Draconic Crimson number on the screen. I put the phone to my ear, walking out of my room and toward the kitchen. 

“Yeah?” I ask.

“It’s done this time. I did the deed myself. Can’t trust my men enough to handle shit anymore.” 

I take a deep breath. “You sure? We won’t have another problem?” 

"Listen, little rich kid. What I say is golden. You and your precious little piece of ass are in the clear. Those assholes will stay away from your boy, and you can go live your golden life without any more drama. Just tell your bitch to stop making home movies." His laughter comes through the line. If he were anyone else, I'd want to kill him. 

I growl, "Don't call her a bitch. Never talk about her that way again or, so help me God–"

"Oh, good. You do have some balls. I was starting to think you were just a pussy ass bitch." He laughs. I put my hand on the counter to keep from punching something.

“Fuck you. Just because we don’t come from the same background doesn’t mean shit.” 

"Yeah, it does, kid. You grew up the rich way. Me? I had to fight to get by. I didn't have a daddy to pay for things so they’d go away. If I did it, I had to suffer the consequences. We are different. But one thing I do know is the love you have for your woman."

He's right. We have lived different lives. That’s no secret. I would never have found myself in a life of crime. Then again, it wouldn’t matter because my father would have somehow made all my mistakes disappear. It's the only thing he's ever done for me.

When the line goes dead, I can hear Bresin walking up behind me. She wraps an arm around my waist, resting her head against my back. “Is it all over?” Her voice is a faint whisper. 

"Yes." I pull her around to my front and wrap an arm around her neck, pulling her closer. "They were dealt with. Everything should go away now." 

She nods before pressing her cheek into my chest and letting out a breath. “Thank you.”

"No need to thank me. I would do whatever it takes to keep you safe, even if that means paying off a motorcycle club to do so. I love you more than anything. That will never change." She grins up at me, and I lean down to press a soft kiss to her lips.

"Love you, Jagger," she whispers before releasing me and grabbing my hand, pulling me toward the front door. "But I'm going to be late if we don't leave. Can we ride to school in style?" She wiggles her eyebrows before grabbing the key to the Harley from the key box next to the door.

"Anything you want, little girl." 

She squeals and hugs me tightly before making her way out into the hallway and toward the elevator, not even bothering to wait for me.

The love we have is undeniable. I don’t know where this relationship will go, but it’ll be one hell of a ride.