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Vines (The Killers Book 1) by Brynne Asher (15)

Chapter 16 – Are You Going to Hug Me?


Crew –

Standing flush to her back, I hold her hands beneath mine to the shower wall. Then I do what I woke up needing—I slide into her warm, wet pussy.

I left her in bed before five to go home for my run. I ran my property, the trails, and the rough like I always do. Today I extended my run to Addison’s vineyard and pasture. It was early enough her cows weren’t out yet, but I know her schedule. She walks with them most days between seven and eight.

I finished and was back to her by six-thirty. She was still dead asleep where I left her this morning, on the side of the bed opposite her bedroom door, still naked from our first night together.

Last night was fucking great. I can’t get it out of my head and during my run this morning, I thought through every moment. Every touch of her body, her moans, her gasps. She’s the best I’ve ever had. For her to give in to me—especially going against who she is and what she’s used to—was even better. I’ve always liked to be in charge, but I’ve never demanded it before.

With Addison, it was better than I imagined, and I’ve imagined a lot over the last week. I got through my run faster than normal. I couldn’t wait to get back to her.

But telling her about me, the last ten years, and the life I chose? I didn’t think that would happen for a long time—if ever. It’s a fucking load off my chest, especially knowing it didn’t send her running for the hills. My mom and brother don’t even know what I did. I was taking a chance, but just like every decision I make, I knew it was a solid one. Knowing her background and how she’s had to live, it was a measured risk, but a good one.

The outcome was good and I couldn’t be more pleased. Especially with what she gave me afterward.

I woke her by kissing the back of her neck and she slowly turned her head, her hair a mess over her face. When I brushed it away and kissed her, her face screwed up instantly when she muttered, “You’re stinky.”

I couldn’t help but grin. “I went for a run. Come shower with me.”

“I’m gonna go for a walk.”

I flipped the covers off her and ran my hand down her bare body.

“You can walk later.”

Then I pulled her from the bed.

I just made her come on my hand before flipping her around with her palms to the wall. Having to bend to reach her from behind, I slide easily inside. She’s plenty wet for me.

Coming up on her toes to accommodate me, I push in farther.

“More.” Her voice is breathy, ragged from her orgasm.

I slide a hand down her arm and body, moving lower. Pressing on the small of her back, I demand, “Tip for me.”

She arches her back immediately, moaning, “Yes.”

“You like that?” It’s an unnecessary question. She’s pressing her ass into my groin, wanting more.

“Mmm,” she hums and tries to move.

I squeeze both beautiful globes of her ass in warning and whisper, “Still.”

She stills but complains on an exhale. I slide out and back in completely, adding a little intensity with each thrust.

“I want more, Crew. Harder,” she pleads, looking at me over her shoulder with sex laden eyes.

“You’ll get it, baby.” I grip her hips harder as I give her more. When I eventually give her what she wants, I feel it in my balls. I squeeze my eyes and breathe, not wanting this to end. Needing another drive, just one more second buried in Abby.

When I can’t keep it slow any longer, I give myself what I need, and hopefully what she wants. I move hard and fast as she uses the wall to push into me with the water raining around us. When I’m about to explode, I hear her gasp and her pussy convulses around my dick.

I can’t hang on another second.

Just as good as last night, I press into her three more times. Leaning forward, I bury my face in her heavy wet hair. Still planted deep, I lean into the wall with one arm and wrap the other around her, cupping her tit perfectly in my hand. I don’t move, waiting many long moments to come down from a high I’m learning I’ve only experienced with her.

“I’ve never done that,” she mumbles through the water.

I tense before moving my lips to her ear. “From behind?”

“No. Ask for more. I’ve never asked for anything.”

Her voice is strained, as if she’s embarrassed and can’t handle the thought she simply asked for more of what I was already giving her.

I give her a squeeze before slowly pulling out. She stands, but doesn’t turn. I take off my condom and tie it before tossing it over the glass shower door.

I put my arms around her from behind with the water rolling over us and sigh. “I don’t know what your past was like and I really don’t want to know. From what I’m gathering, you’ve had selfish fucking men in your life. Now, I’m a man and trust me when I say, every man thinks with their dick to some extent when they’re around a woman they want. I get off seeing you come for me and the more I play with you, the better that will be. I plan on teasing you and want you in knots before you come apart.”

She leans her head back on my chest, mumbling, “I think you’ve accomplished that.”

I smile into the top of her wet head. “You need to ask for what you want. Hell, you can demand it and it’ll be even better. You might not get it instantly, but you’ll get it eventually. We’ll start working on that tonight.”

She whispers, so quietly, I almost don’t hear her over the water, “It’s been a long time for me. I haven’t been with anyone in a few years, Crew.”

I let go and turn her. Moving her so the water doesn’t hit her face, I tip her head and press in close.

I smile when I lower my voice to only half tease, but she doesn’t need to know that. “Then I’m lucky. Your body’s a minefield for me to play with. I’m gonna make you tell me what you want, how you want it, and then make you beg for it. We’ll start tonight when you sit on my face.”

I was trying to lighten the moment, even though I’m one-hundred percent serious. She’ll be begging to come on my mouth tonight.

She doesn’t hesitate, get embarrassed, or shy away at my words. She proved last night she’s confident in her skin. Surging up on her toes, she grabs my face, thrusting her tongue in my mouth. When she presses her body against mine, kissing me deep, I can tell she wants it all.

I drop my hands to her ass and pick her up. Turning her so her back is to the tiled wall, she wraps her legs around my waist. Her pussy rubs against my bare dick, something I’ve never had, but something we might need to fix soon.

I break her kiss and press into her clit when I ask, “You want that, don’t you?”

With droplets falling down her face, she says nothing, but she does look straight into my eyes before giving me two small, quick nods. Then I feel her hand in my hair, pulling my lips to hers as she grinds down on my dick.

Yeah. A fucking minefield.

Standing here with Addison in my arms, I take back what I said to her last night. She doesn’t make up for every minute of the last ten years.

All that time it took to find my retribution? She’s worth every fucking second.



Addy –

In my office at the winery, I’m reviewing events for the upcoming week. I didn’t get to walk with the cows this morning. After Crew dragged me into the shower, we had coffee and a quick breakfast before he left. He explained he has a full day, since his recruits are arriving early this week for training.

Still trying to get used to all he told me last night, I needed to know more.

I asked how long it took to train a killer. I asked if he taught them everything himself. I asked if they were all sharp shooters or how else would they kill the bad guys. Then I asked a million other questions.

He stopped my line of questioning with a kiss before telling me nothing, but asked if I was okay with it all. Then he asked if I was going to freak out the second he walked out the door.

I told him we’d both harbored secrets a long time and I’d be fine. But I did point out he’d know if I freaked because he’d see it on his cameras.

I got to see him laugh out loud again. It really was something and almost made me forget about the damn cameras.

Then he promised to tell me everything in due time, kissed me, and left to do whatever it is he needs to do before his killers-to-be arrive this week.

Since it’s Sunday afternoon and we’re at the end of summer, the tasting room is packed. The height of tourism season is coming to a close. We tend to benefit from summer DC tourists who get sick of the city and need to relax with a wine tasting tour of Virginia. The tasting room was full the last time I peeked out my door, and I made a mental note it might be time to hire more help. Part time, at least.

My desk phone rings and it hardly ever rings. I always give clients my cell so I’m easy to reach.

“This is Addy.”

“Hey,” Evan starts and I hear the buzz of chatter in the background mixed with the bustling noises of the main bar. “You have a call that came across the main line. It’s a rush, can I put him through?”

“Sure. I’ll come out to help in a minute, I’m almost done in here.”

“Thanks,” he clips before I lose him.

I hear another beep on my phone and press the outside line to pick it up. “Addy Wentworth.”

“Addy,” I hear the deep voice come at me from the other end. I still, knowing exactly who it is and force myself to breathe. “It’s Lieutenant Colonel Sheldon O’Rourke. I helped make arrangements for your wine to be served at the White House.”

He explains himself like I would forget my time with him. Like I could ever fail to recall him cornering me in the White House, basically threatening me with the knowledge he knew my parents and the real me. Especially threatening me with same demise as my father.

Not knowing what to do, I hesitate, sitting back carefully in my chair. I try to do what I trained myself to do years ago, and focus on something to center my mind. I breathe, trying to think about my response.

But I must have paused too long.

“Ms. Wentworth?” he calls for me.

“Yes,” I answer quickly. Focusing on the bowl in front of me, the Laffy Taffy returns to twenty-twenty vision. He knows who I am and I know all about him. Pretending I’m not Abigail Ross would be a waste of time, and honestly exhausting after all that’s happened. “Of course, Sheldon. What can I do for you?”

He doesn’t miss a beat. “I wanted to reach out, finish our conversation from the other night. You left in haste and I’m afraid you were upset. I want to make sure you’re okay and explain.”

Rolling my eyes, I try to even my voice. “I think you explained quite thoroughly. There’s no need for concern, but thank you.”

“Please, Addy. I want to clarify how I knew your parents. I do wish I hadn’t lost contact with your mother after all she went through. But it does ease my guilt finding you.”

“About that.” I sit up and absent-mindedly trace the edge of my keyboard with my index finger. “How did you track me down, Sheldon? And please, we both know it’s not a matter of coincidence.”

It’s his turn to pause, probably surprised by my directness. Laying it out there seemed to be my smartest option, it even helps me feel in control. If his intent was to intimidate me, he might have done it the other night, but not today.  

“No,” he relents, carefully. “No coincidence. I learned your mother passed a while back and wanted to reach out to you. I do apologize for the surprise and façade of your wine being served at the White House.”

If anything, his condescending tone pisses me off, no matter how threatening he might be. “No need for apologies, Sheldon. My wine being featured in the most prestigious home in the world is quite the fair trade-off for your masquerade.”

I bite my lip after the fact, which always happens too late in my case. If my mother was alive, she’d chastise me for being sardonic right after giving me a hip bump for holding him to his fire.

I hear a low chuckle on the other end. “You are like Anne.”

“Is there a purpose to your call, besides taking me away from my work? Sundays are one of our biggest days of the week, things are bustling.” I’ve found my groove and I’m going with it.

If anything, I think my backbone has put him at ease. I’m not sure what to think of that, but it does surprise me when he offers, “Come to the city and have lunch with me.”

“I’m not sure what the Army does to keep you busy, but I don’t have time to lunch.”

Suddenly, my office door crashes open right when Sheldon presents his next option. “I’ll come to you, enjoy another glass of your finest.”

There’s Crew, with my doorknob in one hand and his phone to his ear in the other. And he isn’t just holding his phone, it appears he’s about to crush it.

He’s wearing a pair of black cargo pants topped with another white wife beater. But it only shows hints of once being white, because he’s filthy from the tip of his head to his work boots. He’s swathed in sweat, grime, and dirt. Every muscle I know so well isn’t only on display, but taut and tense from what I can only assume is stress. I can’t believe I have the mind to think about it, but I lean forward just far enough to look at his feet.

Yep, mud and muck. I’m sure he left a trail. When I look back up to him, I scowl.

He narrows his angry eyes at me and without saying a word, shakes his head.

Oh hell. I’d bet my all the cows’ molasses he’s listening.

“Addy?” Sheldon calls for me.

At the sound of Sheldon’s voice, I swear Crew could bust through his wife beater. His whole body reaches another level of wired.

“Let me check my calendar,” I say without breaking eye contact with Crew.

He immediately shakes his head again, even more fiercely than before, narrowing his eyes as if I’m in big trouble.

Shit, he is listening. I wonder how that’s happening.

I don’t have to check my calendar, though. I know my schedule like the back of my hand.

“Thursday? Say, three o’clock?” he offers.

Looking at Crew, I speak into the phone. “I can move some things around, make that work.”

“I’m looking forward to it, Addy,” Sheldon says before I offer him a speedy goodbye.

The second I hang up my phone, Crew lowers his from his ear, and steps inside my office, slamming the door behind him. I’m surprised pictures don’t fall from the vibrating walls.

“What do you think you’re doing, Addison?” he demands, towering over my desk.

I try and defend myself. “I didn’t know it was him when I took the call.”

“You could’ve hung up,” he seethes.


He bends slightly at the waist when he interrupts me. “You agreed to meet him.”

“I know, but—”

“A man who’s been committing treason for years. A man you know nothing about because I can’t tell you. Even I don’t know all he’s done since I’m officially out of the loop.”

“Please, let me—”

“He’s dangerous, Addison.” Crew raises his voice and goes on to tell me something I already know. “And you’re meeting him for a fucking glass of wine.”

I sit back in my chair and cross my arms. Strike three. I don’t interrupt others and certainly don’t appreciate being cut off. Continually.

“What were you thinking?” he belts out.

Saying nothing, I tip my head.

“You were so fucking scared after he approached you at the White House, you were gonna make a run for it. Who knows where you’d be right now if I hadn’t stopped you. I don’t want him anywhere near you, this property, or mine. After what I told you last night, I hope you can understand the significance of that.”

My face falls instantly from his last statement. But keeping on, he gives me no opening to speak.

“And he could’ve had a hand in your father’s death. At the very least, he knew about it, making him an accessory. He had everything to do with framing your dad for shit he was doing, setting your mom on a path of hiding out for the rest of her life, dragging you along for the ride.” His next words rumble like thunder through my small office. “This is the man you’re gonna meet for a fucking glass of wine!”

I don’t say anything, because Crew has lost it. This man, who I’ve never seen any other way than cool and controlled, even when he is sharp, has lost all control because of me, and that makes me feel terrible. I, of all people, know what it’s like to value your control. I can’t imagine he loses it often.

When he finally quiets, I let that go on for a few moments, assuring he’s done.

When it feels safe to speak, I start quietly. “I’m sorry. I didn’t think of him coming here and putting you and your…” I try and find the right word, “…organization, at risk.”

His brows pull together when he asks, incredulously, “You’re sorry about me?”

“Yes,” I answer honestly. “Look, his phone call was a surprise, and yes, I was scared and freaked the night he cornered me. I’ll even give it to you, I was scared enough to run that night. But you’ve given me information, and as awful as it is, it made me feel better to at least know something.”

“I’m glad you feel better,” he spouts, but by the look on his face, he doesn’t look glad at all. “Why the fuck did you agree to meet with him?!”

“Quit yelling at me, Crew, and I’ll explain.”

“Addison, this is not me yelling.”

My eyes widen and I lean my forearms on my desk, unable to keep the sarcasm from leaking out. “Then quit talking loudly at me. For the record, I’ve come to like the way you call me ‘Addison,’ but not in that tone of voice.”

He stands up straight and crosses his arms over his grungy wife beater, saying nothing.

I sigh before finally explaining. “I’ve no doubt he knew he scared me the other night, he probably meant to since he practically threatened me. But since you were obviously listening, I’m sure you could tell he was taken aback when I didn’t insist I’m not who I am. He admitted he knew my parents and what happened to my father. I want to know what he has to say. I wasn’t thinking about you or your privacy when I invited him here. I’ll reschedule and meet him in the city. I don’t want to put you at risk.”

I can tell he’s shocked by what I’m saying because his frown deepens when he growls, “Have you forgotten what happened on the way home from the White House? There’s no way in hell you’re meeting him in the city.”

“You have to understand.” I lean farther and soften my voice. “This is the first time in my life I have the chance to learn something about my dad from someone other than my mom. If he can give me anything—anything—I’ll take it. Even knowing who he is and what he’s done, I need that. I’ve never known anyone who knew my parents before my dad was killed.”

“Addison,” he lowers his voice, but his isn’t soft. It’s still harsh and livid. “He won’t give you the truth. Why would he?”

I bite my lip and sit back in my chair. I know he’ll probably feed me lies, but my curiosity gets the best of me. I’ve never had the opportunity to know anyone who knew us before. If he gives me a shred of anything, it’ll be worth it.

“He might,” I whisper and Crew’s face instantly softens into something more of a frustrated acceptance. “He scared me in the beginning because he surprised me. Now that I know everything, I can think with a clear head. If I have the chance to talk to someone who knew us before my dad died, I’ll take it. It might seem crazy after what you told me, but that only makes me want it more. This may be my only chance if they finish their investigation soon.”

He says nothing, but closes his eyes and drops his head.

I go on, but cautiously. “And, um…for the first time since you told me about them, I’m sort of grateful for your cameras and surveillance. I didn’t think it would hurt, seeing as though I’ll be meeting with a CIA target.”

He looks up at me and simply shakes his head.

And,” I pause, wondering how to ask him what I want. “I was sort of hoping you could be there with me?” I tip my head while scrunching up my face, worried about what he’ll say.

“Addison,” he sighs, my name coming out resigned, even if a bit frustrated when he looks to the side. When his eyes find me again, he informs me of something I already know. “You don’t know what you’re doing.”

“I know,” I admit.

“You don’t know who you’re dealing with.”

“I know that, too.”

“When you’re dealing with someone like O’Rourke, you’re not just dealing with him. You’re dealing with a group of people you don’t even want to know exist, let alone become a blip on their radar.”

“Oh.” I pause, because he has me there. “I did not know that.”

He shakes his head. “I bet you’ve just pissed off a shit load of people at the CIA.”

“I guess I should feel a little bit bad about that.” I give him a small shrug, because I don’t know anyone at the CIA and they really put my mom through the wringer years ago. I couldn’t care less about the CIA.

He looks down at me, frustrated. “Come here.”

My eyes widen. “Are you going to hug me?”

He shakes his head and a hint of the dimple appears. “I’m gonna do somethin’.”

“Well, I’m not sure what you’ve been doing, but you’re dirty and I can smell you from here.”

“Addison,” he reiterates, the dimple getting bigger.

“I need to help behind the bar—it’s a madhouse out there. I can’t get dirty,” I explain.

“Baby, please.”

I sigh and get up, walking around my desk as I warn, “Okay, but you cannot hug me.”

When I get close, he reaches for me. He did listen and only reaches for my face, pulling me in for a long, and almost leisurely, kiss.

He pulls away just enough to look in my eyes. “I’ll be there when you meet O’Rourke.”

I give him a small smile. “Thank you. I thought you would.”

“You’ll listen to what he has to say. Do not egg him on or ask him questions. I don’t want him to have any reason to become more interested in you. You’ll take whatever he wants to say and let him be on his way. You understand?”

I bite my lip, not liking him being pushy, but try and appease him for now without agreeing. If I appease him, it’s not an official lie. “You are the resident bad guy specialist.”

He sighs. “You’re full of surprises.”

“I’m not usually. I’m usually kind of boring.”

“It has not been a boring week, Addison.”

“No,” I agree. “It hasn’t.”

“I’ll be over later. Probably eight or nine. We’ve got two days to finish some things up.”

My eyes go big and a shiver runs down my back thinking of the promises he made me in the shower this morning.

“You’ve met Grady,” he keeps talking. “I need to introduce you to Asa. He’s trained a long time, but now he works for me.”

I nod, looking forward to meeting the people he works with.

He pulls me in one more time before letting me go with promises of seeing me tonight.

We head to the tasting room together, him holding my hand in his filthy one. There, he kisses me goodbye in front of everyone before leaving to finish whatever dirty job he was doing before he rushed away, spying on my call.

When I get behind the bar to wash my hands, Evan calls for me. “Addy?”

I cringe, thinking he’s going to give me shit about Crew.

Instead, he grins when he says, “You’ve got dirt on your face.”

Well, shit. Of course I do.

At least he didn’t hug me.